Week 6: Midterm Project – Save the Butterfly


As I shared in last week’s blog post, I wanted my project to be a gamified story. I also wanted to center it around a butterfly, an extension of a theme I have been committed to for the past few weeks. Additionally, the narrative created would convey my own desire to reunite with my family – a goal that I hope to achieve eventually in my lifetime. This could be seen in the final scene unlocked if the player passes the levels successfully. The butterfly returns to her family of four, which is the number of members in my own family. The storyline and flow of the game go like this:

    1. A butterfly finds herself lost in the city on a rainy day. She flutters through the window of the main player’s room.
    2. the player is prompted to help the butterfly find her way back to her home and family, going through game levels in the city and forest and avoiding (jumping over) obstacles to preserve their health. Here the player has a chance to replenish their health by collecting potions.
    3. If the player manages to successfully complete the mission, they unlock the final scene, in which the butterfly is finally reunited with her family.
    4. If the player loses, they are prompted to restart the game.

In the making of this, I emphasized the animations for an increased focus on the narrative component over the game one. I spent a lot of time playing with different parameters and finding ways to control time and the movement of sprites in response to changes in their environment. The storyboarding I had done last week greatly aided in visualizing how I wanted the animations to eventually look.

Implementation and Parts I am Most Proud of

In terms of execution, I implemented everything as a class based on the rough UML structure I sketched out in my last blog. The main Gameclass had methods for each level and its attributes were objects instantiated from the Player, Butterfly, EnemyPotion, and HealthBar classes. Certain classes were also abstracted from parent classes using inheritance (such as the Playerclass inheriting from a parent Sprite class that has basic attributes and methods shared between all its child classes). Each level/scene is separated by overlays, where the user is prompted to click anywhere on the screen to continue to the next stage of the experience. In terms of assets, all sounds, images, and fonts were sourced from the following open-source community/free platforms:

  1. https://freesound.org/
  2. https://opengameart.org/
  3. https://www.free-stock-music.com/
  4. https://www.dafont.com/

For the mechanics of the game, the Player sprite is placed at the lower left corner of the screen. Its main movement, jumping, is only triggered when the player presses the Space bar. Jumping occurs by setting the vertical velocity to a certain jump power attribute. As the player falls down, the player’s velocity is incremented by an acceleration due to gravity attribute. The player also has the ability to double jump once while in air, which comes in handy if a flock of enemies is headed its way. In terms of the collision detection mechanism, a collision occurs when the distance between the center of the player and that of an enemy object is less than the sum of their respective radii (minus a certain amount to account for the free pixels in the sprite images). Below is the code for the collision detection mechanism, which is a Player class method:

  detectCollision(obj, offset=30) {
    if (!obj.collided) {
      // get distance between the center of the character and that of the enemy object
      let objHeight = obj.h;
      let objWidth = obj.w;
      let playerWidth = this.w;
      let playerHeight = this.h;
      // update height and width based on resized parameters if the player/object was resized 
      if (obj.resize) {
        objHeight = obj.resize_y;
        objWidth = obj.resize_x;

      if (this.resize) {
        playerWidth = this.resize_x;
        playerHeight = this.resize_y;
      let centerX = this.x + playerWidth / 2;
      let centerY = this.y + playerHeight / 2;

      let d = dist(
        obj.x + objWidth / 2,
        obj.y + objHeight / 2
      // collision detected
      // distance is less than the sum of objects' radii
      // minus a distance to account for free pixels in the sprite images

      if (d < playerWidth / 2 + objWidth / 2 - offset) {
        if (!obj.potion) { // lose health if the object is an enemy
          this.currHealth -= obj.damage; 
        } else if (obj.potion && this.currHealth < game.healthBar.maxHealth) { // regain health if the object is a potion 
          this.currHealth += 1;
        obj.collided = true; // set object collided to true
        return true; // return true if collision is detected 
    } else {
      return false; // return false if collision is not detected 

An implementation highlight that I think is worth noting is the use of the smoothing algorithm in simulating the butterfly’s movement in the first scene as she makes her way from the window to the desk. This was implemented as part of the Butterfly class.

move(targetX, targetY) {
   // move butterfly toward destination -- smoothing algorithm
   if (this.moving) {
     this.x += (targetX - this.x) * 0.009;
     this.y += (targetY - this.y) * 0.007;

There are quite a few things that I am proud of in the implementation of this project. The first is the emotional feel of the overall experience. I made sure that the combination of animations created, the sounds chosen, the font, and the color palettes – going from night to day and from city to nature – created a wholesome backdrop to the game engulfed within. I also am proud that I made sure to bring to life the storyboard from last week’s blog. Finally, more than anything, I loved working on the animated start and final scenes (code shown below) and how the flow from animation to instructions to game and then to animation again (with transition overlays in between) turned out to be quite seamless.

  firstScene() {
    // show background of the scene 
    image(room[this.firstSceneAnimationStep], 0, 0, width, height);
    // change the background based on frameCount to show animated changes in the player's room
    if (frameCount % 7 == 0) {
      this.firstSceneAnimationStep = (this.firstSceneAnimationStep + 1) % 6;
    // show player
    // show butterfly, passing in rotation paramaters 
    this.butterfly.show(100, 170);
    // player faces the butterfly once it is 40 pixels from the point (100, 170)
    if (dist(this.butterfly.x, this.butterfly.y, 100, 170) < 40) {
      this.player.dir = 1; 
      // move player toward butterfly once it lands on the desk
      if (
        dist(this.player.x, this.player.y, this.butterfly.x, this.butterfly.y) >
        this.player.x -= 0.6;
      else { // once the player is close to the butterfly, display instructions overlay 
        this.gameMode = 1;
        let text = `This poor butterfly seems to be far away from home! 
You have to help her find her way back to her family!

The first step on your journey is to go through the city. 
Beware the obstacles on your way. 

Press the Space bar to jump. 
Collect potions to replenish your health. 

