Final – SpongBlob


When I look at how F1 drivers train their reflexes, one of the machines inspired me to create this game. However, this game is not to train your reflexes but your memory. Inspired by this, my project, “SpongBlob” aims to enhance users’ color memory skills through an interactive game developed using Arduino and p5.js. This game not only serves as an entertaining experience but also as an educational tool to study color perception and memory. The game is also aimed for kids who are at risk of losing their focus span to the developing social media and short video world, which makes this game a tool for them to gain their focus back. This inspired the SpongeBob theme, so that it is more kid friendly.

Game setup:

The game has an interactive set up with 4 buttons replacing the keys on the keyboard. By pressing the buttons, the players are interacting with the game on the P5 sketch. This is shown in the following pictures:

As shown in the picture, the aesthetics of the game are really important especially since this game is also targeting kids. Having a nice set up of “Bikini Bottom” was really important in my opinion to make sure that the game is not just functioning well but also looks appealing to the players.

The use of these buttons makes it so much easier than the keyboard according to the users that tested the game. Moreover, when user testing, most of the students suggested having a less hectic and messy background so that the player can focus and memorize the colors of the circles without getting distracted by the background. There was some debate over whether the users should get to see the score they achieved or not. Since it is a memory game, I thought the players should focus more on memorizing and enhancing their focus span than focus on the score, so I did not make it visible to the players.

P5 Sketch Full Screen Link:


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// Define pin numbers for buttons
const int leftButtonPin = 2;
const int upButtonPin = 3;
const int downButtonPin = 4;
const int rightButtonPin = 5;
void setup() {
// Set button pins as inputs
pinMode(leftButtonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(upButtonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(downButtonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(rightButtonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// Read button states and send data over serial
int leftButton = digitalRead(leftButtonPin);
int upButton = digitalRead(upButtonPin);
int downButton = digitalRead(downButtonPin);
int rightButton = digitalRead(rightButtonPin);
// Send button states to serial
// Delay to control the rate of data transmission
// Define pin numbers for buttons const int leftButtonPin = 2; const int upButtonPin = 3; const int downButtonPin = 4; const int rightButtonPin = 5; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Set button pins as inputs pinMode(leftButtonPin, INPUT); pinMode(upButtonPin, INPUT); pinMode(downButtonPin, INPUT); pinMode(rightButtonPin, INPUT); } void loop() { // Read button states and send data over serial int leftButton = digitalRead(leftButtonPin); int upButton = digitalRead(upButtonPin); int downButton = digitalRead(downButtonPin); int rightButton = digitalRead(rightButtonPin); // Send button states to serial Serial.print(leftButton); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(upButton); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(downButton); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(rightButton); // Delay to control the rate of data transmission delay(100); }
// Define pin numbers for buttons
const int leftButtonPin = 2;
const int upButtonPin = 3;
const int downButtonPin = 4;
const int rightButtonPin = 5;

void setup() {
  // Set button pins as inputs
  pinMode(leftButtonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(upButtonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(downButtonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(rightButtonPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read button states and send data over serial
  int leftButton = digitalRead(leftButtonPin);
  int upButton = digitalRead(upButtonPin);
  int downButton = digitalRead(downButtonPin);
  int rightButton = digitalRead(rightButtonPin);

  // Send button states to serial

  // Delay to control the rate of data transmission


This Arduino sketch manages four buttons connected to the board, using pins 2, 3, 4, and 5 for left, up, down, and right buttons respectively. The setup() function initializes serial communication at 9600 baud and sets the button pins to input mode. The loop() function continuously reads the state of each button using digitalRead() and sends these states over the serial connection using Serial.print(). Each button state is outputted sequentially and separated by commas, with a newline at the end of each set via Serial.println(). A delay(100) is included to control the rate of data transmission, preventing data overflow and ensuring manageable communication speeds.

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function drawGamePage() {
if (currentPage == 2 || currentPage == 3) {
let selected = -1;
// Map arrow keys to grid positions
if (ArrowUp == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
selected = 0; // Top-left
ButtonPressed = 1;
} else if (ArrowDown == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
selected = 1;
ButtonPressed = 1; // Top-right
} else if (ArrowRight == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
selected = 2;
ButtonPressed = 1; // Bottom-left
} else if (ArrowLeft == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
selected = 3;
ButtonPressed = 1; // Bottom-right
} else if (
ArrowLeft == 0 &&
ArrowRight == 0 &&
ArrowUp == 0 &&
ArrowDown == 0
) {
ButtonPressed = 0;
// Check if the selected color matches the currentColor
if (selected != -1) {
if (gridColors[selected] == currentColor) {
} else {
currentPage = -1;
ellipse(windowWidth / 2, 200, 120, 120);
let padding1 = windowWidth / 2 - 75;
let padding2 = windowHeight / 2 - 100;
for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) {
fill(gridColors[i * gridSize + j]);
padding1 + j * (ellipseSize + 50),
padding2 + i * (ellipseSize + 50),
function drawOverPage() {
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("Game Over", width / 2, height / 2 - 100);
// Draw "Again" button
fill(200); // Light grey button background
rect(width / 2 - 100, height / 2, 200, 50);
fill(0); // Black text
text("Again", width / 2, height / 2 + 25);
// Draw "Home" button
fill(200); // Light grey button background
rect(width / 2 - 100, height / 2 + 70, 200, 50);
fill(0); // Black text
text("Home", width / 2, height / 2 + 95);
function drawInstructionPage() {
textAlign(LEFT, LEFT);
text("Instructions", width - 810, height - 710);
text("Welcome to the Memory Game! Here's how to play:", width - 840, height - 655);
text("1. Memorize the colors shown on top of the screen.", width - 840, height - 625);
text("2. Use the buttons to select the correct color from the grid.", width - 840, height - 595);
text("3. Match the colors correctly to advance to the next level.", width - 840, height - 565);
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", width - 840, height - 535);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
rect(width - 780, height / 2 - 40, 80, 40);
text("Continue", width - 740, height / 2 - 20);
function draw() {
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
if (currentPage == 0) {
} else if (currentPage == 1) {
} else if (currentPage == 2) {
} else if (currentPage == 3) {
} else if (currentPage == -1) {
function drawGamePage() { //; background(backgroundImage); if (currentPage == 2 || currentPage == 3) { let selected = -1; // Map arrow keys to grid positions if (ArrowUp == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) { selected = 0; // Top-left ButtonPressed = 1; } else if (ArrowDown == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) { selected = 1; ButtonPressed = 1; // Top-right } else if (ArrowRight == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) { selected = 2; ButtonPressed = 1; // Bottom-left } else if (ArrowLeft == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) { selected = 3; ButtonPressed = 1; // Bottom-right } else if ( ArrowLeft == 0 && ArrowRight == 0 && ArrowUp == 0 && ArrowDown == 0 ) { ButtonPressed = 0; } // Check if the selected color matches the currentColor if (selected != -1) { if (gridColors[selected] == currentColor) { prepareNextLevel(); } else { currentPage = -1; } } } fill(nextColor); ellipse(windowWidth / 2, 200, 120, 120); let padding1 = windowWidth / 2 - 75; let padding2 = windowHeight / 2 - 100; for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) { fill(gridColors[i * gridSize + j]); ellipse( padding1 + j * (ellipseSize + 50), padding2 + i * (ellipseSize + 50), ellipseSize, ellipseSize ); } } } function drawOverPage() { //; background(gameOverImage); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(32); fill(0); text("Game Over", width / 2, height / 2 - 100); // Draw "Again" button fill(200); // Light grey button background rect(width / 2 - 100, height / 2, 200, 50); fill(0); // Black text text("Again", width / 2, height / 2 + 25); // Draw "Home" button fill(200); // Light grey button background rect(width / 2 - 100, height / 2 + 70, 200, 50); fill(0); // Black text text("Home", width / 2, height / 2 + 95); } function drawInstructionPage() { //; background(instructionsImage); fill(0); textSize(24); textAlign(LEFT, LEFT); text("Instructions", width - 810, height - 710); textSize(16); text("Welcome to the Memory Game! Here's how to play:", width - 840, height - 655); text("1. Memorize the colors shown on top of the screen.", width - 840, height - 625); text("2. Use the buttons to select the correct color from the grid.", width - 840, height - 595); text("3. Match the colors correctly to advance to the next level.", width - 840, height - 565); text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", width - 840, height - 535); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); rect(width - 780, height / 2 - 40, 80, 40); fill(200); text("Continue", width - 740, height / 2 - 20); } function draw() { background(220); if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected", 20, 30); } if (currentPage == 0) { drawStartPage(); } else if (currentPage == 1) { drawInstructionPage(); } else if (currentPage == 2) { drawFirstPage(); } else if (currentPage == 3) { drawGamePage(); } else if (currentPage == -1) { drawOverPage(); } }
function drawGamePage() {
  if (currentPage == 2 || currentPage == 3) {
    let selected = -1;

    // Map arrow keys to grid positions
    if (ArrowUp == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
      selected = 0; // Top-left
      ButtonPressed = 1;
    } else if (ArrowDown == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
      selected = 1;
      ButtonPressed = 1; // Top-right
    } else if (ArrowRight == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
      selected = 2;
      ButtonPressed = 1; // Bottom-left
    } else if (ArrowLeft == 1 && ButtonPressed == 0) {
      selected = 3;
      ButtonPressed = 1; // Bottom-right
    } else if (
      ArrowLeft == 0 &&
      ArrowRight == 0 &&
      ArrowUp == 0 &&
      ArrowDown == 0
    ) {
      ButtonPressed = 0;

    // Check if the selected color matches the currentColor
    if (selected != -1) {
      if (gridColors[selected] == currentColor) {
      } else {
        currentPage = -1;

  ellipse(windowWidth / 2, 200, 120, 120);
  let padding1 = windowWidth / 2 - 75;
  let padding2 = windowHeight / 2 - 100;
  for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) {
      fill(gridColors[i * gridSize + j]);
        padding1 + j * (ellipseSize + 50),
        padding2 + i * (ellipseSize + 50),

function drawOverPage() {
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text("Game Over", width / 2, height / 2 - 100);

  // Draw "Again" button
  fill(200); // Light grey button background
  rect(width / 2 - 100, height / 2, 200, 50);
  fill(0); // Black text
  text("Again", width / 2, height / 2 + 25);

  // Draw "Home" button
  fill(200); // Light grey button background
  rect(width / 2 - 100, height / 2 + 70, 200, 50);
  fill(0); // Black text
  text("Home", width / 2, height / 2 + 95);

function drawInstructionPage() {
  textAlign(LEFT, LEFT);
  text("Instructions", width - 810, height - 710);
  text("Welcome to the Memory Game! Here's how to play:", width - 840, height - 655);
  text("1. Memorize the colors shown on top of the screen.", width - 840, height - 625);
  text("2. Use the buttons to select the correct color from the grid.", width - 840, height - 595);
  text("3. Match the colors correctly to advance to the next level.", width - 840, height - 565);
  text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", width - 840, height - 535);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  rect(width - 780, height / 2 - 40, 80, 40);
  text("Continue", width - 740, height / 2 - 20);

function draw() {
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);

  if (currentPage == 0) {
  } else if (currentPage == 1) {
  } else if (currentPage == 2) {
  } else if (currentPage == 3) {
  } else if (currentPage == -1) {


The P5 sketch code is maily about the game page which has the conditions that make the game more interesting. The drawGamePage() function in this p5.js code is designed for a memory game, where it handles the game logic and user interactions during gameplay. It first sets the background and checks if the game is on specific pages (like a game level). The function maps arrow key inputs to grid selections, managing state with a ButtonPressed flag to avoid repeated selections. If a selected color from the grid matches a target color (currentColor), the game progresses to the next level; otherwise, it switches to a game over page. It dynamically renders colored ellipses on a grid, representing game elements. Additionally, other functions like drawOverPage() handle the game over screen, displaying buttons for restarting or returning to the home screen, and drawInstructionPage() displays the game instructions. The main draw() function coordinates these pages based on the current game state, updating the display and handling transitions between different parts of the game, such as starting, instructions, gameplay, and game over scenarios.

Aspects of the project I am proud of:

Game Logic Implementation: The effective mapping of user inputs (arrow keys) to game actions and the incorporation of game state management ensures that the gameplay is both challenging and engaging.

Serial Communication: The use of serial communication to connect Arduino inputs to the p5.js game logic demonstrates a robust application of cross-platform communication techniques, vital for interactive media projects.

Areas for Future Improvement:

Complexity and Features: Introducing additional levels of difficulty, more complex game mechanics, or multiplayer capabilities could increase the game’s replay value and appeal to a broader audience. Also having new shapes, characters to memorize and not just the circles can be fun!

Extensive Testing and Debugging: Conducting more thorough testing across different platforms and setups could identify and resolve any existing bugs or issues with user interactions, ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience.

