My Self Portrait Created in Processing

Oh boy here it is!

Here is the code

int x, y;
float x2,y2,speedX, speedY;

void setup () {
  size (700, 850);
  x= width/2;
  y= height/2;
   x2 = 0;
 y2 = 0;
  speedX =2;
  speedY =5;

void draw() {
//  fill(255,150,0);
//quad (180,640,300,300,300,400,600,460);
//fill (100, 205, 30);
//ellipse( 200, 500, 300, 200);
//ellipse(x, y, 100, 100);

  quad(230, 600, 500, 600, 470, 900, 180, 900);
  fill(220, 187, 153);
  stroke(237, 187, 153);
  quad(150, 700, 500, 700, 400, 800, 230,780);

  quad(150, 175, 600, 175,540, 680, 100, 680);
  quad(125, 225, 150, 175,175, 750, 100, 680);
  quad(125, 225, 175, 750,540, 680, 150, 680);
  quad(600, 175, 600, 300,540, 680, 400, 760);
  quad(150, 175, 600, 175,400, 760, 175, 750);

  fill(255, 240, 240);
  arc(240, 350, 70, 70, PI, PI+PI);
  fill(255, 240, 240);
  arc(430, 340, 70, 70, 0, PI+QUARTER_PI, OPEN);
  arc(240, 560, 120, 0, PI+QUARTER_PI, PI);

  ellipse(430, 345, 15, 15);
  ellipse(240, 335, 15, 17);

  fill(255, 230, 211);
  stroke(255, 230, 211);
  quad(x-40, y, x-20, y- 130, x+10, y-120, y-60, y+60);
  fill(245, 210, 200);
  stroke(245, 210, 200);
  quad(320, 475, x+50, 465, x+10, y-120, y-60, y+60);
  fill(235, 200, 190);
  stroke(235, 190, 190);
  quad(320, 500, 320, y+40, 400, 460, 380, 500);
  fill(255, 230, 211);
  stroke(255, 230, 211);
  quad(x-40, y+100, x-20, y- 130, x+10, y-120, y-60, y+60);

//left eyebrow
  quad(190, 300, 280, 295, 300, 330, 210, 315);

//right eyebrow
  quad(400, 310, 465, 300, 490, 330, 390, 325);

  line(x+10, y-120, y-60, y+60);
  line(y-60, y+60,x-40, y+100);

//top lip
  stroke(203, 67, 53);
  fill(203, 67, 53);
  quad(230, 580, 300, 570, 350, 600, 210, 600);

//top lip
  stroke(203, 67, 53);
  fill(203, 67, 53);
  quad(250, 600, 350, 565, 400, 590, 410, 600);

//bottom lip
  stroke(236, 112, 99);
  fill(236, 112, 99);
  quad(210, 600, 410, 600, 370, 630, 270, 640);

// left ear
  stroke(237, 187, 153);
  fill(237, 187, 153);
  quad(80, 390, 120, 360, 110, 480, 90, 460);
//right ear
  stroke(237, 187, 153);
  fill(237, 187, 153);
  quad(580, 370, 620, 390, 640, 460, 570, 470);
 fill(244, 208, 63);
 stroke(244, 208, 63);
 quad(350, 50, 500, 70, 650, 170, 390, 140);
 fill(244, 220, 80);
 stroke(244, 220, 80);
 quad(315, 70, 560, 125, 670, 260, 270, 190);
 fill(250, 240, 80);
 stroke(250, 240, 80);
 quad(201, 60, 320, 80, 390, 200, 170, 220);
 fill(255, 245, 100);
 stroke(255, 245, 100);
 quad(120, 80, 230, 100, 260, 210, 100, 230);
 //fill(15, 50, 30);
 //ellipse(x2, y2, 40, 20);
 //x2 += speedX;
 //y2 += speedY;

I used a lot of quad functions, because I thought it would most accurately represent the picasso-esque cubist ___ I desired.

I thought my portrait looked annoyed, so I was going to program a little fly to bounce around the screen, but ran out of time to make it as desired. I’m pretty happy with how it came out though.

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