Click anywhere on the screen if you are 
ready to embark on the journey!`;
        twinkleSound.play(); // play twinkle sound

  finalScene() {
    // display the flower field background
    image(flowerField, 0, 0, width, height);
    this.player.dir = 3; // change direction so that the player' front side is facing the flower field
    this.levelButterfly.dir = 3;

    // resize the butterfly and player to show advancing movement 
    if (frameCount % 10 == 0) {
      this.player.resize_x -= 4;
      this.player.resize_y = this.player.resize_x / 0.75;
    if (frameCount % 15 == 0) {
      this.levelButterfly.resize_x -= 1.5;
      this.levelButterfly.resize_y = this.levelButterfly.resize_x * 2;

    // show background butterflies 
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    // stop the animation once the player's y position is less than 
    // 255 pixels 
    if (this.player.y <= 225) {
      this.player.moving = false;
      this.levelButterfly.moving = false;
      // change into overlay, prompting the player to restart the game
      this.gameMode = 5;
      let text = `Click anywhere to restart the game!`;
    // move player and butterfly diagonally across the screen to move 
    // upward through the field 
Challenges Encountered and Proposed Improvements

One of the challenges I encountered was during the implementation of the final scene animation, where the main player and the butterfly had to be iteratively resized to create the animation of moving into the distance. I found that using the resize() method consecutively blurred the images and I, thus, had to find another way to resize them. After some googling, I found a way to resize the image by creating a resized image object and copying the pixels into the resized image as a way to avoid calling the resize() method:

resizeObject(obj) {
  // scale with copy -- 
  // create an image object with the resized parameters
  let resizedImg = createImage(int(obj.resize_x), int(obj.resize_y));
  // get the image to resize from the object's sprites array 
  let srcImg = obj.sprites[obj.dir][obj.step];
  // copy the pixels from the source image to the resized image 
  // rotate object if needed and display the resized image
  if (obj.rotated) {
    translate(obj.x, obj.y);
    image(resizedImg, 0, 0);
  } else { 
    image(resizedImg, obj.x, obj.y);

Another challenge was the length of the Enemy arrays created in the constructor() of the game class for each level as it modulated the duration of each level. The more enemies there are in a level, the longer its duration, as the condition for termination was when a particular level Enemy array became empty. However, I found that the more enemies there were in a level, the more slow and laggy the movements became, possibly due to the number of objects that had to be drawn on the screen. I attempted to fix this by ensuring that objects are only drawn when they are within the screen bounds as their locations are initialized randomly off-screen. While this helped a little, the problem remained. So a future improvement could be to look into this further and perhaps choose lighter/smaller sprites to display or have a different initialization mechanism.

Additionally, here are a few other ideas to elevate the current version a little more:

  • Add some more levels, perhaps in between the city and the forest (e.g. a suburban in-between area/ or a highway).
  • Add different types of potions with varying degrees of health replenishment (the stronger the potion, the rarer it is). This should be accompanied by an increase in the difficulty of the game, e.g. more enemy sprites, faster enemy sprite movements, or an increase in the damage attribute of certain sprites.
  • Add some feedback, such as a jitter, when a collision occurs with an enemy object. An extension of this would be the possibility of annihilating an enemy if the Player sprite jumps on its head (the same way Gombas are annihilated in Super Mario).
Final Sketch

Midterm Project Presentation/Documentation – Jihad Jammal


Taking a fresh and creative approach to the beloved Snake game format, my concept introduces players to a comically troublesome dog, embarking on a homework-eating spree. This idea reinvents the classic game mechanic, where instead of a snake that grows with each item consumed, we have a dog that enlarges with every piece of homework it swallows. This creative twist not only injects a dose of humor into the gameplay but also layers in strategic depth and a ticking clock element, with a 30-second time limit creating a sense of urgency.

The concept of this game particularly appeals to me due to my personal fascination with those almost mythical stories we’ve all heard growing up—tales of pets, especially dogs, eating homework and becoming the convenient scapegoat for undone assignments. There’s something universally relatable and humorously nostalgic about the idea, regardless of how fanciful these excuses might have seemed. I was inspired to bring these whimsical narratives to life through gameplay, transforming an age-old excuse into an interactive and entertaining experience.

By integrating this playful storyline with the mechanics of the growing dog within a limited timeframe, I aim to capture not just the essence of these stories but also their inherent humor and the frantic, often comical, attempts to salvage what’s left of the homework before it’s too late. It’s a nod to those shared experiences, a blend of reality and exaggeration, that many of us can chuckle at in hindsight.

Embed sketch:

Include code snippets and one or more images


function draw() {
    switch (gameState) {
        case "start":
        case "play":
        // Start the looped sound if it's not already playing and the game state just switched to "play"
      if (!gameLoopSound.isPlaying()) {
        gameLoopSound.setVolume(0.5); // Set volume to 50%
            // Calculate time left here
            let timePassed = (millis() - timerStartTime) / 1000;
            let timeLeft = max(30 - timePassed, 0);
            // Display the timer
            textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM);
            text("Time left: " + timeLeft.toFixed(1), width - 10, height - 10);

            if (timeLeft <= 0) {
                gameState = "gameover";
              if (gameLoopSound.isPlaying()) {

            // Check if the dog collides with the square and handle scoring

            // Display the current score

            // Handle player movement
        case "instructions":
        case "credits":
        case "gameover":



Describe how your project works and what parts you’re proud of (e.g. good technical decisions, good game design):

My approach to this project was focused on crafting an engaging and enjoyable game loop that balanced challenge and playability. I was acutely aware that the dog’s speed couldn’t start off too fast, as this would alienate new players, nor could it become too slow as the timer neared its end, as this would sap the excitement from the gameplay. Achieving this balance was critical in keeping players engaged and encouraging them to improve over time. Additionally, I aimed to create a cohesive and immersive game environment. From the main menu’s view of the backyard to the transition into a bird’s-eye view of the entire backyard upon starting the game, players are drawn into a world that feels both expansive and detailed. This seamless movement into the game’s space was designed to make players feel as if they’ve stepped into the backyard themselves, observing the chaos from above.

Furthermore, I’m particularly proud of how I tackled the game’s technical and design challenges. After some experimentation, I managed to modularize many of the game’s features, breaking them down into separate functions that could be easily managed and updated. This was a significant departure from my initial approach, which had all the functionalities crammed into the draw function—a classic case of spaghetti code. This early version was overwhelming and led to analysis paralysis, making debugging a tedious chore. However, by compartmentalizing these features, I not only streamlined the development process but also significantly improved the game’s performance and my ability to debug and expand on the game. This decision towards modular design has been a game-changer, allowing for cleaner code, easier maintenance, and the flexibility to add new features or tweak existing ones with minimal hassle. It’s a technical achievement that has had a profound impact on both the development experience and the overall quality of the game.

Below is some of the modularized code:

function displayGameInfo() {
    let timePassed = (millis() - timerStartTime) / 1000;
    let timeLeft = max(30 - timePassed, 0);
    textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM);
    text("Time left: " + timeLeft.toFixed(1), width - 10, height - 10);


function checkCollisionsAndScore() {
let hit = rectRectCollision(dog.x - dog.img.width / 2 * dog.scale, dog.y - dog.img.height / 2 * dog.scale, dog.img.width * dog.scale, dog.img.height * dog.scale, whiteSquare.x, whiteSquare.y, whiteSquare.size, whiteSquare.size);
  if (hit) {