Final Project: Virtual Microbiology Lab


Throughout the semester, I’ve created projects that, in a sense, gamified concepts in Biology. Back when I worked on my Assignment 2, I had expressed a desire to allow users to select multiple color options for the bacteria. So, this project grew out of that desire, in addition to giving people a chance to practice very basic Synthetic Biology / Microbiology.

In essence the concept is simple. There are six prepared agar plates. Additionally, there are six fluorescent proteins: Green Fluorescent Protein [green], mCherry [pinkish-red], mOrange [orange], mKO [yellow], mCerulean [cyan], and Blue Fluorescent Protein [BFP]. All of these proteins fluoresce naturally under UV light and are not usually produced by bacteria. Instead, they are obtained from bioluminescent animals and can thus be used as a method to verify whether a certain gene editing technique worked in bacteria. But that biology-heavy introduction aside, the idea was that users select the fluorescent protein-modified bacteria they want and “pipette” them into the corresponding plate. Then, they can incubate the bacteria to watch them grow and toggle the UV light to actually see the fluorescence.


Interaction Design

As mentioned above, the interaction design has two main parts: the laptop-focused part, and the physical prototype part. On the laptop, the user can press on-screen buttons to change the fluorescent protein, incubate the bacteria already plated, toggle the UV lamp, and dispose of the plates. On the physical prototype, the user has to bring the pipette to one of six holes (each of which contains a hidden photoresistor) and press a button to “dispense” bacteria. The idea is that the user controls which color of bacteria they want to grow on which plate.

Arduino Code

The Arduino code was relatively simplistic, as its main purpose was to read the values from the hidden photoresistor and send them to p5. The secondary function was to receive color values from p5 and control an RGB LED with it to glow with the corresponding color.

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phot0 = analogRead(A0);
phot1 = analogRead(A1);
phot2 = analogRead(A2);
phot3 = analogRead(A3);
phot4 = analogRead(A4);
phot5 = analogRead(A5);
if (phot0 - phot0init > 100) {
if (phot1 - phot1init > 300) {
if (phot2 - phot2init > 300) {
if (phot3 - phot3init > 300) {
if (phot4 - phot4init > 300) {
if (phot5 - phot5init > 300) {
phot0 = analogRead(A0); phot1 = analogRead(A1); phot2 = analogRead(A2); phot3 = analogRead(A3); phot4 = analogRead(A4); phot5 = analogRead(A5); if (phot0 - phot0init > 100) { Serial.println("0"); } if (phot1 - phot1init > 300) { Serial.println("1"); } if (phot2 - phot2init > 300) { Serial.println("2"); } if (phot3 - phot3init > 300) { Serial.println("3"); } if (phot4 - phot4init > 300) { Serial.println("4"); } if (phot5 - phot5init > 300) { Serial.println("5"); }
phot0 = analogRead(A0);
phot1 = analogRead(A1);
phot2 = analogRead(A2);
phot3 = analogRead(A3);
phot4 = analogRead(A4);
phot5 = analogRead(A5);
if (phot0 - phot0init > 100) {
if (phot1 - phot1init > 300) {
if (phot2 - phot2init > 300) {
if (phot3 - phot3init > 300) {
if (phot4 - phot4init > 300) {
if (phot5 - phot5init > 300) {

The above code basically detects light intensity crossing a certain threshold value above the background light intensity. The reason why pin 0 had a lower threshold was because the associated photoresistor appeared to be more sensitive to light and reached near maximum intensity even under ambient light conditions. Three separate photoresistors behaved that way, so I decided to just change the code instead. It is likely that all three photoresistors were of the same type (i.e. one that was different from the others).

Below is my (highly confusing) assembly diagram of the project, as created using TinkerCAD.

p5 Code

The p5 code was mostly based on my old code from Assignment 2. However, I had to modify it quite a bit to both work with Serial Communication and also restrict the agar growth to specific plates rather than the entire area of the sketch. Like last time, I used randomGaussian() for the growth. I used this instead of Perlin Noise as I rather liked the higher degree of randomness the Gaussian random gave me, as the Perlin Noise did tend towards aggregation rather than spread, as expected.

Also, to avoid colonies from appearing beyond the plate borders, I just used an if() statement to only display those colonies that were generated within borders. While I originally wanted to use a while() loop to truly restrict generation to within the plate, I soon discovered that a while() loop interfered with Serial Communication, thus causing the program to crash. Since a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 colonies were generated every frame, or 60 times per second, I felt that the few colonies leaving the plate borders that would not be displayed wouldn’t really be missed.

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for (let i = 0; i < numColonies; i++) {
// Gaussian random to ensure aggregation towards center
colonyX = randomGaussian(cultures[d].x, spread);
colonyY = randomGaussian(cultures[d].y, spread);
colonyR = random(2, 15);
if (
) <=
plates[d].diameter / 2 - colonyR - 3
) {
if (uv) {
} else {
ellipse(colonyX, colonyY, colonyR);
for (let i = 0; i < numColonies; i++) { // Gaussian random to ensure aggregation towards center colonyX = randomGaussian(cultures[d].x, spread); colonyY = randomGaussian(cultures[d].y, spread); colonyR = random(2, 15); if ( dist( colonyX, colonyY, plates[cultures[d].loc].x, plates[cultures[d].loc].y ) <= plates[d].diameter / 2 - colonyR - 3 ) { strokeWeight(3); if (uv) { stroke(cultures[d].border); fill(cultures[d].col); } else { stroke(colonyBorder); fill(colonyColor); } ellipse(colonyX, colonyY, colonyR); } }
for (let i = 0; i < numColonies; i++) {
  // Gaussian random to ensure aggregation towards center
  colonyX = randomGaussian(cultures[d].x, spread);
  colonyY = randomGaussian(cultures[d].y, spread);
  colonyR = random(2, 15);
  if (
    ) <=
    plates[d].diameter / 2 - colonyR - 3
  ) {
    if (uv) {
    } else {
    ellipse(colonyX, colonyY, colonyR);
Serial Communication

Serial Communication in this project was two-directional.

From the p5 sketch, the RGB values of the fluorescent protein colors were sent to the Arduino, which would use these as inputs for red, blue, and green light. I converted the hexadecimal color value to decimal using parseInt() which I learned to use from this tutorial.

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let colRgb = hexToRgb(colonyUVColors[currentProt]);
let sendToArduino = colRgb[0] + "," + colRgb[1] + "," + colRgb[2] + "\n";
let colRgb = hexToRgb(colonyUVColors[currentProt]); let sendToArduino = colRgb[0] + "," + colRgb[1] + "," + colRgb[2] + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino);
let colRgb = hexToRgb(colonyUVColors[currentProt]);
let sendToArduino = colRgb[0] + "," + colRgb[1] + "," + colRgb[2] + "\n";

From the Arduino component, the information about which photoresistor had crossed the threshold and was thus the plate on which the user had “dispensed the bacteria” was communicated to the p5 sketch. As explained earlier, this information would only be sent when the light intensity crossed a certain value above background light intensity.

p5 Sketch

Fullscreen Version:

Challenges Faced

There were numerous challenges faced. I enumerate some of them below.

1) To detect? Or not to detect?

As anyone who uses photoresistors (or any kind of variable resistance sensors really) must know, photoresistors have wildly inconsistent results. Not just that, since their resistance changes according to light intensity, any changes in background light intensity would also potentially trigger false positives, or could even mask actual detections leading to false negatives. Both are bad.

There are two ways of combatting this. The first is to create an enclosure that minimizes background light intensity. A “dark room” as such. My original plan included this in some aspect, as I had planned to build a mini version of a laminar flow hood as the housing for the project. However, due to my lack of any abilities in fabrication, this was out of the question.

So, the next solution lies in code. Instead of trying to detect light intensity above a certain threshold, using the difference in intensity between background light intensity and the light to  be detected would be a better solution. So, I decided to put statements asking the Arduino to measure light intensity at startup through the setup() function. But this presents another problem, as you might have guessed. How would I account for changing light intensity during runtime? This could be done by using the button output (the one the user was pressing to pipette) as a condition for when the actual light intensity was being sensed, and otherwise continually detecting background light intensity while the user did not press the button. This actually worked surprisingly reliably, even in weird lighting conditions.

2) Watch me crank that (solder) boy

Soldering was a pain. It looks easy from the outside but I was clearly doing something wrong because making 8 solder connections took me 2.5 hours. One mistake that I discovered I was doing is that in order to “beautify” the solder, I was trying to melt it a bit so that it flowed around the wire better and looked smoother, but the whole thing would melt off and drop unceremoniously. I quickly learned not to do that.

3) If it can’t be fixed by tape, you’re not using enough

As mentioned in my Resources Used section, much of my project is held together with a ton of Scotch tape. I mean, half of an entire roll of Scotch tape. I initially wanted to join the cardboard segments making up the pipette with hot glue, but I quickly discovered that hot glue guns wouldn’t work too well. Not because of the strength of hot glue (hot glue was strong enough), but because the cardboard itself was too weak to handle shear stress from being pressed on while only being linked using hot glue to one/two joints. Tape allows for more surface area of contact and also holds the pieces together like a rubber band would instead of just creating a joint. Also, a bunch of tape was used to hold the aluminium taut against the pizza box both to prevent crinkles and also to avoid the foil itself from shifting around and covering the potentiometer windows.

4) Serial communication: More drama than Hindi TV serials

Serial Communication. It’s a useful tool to create projects linking digital artwork on p5 to physical processes through an Arduino.

But it requires so much bug-fixing to get right.

Right off the bat, as described earlier, a while() loop to keep regenerating random positions that were only within disc borders, while working perfectly fine in a p5-only situation, would crash as soon as it came to Serial Communication, most likely because the while() loop interfered with the Serial receiving/sending of data. This required me to switch to an if() statement to only display those colonies that generated within the plate borders, using the dist() function to calculate distance between centers of colonies and plates.

Also, I noticed that occasionally, Serial communication would stop entirely between the p5 and Arduino components. This, I found, was because my code initially sent a number associated with each light sensor when the corresponding light sensor detected the LED. What happens if it doesn’t detect the LED? You’re right, the Arduino stops sending data, breaking the Serial Communication. This, I fixed by asking the Arduino to send an arbitrarily picked ‘6’ whenever no sensor detected the LED.

The final challenge in fact couldn’t be solved by me. I noticed both during User Testing and the show itself that if the user switched colors too quickly (as excited users wanting to try out the different colors are wont to do) Serial lagged on the Arduino side and the LED would display a color associated with a different protein. The time taken to recover gradually increased with runtime, eventually reaching a longest period of 1 minute of recovery time. I found that p5 was indeed sending the correct information with virtually no delay, but without the ability to get Serial callouts from the Arduino while Serial Communication was running meant that I could not identify what was causing the lag in the Arduino.

User Testing


Overall, I’m rather proud of my project. It allowed me to convey my love for Biology and allowed people, irrespective of their background, to try their hand at a simple experiment, without requiring any prior lab prep work or worry of contamination and other challenges when it comes to growing bacteria. Also, the simulation was a lot faster than actual bacteria growth (taking E. coli for example, at full growth, each second is equivalent to about 6 hours). Seeing the excited faces at the IM showcase as the fluorescence under UV was revealed to them was (as cheesy as it sounds) worth all the time I spent on this project. That I would say is the aspect I am most proud of. But other than that, I am particularly proud of my way of detecting the LED light using a difference in light intensity method than a raw threshold, as it eliminated the biggest possible source of variation.

However, there is definitely room for improvement. Most of what I include below comes from feedback actually given to me during the IM showcase, or from behaviors that I observed.

  1. The project was essentially not very intuitive. While I did have a poster with written instructions, like all other written forms of instruction, it was ignored, thus leaving most users confused about what to do without my assistance. The instructions being unclear also didn’t help.
  2. The interaction could flow better. I could map the change in fluorescent proteins to the keyboard instead of mouse clicks as (a) a lot of MacBook users kept accidentally right-clicking on my Windows laptop due to the differences in what is sensed by each device’s trackpad; and (b) most people stuck to the same color for all six plates as they forgot or did not bother with changing the color.
  3. As some of my Biology major friends pointed out, it would be cool if I had six tubes with six LEDs of different colors representing each of the fluorescent proteins. And then, instead of selecting the protein from the screen, I could potentially ask the user to “pipette” from one of the tubes and into each well, just like in a real Biology lab. However, this would require both an RGB sensor, as well as a way to distinguish between pipetting in and out. One button with two different depths (like in real pipettes) wouldn’t work, and two separate would be too cumbersome to hold and press. But, it would definitely increase the immersion if possible.

Resources Used

Most of the electronics were from the base Sparkfun Arduino Uno Rev3 SMD kit. I had to borrow additional photoresistors and an arcade button from the IM lab consumables for the photoresistors. Additionally, I borrowed solid core wires and solder to extend my connections and electrical tape to insulate them.