    // Play collision sound at 30% volume
    collisionSound.setVolume(0.3); // Set volume to 30%

function displayScore() {
    textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
    text("Score: " + score, width - 10, 10);

function handleMovement() {
    if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) dog.move(-1, 0);
    if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) dog.move(1, 0);
    if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) dog.move(0, -1);
    if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) dog.move(0, 1);

function draw() {
    switch (gameState) {
        case "start":
        case "play":
        // Start the looped sound if it's not already playing and the game state just switched to "play"
      if (!gameLoopSound.isPlaying()) {
        gameLoopSound.setVolume(0.5); // Set volume to 50%
            // Calculate time left here
            let timePassed = (millis() - timerStartTime) / 1000;
            let timeLeft = max(30 - timePassed, 0);
            // Display the timer
            textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM);
            text("Time left: " + timeLeft.toFixed(1), width - 10, height - 10);

            if (timeLeft <= 0) {
                gameState = "gameover";
              if (gameLoopSound.isPlaying()) {

            // Check if the dog collides with the square and handle scoring

            // Display the current score

            // Handle player movement
        case "instructions":
        case "credits":
        case "gameover":


Describe some areas for improvement and problems that you ran into (resolved or otherwise):

Reflecting on the project, I see a few avenues for enhancement that could elevate the gameplay experience and address some challenges encountered along the way. In future iterations, I’d love to delve deeper into refining the game’s core loop. Introducing an in-game store where players can buy stat or ability upgrades seems like an exciting direction. Coupling this with the addition of random power-ups, like speed boosts, time extensions, and score multipliers appearing throughout the 30-second gameplay window, would inject more depth and variability into the strategies players might employ. Given the tight time frame players are working with, these elements could introduce pivotal decision-making moments that are both thrilling and consequential, potentially transforming an average round into an extraordinary one.

On the technical side, one particular hurdle I had to navigate involved the game’s scalability, specifically related to the dog’s growing image. As the dog expanded, it reached a point where it would cause the site or the p5.js environment to crash. Despite my efforts, pinning down the precise cause was challenging, leading me to theorize that it stemmed from an excessive strain on resources at any given moment. Under the pressure of deadlines, I opted for a temporary workaround by imposing a maximum size limit on the dog’s growth. This solution, while effective in preventing crashes, is admittedly more of a band-aid than a cure. Moving forward, dedicating time to resolve this issue comprehensively would not only enhance performance but also ensure that the gameplay’s immersive experience remains uninterrupted and fluid for all players.



  • https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/dog-barking-70772/
  • https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/crunchy-paper-33625/
  • https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/merx-market-song-33936/


  • https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/sticker-template-dog-cartoon-character_20496955.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=44&uuid=59df1125-5f43-4d72-9319-72464f25d11c
  • https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4433299622478035/
  • https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/scene-backyard-with-fence_24552372.htm
  • https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/seamless-textured-grass-natural-grass-pattern_11930799.htm#query=cartoon%20grass%20texture&position=0&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=7951681d-d20d-4bad-8ce4-d50239a26e77

Code Assistance:

Chatgpt – https://chat.openai.com/


Full Code:

let dog; // This will be an instance of MovableImage
let bgImage; // This variable will hold your background image
let startScreenImage; // This variable will hold your start screen image
let gameState = "start"; // "start" for the start screen, "play" for the gameplay
let whiteSquare; // Instance of WhiteSquare
let customFont; // Variable for the custom font
let score = 0; // Tracks the number of times the dog collides with the white square
let hwImage; // This will hold the image of the homework paper
let timerStartTime;
// Global variables for button dimensions
let buttonWidth = 100;
let buttonHeight = 40;
let gameLoopSound;
let collisionSound;

class WhiteSquare {
constructor() {
    this.size = 50; // This can be adjusted based on the actual size of your image
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;

  display() {
    // Use the homework image instead of a white rectangle
    image(hwImage, this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);

  respawn() {
    // Cap the additional distance increase once the score reaches 32
    let cappedScore = Math.min(score, 32);
    let additionalDistance = cappedScore * 5; // The distance increase caps when the score reaches 32
    let minDistance = 100 + additionalDistance; // Base min distance + additional based on capped score

    // Attempt to respawn the square until it's far enough from the dog
    do {
      this.x = random(this.size, width - this.size);
      this.y = random(this.size, height - this.size);
    } while (this.isTooCloseToDog(minDistance));

  isTooCloseToDog(minDistance) {
    if (dog && dog.x !== undefined && dog.y !== undefined) {
      let distance = dist(this.x, this.y, dog.x, dog.y);
      return distance < minDistance;
    return false; // Default to false if dog is not initialized

class MovableImage {
  constructor(image, x, y, scale = 1) {
    this.img = image;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.scale = scale; // Added a scale property
    this.speed = 5; // Initial speed - starting with a reasonable speed

  display() {
    // Check if the image is within the bounds of the canvas
    this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width);
    this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height);
    translate(this.x, this.y);
    scale(this.scale); // Apply the scaling factor
    image(this.img, 0, 0);

  move(stepX, stepY) {
    this.x += stepX * this.speed;
    this.y += stepY * this.speed;

  // Function to set the scale and adjust speed
 growAndSlow() {
const maxScale = 0.25; // Adjust this value as needed for balance and performance

  // Only grow if below the maximum scale limit
  if (this.scale < maxScale) {
    this.scale *= 1.025; // Grow by 2.5%

    // Only reduce speed if the score is less than 13
    if (score < 13) {
      this.speed = max(1, this.speed * 0.95); // Reduce speed by 5%, no less than 1


function preload() {
  dogImage = loadImage('images/dog1.png');
  bgImage = loadImage('background2.jpg');
  startScreenImage = loadImage('backyard.jpeg');
  customFont = loadFont('MadimiOne-Regular.ttf'); // Load the custom font
  hwImage = loadImage('HW.png'); // Load the image of the homework paper
  buttonSound = loadSound('woof.mp3'); // Make sure the path to your mp3 is correct
    gameLoopSound = loadSound('game_loop_2.mp3'); // Adjust path as needed
    collisionSound = loadSound('paper.mp3'); // Adjust path as needed


function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  dog = new MovableImage(dogImage, width / 2, height / 2, 0.009);
  whiteSquare = new WhiteSquare();

  textFont(customFont); // Set the custom font for all text
  // Define button properties
  buttonWidth = 100;
  buttonHeight = 40;
  restartButtonX = width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2;
  restartButtonY = height / 2 + 20;
  menuButtonX = width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2;
  menuButtonY = height / 2 + 70; // Positioned below the restart button


function rectRectCollision(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) {
  return x1 < x2 + w2 &&
         x1 + w1 > x2 &&
         y1 < y2 + h2 &&
         y1 + h1 > y2;

function isMouseOverButton(x, y) {
  return mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + buttonWidth &&
         mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + buttonHeight;

function drawButton(label, x, y) {
  fill(100); // Button color
  stroke(0); // Button outline color
  strokeWeight(2); // Button outline weight
  rect(x, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 5); // Draw the button with rounded corners
  noStroke(); // Disable outline for the text
  fill(255); // Text color
  textSize(16); // Text size
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text(label, x + buttonWidth / 2, y + buttonHeight / 2); // Draw the text centered on the button

function mousePressed() {
    let playButtonX = width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2;
    let playButtonY = height / 2 + 20;
    let instructionsButtonX = width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2;
    let instructionsButtonY = playButtonY + 70; // Positioned below the "Play" button
    let creditsButtonX = width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2;
    let creditsButtonY = instructionsButtonY + 50; // Positioned below the "Instructions" button

    if (gameState === "start") {
        if (isMouseOverButton(playButtonX, playButtonY)) {
            gameState = "play";
            timerStartTime = millis();
            score = 0;
            dog = new MovableImage(dogImage, width / 2, height / 2, 0.009);
            whiteSquare = new WhiteSquare();
        } else if (isMouseOverButton(instructionsButtonX, instructionsButtonY)) {
            gameState = "instructions";
        } else if (isMouseOverButton(creditsButtonX, creditsButtonY)) {
            gameState = "credits";
    } else if ((gameState === "instructions" || gameState === "credits") && isMouseOverButton(menuButtonX, menuButtonY)) {
        gameState = "start";
    } else if (gameState === "gameover") {
        if (isMouseOverButton(menuButtonX, menuButtonY)) {
            gameState = "start";
        let restartButtonX = width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2;
        let restartButtonY = playButtonY;
        if (isMouseOverButton(restartButtonX, restartButtonY)) {
            gameState = "play";
            timerStartTime = millis();
            score = 0;
            dog = new MovableImage(dogImage, width / 2, height / 2, 0.009);
            whiteSquare = new WhiteSquare();
    if (isMouseOverButton(playButtonX, playButtonY) || 
      isMouseOverButton(instructionsButtonX, instructionsButtonY) || 
      isMouseOverButton(creditsButtonX, creditsButtonY) || 
      isMouseOverButton(menuButtonX, menuButtonY) || 
      isMouseOverButton(restartButtonX, restartButtonY)) {

function drawGameOverScreen() {
  background(0); // You can change the background color
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text("Game Over!", width / 2, height / 2 - 60);
  text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2 - 20);

  // Draw the "Main Menu" button
  drawButton("Main Menu", menuButtonX, menuButtonY);
    // Draw the "Restart" button
  drawButton("Restart", restartButtonX, restartButtonY);

// Global variables for new button positions (adjust the Y positions as needed)
let instructionsButtonY = 267.5; // Positioned below the "Play" button
let creditsButtonY = 315; // Positioned below the "Instructions" button

function drawBackgroundAndTitle() {
    image(startScreenImage, 200, 200, width, height); // Repeated background and title setup
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    stroke(0); // Black outline
    strokeWeight(4); // Thickness of the outline
    fill(255); // White fill for the text
    text("The Dog ate my Homework!", width / 2, height / 2 - 20);

function drawStartScreen() {
    drawButton("Instructions", width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, instructionsButtonY);
    drawButton("Credits", width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, creditsButtonY);
    drawButton("Play", width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, height / 2 + 20);

function drawPlayScreen() {
    image(bgImage, 200, 200, width, height);

function drawInstructionsScreen() {
    image(startScreenImage, 200, 200, width, height); // Repeated background and title setup
    stroke(0); // Black outline
    strokeWeight(4); // Thickness of the outline
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    text("The aim of the game is to eat as much of your owner's homework in 30 seconds before you get caught. Use the arrow keys to move around.", width / 8, height / 5, 300, 200); // Adjust the box size if needed
    drawButton("Main Menu", menuButtonX, menuButtonY);

function drawCreditsScreen() {
   image(startScreenImage, 200, 200, width, height); // Repeated background and title setup
    stroke(0); // Black outline
    strokeWeight(4); // Thickness of the outline
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    text("Credits:\nGame Design: Jihad\nProgramming: Jihad, Chatgpt \nArtwork: brgfx, babysofja  \nSound: Pixabay",
      width / 8, height / 5, 300, 200); // The text box's width and height
    drawButton("Main Menu", menuButtonX, menuButtonY); // Adjust the Y position to place it below the credits text

function displayGameInfo() {
    let timePassed = (millis() - timerStartTime) / 1000;
    let timeLeft = max(30 - timePassed, 0);
    textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM);
    text("Time left: " + timeLeft.toFixed(1), width - 10, height - 10);


function checkCollisionsAndScore() {
let hit = rectRectCollision(dog.x - dog.img.width / 2 * dog.scale, dog.y - dog.img.height / 2 * dog.scale, dog.img.width * dog.scale, dog.img.height * dog.scale, whiteSquare.x, whiteSquare.y, whiteSquare.size, whiteSquare.size);
  if (hit) {

    // Play collision sound at 30% volume
    collisionSound.setVolume(0.3); // Set volume to 30%

function displayScore() {
    textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
    text("Score: " + score, width - 10, 10);

function handleMovement() {
    if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) dog.move(-1, 0);
    if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) dog.move(1, 0);
    if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) dog.move(0, -1);
    if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) dog.move(0, 1);

function draw() {
    switch (gameState) {
        case "start":
        case "play":
        // Start the looped sound if it's not already playing and the game state just switched to "play"
      if (!gameLoopSound.isPlaying()) {
        gameLoopSound.setVolume(0.5); // Set volume to 50%
            // Calculate time left here
            let timePassed = (millis() - timerStartTime) / 1000;
            let timeLeft = max(30 - timePassed, 0);
            // Display the timer
            textAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM);
            text("Time left: " + timeLeft.toFixed(1), width - 10, height - 10);

            if (timeLeft <= 0) {
                gameState = "gameover";
              if (gameLoopSound.isPlaying()) {

            // Check if the dog collides with the square and handle scoring

            // Display the current score

            // Handle player movement
        case "instructions":
        case "credits":
        case "gameover":


Midterm Project: Dungeon Maze


This dungeon-based maze game’s premise centers on an exciting and dynamic challenge where players are sent into several mazes that are produced by an algorithm, each with its own layout and set of coins and teleporters.

The game’s main goal, set against an engrossing dungeon backdrop, requires players to maneuver tactically through the maze, collecting gold coins while racing against the clock to locate the exit. The game uses teleporters as a game-changing element to enhance depth and complexity. Players can quickly go to different mazes, which resets the maze’s layout and offers unexpected twists. This makes the ‘Dungeon Master’ change their strategy.

In addition, an interesting limited vision feature simulates the real difficulty of traversing a dimly lit dungeon by preventing players from seeing beyond their immediate surroundings and forcing them to depend solely on memory and spatial awareness in order to advance. A fascinating and unpredictable journey that tests players’ intelligence and flexibility through the mix of random maze creation and other mechanisms like timers and limited vision, making every playthrough a unique experience.