For the physical prototype itself, the pipette was made of cardboard from the IM lab held together with a LOT of tape a hole was punched into one side of the pipette for the wires, and at the bottom for the LED. A larger hole was made at the top for the arcade button.

The main working surface was based on a pizza box that was covered in foil and punched with six holes to serve as windows for the photoresistors. All of my circuitry went into the pizza box, which would make it convenient to make any quick fixes. I could just open the box and work on it rather than have to cut anything out of a more permanent casing.

Software side, the cover image was generated using DALLE3, while the images of the fluorescent proteins were obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) maintained by the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB).

IM Showcase

Final Project: Interactive Item Block Mood Lamp


For my final project, I made an interactive mood lamp with five push-buttons corresponding to five moods: Day, Calm, Study, Energetic, and Night. Each mood lights up with a matching color on the arduino and p5, as well as background music from p5.


I used a total of 5 push-buttons (obtained from the IM Lab), each for one of the moods. I also used a potentiometer to control the light brightness, an RGB LED for the light itself, and some 220ohm resistors I had at home (because I lost the ones from the kit), as well as the breadboard and jumper wires.

Each button is connected to one of the arduino’s digital ports; I used the internal pullup resistors for them to reduce the amount of components needed and to make the circuit simpler. The RGB LED is connected through resistors to PWM ports to have control over the brightness. The potentiometer is connected to an analog input.

When the arduino starts, the light is set to orange as a starting color, with a matching screen on p5 prompting the user to select a mood. Whenever any of the five buttons are pressed, the light switches to that mood’s color, as well as the p5 screen, and matching music is played. Light brightness can be controlled continuously through the potentiometer.

Arduino Code
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// Pin definitions for buttons
const int greenButtonPin = 2;
const int redButtonPin = 4;
const int blueButtonPin = 7;
const int whiteButtonPin = 5;
const int blackButtonPin = 6;
// Pin definitions for RGB LED
const int redLEDPin = 9;
const int greenLEDPin = 10;
const int blueLEDPin = 11;
// Pin definition for the potentiometer
const int potPin = A0;
// Variable to store the last pressed button
int lastPressedButton = 0;
// Current color variables (Default set to orange)
int currentRed = 255;
int currentGreen = 50;
int currentBlue = 0;
void setup() {
// Initialize button pins
pinMode(greenButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(blueButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(whiteButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(blackButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Initialize RGB LED pins
pinMode(redLEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLEDPin, OUTPUT);
// Set initial LED color and brightness to maximum
updateBrightness(255); // Ensure full brightness on startup
setColor(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue); // Start with default mood 'Start' (Orange)
void loop() {
// Continuously adjust the brightness based on potentiometer reading
int brightness = analogRead(potPin) / 4; // Scale to 0-255
// Check each button and change the LED color and print the mood if changed
checkButton(greenButtonPin, "Study", 0, 255, 0);
checkButton(redButtonPin, "Energetic", 255, 0, 0);
checkButton(blueButtonPin, "Calm", 0, 0, 255);
checkButton(whiteButtonPin, "Day", 255, 255, 255);
checkButton(blackButtonPin, "Night", 128, 0, 128);
void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) {
// Store the current color settings
currentRed = red;
currentGreen = green;
currentBlue = blue;
void updateBrightness(int brightness) {
// Adjust the PWM output to LED pins based on the current color and new brightness
analogWrite(redLEDPin, map(currentRed, 0, 255, 0, brightness));
analogWrite(greenLEDPin, map(currentGreen, 0, 255, 0, brightness));
analogWrite(blueLEDPin, map(currentBlue, 0, 255, 0, brightness));
void checkButton(int buttonPin, String mood, int red, int green, int blue) {
if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW && lastPressedButton != buttonPin) {
delay(50); // Debounce delay
if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) { // Confirm the button is still pressed
lastPressedButton = buttonPin;
setColor(red, green, blue);
updateBrightness(analogRead(potPin) / 4); // Update brightness immediately with new color
// Pin definitions for buttons const int greenButtonPin = 2; const int redButtonPin = 4; const int blueButtonPin = 7; const int whiteButtonPin = 5; const int blackButtonPin = 6; // Pin definitions for RGB LED const int redLEDPin = 9; const int greenLEDPin = 10; const int blueLEDPin = 11; // Pin definition for the potentiometer const int potPin = A0; // Variable to store the last pressed button int lastPressedButton = 0; // Current color variables (Default set to orange) int currentRed = 255; int currentGreen = 50; int currentBlue = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize button pins pinMode(greenButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(blueButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(whiteButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(blackButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Initialize RGB LED pins pinMode(redLEDPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLEDPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(blueLEDPin, OUTPUT); // Set initial LED color and brightness to maximum updateBrightness(255); // Ensure full brightness on startup setColor(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue); // Start with default mood 'Start' (Orange) Serial.println("Start"); } void loop() { // Continuously adjust the brightness based on potentiometer reading int brightness = analogRead(potPin) / 4; // Scale to 0-255 updateBrightness(brightness); // Check each button and change the LED color and print the mood if changed checkButton(greenButtonPin, "Study", 0, 255, 0); checkButton(redButtonPin, "Energetic", 255, 0, 0); checkButton(blueButtonPin, "Calm", 0, 0, 255); checkButton(whiteButtonPin, "Day", 255, 255, 255); checkButton(blackButtonPin, "Night", 128, 0, 128); } void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) { // Store the current color settings currentRed = red; currentGreen = green; currentBlue = blue; } void updateBrightness(int brightness) { // Adjust the PWM output to LED pins based on the current color and new brightness analogWrite(redLEDPin, map(currentRed, 0, 255, 0, brightness)); analogWrite(greenLEDPin, map(currentGreen, 0, 255, 0, brightness)); analogWrite(blueLEDPin, map(currentBlue, 0, 255, 0, brightness)); } void checkButton(int buttonPin, String mood, int red, int green, int blue) { if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW && lastPressedButton != buttonPin) { delay(50); // Debounce delay if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) { // Confirm the button is still pressed lastPressedButton = buttonPin; setColor(red, green, blue); updateBrightness(analogRead(potPin) / 4); // Update brightness immediately with new color Serial.println(mood); } } }
// Pin definitions for buttons
const int greenButtonPin = 2;
const int redButtonPin = 4;
const int blueButtonPin = 7;
const int whiteButtonPin = 5;
const int blackButtonPin = 6;

// Pin definitions for RGB LED
const int redLEDPin = 9;
const int greenLEDPin = 10;
const int blueLEDPin = 11;

// Pin definition for the potentiometer
const int potPin = A0;

// Variable to store the last pressed button
int lastPressedButton = 0;

// Current color variables (Default set to orange)
int currentRed = 255;
int currentGreen = 50;
int currentBlue = 0;

void setup() {

  // Initialize button pins
  pinMode(greenButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(blueButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(whiteButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(blackButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Initialize RGB LED pins
  pinMode(redLEDPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLEDPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(blueLEDPin, OUTPUT);

  // Set initial LED color and brightness to maximum
  updateBrightness(255); // Ensure full brightness on startup
  setColor(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue); // Start with default mood 'Start' (Orange)

void loop() {
  // Continuously adjust the brightness based on potentiometer reading
  int brightness = analogRead(potPin) / 4; // Scale to 0-255

  // Check each button and change the LED color and print the mood if changed
  checkButton(greenButtonPin, "Study", 0, 255, 0);
  checkButton(redButtonPin, "Energetic", 255, 0, 0);
  checkButton(blueButtonPin, "Calm", 0, 0, 255);
  checkButton(whiteButtonPin, "Day", 255, 255, 255);
  checkButton(blackButtonPin, "Night", 128, 0, 128);

void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) {
  // Store the current color settings
  currentRed = red;
  currentGreen = green;
  currentBlue = blue;

void updateBrightness(int brightness) {
  // Adjust the PWM output to LED pins based on the current color and new brightness
  analogWrite(redLEDPin, map(currentRed, 0, 255, 0, brightness));
  analogWrite(greenLEDPin, map(currentGreen, 0, 255, 0, brightness));
  analogWrite(blueLEDPin, map(currentBlue, 0, 255, 0, brightness));

void checkButton(int buttonPin, String mood, int red, int green, int blue) {
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW && lastPressedButton != buttonPin) {
    delay(50); // Debounce delay
    if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) { // Confirm the button is still pressed
      lastPressedButton = buttonPin;
      setColor(red, green, blue);
      updateBrightness(analogRead(potPin) / 4); // Update brightness immediately with new color

Basically, whenever a button corresponding to a mood other than the current one is clicked, the LED color is updated to the color corresponding to the new mood and the mood name is sent to P5 over serial communication. Additionally, the LED brightness is being continuously updated based on changes to the reading from the potentiometer.

P5 Code
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let bgColor = [255, 165, 0]; // Orange Starting Color
let moodText = "Mood Lamp"; // Default text to display
let mood = "Start"
// Music Variables
let dayMusic;
let calmMusic;
let studyMusic;
let energeticMusic;
let nightMusic;
// Load all audio
function preload() {
dayMusic = loadSound('Wii Sports - Title (HQ).mp3');
calmMusic = loadSound('Animal Crossing New Leaf Music - Main Theme.mp3');
studyMusic = loadSound('Gusty Garden Galaxy Theme - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3');
energeticMusic = loadSound('Title Screen - Mario Kart Wii.mp3');
nightMusic = loadSound('Luma - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3');
// Setup canvas
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
function draw() {
text(moodText, width / 2, height / 2);
if (!serialActive) {
text("Click the screen to select Serial Port", width / 2, height / 2+50)
else if (mood == "Start") {
bgColor = [255, 165, 0];
moodText = "Select one of the mood buttons to being...";
if (mood == "Day") {
bgColor = [200, 200, 200];
moodText = mood;
if (!dayMusic.isPlaying()) dayMusic.loop();
if (mood == "Calm") {
bgColor = [0, 0, 255];
moodText = mood;
if (!calmMusic.isPlaying()) calmMusic.loop();
if (mood == "Study") {
bgColor = [0, 255, 0];
moodText = mood;
if (!studyMusic.isPlaying()) studyMusic.loop();
if (mood == "Energetic") {
bgColor = [255, 0, 0];
moodText = mood;
if (!energeticMusic.isPlaying()) energeticMusic.loop();
if (mood == "Night") {
bgColor = [128, 0, 128];
moodText = mood;
if (!nightMusic.isPlaying()) nightMusic.loop();
// Serial code copied from example sketch, with some modifications
function mousePressed() {
if (!serialActive) {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
} else mood = "Start";
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
// make sure there is actually a message
// split the message
mood = trim(data);
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
let bgColor = [255, 165, 0]; // Orange Starting Color let moodText = "Mood Lamp"; // Default text to display let mood = "Start" // Music Variables let dayMusic; let calmMusic; let studyMusic; let energeticMusic; let nightMusic; // Load all audio function preload() { dayMusic = loadSound('Wii Sports - Title (HQ).mp3'); calmMusic = loadSound('Animal Crossing New Leaf Music - Main Theme.mp3'); studyMusic = loadSound('Gusty Garden Galaxy Theme - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3'); energeticMusic = loadSound('Title Screen - Mario Kart Wii.mp3'); nightMusic = loadSound('Luma - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3'); } // Setup canvas function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); textSize(32); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); } function draw() { background(bgColor); fill(255); text(moodText, width / 2, height / 2); if (!serialActive) { text("Click the screen to select Serial Port", width / 2, height / 2+50) } else if (mood == "Start") { bgColor = [255, 165, 0]; moodText = "Select one of the mood buttons to being..."; dayMusic.stop(); calmMusic.stop(); studyMusic.stop(); energeticMusic.stop(); nightMusic.stop(); } if (mood == "Day") { bgColor = [200, 200, 200]; moodText = mood; calmMusic.stop(); studyMusic.stop(); energeticMusic.stop(); nightMusic.stop(); if (!dayMusic.isPlaying()) dayMusic.loop(); } if (mood == "Calm") { bgColor = [0, 0, 255]; moodText = mood; dayMusic.stop(); studyMusic.stop(); energeticMusic.stop(); nightMusic.stop(); if (!calmMusic.isPlaying()) calmMusic.loop(); } if (mood == "Study") { bgColor = [0, 255, 0]; moodText = mood; calmMusic.stop(); dayMusic.stop(); energeticMusic.stop(); nightMusic.stop(); if (!studyMusic.isPlaying()) studyMusic.loop(); } if (mood == "Energetic") { bgColor = [255, 0, 0]; moodText = mood; calmMusic.stop(); dayMusic.stop(); studyMusic.stop(); nightMusic.stop(); if (!energeticMusic.isPlaying()) energeticMusic.loop(); } if (mood == "Night") { bgColor = [128, 0, 128]; moodText = mood; calmMusic.stop(); dayMusic.stop(); studyMusic.stop(); energeticMusic.stop(); if (!nightMusic.isPlaying()) nightMusic.loop(); } } // Serial code copied from example sketch, with some modifications function mousePressed() { if (!serialActive) { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } else mood = "Start"; } function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { // make sure there is actually a message // split the message mood = trim(data); } } function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); }
let bgColor = [255, 165, 0]; // Orange Starting Color
let moodText = "Mood Lamp"; // Default text to display
let mood = "Start"