Snapshots of the Game

Elements of Pride

The choices made in the design of features like the drawLimitedVision effect, the generateRandomMaze function, and the adaptive design for fullscreen and windowed modes are a demonstration of good game designs and good technical decisions.

generateRandomMaze() {
    let maze = new Array(this.rows);
    for (let y = 0; y < this.rows; y++) {
      maze[y] = new Array(this.cols).fill('#');
    const carvePath = (x, y) => {
      const directions = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]];

      directions.forEach(([dx, dy]) => {
        const nx = x + 2 * dx, ny = y + 2 * dy;
        if (nx > 0 && nx < this.cols - 1 && ny > 0 && ny < this.rows - 1 && maze[ny][nx] === '#') {
          maze[ny][nx] = ' ';
          maze[y + dy][x + dx] = ' ';
          carvePath(nx, ny);

    const startX = 2 * Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor((this.cols - 2) / 4)) + 1;
    const startY = 2 * Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor((this.rows - 2) / 4)) + 1;
    maze[startY][startX] = ' ';
    carvePath(startX, startY);
    let coinCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * (12 - 8 + 1)) + 8; // 8 to 12 coins
    let teleporterCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 1 + 1)) + 1; // 1 to 2 teleporters
    maze[this.rows - 2][this.cols - 2] = 'E';
    this.addRandomItems(maze, 'C', coinCount);
    this.addRandomItems(maze, 'T', teleporterCount);

    return maze;

The generateRandomMaze function is a cornerstone of the game’s dynamic environment, creating a new, solvable maze for each session or level. The function uses a recursive backtracking algorithm, it selects a random starting point within the maze and carves out paths. This is done by moving two cells at a time in a chosen direction (to avoid creating isolated cells) and removing walls between cells to create a path. This process repeats recursively for each new cell reached that has all its surrounding cells intact.

Once the maze is generated, the function strategically places coins (‘C’) and teleporters (‘T’) within the maze. Coins act as collectibles, and teleporters serve as transport points to new mazes. An exit (‘E’) is placed at a predefined location, typically far from the start, ensuring that players must navigate through the maze to find it.

function drawLimitedVision(playerX,playerY,visibilityRadius) {

  // Draw a radial gradient from transparent to dark
  let radialGradient = drawingContext.createRadialGradient(playerX, playerY, 0, playerX, playerY, visibilityRadius);
  radialGradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); // Completely transparent at the center
  radialGradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)'); // More opaque towards the edges

  drawingContext.fillStyle = radialGradient;
  drawingContext.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

The drawLimitedVision function enhances the game’s atmosphere by simulating a limited field of vision for the player, similar to carrying a light source in a dark dungeon. The function creates a radial gradient centered on the player’s current position. This gradient transitions from transparent (at the center) to opaque (at the edges) obscures parts of the maze not immediately near the player.

function calculateCellSize() {
  cellSize = min(width, height) / max(mazeColumns, mazeRows);

function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

The code includes mechanisms to adapt to fullscreen and windowed modes. The calculateCellSize function dynamically calculates the size of each maze cell based on the current dimensions of the game window. This ensures that the maze scales correctly when switching between fullscreen and windowed modes, maintaining consistent gameplay and visual quality. The windowResized function listens for changes in the window size (including toggling fullscreen mode) and adjusts the canvas size accordingly.


One of the trickier parts of developing the game was actually implementing the limited vision functionality. Developing a smooth, radial-gradient of light that would dynamically follow the player’s motions and provide vision around them while keeping the remainder of the maze in complete darkness was the challenge. It took several tries to get this effect just right so that it seemed natural and didn’t interfere with gameplay by being too dark or changing too quickly.

There were further difficulties when trying to get the game to smoothly switch between fullscreen and regular window modes. Flexible design was necessary to make sure that the maze, player character, and user interface (UI) components all scaled and remained proportionate across a range of screen sizes and aspect ratios. This flexibility was essential to maintaining the game’s playability and graphic quality in any viewing mode.


A possible area for enhancement is the visual design and user interface. For example, adding more complex visuals to the player’s character, treasures, and maze walls might greatly improve the game’s visual attractiveness. Furthermore, adding more variation to the maze layouts and obstacles—like traps or enemies—could add new and unique difficulties and amplify the action.

The project could also benefit from a more advanced level progression system, where the difficulty gradually increases through levels, possibly by enlarging the maze, decreasing the time limit, or increasing the required percentage of coins to collect before exiting.


Full Code

Midterm Assignment – A Blast to the Past!

My Midterm Assignment can be described in the following way: “A computer geeks dream”. Jokes aside, this is an Idea I have had on mind for a long time and I decided that this is the right time for me to make it reality. Let’s dive deep into it:


As the midterm assignment was approaching I was a little bit scared of what I should do. I heard people around me all say they are going to make a game or some visual artistic piece but I wanted to do something different. Then I realized, what is my first experience with computers and technology? The answer was clear and simple: WINDOWS XP (My first computer with a Pentium 3 and 1GB of ram Is one I will always remember)


The concept was pretty simple. Make a small Windows XP emulator that will include the original icons and sounds as well as display the infamous windows errors which don’t make sense (for example: Keyboard not found: Press some button – like how am I supposed to press a button on the keyboard if it’s disconnected???). Before Explaining the technical side, I will let you explore the project a little bit.


This assignment was done in a way that was very thought of and self reflective based on the readings we have done for the class in the past month. It is focused on human centered design as well as it incorporates many techniques like the obviousness of the design and the “lack of need for instructions”. It starts of simple with a power button which is familiar to everyone as well as the whole windows ecosystem which is easy to figure out. The icons have been made draggable, blue when clicked and with the original click sound, just like a real windows XP. For organization purposes they have been divided in different classes, as shown below:

class Icon {
  constructor(image, label, x, y, width, height) {
    this.image = image;
    this.label = label;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.isHighlighted = false;
    this.isDragging = false; // New property to track dragging state
    this.offsetX = 0; // Offset between mouse and icon x position during drag
    this.offsetY = 0; // Offset between mouse and icon y position during drag
    this.clickCount = 0;

  draw() {
    if (this.isHighlighted || this.isDragging) {
      tint(0, 0, 255); // Tint for highlight
      fill("blue"); // Color for highlighted text
    } else {
      fill(255); // Default text color

    image(this.image, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
    text(this.label, this.x, this.y + this.height + 10); // Adjust text position below the icon

  contains(px, py) {
    return (
      px >= this.x &&
      px <= this.x + this.width &&
      py >= this.y &&
      py <= this.y + this.height

  click() {
    if (this.contains(mouseX, mouseY)) {
      this.isHighlighted = true;

      // Check if the current icon is the last clicked icon
      if (lastIconClicked === this.label) {
        this.clickCount++; // Increment only if the same icon is clicked consecutively
      } else {
        // Reset all icons' click counts if a different icon is clicked
        icons.forEach((icon) => (icon.clickCount = 0));
        this.clickCount = 1;
        lastIconClicked = this.label; // Update the last clicked icon label

        `Clicked on Icon: ${this.label}, Click Count: ${this.clickCount}`

      // Check if the icon is clicked two times in a row
      if (this.clickCount % 2 == 0 && this.label === "midterm.exe") {
        this.clickCount = 0; // Reset click count after opening the icon
      } else if (this.clickCount % 2 == 0 && this.label === "My Computer") {
        this.clickCount = 0; // Reset click count after opening the icon
      } else if (this.clickCount % 2 == 0 && this.label === "Recycle Bin") {
        this.clickCount = 0; // Reset click count after opening the icon
      } else if (this.clickCount == 1 && this.label === "errorImage") {
        this.clickCount = 0; // Reset click count after spawning error images
    } else {
      this.isHighlighted = false;

  mousePressed() {
    if (this.contains(mouseX, mouseY)) {
      this.isDragging = true;
      this.offsetX = this.x - mouseX;
      this.offsetY = this.y - mouseY;

  mouseReleased() {
    this.isDragging = false;

  mouseDragged() {
    if (this.isDragging) {
      this.x = mouseX + this.offsetX;
      this.y = mouseY + this.offsetY;

Shown above is the class for the Icons which makes it easy to add them or take them away.

class Window {
  constructor(image, width, height) {
    this.image = image;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.x = 50;
    this.y = 50;
    this.closeButtonSize = 50; // Size of the close button

  draw() {
    image(this.image, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

  clicked(mx, my) {
    // Check if close button is clicked
    if (
      mx > this.x + this.width - this.closeButtonSize &&
      mx < this.x + this.width &&
      my > this.y &&
      my < this.y + this.closeButtonSize
    ) {
      specialWindow = null; // Close the window

    // Check if the bottom half of the window is clicked
    if (
      this.image === errorImage &&
      mx >= this.x &&
      mx <= this.x + this.width &&
      my >= this.y + this.height / 2 &&
      my <= this.y + this.height
    ) {
      errorShouldSpawn = true;
      // Logic for clicking the bottom half of the error window
      for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, i * 100); // spawn more error windows over time

      // Transition to blue screen after 2 seconds
      setTimeout(() => {
        currentState = State.BLUE_SCREEN;
      }, 4000);

Shown above is the code for the Window class which displays the windows where the icons are clicked and also controls the behavior of the error prompts.

Challenges and closing statement

The main challenges included the clicking of the buttons and dragging them around as well as the behavior of the error messages shown.

Special thanks to Pi and Professor Aaron Sherwood for the help throughout the whole execution of the project. You guys really motivated me to make my childhood dream come true. If you showed this to 5 year old Darko and said he made that he would literally be so excited.

At the same time, thank YOU as a reader for “wasting” 5 minutes of your day to appreciate my work. Remember to put a smile on your face and appreciate very day as much as you can. Spread love with your family, friends, professors and even strangers cause you never know what tomorrow brings.

Darko Loves You <3

Stay Safe!

MidTerm Project – Khalifa Alshamsi

Concept and Gameplay

“UFO Escape” transports players into the role of a UFO pilot tasked with the critical mission of avoiding collision with perilously floating rocks in space. The game unfolds across a dynamic background that transitions from the tranquility of space to the adrenaline-pumping danger zone filled with obstacles. Players must use the arrow keys to maneuver their spacecraft, navigating the challenging asteroid field. Each successful dodge rewards the player with points, elevating the stakes and the satisfaction derived from setting new high scores.

Technical Achievements and Design Decisions

In my opinion, one of the game’s standout features is its seamless integration of visual and auditory elements to create an immersive experience, which was the vibe I was going for. The use of distinct background images for different game states — a peaceful space scene for the menu and game over screens and a more in-the-field backdrop for gameplay.

// Displays the space background image only during menu and game over states but displays a different image during gameplay
if (gameState === "MENU" || gameState === "GAME OVER") {
} else if (gameState === "PLAYING") {

The transition between these states is goofy because of its old-school UFO soundtrack that loops during gameplay. This adds a layer of nostalgia that brings me back to the old free online games I used to play growing up in school using the school computers. The soundtrack then abruptly halts upon the game’s end, marking the player’s failure and the game’s conclusion.

Another area of pride would be collision detection, which not only ensures that the game is playable but also maintains a level of difficulty that is engaging without being frustrating, but it was highly frustrating to tune it properly to respond.

// Function to detect collision with obstacles
collidesWith(obstacle) {
  let closestX = constrain(obstacle.x, this.x - this.width / 3, this.x + this.width / 3);
  let closestY = constrain(obstacle.y, this.y - this.height / 3, this.y + this.height / 3);
  let distanceX = obstacle.x - closestX;
  let distanceY = obstacle.y - closestY;
  let distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY);
  return distanceSquared < (obstacle.radius * obstacle.radius); // Checks if distance is less than obstacle radius

The game accurately determines collisions by calculating the closest points between the UFO and the incoming asteroids. This method considers the actual positions and dimensions of both objects, offering a realistic and, for the most part, precise detection mechanism that enhances the player’s experience.

Areas for Improvement and Challenges

While “UFO Escape” is the first game I got to create, and I am extremely proud of it, certain aspects remain ripe for enhancement. The collision detection system, though effective, could be refined to accommodate the irregular shapes of the rocks more accurately.

Another challenge faced during development was ensuring the game’s performance remained smooth despite the increasing number of obstacles. This issue kept bugging the game, making the rocks not properly collide with the UFO ship. This issue was largely mitigated through optimization techniques, such as removing off-screen obstacles from the array to free up resources.


“UFO Escape” embodies the spirit of classic arcade games, but I would say with a bit more graphics. Its development journey was filled with learning opportunities, from refining collision detection algorithms so many times that I lost count to creating an engaging user interface.



// Variables for game assets
let bgImage; // Variable to hold the background image for menu and game over screens
let bgMusic; // Variable to hold the background music for gameplay
let player; // Player object
let obstacles = []; // Array to store obstacles
let gameSpeed = 6; // Speed at which obstacles move
let score = 0; // Player's score
let gameState = "MENU"; // Initial game state; that is "MENU", "PLAYING", or "GAME OVER"
let rockImage; // Variable to hold the rock image

// Preload function to load game assets before the game starts
function preload() {
  bgImage = loadImage('space.png'); // Loads the background image
    gameplayBgImage = loadImage('gameplay.jpg'); // Loads the gameplay background image
  bgMusic = loadSound('gameplaysound.mp3'); // Loads the background music
  rockImage = loadImage('rock-2.png'); // Loads the rock image

// The setup function to initialize the game
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 600); // Size of the game canvas
  player = new Player(); // Initializes the player object
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); // Setting text alignment for drawing text

// Draw function called repeatedly to render the game
function draw() {
  // Displays the space background image only during menu and game over states but displays a different image during gameplay
  if (gameState === "MENU" || gameState === "GAME OVER") {
  } else if (gameState === "PLAYING") {

  // Handles game state transitions
  if (gameState === "MENU") {
  } else if (gameState === "PLAYING") {
    if (!bgMusic.isPlaying()) {
      bgMusic.loop(); // Looping the background music during gameplay
  } else if (gameState === "GAME OVER") {
    bgMusic.stop(); // Stops the music on game over