// Music Variables
let dayMusic;
let calmMusic;
let studyMusic;
let energeticMusic;
let nightMusic;

// Load all audio
function preload() {
  dayMusic = loadSound('Wii Sports - Title (HQ).mp3');
  calmMusic = loadSound('Animal Crossing New Leaf Music - Main Theme.mp3');
  studyMusic = loadSound('Gusty Garden Galaxy Theme - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3');
  energeticMusic = loadSound('Title Screen - Mario Kart Wii.mp3');
  nightMusic = loadSound('Luma - Super Mario Galaxy.mp3');

// Setup canvas
function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);

function draw() {
  text(moodText, width / 2, height / 2);
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Click the screen to select Serial Port", width / 2, height / 2+50)
  else if (mood == "Start") {
    bgColor = [255, 165, 0];
    moodText = "Select one of the mood buttons to being...";
  if (mood == "Day") {
    bgColor = [200, 200, 200];
    moodText = mood;
    if (!dayMusic.isPlaying()) dayMusic.loop();
  if (mood == "Calm") {
    bgColor = [0, 0, 255];
    moodText = mood;
    if (!calmMusic.isPlaying()) calmMusic.loop();
  if (mood == "Study") {
    bgColor = [0, 255, 0];
    moodText = mood;
    if (!studyMusic.isPlaying()) studyMusic.loop();
  if (mood == "Energetic") {
    bgColor = [255, 0, 0];
    moodText = mood;
    if (!energeticMusic.isPlaying()) energeticMusic.loop();
  if (mood == "Night") {
    bgColor = [128, 0, 128];
    moodText = mood;
    if (!nightMusic.isPlaying()) nightMusic.loop();


// Serial code copied from example sketch, with some modifications

function mousePressed() {
  if (!serialActive) {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
  } else mood = "Start";

function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    // make sure there is actually a message
    // split the message
    mood = trim(data);

function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

Basically, after serial connection is established by the user, the canvas is updated to reflect the current mood whenever a new mood is read from the arduino on the serial connection, and the corresponding audio plays as well.

P5 Embedded

User Testing

I had each of my sisters my project to try (prior to making a case and finalizing it).

My first sister managed to figure it out without any instructions from me, surprisingly even knew which COM port to select. She did not figure out that brightness can be controlled by the potentiometer though.


My other (younger) sister managed the same, but did not know which what to do when the COM port prompt came up. She also did not realize that brightness can be controlled.


Project Pictures

Project Video

IM Showcase

Problems & Areas for Improvement

I had built the casing using cardboard I got from Rahaf from Student Affairs. The material is very flimsy and I should replace it with something more permanent and stable. I had to solder wires to the red button immediately before the showcase because it didn’t have any; I also used two blue buttons because I couldn’t find a white one.

Additionally, I could aim to make the project more fun and interactive, but overall it’s a nice idea that people seemed to enjoy at the showcase.

Production Assignment – Week 12

For this assignment, we were tasked to control an ellipse using sensor data from arduino.

For this, I’m using readings from a potentiometer.

Arduino Code

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void setup() {
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read the value from the potentiometer
Serial.println(sensorValue); // Give P5 the value over serial
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read the value from the potentiometer Serial.println(sensorValue); // Give P5 the value over serial delay(10); }
void setup() {

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read the value from the potentiometer
  Serial.println(sensorValue); // Give P5 the value over serial

P5 Code

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let sensor = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
if (!serialActive) text("Click the screen to connect serial.", 50, 50); // display text to connect serial
let x = map(sensor, 0, 1023, 0, 400); // map sensor to canvas
ellipse(x, 200, 50, 50); // Draw the ellipse in the middle of the screen
// Serial code copied from example sketch, with some modifications
function mousePressed() {
if (!serialActive) {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
// make sure there is actually a message
// split the message
sensor = trim(data);
let sensor = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); } function draw() { background(220); if (!serialActive) text("Click the screen to connect serial.", 50, 50); // display text to connect serial let x = map(sensor, 0, 1023, 0, 400); // map sensor to canvas ellipse(x, 200, 50, 50); // Draw the ellipse in the middle of the screen } // Serial code copied from example sketch, with some modifications function mousePressed() { if (!serialActive) { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } } function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { // make sure there is actually a message // split the message sensor = trim(data); } }
let sensor = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  if (!serialActive) text("Click the screen to connect serial.", 50, 50); // display text to connect serial
  let x = map(sensor, 0, 1023, 0, 400); // map sensor to canvas
  ellipse(x, 200, 50, 50); // Draw the ellipse in the middle of the screen

// Serial code copied from example sketch, with some modifications

function mousePressed() {
  if (!serialActive) {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    // make sure there is actually a message
    // split the message
    sensor = trim(data);

P5 Embedded


Reading Reflection – Week 12

The reading dives into the fascinating history of how design intersects with disability, and of how focusing on design for disability doesn’t just solve immediate problems but can also inspire broader changes in the design world.

What’s really interesting about this is the idea that solving specific problems for disabled users can actually lead to major innovations that benefit everyone. It’s a powerful reminder that good design is about more than just looks or functionality; it’s about thoughtful innovation that considers all users. This perspective encourages us to think differently about design and its potential impact, pushing for high standards and creativity in all areas, including those designed for disability.

Reading Reflection – Week 11

This reading challenges the current trend in technology interfaces, which he criticizes as merely “Pictures Under Glass.” He argues that this approach severely underutilizes the complex capabilities of human hands, which are not only meant for touching but also for manipulating objects in rich and varied ways. This is intriguing because it prompts us to rethink how we interact with technology. Victor’s perspective is a wake-up call to consider more innovative and natural interactions beyond the confines of screens and opens up exciting possibilities for future technological developments that genuinely enhance human abilities rather than constrain them.

What I find particularly interesting is the emphasis on the need for inspired people to drive this change. It’s a reminder of the power of visionairy thinking in technology and the responsibility of creators and funders to strive for meaningful advancements, not just incremental changes, not just accepting technology as it is, but imagining and working towards what it could be to enhance human interaction.

Final Project – Signify


My final project is a Sign Language glove that translates American Sign Language (ASL) to English and vice versa. The aim is to facilitate communication and improve accessibility for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. This is an idea I have had for years but I finally have the technical skills to implement it. My motivation arises from my aim to break down the boundaries that hinder people with disabilities in society. Unfortunately, sign language is not a common skill for hearing people. On the other hand, while some people with hearing impairment know lipreading, for most of them, Sign Language is their first language.

This interactive system enables individuals that use sign language to have two-way communication with non-sign language users effectively. The user wearing the glove can fingerspell words using the American Sign Language alphabet. The program then vocalizes the word to assist Sign Language users with speech. On the other hand, a hearing person can type their word into the program which will display the signs for each letter so the Sign Language user can interpret it.


p5 sketch full screen mode:

The glove incorporates flex sensors on each finger which detects how much the finger is bent. Arduino processes this data and sends the finger configurations to the p5.js sketch.

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int flexPin1 = A1;
int flexPin2 = A2;
int flexPin3 = A3;
int flexPin4 = A4;
int flexPin5 = A5;
void setup() {
// Start serial communication so we can send data
// over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
void loop() {
// Read flex sensor values
int pinky = analogRead(flexPin1);
int ring = analogRead(flexPin2);
int middle = analogRead(flexPin3);
int index = analogRead(flexPin4);
int thumb = analogRead(flexPin5);
// Send flex sensor values to p5.js
//fingers int flexPin1 = A1; int flexPin2 = A2; int flexPin3 = A3; int flexPin4 = A4; int flexPin5 = A5; void setup() { // Start serial communication so we can send data // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // Read flex sensor values int pinky = analogRead(flexPin1); int ring = analogRead(flexPin2); int middle = analogRead(flexPin3); int index = analogRead(flexPin4); int thumb = analogRead(flexPin5); // Send flex sensor values to p5.js Serial.print(pinky); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(ring); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(middle); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(index); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(thumb); Serial.println(); delay(100); }
int flexPin1 = A1; 
int flexPin2 = A2; 
int flexPin3 = A3;
int flexPin4 = A4; 
int flexPin5 = A5;

void setup() {
  // Start serial communication so we can send data
  // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch

void loop() {
  // Read flex sensor values
  int pinky = analogRead(flexPin1);
  int ring = analogRead(flexPin2);
  int middle = analogRead(flexPin3);
  int index = analogRead(flexPin4);
  int thumb = analogRead(flexPin5);

  // Send flex sensor values to p5.js


The p5.js sketch interprets the gestures to recognize the corresponding letters of the alphabet. This is done using the signRecognition function below which checks whether each flex sensor value is in the appropriate range.

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function signRecognition() {
//letter recognition
if ((120<pinky && pinky<200) && (90<ring && ring<400) && (160<middle && middle<400) && (100<index && index<300) && (240<thumb && thumb<280)) {
text('a', 102, 255);
letter = 'a';
else if ((230<pinky && pinky<255) && (0<=ring && ring<50) && (0<=middle && middle<50) && (0<=index && index<50) && (175<thumb && thumb<250)) {
text('b', 102, 255);
letter = 'b';
else if ((220<pinky && pinky<250) && (0<=ring && ring<100) && (0<=middle && middle<100) && (30<index && index<190) && (220<thumb && thumb<270)) {
text('f', 102, 255);
letter = 'f';
else if ((130<pinky && pinky<250) && (100<ring && ring<270) && (135<middle && middle<280) && (index==0) && (250<thumb && thumb<283)) {
text('g', 102, 255);
letter = 'g';
else if ((205<pinky && pinky<245) && (70<ring && ring<280) && (80<middle && middle<220) && (70<index && index<240) && (210<thumb && thumb<265)) {
text('i', 102, 255);
letter = 'i';
else if ((120<pinky && pinky<210) && (60<ring && ring<330) && (50<middle && middle<300) && (30<index && index<300) && (190<thumb && thumb<240)) {
text('m', 102, 255);
letter = 'm';
else if ((150<pinky && pinky<220) && (0<=ring && ring<100) && (0<=middle && middle<110) && (0<=index && index<50) && (220<thumb && thumb<250)) {
text('o', 102, 255);
letter = 'o';
else if ((135<pinky && pinky<220) && (80<ring && ring<220) && (0<=middle && middle<20) && (0<=index && index<50) && (230<thumb && thumb<290)) {
text('p', 102, 255);
letter = 'p';
else if ((170<pinky && pinky<200) && (20<ring && ring<220) && (0<=middle && middle<190) && (0<=index && index<100) && (195<thumb && thumb<260)) {
text('u', 102, 255);
letter = 'u';
else {
text('-', 102, 255); // Display '-' if no specific configuration is matched
letter = ' ';
function signRecognition() { //letter recognition if ((120<pinky && pinky<200) && (90<ring && ring<400) && (160<middle && middle<400) && (100<index && index<300) && (240<thumb && thumb<280)) { text('a', 102, 255); letter = 'a'; } else if ((230<pinky && pinky<255) && (0<=ring && ring<50) && (0<=middle && middle<50) && (0<=index && index<50) && (175<thumb && thumb<250)) { text('b', 102, 255); letter = 'b'; } else if ((220<pinky && pinky<250) && (0<=ring && ring<100) && (0<=middle && middle<100) && (30<index && index<190) && (220<thumb && thumb<270)) { text('f', 102, 255); letter = 'f'; } else if ((130<pinky && pinky<250) && (100<ring && ring<270) && (135<middle && middle<280) && (index==0) && (250<thumb && thumb<283)) { text('g', 102, 255); letter = 'g'; } else if ((205<pinky && pinky<245) && (70<ring && ring<280) && (80<middle && middle<220) && (70<index && index<240) && (210<thumb && thumb<265)) { text('i', 102, 255); letter = 'i'; } else if ((120<pinky && pinky<210) && (60<ring && ring<330) && (50<middle && middle<300) && (30<index && index<300) && (190<thumb && thumb<240)) { text('m', 102, 255); letter = 'm'; } else if ((150<pinky && pinky<220) && (0<=ring && ring<100) && (0<=middle && middle<110) && (0<=index && index<50) && (220<thumb && thumb<250)) { text('o', 102, 255); letter = 'o'; } else if ((135<pinky && pinky<220) && (80<ring && ring<220) && (0<=middle && middle<20) && (0<=index && index<50) && (230<thumb && thumb<290)) { text('p', 102, 255); letter = 'p'; } else if ((170<pinky && pinky<200) && (20<ring && ring<220) && (0<=middle && middle<190) && (0<=index && index<100) && (195<thumb && thumb<260)) { text('u', 102, 255); letter = 'u'; } else { text('-', 102, 255); // Display '-' if no specific configuration is matched letter = ' '; } }
function signRecognition() {
  //letter recognition
  if ((120<pinky && pinky<200) && (90<ring && ring<400) && (160<middle && middle<400) && (100<index && index<300) && (240<thumb && thumb<280)) {
      text('a', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'a';
  else if ((230<pinky && pinky<255) && (0<=ring && ring<50) && (0<=middle && middle<50) && (0<=index && index<50) && (175<thumb && thumb<250)) {
      text('b', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'b';
  else if ((220<pinky && pinky<250) && (0<=ring && ring<100) && (0<=middle && middle<100) && (30<index && index<190) && (220<thumb && thumb<270)) {
      text('f', 102, 255);
      letter = 'f';
  else if ((130<pinky && pinky<250) && (100<ring && ring<270) && (135<middle && middle<280) && (index==0) && (250<thumb && thumb<283)) {
      text('g', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'g';
  else if ((205<pinky && pinky<245) && (70<ring && ring<280) && (80<middle && middle<220) && (70<index && index<240) && (210<thumb && thumb<265)) {
      text('i', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'i';
  else if ((120<pinky && pinky<210) && (60<ring && ring<330) && (50<middle && middle<300) && (30<index && index<300) && (190<thumb && thumb<240)) {
      text('m', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'm';
  else if ((150<pinky && pinky<220) && (0<=ring && ring<100) && (0<=middle && middle<110) && (0<=index && index<50) && (220<thumb && thumb<250)) {
      text('o', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'o';
  else if ((135<pinky && pinky<220) && (80<ring && ring<220) && (0<=middle && middle<20) && (0<=index && index<50) && (230<thumb && thumb<290)) {
      text('p', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'p';
  else if ((170<pinky && pinky<200) && (20<ring && ring<220) && (0<=middle && middle<190) && (0<=index && index<100) && (195<thumb && thumb<260)) {
      text('u', 102, 255); 
      letter = 'u';
  else {
      text('-', 102, 255); // Display '-' if no specific configuration is matched
      letter = ' ';