// Function to display the game menu
function drawMenu() {
  fill(255,0 ,0);
  text("UFO Escape", width / 2, height / 2.5);
  text("Avoid the rocks!\nUse ARROW KEYS to move\nPress ENTER to start", width / 2, height / 2);

// Function to handle gameplay logic
function playGame() {
  text(`Score: ${score}`, width / 2, 30);

  player.show(); // Displays the player
  player.move(); // Moves the player based on key inputs

  // Adding a new obstacle at intervals
  if (frameCount % 120 == 0) {
    obstacles.push(new Obstacle());

  // Updates and displays obstacles
  for (let i = obstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // Checks for collisions
    if (player.collidesWith(obstacles[i])) {
      gameState = "GAME OVER";
    // Removes obstacles that have moved off the screen and increment score
    if (obstacles[i].y > height) {
      obstacles.splice(i, 1);

// Function to display the game over screen
function drawGameOver() {
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  text("Game Over", width / 2, height / 2);
  text("Press ENTER to restart", width / 2, height / 2 + 40);

// Function to handle key presses
function keyPressed() {
  // Starts the game or restart after game over when ENTER is pressed
  if (keyCode === ENTER || keyCode === RETURN) {
    if (gameState === "MENU" || gameState === "GAME OVER") {
      gameState = "PLAYING";

// Function to reset the game to its initial state
function resetGame() {
  obstacles = []; // Clear existing obstacles
  score = 0; // Reset score
  player = new Player(); // Reinitialize the player

// Player class
class Player {
  constructor() {
    this.width = 60; // Width of the UFO
    this.height = 30; // Height of the UFO
    this.x = width / 2; // Starting x position
    this.y = height - 100; // Starting y position

  // Function to display the UFO
  show() {
    fill(255); // Sets color to white
    rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 20); // Draws the UFO's body
    fill(255, 0, 0); // Sets the glass color to red
    arc(this.x, this.y - this.height / 4, this.width / 2, this.height / 1, PI, 0, CHORD); // Draws the glass

  // Function to move the player based on arrow key inputs
  move() {
    if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
      this.x -= 5; // Moves left
    if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) {
      this.x += 5; // Moves right
    if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
      this.y -= 5; // Moves up
    if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) {
      this.y += 5; // Moves down
    this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width); // Keeps player within horizontal bounds
    this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height); // Keep player within vertical bounds
    //This is only so the player cannot exist the canvas

  // Function to detect collision with obstacles
  collidesWith(obstacle) {
    let closestX = constrain(obstacle.x, this.x - this.width / 3, this.x + this.width / 3);
    let closestY = constrain(obstacle.y, this.y - this.height / 3, this.y + this.height / 3);
    let distanceX = obstacle.x - closestX;
    let distanceY = obstacle.y - closestY;
    let distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY);
    return distanceSquared < (obstacle.radius * obstacle.radius); // Checks if distance is less than obstacle radius

// Obstacle class
class Obstacle {
  constructor() {
    this.radius = random(15, 30); // Random radius for obstacle
    this.x = random(this.radius, width - this.radius); // Random x position
    this.y = -this.radius; // Starts off-screen so it looks like its coming towards you

  // Function to display the rocks
  show() {
    image(rockImage, this.x, this.y, this.radius * 2, this.radius * 2); // Draws them as a circle

  // Function to update obstacles position
  update() {
    this.y += gameSpeed; // Moves obstacles down the screen


Midterm Project – NewJeans’ Escape


Something I always love talking about is my obsession with music. I love collecting cassette tapes, vinyl records, and CDs. I ensure everyone knows about this because I find it so cool. Among the thousands of artists I listen to, only a couple stick out, and among these artists is NewJeans, a group that is made up of 5 members. in 2023’s July, NewJeans made a comeback after almost six months of releasing no music. With that came my all-time favorite music video of theirs, where they collaborated with Cartoon Network’s PowerPuffGirls, called NewJeans by NewJeans. This song is a testament to the creativity and unique musical style that NewJeans is known for. Its distinctive arrangement and innovative lyrics, along with the exciting collaboration, made “New Jeans” another successful hit for the group.

In this music video, there’s a particular scene where the girls are turned into a video game. When I heard that I would be able to make a game-like sketch for my midterm project, my mind immediately went to that scene. Of course, at first, I wanted to make more of something that resembles one of my favorite arcade games, Dance Dance Revolution, but after I spent countless hours trying my hardest to make it work, I just stumbled into too many obstacles that made me realize that I would not have the time to figure it out. So, I went back to my previous idea: To use the concept from the music video. However, I wanted to get creative with the structure of it. I decided to go with a “Choose your Character” title screen, which seemed to be the most crucial part for me. Then for the actual playing part, I wanted their song to be a part of it, so I made it so that the player could win solely by surviving the flying obstacles for the entirety of the song.

Check out the music video!!


This is the part of the music video I was inspired by:


Since the character designs were already avaliable, I did not have a hard time picking the character design. However, I could not find a high quality PNG of the charactes so I had to retrce it but it was not challenging at all.


Putting NewJeans’ Escape together forced me to face many challenges:
  1. The “Choose Your Character” Disaster: This was primarily the most significant part of the whole game for me. I was really passionate about this, and I would not continue if it had not worked. After countless hours of searching online and watching useless YouTube videos, I turned to ChatGPT, who taught me to use an Index, which I am very, very proud of myself for getting the hang of. I used the mouseClicked(); function to check the position of the mouse and which character it corresponds to and I stored that character into a variable i named “characterIndex” which displays in the ‘play’ state and once the player chooses the character, the game state will change to ‘play’.

I’m very proud of myself for getting it figured out.

// Function to handle mouse clicks
function mouseClicked() {
  if (gameState === "start") {
    // Check if mouse click is on a character
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      if (mouseX > (width / 5) * i && mouseX < (width / 5) * (i + 1)) {
        characterIndex = i; // Set selected character
        gameState = "play"; // Change game state to play


2. The Time Loss Incident: “I just wanted a timer to be displayed at the top right of the screen. Is that too much to ask?” said Rashed as he was on the brink of quitting. Having a timer that would countdown with the song, for some reason, was not cooperating with what I wanted to do. I wanted to directly connect it to the music to have it automatically calculate when the music would start and countdown till its end, but I could not figure it out. I decided to code the timer separately instead of figuring that out and that’s what I did. It turns out this was the most straightforward way, and I wish I had thought of this before where I had two variables, “timeLeft” and “long duration,” which both equal 108 (The duration of the song in seconds), and had them decrease by the current time of the song.

Very proud of myself for not giving up.