It is limited to only 9 letters for now. I did implement a few more letters but later removed it to avoid clashes between the letter ranges. The reason for this is a lot of ASL signs have very similar finger configurations and I would require additional or more accurate sensors to implement all 26 letters.

There will be two options the user can select from: translating ASL to English and translating English to ASL. For the first program, the user spells out a word using the sign for each letter and pressing right arrow to confirm the letter and move to next position.  You can edit the word if you made a mistake by using backspace, and to add a space you input no letter.  This is done using the keyPressed() function.

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function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
if (keyCode === ENTER) {
if (page === 1) {
page = 2;
} else if (page === 2) {
page = 3;
} else if (page === 4) {
// page = 3; // Go back to options page
} else if (keyCode === BACKSPACE && page === 4) {
Word = Word.substring(0, Word.length - 1);
} else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW && page === 4) {
Word += letter;
} else if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW && (page === 4 || page === 5)) {
page = 3; // Go back to options page
Word = '';
if (keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) { // Check if the pressed key is a letter
enteredWord += key.toLowerCase(); // Add the lowercase letter to the entered word
} else if (keyCode === BACKSPACE) { // Handle backspace key
enteredWord = enteredWord.slice(0, -1); // Remove the last character from the entered word
function keyPressed() { if (key == " ") { setUpSerial(); } if (keyCode === ENTER) { if (page === 1) { page = 2; } else if (page === 2) { page = 3; } else if (page === 4) { finalizeWord(); // page = 3; // Go back to options page } } else if (keyCode === BACKSPACE && page === 4) { Word = Word.substring(0, Word.length - 1); } else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW && page === 4) { Word += letter; } else if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW && (page === 4 || page === 5)) { page = 3; // Go back to options page Word = ''; } if (keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) { // Check if the pressed key is a letter enteredWord += key.toLowerCase(); // Add the lowercase letter to the entered word } else if (keyCode === BACKSPACE) { // Handle backspace key enteredWord = enteredWord.slice(0, -1); // Remove the last character from the entered word } }
function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {
  if (keyCode === ENTER) {
    if (page === 1) {
      page = 2;
    } else if (page === 2) {
      page = 3;
    } else if (page === 4) {
      // page = 3; // Go back to options page
  } else if (keyCode === BACKSPACE && page === 4) {
      Word = Word.substring(0, Word.length - 1);
  } else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW && page === 4) {
      Word += letter;
  } else if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW && (page === 4 || page === 5)) {
      page = 3; // Go back to options page
      Word = '';
  if (keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) { // Check if the pressed key is a letter
    enteredWord += key.toLowerCase(); // Add the lowercase letter to the entered word
  } else if (keyCode === BACKSPACE) { // Handle backspace key
    enteredWord = enteredWord.slice(0, -1); // Remove the last character from the entered word

The p5.js screen reads the word aloud using text-to-speech, using the SpeechSynthesis interface which is a part of the Web Speech API.

For the second program, users will have the option to input a word via keyboard to display the corresponding ASL sign for each letter on the screen below the word.

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function translateEnglishPage() {
image(eng, 0, 0, width, height);
text(enteredWord, width/2 - 120, height/2+5);
// Check each letter of the entered word and display the corresponding sign
let startX = width/2 - 130;
let startY = height/2 - 70;
let letterSpacing = 35; // Spacing between images
for (let imgIndex = 0; imgIndex < enteredWord.length; imgIndex++) {
let currentLetter = enteredWord.charAt(imgIndex).toLowerCase();
//calculate position of image based on letter
let imageX = startX + imgIndex * letterSpacing;
let imageY = startY+120;
// Display the image corresponding to the current letter
if (currentLetter === 'a') {
image(sign_a, imageX, imageY, 35, 50); }
// and so on for each letter ...
function translateEnglishPage() { image(eng, 0, 0, width, height); text(enteredWord, width/2 - 120, height/2+5); // Check each letter of the entered word and display the corresponding sign let startX = width/2 - 130; let startY = height/2 - 70; let letterSpacing = 35; // Spacing between images for (let imgIndex = 0; imgIndex < enteredWord.length; imgIndex++) { let currentLetter = enteredWord.charAt(imgIndex).toLowerCase(); //calculate position of image based on letter let imageX = startX + imgIndex * letterSpacing; let imageY = startY+120; // Display the image corresponding to the current letter if (currentLetter === 'a') { image(sign_a, imageX, imageY, 35, 50); } // and so on for each letter ... }
function translateEnglishPage() {  
  image(eng, 0, 0, width, height);
  text(enteredWord, width/2 - 120, height/2+5); 

  // Check each letter of the entered word and display the corresponding sign
  let startX = width/2 - 130; 
  let startY = height/2 - 70; 
  let letterSpacing = 35; // Spacing between images
  for (let imgIndex = 0; imgIndex < enteredWord.length; imgIndex++) {
    let currentLetter = enteredWord.charAt(imgIndex).toLowerCase(); 
    //calculate position of image based on letter
    let imageX = startX + imgIndex * letterSpacing; 
    let imageY = startY+120;
    // Display the image corresponding to the current letter
    if (currentLetter === 'a') {
        image(sign_a, imageX, imageY, 35, 50); }

    // and so on for each letter ...


User testing was helpful but also a bit worrying. The gesture configurations were calibrated to my hand and fingers. I later noticed that it wasn’t working exactly the same with other people’s hands. I thus had to make the ranges less strict to incorporate other hand shapes. However, editing these ranges caused more issues such as introducing clashes between the letters.

challenges and improvements:

The main challenge was calculating the gesture configurations one by one. The flex sensors are pretty sensitive and tend to randomly give different values. I am using two types of flex sensors: 3 thin film pressure sensors and 2 short flex sensors, so I had to calibrate them differently as well. On top of that, one of my flex sensors stopped working midway so my project came to a stop. Thankfully, Professor came to the rescue and bought a new flex sensor for me promptly. Soldering and arranging the wires were also a hassle but I finally got them to look neat.

I am proud of coming up with the idea in the first place. I wanted to create something that was unique and something I am passionate about. I am also proud of sticking to it despite the challenges and making it as accurate as possible.

There is a lot to improve and I started this as a prototype for a long-term project. One major issue is that since some of the finger configurations are so similar, it mixes up between the letters. I also couldn’t implement the entire alphabet. I could add an accelerometer to detect movements as well.  I could alternatively try using ML5 for more accurate configurations. I hope to get it to work for entire words as well. I aim to one day create a fully functional portable Sign Language glove.

IM Showcase

I made a few changes before I presented my project at the showcase: I recalibrated the ranges for the letters to make it work smoother, I removed a few letters according to Professor’s advice to reduce clashes between letters, and I improved the UI.

During the IM show, when a few people tried on my glove, the tape and wires started coming off, and I had to run back to the IM lab to fix it. Moreover, most of the letters were not working for them since it was still only optimal for my hand. This was because the bending of the flex sensors vary a lot between different hand shapes and sizes. I unfortunately had to resort to only providing them a demonstration after that point and instead gave them the challenge to provide me a word using those letters.

Nevertheless, I had a fun time at the showcase presenting my project and engaging with other people’s projects. I also thoroughly enjoyed taking this course overall and using my creativity and technical skills to come up with projects every week.


Final Project – Cats Survival


My inspiration for this project was one questions I have asked myself really often during the rainy days: “Where do the campus cats go?” and “How do they survive the rain?”. Based on this, I created “CATS SURVIVAL”, inspired also by the classic arcade games where players navigate through obstacles to achieve a high score. In this game, players engage with Arduino push buttons to control the cat attempting to avoid falling water drops while traversing a colorful campus setting.

Final Setup:

IM Showcase:

How it works:

Players start by launching the game, where they are greeted with a vibrant start page featuring the game’s logo. Once the game begins, the cat automatically appears at the center of the screen, and the player’s objective is to keep the cat from being hit by falling water drops.

Using a connected serial input device (Arduino), players can move the cat left or right, dodging incoming obstacles. Each successful dodge increases the player’s score, while collision with a water drop ends the game.

As the game progresses, the speed, and frequency of falling water drops increase, challenging the player’s reflexes and agility. Upon game over, players can restart the game by pressing any key, offering them the opportunity to beat their previous high score and continue the thrilling dodge-and-survive gameplay.

Images of the project (1st draft):

User testing:

p5 Game:

Link for full screen

Arduino Code:

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// Constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin1 = 2; // The number of the first pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin2 = 3; // The number of the second pushbutton pin
const int ledPin1 = 13; // The number of the first LED pin
const int ledPin2 = 12; // The number of the second LED pin
// Variables will change:
int buttonState1 = 0; // Variable for reading the first pushbutton status
int buttonState2 = 0; // Variable for reading the second pushbutton status
void setup() {
// Initialize the LED pins as outputs:
pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
// Initialize the pushbutton pins as inputs:
pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT_PULLUP); // Changed to INPUT_PULLUP
pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Changed to INPUT_PULLUP
// Start serial communication:
void loop() {
// Read the state of the first pushbutton value:
buttonState1 = digitalRead(buttonPin1);
// Check if the first pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is LOW:
if (buttonState1 == LOW) {
// Turn the first LED on:
digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
} else {
// Turn the first LED off:
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
// Read the state of the second pushbutton value:
buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);
// Check if the second pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is LOW:
if (buttonState2 == LOW) {
// Turn the second LED on:
digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
} else {
// Turn the second LED off:
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
// Send button states to the p5 sketch
delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed
// Constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers: const int buttonPin1 = 2; // The number of the first pushbutton pin const int buttonPin2 = 3; // The number of the second pushbutton pin const int ledPin1 = 13; // The number of the first LED pin const int ledPin2 = 12; // The number of the second LED pin // Variables will change: int buttonState1 = 0; // Variable for reading the first pushbutton status int buttonState2 = 0; // Variable for reading the second pushbutton status void setup() { // Initialize the LED pins as outputs: pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT); // Initialize the pushbutton pins as inputs: pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT_PULLUP); // Changed to INPUT_PULLUP pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Changed to INPUT_PULLUP // Start serial communication: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // Read the state of the first pushbutton value: buttonState1 = digitalRead(buttonPin1); // Check if the first pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is LOW: if (buttonState1 == LOW) { // Turn the first LED on: digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH); } else { // Turn the first LED off: digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); } // Read the state of the second pushbutton value: buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2); // Check if the second pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is LOW: if (buttonState2 == LOW) { // Turn the second LED on: digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH); } else { // Turn the second LED off: digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW); } // Send button states to the p5 sketch Serial.print(buttonState1); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(buttonState2); delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed }
// Constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin1 = 2;  // The number of the first pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin2 = 3;  // The number of the second pushbutton pin
const int ledPin1 = 13;    // The number of the first LED pin
const int ledPin2 = 12;    // The number of the second LED pin

// Variables will change:
int buttonState1 = 0;  // Variable for reading the first pushbutton status
int buttonState2 = 0;  // Variable for reading the second pushbutton status

void setup() {
  // Initialize the LED pins as outputs:
  pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize the pushbutton pins as inputs:
  pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT_PULLUP); // Changed to INPUT_PULLUP
  pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Changed to INPUT_PULLUP
  // Start serial communication:

void loop() {
  // Read the state of the first pushbutton value:
  buttonState1 = digitalRead(buttonPin1);

  // Check if the first pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is LOW:
  if (buttonState1 == LOW) {
    // Turn the first LED on:
    digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
  } else {
    // Turn the first LED off:
    digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);

  // Read the state of the second pushbutton value:
  buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);

  // Check if the second pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is LOW:
  if (buttonState2 == LOW) {
    // Turn the second LED on:
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
  } else {
    // Turn the second LED off:
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
  // Send button states to the p5 sketch
  delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed

p5 snippet code:

Reading serial data

This function reads data from the serial port, interprets it as button states, and updates the cat’s position accordingly. It ensures that the cat remains within the canvas bounds while moving left or right based on the received data.

This snippet demonstrate how the game can interact with an Arduino board via serial communication to control the cat’s movement.

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function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
let buttonStates = split(trim(data), ',');
let buttonState1 = int(buttonStates[0]);
let buttonState2 = int(buttonStates[1]);
// Update cat position based on button states
if (buttonState1 == 1) {
catX -= 22; // Move left
if (buttonState2 == 1) {
catX += 22; // Move right
// Ensure cat stays within canvas bounds
catX = constrain(catX, 0, width - catImg.width);
function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { let buttonStates = split(trim(data), ','); let buttonState1 = int(buttonStates[0]); let buttonState2 = int(buttonStates[1]); // Update cat position based on button states if (buttonState1 == 1) { catX -= 22; // Move left } if (buttonState2 == 1) { catX += 22; // Move right } // Ensure cat stays within canvas bounds catX = constrain(catX, 0, width - catImg.width); } }
function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    let buttonStates = split(trim(data), ',');
    let buttonState1 = int(buttonStates[0]);
    let buttonState2 = int(buttonStates[1]);
    // Update cat position based on button states
    if (buttonState1 == 1) {
      catX -= 22; // Move left
    if (buttonState2 == 1) {
      catX += 22; // Move right
    // Ensure cat stays within canvas bounds
    catX = constrain(catX, 0, width - catImg.width);


The challenge of this game is designing the obstacle mechanics to appropriately balance the game’s difficulty. Since the game operates in full-screen mode, ensuring that the falling obstacles provide a challenging, yet enjoyable experience for players can be tricky. Balancing factors such as the speed, frequency, and size of the obstacles requires careful consideration to prevent the game from becoming too easy or too difficult. Additionally, transitioning from the initial idea of using a potentiometer for input to utilizing two push buttons might pose challenges in terms of code adaptation and player control dynamics.

Future improvements:

  • Enhance the complexity of the game mechanics and integrating additional features into the circuit in order to elevate the player experience. Adding new gameplay elements such as power-ups, varying obstacle patterns can provide players with more engaging challenges and keep them invested in the game for longer durations.
  • Incorporating a speaker into the Arduino circuit to synchronize with button presses could add a wider dimension to the gameplay, enhancing immersion and feedback for players. By integrating sound effects or background music that reacts to player actions, such as cat movements and obstacle collisions, the overall gaming experience can be enriched, making it more dynamic and enjoyable.

Final – ☆ Photo Roulette ☆

Concept and Inspiration

My concept and inspiration for the final project came from a wish to make something related to cameras/photo-taking/film. Initially, I wanted to make a “camera on wheels”, but then I realized the camera lens would be on my laptop and therefore couldn’t add wheels to it, haha. So, I changed my idea but stuck with the camera concept.

I really enjoy taking photo booth pictures. In fact, I will always push my friends to take them with me if I see a photo booth anywhere. I have collected these grid images from all around the world – Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Paris, New York, Madrid, London, Dubai… And I still have them all saved. They are, to me, a beautiful way of keeping memories in a non-digital fashion, which we tend to towards these days with our phones. I also enjoy the photo booth app on the phone, but the grid layout that results is not the same as a typical, “retro” photo booth.

So, I decided to create a photo booth, which generates four images as a vertical grid!

How to use it

This project is composed of two parts: my laptop with a p5 sketch, and a “camera” I built out of cardboard, inside which there is the Arduino and breadboard. The p5 sketch begins with a start page, that states “photo booth”. There are also instructions: the first step is to click on the screen (when the images are downloaded, the user needs to press on the screen to return to the chrome page); the second step is to press record on the camera to start taking the images.

Once the record button on the camera is pressed, a message is sent from Arduino to p5 to start the photo booth session. Simultaneously, a LED turns on for 20 seconds (which is the length of each session). The four images are taken at five second intervals, with a countdown starting at three seconds. After the twenty seconds have passed, the images are downloaded as a grid, and the user can airdrop it to their phone. Moreover, when the images are done, the start page is displayed again.



To achieve this, I created a short code on Arduino and a longer one on p5.

Arduino code & circuit

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const int BUTTON_PIN = 2;
const int LED_PIN = 13;
bool ledState = false;
int lastButtonState = LOW;
unsigned long startTime = 0; // variable to store the time the button was pressed
const unsigned long interval = 20000; // interval of 20 seconds to indicate when the LED must turn off
void setup() {
void loop() {
int reading = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
// checking if the button was pressed
if (reading != lastButtonState) {
lastButtonState = reading;
if (reading == HIGH) {
ledState = true; // turn LED on
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
Serial.println("START"); // send "START" to p5
startTime = millis(); // start recording the time of button press
// checking if 20 seconds have passed since the button was pressed
if (ledState && (millis() - startTime >= interval)) {
ledState = false; // turn LED off
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
Serial.println("STOP"); // when 20 seconds have passed, send "STOP" to p5
const int BUTTON_PIN = 2; const int LED_PIN = 13; bool ledState = false; int lastButtonState = LOW; unsigned long startTime = 0; // variable to store the time the button was pressed const unsigned long interval = 20000; // interval of 20 seconds to indicate when the LED must turn off void setup() { pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int reading = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN); // checking if the button was pressed if (reading != lastButtonState) { lastButtonState = reading; if (reading == HIGH) { ledState = true; // turn LED on digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); Serial.println("START"); // send "START" to p5 startTime = millis(); // start recording the time of button press } } // checking if 20 seconds have passed since the button was pressed if (ledState && (millis() - startTime >= interval)) { ledState = false; // turn LED off digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); Serial.println("STOP"); // when 20 seconds have passed, send "STOP" to p5 } }
const int BUTTON_PIN = 2;
const int LED_PIN = 13;

bool ledState = false;
int lastButtonState = LOW;
unsigned long startTime = 0; // variable to store the time the button was pressed
const unsigned long interval = 20000; // interval of 20 seconds to indicate when the LED must turn off

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  int reading = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);

  // checking if the button was pressed
  if (reading != lastButtonState) {
    lastButtonState = reading;
    if (reading == HIGH) {
      ledState = true; // turn LED on
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
      Serial.println("START"); // send "START" to p5
      startTime = millis(); // start recording the time of button press

  // checking if 20 seconds have passed since the button was pressed
  if (ledState && (millis() - startTime >= interval)) {
    ledState = false; // turn LED off
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
    Serial.println("STOP"); // when 20 seconds have passed, send "STOP" to p5

p5 code snippets

→ a function to start the countdown between each image.

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function startCountdown() {
countdownValue = 4; // start the countdown with "nothing"
clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the existing timer, necessary after the first image is taken after the sketch is played
countdownTimer = setInterval(() => {
if (countdownValue === 0) {
// when count is down to 0
clearInterval(countdownTimer); // stopping the timer
captureImage(); // capturing an image after the countdown
countdownValue = 4; // resetting the countdown value back to 4
setTimeout(startCountdown, interval); // 1-second delay before restarting the countdown
}, interval); // repeat the function at 1-second intervals
function startCountdown() { countdownValue = 4; // start the countdown with "nothing" clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the existing timer, necessary after the first image is taken after the sketch is played countdownTimer = setInterval(() => { countdownValue--; if (countdownValue === 0) { // when count is down to 0 clearInterval(countdownTimer); // stopping the timer captureImage(); // capturing an image after the countdown countdownValue = 4; // resetting the countdown value back to 4 setTimeout(startCountdown, interval); // 1-second delay before restarting the countdown } }, interval); // repeat the function at 1-second intervals }
function startCountdown() {
  countdownValue = 4; // start the countdown with "nothing"
  clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the existing timer, necessary after the first image is taken after the sketch is played
  countdownTimer = setInterval(() => {
    if (countdownValue === 0) {
      // when count is down to 0
      clearInterval(countdownTimer); // stopping the timer
      captureImage(); // capturing an image after the countdown
      countdownValue = 4; // resetting the countdown value back to 4
      setTimeout(startCountdown, interval); // 1-second delay before restarting the countdown
  }, interval); // repeat the function at 1-second intervals

→ a function to capture and save the images, with a sound that plays when each image is taken.

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function captureImage() {
if (recording) {; // playing the sound when an image is captured
images[captureIndex] = videos[captureIndex].get(); // capturing the image from each of the four video feeds
// when the four images are taken, recording is stopped and images are saved as a grid
if (captureIndex >= 4) {
function captureImage() { if (recording) {; // playing the sound when an image is captured images[captureIndex] = videos[captureIndex].get(); // capturing the image from each of the four video feeds captureIndex++; // when the four images are taken, recording is stopped and images are saved as a grid if (captureIndex >= 4) { stopRecording(); saveImages(); } } }
function captureImage() {
  if (recording) {; // playing the sound when an image is captured

    images[captureIndex] = videos[captureIndex].get(); // capturing the image from each of the four video feeds

    // when the four images are taken, recording is stopped and images are saved as a grid
    if (captureIndex >= 4) {

→ determining the countdown value which is then displayed (3, 2, 1 only).

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if (recording && countdownValue <= 3 && countdownValue > 0) {
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(countdownValue, width / 2, height / 2);
if (recording && countdownValue <= 3 && countdownValue > 0) { fill(255); textSize(200); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(countdownValue, width / 2, height / 2); }
if (recording && countdownValue <= 3 && countdownValue > 0) {
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text(countdownValue, width / 2, height / 2);

→ function to start recording, which is later activated when the button of the camera is pressed, in a “START” state.

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function startRecording() {
if (!recording) {
recording = true;
captureIndex = 0;
images = [null, null, null, null]; // reset the images array to clear previous session
clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the timer from the previous session
// clearing the video feeds
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
videos[i].hide(); // hide the video to clear the old feed
videos[i] = createCapture(VIDEO); // create a new video capture
videos[i].size(width / 3, height / 3); // set size for each video feed
videos[i].hide(); // hide the video feed
startCountdown(); // start the countdown before the first image is captured
function startRecording() { if (!recording) { recording = true; captureIndex = 0; images = [null, null, null, null]; // reset the images array to clear previous session clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the timer from the previous session // clearing the video feeds for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { videos[i].hide(); // hide the video to clear the old feed videos[i] = createCapture(VIDEO); // create a new video capture videos[i].size(width / 3, height / 3); // set size for each video feed videos[i].hide(); // hide the video feed } startCountdown(); // start the countdown before the first image is captured } }
function startRecording() {
  if (!recording) {
    recording = true;
    captureIndex = 0;
    images = [null, null, null, null]; // reset the images array to clear previous session
    clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the timer from the previous session

    // clearing the video feeds
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      videos[i].hide(); // hide the video to clear the old feed
      videos[i] = createCapture(VIDEO); // create a new video capture
      videos[i].size(width / 3, height / 3); // set size for each video feed
      videos[i].hide(); // hide the video feed

    startCountdown(); // start the countdown before the first image is captured

→ function to stop recording, which is activated by the “STOP” message received by Arduino after the twenty seconds have passed.

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// function to stop recording
function stopRecording() {
print("Recording ended");
if (recording) {
recording = false;
clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the countdown timer completely
// function to stop recording function stopRecording() { print("Recording ended"); if (recording) { recording = false; clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the countdown timer completely } }
// function to stop recording
function stopRecording() {
  print("Recording ended");
  if (recording) {
    recording = false;
    clearInterval(countdownTimer); // clear the countdown timer completely

→ function to read the serial data from Arduino.

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// read serial data from arduino
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
if (data == "START") { // when data from arduino is "START"
displayStartPage = false; // switch to the photo booth page
startRecording(); // start recording
} else if (data == "STOP") { // when data from arduino is "STOP"
displayStartPage = true; // display start page
stopRecording(); // stop recording
// read serial data from arduino function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { if (data == "START") { // when data from arduino is "START" displayStartPage = false; // switch to the photo booth page startRecording(); // start recording } else if (data == "STOP") { // when data from arduino is "STOP" displayStartPage = true; // display start page stopRecording(); // stop recording } } }
// read serial data from arduino
function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    if (data == "START") { // when data from arduino is "START"
      displayStartPage = false; // switch to the photo booth page
      startRecording(); // start recording
    } else if (data == "STOP") { // when data from arduino is "STOP"
      displayStartPage = true; // display start page
      stopRecording(); // stop recording




And here is a link to the full screen sketch:

What I am proud of

I am particularly proud of finally being able to understand how serial communication works. For me, I had a hard time processing it in practice, although in theory it did make sense. Applying it for this project which I made from scratch, as compared to the exercises we did in class, enabled me to better grasp the concept of serial communication.

Additionally, I am proud of how this project has evolved. I had a few ideas in between which truly were not challenging enough. I am not saying that this project is super complex, but it definitely took time and effort to try and understand how everything works in order to achieve this final result.



I encountered multiple challenges, first, creating serial communication from scratch. Again, it was a bit hard for me to apply the concepts.

Another challenge was getting the feeds and countdown to reset after each session. At first, the images from the previous session remained on the feeds, which means the user couldn’t see a live version but only the images taken. Gladly, I was able to figure it out – same for the countdown.


Areas for future improvement

Eventually, I would like to create a better design for the p5 sketch. As of now, I feel like it’s a bit… bland.

I would also like to try to incorporate filters, which the user can choose from before taking the images. This was a bit hard as the images cannot be downloaded with the filter, and I did not want the grid to look different than the images displayed on the sketch.




IM Showcase Documentation

Final Project Documentation – PhotoGhost. by Marcos Hernández

1. Concept

This is a game that seeks to provide engagement via the unknown. That is, a game that uses the concepts of darkness and ghosts. Take, for example, the video game series Five Nights at Freddy’s, whose gameplay loop consists in administrating the energy left in order to prevent the enemies from reaching the protagonist; PhotoGhost is almost the same. In this game, the player has to traverse a dark area that gets filled with ghosts over time, and in order to avoid losing, the player has to fill the battery by going to the battery refill areas. Also, as part of the core gameplay concept, the player can listen to some of the noises that the piezo buzzers make according to the location of the ghost.

PhotoGhost.  in fullscreen

2. Pictures of the project

2.1 Picture of physical component
Figure 1. Physical component with cover on, while in development.
Figure 2. Physical component from a top perspective, while in development.
Figure 3. Box finished
Figure 4. Box Finished from a different perspective.
2.2 Pictures of the Arduino set-up
Figure 5. Arduino wiring complete, which is inside the box.
2.3 Pictures of the game in p5.js
Figure 6. Tutorial
Figure 7. Gameplay, but the lights are turned off.
Figure 8. Gameplay, but the lights are turned ON and a ghost is visible.

3. Implementation

3.1. Interaction Design

When the player arrives at the controller, it will be observable that there are:

      • 4 Green buttons placed as a D-PAD.
      • One white button that is put further away from the rest of the components.
      • One photoresistor and one blue LED close to each other.
      • Four piezo buzzers that are coming on different sides: two on the left and two on the right. Each one is located on a different corner.
      • A hole where the data is sent to the Arduino.

While the visual design is rather basic, it seeks to be portable, easy to read, and comfortable to use.

3.2. Description of Arduino code

Since the Arduino code is too long, here is a link to it on my GitHub: PhotoGhost. Arduino Code

Basically, what the Arduino code does is the following:

      1. It prepares the assigned pins, and then it waits to receive the communication with p5.js.
      2. Once communication is established, it starts reading the inputs of the green buttons (movement) and the white button (for the flashlight) in binary to check which is being pressed. Also, it checks for the current value of the flashlight, the location of the enemy, the assigned piezo speaker, and some controls (currentflashlightstatus and flashlightcountdown) to avoid sending data when it is not needed.
      3. Once it receives data from p5.js, it checks where the enemy is according to the value sent to the piezo speakers and plays a tune to indicate to the player the current position of the enemy.
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        if (SpiezoPinUL == 2) {
        tone(piezoPinUL, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinUL == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinUR == 2) {
        tone(piezoPinUR, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinUR == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinDL == 2) {
        tone(piezoPinDL, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinDL == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinDR == 2) {
        tone(piezoPinDR, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinDR == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinUL == 2) { tone(piezoPinUL, 500); } else if (SpiezoPinUL == 0) { noTone(piezoPinUL); } if (SpiezoPinUR == 2) { tone(piezoPinUR, 500); } else if (SpiezoPinUR == 0) { noTone(piezoPinUR); } if (SpiezoPinDL == 2) { tone(piezoPinDL, 500); } else if (SpiezoPinDL == 0) { noTone(piezoPinDL); } if (SpiezoPinDR == 2) { tone(piezoPinDR, 500); } else if (SpiezoPinDR == 0) { noTone(piezoPinDR); }
        if (SpiezoPinUL == 2) {
          tone(piezoPinUL, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinUL == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinUR == 2) {
          tone(piezoPinUR, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinUR == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinDL == 2) {
          tone(piezoPinDL, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinDL == 0) {
        if (SpiezoPinDR == 2) {
          tone(piezoPinDR, 500);
        } else if (SpiezoPinDR == 0) {
      4. If the player is currently standing in a flashlight recharger, it starts reading the data coming from the photoresistor; this is done in this way to avoid exploits. At the same time, a blue LED is turned on, indicating that the photoresistor is receiving data.
      5. When finished, the photoresistor stops sending data, the blue LED is turned off, and it sends all the processed data to p5.js.
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        //I send you data and you send me more data!
        //I send you data and you send me more data! Serial.print(brightness); Serial.print(","); //Flashlight Serial.print(buttonFlashlight); Serial.print(","); //Movement Serial.print(move_up); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(move_left); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(move_down); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(move_right);
        //I send you data and you send me more data!
3.3. Description of p5.js code and embedded example

The p5.js implementation was tricky. Before explaining the code, here is an embedded version of it. In the same embedded file, you can find the code for it:

Keep in mind that due to not having the Arduino control, it is possilbe to use WASD to move, F to turn the light ON and OFF, and BACKSPACE to skip the serial port screen.

In the p5.js code, the following is happening:

      1. The game first checks where the player is at the moment, whether it be the menu, the game over screen, or the gameplay. This is to arrange the code for better readability.
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        function draw() {
        if (gamestate == 0) {
        } else if (gamestate == 1) {
        } else if (gamestate == 2) {
        } else if (gamestate == 3) {
        function draw() { if (gamestate == 0) { menu(); } else if (gamestate == 1) { game(); } else if (gamestate == 2) { credits(); } else if (gamestate == 3) { gameover(); } }
        function draw() {
          if (gamestate == 0) {
          } else if (gamestate == 1) {
          } else if (gamestate == 2) {
          } else if (gamestate == 3) {
      2. The game first waits for the player to set up the Arduino connection in order to start receiving input. This part of the code is inside the class file Menu.js:
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        display_mainmenu() {
        text("PhotoGhost.", 240, 150);
        text("by Marcos Hernández", 280, 190);
        "I do not own any of the images and sounds in this game. They belong to the respective authors.",
        rect(300, 160, 230, 10);
        rect(570, 160, 10, 10);
        if (!serialActive) {
        text("Press Space Bar to select serial port", 160, 400);
        } else {
        text("Press the white button to start", 200, 400);
        display_mainmenu() { push(); background(250); fill(0); textSize(60); text("PhotoGhost.", 240, 150); textSize(25); text("by Marcos Hernández", 280, 190); textSize(10); text( "I do not own any of the images and sounds in this game. They belong to the respective authors.", 10, 595 ); fill(200); noStroke(); rect(300, 160, 230, 10); rect(570, 160, 10, 10); stroke(255); fill(0); textSize(30); if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select serial port", 160, 400); } else { text("Press the white button to start", 200, 400); } pop(); }
        display_mainmenu() {
            text("PhotoGhost.", 240, 150);
            text("by Marcos Hernández", 280, 190);
              "I do not own any of the images and sounds in this game. They belong to the respective authors.",
            rect(300, 160, 230, 10);
            rect(570, 160, 10, 10);
            if (!serialActive) {
              text("Press Space Bar to select serial port", 160, 400);
            } else {
              text("Press the white button to start", 200, 400);
      3. Once the player finishes the tutorial by pressing the white button, they are immediately transported to the game. The timer starts, and every 60 frames, it adds a second, the flashlight battery gets reduced, and enemies are moved at set intervals. Also in this part, the game checks for multiple things, such as the random placement of the player, enemies, and the flashlight recharger. Here is an example of how it works with enemies:
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        if (time == 0 && enemyspawnercontrol == 0) {
        enemyspawnercontrol = 1;
        while (spawningenemy == true) {
        xtospawn = int(random(30, width));
        ytospawn = int(random(30, height));
        if (
        (xtospawn < player.x - 20 || xtospawn > player.x + player.w + 20) &&
        (ytospawn < player.y - 20 || ytospawn > player.y + player.h + 20)
        ) {
        enemy = new Enemies(xtospawn, ytospawn, 20, 20);
        enemies.push(enemy); //Add into the list of enemies.
        } else {
        //Nothing, it repeats lol.
        //Spawn enemy every 15 seconds.
        } else if (time % 15 == 0 && enemyspawnercontrol == 0) {
        enemyspawnercontrol = 1;
        while (spawningenemy == true) {
        xtospawn = int(random(30, width));
        ytospawn = int(random(30, height));
        if (
        (xtospawn < player.x - 20 || xtospawn > player.x + player.w + 20) &&
        (ytospawn < player.y - 20 || ytospawn > player.y + player.h + 20)
        ) {
        enemy = new Enemies(xtospawn, ytospawn, 20, 20);
        enemies.push(enemy); //Add into the list of enemies.
        } else {
        //Nothing, it repeats lol.
        if (time == 0 && enemyspawnercontrol == 0) { enemyspawnercontrol = 1; while (spawningenemy == true) { xtospawn = int(random(30, width)); ytospawn = int(random(30, height)); if ( (xtospawn < player.x - 20 || xtospawn > player.x + player.w + 20) && (ytospawn < player.y - 20 || ytospawn > player.y + player.h + 20) ) { enemy = new Enemies(xtospawn, ytospawn, 20, 20); enemies.push(enemy); //Add into the list of enemies. break; } else { //Nothing, it repeats lol. } } //Spawn enemy every 15 seconds. } else if (time % 15 == 0 && enemyspawnercontrol == 0) { enemyspawnercontrol = 1; while (spawningenemy == true) { xtospawn = int(random(30, width)); ytospawn = int(random(30, height)); if ( (xtospawn < player.x - 20 || xtospawn > player.x + player.w + 20) && (ytospawn < player.y - 20 || ytospawn > player.y + player.h + 20) ) { enemy = new Enemies(xtospawn, ytospawn, 20, 20); enemies.push(enemy); //Add into the list of enemies. break; } else { //Nothing, it repeats lol. } } }
        if (time == 0 && enemyspawnercontrol == 0) {
            enemyspawnercontrol = 1;
            while (spawningenemy == true) {
              xtospawn = int(random(30, width));
              ytospawn = int(random(30, height));
              if (
                (xtospawn < player.x - 20 || xtospawn > player.x + player.w + 20) &&
                (ytospawn < player.y - 20 || ytospawn > player.y + player.h + 20)
              ) {
                enemy = new Enemies(xtospawn, ytospawn, 20, 20);
                enemies.push(enemy); //Add into the list of enemies.
              } else {
                //Nothing, it repeats lol.
            //Spawn enemy every 15 seconds.
          } else if (time % 15 == 0 && enemyspawnercontrol == 0) {
            enemyspawnercontrol = 1;
            while (spawningenemy == true) {
              xtospawn = int(random(30, width));
              ytospawn = int(random(30, height));
              if (
                (xtospawn < player.x - 20 || xtospawn > player.x + player.w + 20) &&
                (ytospawn < player.y - 20 || ytospawn > player.y + player.h + 20)
              ) {
                enemy = new Enemies(xtospawn, ytospawn, 20, 20);
                enemies.push(enemy); //Add into the list of enemies.
              } else {
                //Nothing, it repeats lol.

        In a short explanation, the game first checks that the time is zero to spawn the first enemy in a location far from the player. Notice that a while loop is employed in order to avoid the enemy spawning accidentally inside the player and ending the game. After that, the enemy is saved into the array and displayed in order to be seen when the flashlight is ON.

      4. The player hitbox is divided into four parts, in a squarely manner, to check where the ghosts (enemies) are in order to send the current position of the ghost to the Arduino to play the sound to the corresponding piezo buzzer:
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        //Bottom right
        if (
        player.x + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
        player.x < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
        player.y + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
        player.y < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
        ) {
        SpiezoPinDR = 2;
        //print("FAR: Collision with bottom right.");
        //Bottom left
        if (
        player.x - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
        player.x - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
        player.y + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
        player.y < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
        ) {
        SpiezoPinDL = 2;
        //print("FAR: Collision with bottom left.");
        //Upper right
        if (
        player.x + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
        player.x < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
        player.y - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
        player.y - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
        ) {
        SpiezoPinUR = 2;
        //print("FAR: Collision with Upper right.");
        //Upper left
        if (
        player.x - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
        player.x - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
        player.y - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
        player.y - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
        ) {
        SpiezoPinUL = 2;
        //print("FAR: Collision with Upper left.");
        //Bottom right if ( player.x + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x && player.x < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w && player.y + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y && player.y < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w ) { SpiezoPinDR = 2; //print("FAR: Collision with bottom right."); } //Bottom left if ( player.x - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x && player.x - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w && player.y + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y && player.y < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w ) { SpiezoPinDL = 2; //print("FAR: Collision with bottom left."); } //Upper right if ( player.x + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x && player.x < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w && player.y - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y && player.y - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w ) { SpiezoPinUR = 2; //print("FAR: Collision with Upper right."); } //Upper left if ( player.x - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x && player.x - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w && player.y - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y && player.y - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w ) { SpiezoPinUL = 2; //print("FAR: Collision with Upper left."); } }
        //Bottom right
            if (
              player.x + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
              player.x < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
              player.y + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
              player.y < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
            ) {
              SpiezoPinDR = 2;
              //print("FAR: Collision with bottom right.");
            //Bottom left
            if (
              player.x - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
              player.x - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
              player.y + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
              player.y < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
            ) {
              SpiezoPinDL = 2;
              //print("FAR: Collision with bottom left.");
            //Upper right
            if (
              player.x + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
              player.x < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
              player.y - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
              player.y - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
            ) {
              SpiezoPinUR = 2;
              //print("FAR: Collision with Upper right.");
            //Upper left
            if (
              player.x - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].x &&
              player.x - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].x + enemies[c].w &&
              player.y - player.w * 5 + player.w * 5 > enemies[c].y &&
              player.y - player.w * 5 < enemies[c].y + enemies[c].w
            ) {
              SpiezoPinUL = 2;
              //print("FAR: Collision with Upper left.");

        5. Inputs are processed when they are mapped from the data received from Arduino with the following function:

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        function checkMovementPlayer() {
        //Check if the button is still pressed and if the player is dead.
        if (buttonnotpressed == 0 && player.dead != 1) {
        if (move_right == 1 && player.x < width - 60) {
        player.x += 40;
        buttonnotpressed = 1;
        if (move_left == 1 && player.x > 40) {
        player.x -= 40;
        buttonnotpressed = 1;
        if (move_down == 1 && player.y < height - 40) {
        player.y += 40;
        buttonnotpressed = 1;
        if (move_up == 1 && player.y > 40) {
        player.y -= 40;
        buttonnotpressed = 1;
        //Check if all buttons are not pressed in order to rehabilitate the button pressing.
        } else if (
        move_right == 0 &&
        move_left == 0 &&
        move_down == 0 &&
        move_up == 0
        ) {
        buttonnotpressed = 0;
        function checkMovementPlayer() { //Check if the button is still pressed and if the player is dead. if (buttonnotpressed == 0 && player.dead != 1) { if (move_right == 1 && player.x < width - 60) { player.x += 40; buttonnotpressed = 1; } if (move_left == 1 && player.x > 40) { player.x -= 40; buttonnotpressed = 1; } if (move_down == 1 && player.y < height - 40) { player.y += 40; buttonnotpressed = 1; } if (move_up == 1 && player.y > 40) { player.y -= 40; buttonnotpressed = 1; } //Check if all buttons are not pressed in order to rehabilitate the button pressing. } else if ( move_right == 0 && move_left == 0 && move_down == 0 && move_up == 0 ) { buttonnotpressed = 0; } }
        function checkMovementPlayer() {
          //Check if the button is still pressed and if the player is dead.
          if (buttonnotpressed == 0 && player.dead != 1) {
            if (move_right == 1 && player.x < width - 60) {
              player.x += 40;
              buttonnotpressed = 1;
            if (move_left == 1 && player.x > 40) {
              player.x -= 40;
              buttonnotpressed = 1;
            if (move_down == 1 && player.y < height - 40) {
              player.y += 40;
              buttonnotpressed = 1;
            if (move_up == 1 && player.y > 40) {
              player.y -= 40;
              buttonnotpressed = 1;
            //Check if all buttons are not pressed in order to rehabilitate the button pressing.
          } else if (
            move_right == 0 &&
            move_left == 0 &&
            move_down == 0 &&
            move_up == 0
          ) {
            buttonnotpressed = 0;

        It is made in this way to only allow one input at a time that does not repeat, at least for the green buttons. Since if the button is held, it will send many HIGH (1) values to move into the corresponding position. This can cause many troubles when moving, so the variable buttonnotpressed is implemented to only allow one input. The flashlight can be held.

      5. Lastly, the game checks if the game ended via the player either colliding with a ghost, which is checked with the hitbox, or if the player ran out of battery.

This is a brief summary, as there are more things happening in the backend, but there are the most relevant functions.

3.4. Description of communication between Arduino and p5.js

Arduino and p5.js communicate in the following way, in the following order:

      1. As previously mentioned, Arduino waits for p5.js to send the data in order to send and receive data.
      2. Once communication is established, p5.js checks for any input coming from Arduino, and it is the same in Arduino’s part, and both sides map this information:Arduino code for receiving the data and mapping it:
        Plain text
        Copy to clipboard
        Open code in new window
        EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
        value = Serial.parseInt(); //We read the value here.
        SpiezoPinUL = Serial.parseInt(); //We read the values of the piezos here.
        SpiezoPinUR = Serial.parseInt();
        SpiezoPinDL = Serial.parseInt();
        SpiezoPinDR = Serial.parseInt();
        currentflashlightstatus = Serial.parseInt();
        flashlightcountdown = Serial.parseInt();
        value = Serial.parseInt(); //We read the value here. SpiezoPinUL = Serial.parseInt(); //We read the values of the piezos here. SpiezoPinUR = Serial.parseInt(); SpiezoPinDL = Serial.parseInt(); SpiezoPinDR = Serial.parseInt(); currentflashlightstatus = Serial.parseInt(); flashlightcountdown = Serial.parseInt();
        value = Serial.parseInt();  //We read the value here.
        SpiezoPinUL = Serial.parseInt();  //We read the values of the piezos here.
        SpiezoPinUR = Serial.parseInt();
        SpiezoPinDL = Serial.parseInt();
        SpiezoPinDR = Serial.parseInt();
        currentflashlightstatus = Serial.parseInt();
        flashlightcountdown = Serial.parseInt();

        Arduino code sending:

        Plain text
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        Open code in new window
        EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
        //I send you data and you send me more data!
        //I send you data and you send me more data! Serial.print(brightness); Serial.print(","); //Flashlight Serial.print(buttonFlashlight); Serial.print(","); //Movement Serial.print(move_up); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(move_left); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(move_down); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(move_right);
        //I send you data and you send me more data!

        p5.js code (Receiving, as in mapping, and sending):

        Plain text
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        Open code in new window
        EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
        function readSerial(data) {
        //First battery gets sent, then the rest of the values of the buzzers, and finally the current status of the flashlight.
        if (data != null) {
        let arduinoReceivedData = split(trim(data), ",");
        //Check if it is the right length to then process the data.
        if (arduinoReceivedData.length == 6) {
        chargingvalue = int(arduinoReceivedData[0]);
        buttonFlashlight = int(arduinoReceivedData[1]);
        move_up = int(arduinoReceivedData[2]);
        move_left = int(arduinoReceivedData[3]);
        move_down = int(arduinoReceivedData[4]);
        move_right = int(arduinoReceivedData[5]);
        //Collect brigthness value to charge it.
        let sendToArduino =
        int(hud.currentbattery) +
        "," +
        SpiezoPinUL +
        "," +
        SpiezoPinUR +
        "," +
        SpiezoPinDL +
        "," +
        SpiezoPinDR +
        "," +
        int(flashlight.statusflashlight) +
        "," +
        int(flashlight.insideflashlightcharger) +
        writeSerial(sendToArduino); //Send
        function readSerial(data) { //First battery gets sent, then the rest of the values of the buzzers, and finally the current status of the flashlight. if (data != null) { let arduinoReceivedData = split(trim(data), ","); //Check if it is the right length to then process the data. if (arduinoReceivedData.length == 6) { chargingvalue = int(arduinoReceivedData[0]); buttonFlashlight = int(arduinoReceivedData[1]); move_up = int(arduinoReceivedData[2]); move_left = int(arduinoReceivedData[3]); move_down = int(arduinoReceivedData[4]); move_right = int(arduinoReceivedData[5]); } //print(arduinoReceivedData); //Collect brigthness value to charge it. } let sendToArduino = int(hud.currentbattery) + "," + SpiezoPinUL + "," + SpiezoPinUR + "," + SpiezoPinDL + "," + SpiezoPinDR + "," + int(flashlight.statusflashlight) + "," + int(flashlight.insideflashlightcharger) + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); //Send }
        function readSerial(data) {
          //First battery gets sent, then the rest of the values of the buzzers, and finally the current status of the flashlight.
          if (data != null) {
            let arduinoReceivedData = split(trim(data), ",");
            //Check if it is the right length to then process the data.
            if (arduinoReceivedData.length == 6) {
              chargingvalue = int(arduinoReceivedData[0]);
              buttonFlashlight = int(arduinoReceivedData[1]);
              move_up = int(arduinoReceivedData[2]);
              move_left = int(arduinoReceivedData[3]);
              move_down = int(arduinoReceivedData[4]);
              move_right = int(arduinoReceivedData[5]);
            //Collect brigthness value to charge it.
          let sendToArduino =
            int(hud.currentbattery) +
            "," +
            SpiezoPinUL +
            "," +
            SpiezoPinUR +
            "," +
            SpiezoPinDL +
            "," +
            SpiezoPinDR +
            "," +
            int(flashlight.statusflashlight) +
            "," +
            int(flashlight.insideflashlightcharger) +
          writeSerial(sendToArduino); //Send

        3. After both parts receive this data, they perform the corresponding actions as mentioned in the respective sections of both codes.

4. User testing video

Here is a video for the user testing, it was done without making any comment or question to the player:

What was interesting is that the player did not noticed that the flashlight button could be used in gameplay until the last portion of the video. Therefore, I should start thinking in a solution for this.

5. Aspects I am proud of

I am proud that, for the first time in my life, I could work with my hands to a higher level. I am not used to soldering, wiring, and making code for serial communication, it was a challenge, but the fact that I could improve on it makes me more than happy.

As for the code, it was not really a challenge since the project that I did for the midterm was significantly harder to do, so the initial implementation was easy. Although, when it comes to the loop of receiving data from Arduino and sending it, that is where the troubles happened. Again, I am happy that I could figure out the physical and programming part, it took a lot of time and all-nighters, but at the end, it was helpful in improving my programmer skills.

6. Future improvements

I would like to improve the following aspects:

      • Better tutorial, since players do not use the flashlight function that much.
      • Improve the graphics, since they are rather simplistic.
      • Improve audio detection of the ghosts.
      • Add a physical layout to the game to increase the variety of outcomes.
      • Improve the wiring of the Arduino.
      • Improve the design of the box which is used to interact with the game.

With that said, I am satisfied with the end results as they are.

7. I.M. Showcase

After adding some future improvements (the day after this was posted) I showcased the project in the I.M. showcase. In general, everything went fine, although I had to adjust quickly the mapping of the values of the photoresistor as well as increase a bit of the volume of the piezo buzzers; although this was done, it was still hard to hear them. Nevertheless, the flashlight mechanic was more than enough to keep players engaged. Here is some footage:

And some photos:

Figure 9. The set-up in the I.M. showcase
Figure 10. Playing.
Figure 11. Picture I took when I noticed someone was playing without my intervention.


Thanks for the class, I learned a lot!