// Display remaining time
timeLeft = songDuration - song.currentTime();
let minutes = Math.floor(timeLeft / 60);
let seconds = Math.floor(timeLeft % 60);
let timeString = nf(minutes, 2) + ":" + nf(seconds, 2);
text("Time: " + timeString, width - 10, 30);


3. The Collision Colliding Collision: The only thing I wanted was for when the objects hit the player, lives would decrease, but in so many tries, for some reason, it would not work well. No matter hoe many times I try, nothing would work. until I found the miracle of the dist(); function. The function calculates the distance between two points. The coordinates(obj.x + 75, obj.y + 50) represent the center of the current object (adjusted for its size, this was torture). The coordinates(80, characterY + 30) represent the center of the character (adjusted for its size, torture part. 2). This means that if the distance is less than 30 pixels (which represents a collision radius), it means the object and the character have collided.


 for (let obj of objects) {
 obj.x -= objectSpeed; // Move object from right to left
 // Draw the object (evil bunny)
 image(evilBunny, obj.x, obj.y, 150, 100);

 // Check collision with character
 if (dist(obj.x + 75, obj.y + 50, 80, characterY + 30) < 30) { 
   lives--; // If collision happens, decrease lives
   objects.splice(objects.indexOf(obj), 1); // Remove object


The Game

FullScreen Link



I am very, very proud of myself and very happy with how this turned out. I hope to continue working on my skills, and one day, I could code a rhythm game.

Midterm Project – Stefania Petre

Approximately ten years ago, a solider has fallen: they took down Flappy Bird. A game which combines simplicity and effectiveness. For my Midterm Project, I have decided to make my own version of it called Flappy Falcon. For this, I needed the code, some pictures and sounds.

The idea behind it is that I wanted to create the NYUAD version of the game, which would have the iconic colors of the University and our mascott.

Code: The code was pretty easy to make because we have already learnt everything that I had to do for it in class. I had to make adjustments along the way, as for some reason the pipes were the hardest thing to code because I faced some issues with them along the way:

– the falcon wouldn’t pass the pipes;

-the moment the falcon would touch the pipes even so slightly it would be game over ;

Pictures: In regards to the media, I came across another problem: the falcon wouldn’t upload and it was showing me an error. After some minutes of thinking of a solution, I got it to work.

Sounds: For the sounds I have uploaded a bird background noise, which signifies the falcon, but another classmate of mine interpreted it as the bird sounds that we hear everyday on campus (thanks sm).

//Flappy Falcon Game
//by Stefania Petre for Introduction Into Interactive Media

let bird;
let pipes = [];
let gameStarted = false;
let score = 0;
let startButton;
let backgroundImage;
let flappySound;
let birdImage;

function preload() {
  backgroundImage = loadImage("background.png"); 
  flappySound = loadSound("sound.mp3"); 
  birdImage = loadImage("bird.png"); 

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 600);
  bird = new Bird();
  startButton = createButton("Start");
  startButton.position(width / 2.2, height / 1.9);

function draw() {
  if (gameStarted) {
  } else {

function playGame() {
  background(94, 38, 163);




function updateAndShowPipes() {
  for (let i = pipes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

    if (pipes[i].hits(bird)) {

    if (pipes[i].passes(bird)) {

    if (pipes[i].offscreen()) {
      pipes.splice(i, 1);

  if (frameCount % 100 === 0) {
    pipes.push(new Pipe());

function showScore() {
  text(score, width / 2, 50);

function showStartScreen() {
  image(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text("Flappy Falcon", width / 2, height / 3);
  text("Press Start to Experience Nostalgia!", width / 2, height / 2.2);
  score = 0;

function keyPressed() {
  if (key === " " && gameStarted) {

function startGame() {
  gameStarted = true;
  pipes = [];

function gameOver() {
  gameStarted = false;

class Bird {
  constructor() {
    this.y = height / 2;
    this.x = 64;
    this.gravity = 0.6;
    this.lift = -15;
    this.velocity = 0;
    this.size = 50;

  show() {
    image(birdImage, this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size); // Draw the bird image

  update() {
    this.velocity += this.gravity;
    this.velocity *= 0.9;
    this.y += this.velocity;

    this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height);

  jump() {
    this.velocity += this.lift;

class Pipe {
  constructor() {
    this.spacing = 200; // Increased gap between pipes
    this.top = random(height - this.spacing);
    this.bottom = height - (this.top + this.spacing);
    this.x = width;
    this.w = 40;
    this.speed = 2;
    this.passed = false;

  show() {
    fill(0); // Set color to black
    rect(this.x, 0, this.w, this.top);
    rect(this.x, height - this.bottom, this.w, this.bottom);

  update() {
    this.x -= this.speed;

  offscreen() {
    return this.x < -this.w;

  hits(bird) {
    return (
      bird.x + bird.size / 2 > this.x &&
      bird.x - bird.size / 2 < this.x + this.w &&
      (bird.y - bird.size / 2 < this.top ||
        bird.y + bird.size / 2 > height - this.bottom)

  passes(bird) {
    if (this.x < bird.x && !this.passed) {
      this.passed = true;
      return true;
    return false;

Overall, I completed every single requirement for the game which I would say I am happy about!

Afra Binjerais – Midterm final


My game draws significant inspiration from the hailstorm that occurred in Abu Dhabi a few weeks ago.


I was captivated by the idea of creating a game where the player must dodge hail. I envisioned a game centered around a car avoiding the hail, however, this concept proved to be overly complex, and after trial and error, I was able to overcome this challenge. To play the game: players must move the car away from the falling hail using the mouse click function. Interestingly, the mouse click function in my game serves two purposes, a feature I was unaware of until Pi assisted me in rectifying a misunderstanding. This allowed me to control both the car and a sprite, adding a fascinating layer to the gameplay.

function mousePressed() {
  console.log("Mouse Press");
  //just flipping between modes 0 and 1 in this example

  clouds.forEach((cloud) => cloud.startAnimation());

function mouseReleased() {
  clouds.forEach((cloud) => cloud.stopAnimation());

How the game works: 

    1. You must press Click to start
    2. To move the car you have to press the mouse
      1. The longer the press the further right the ball will go
    3. Dodge the hail (white balls) and avoid touching the red line as both are game over
    4. Press “space” to restart the game 

This is my game:

If it doesn’t work, visit:


The game is straightforward yet incorporates all the coding components we have learned to date. Its design is uncomplicated, effectively conveying the intended message. I got inspired by this p5 sketch and, the link takes you to a simple game on P5, which has a similar concept to my game, where the objects are falling from the sky.


 My favorite aspect of my game is the cloud sprites, which fidget whenever the mouse is clicked, creating the impression that the clouds are generating hail. On another hand,  I also encountered a significant challenge when integrating sound effects to play each time the score increased, which was undoubtedly the most difficult part for me to implement. 

    time += 1;
    if (frameCount % 60 == 0) {

function scoreUpdate() {
  // score += 10;
  if (score != prevScore) {
  prevScore = score;
  fill(128, 128, 128, 150);
  rect(width - 100, 5, 75, 20, 5);
  text("SCORE: " + int(score), width - 65, 15);

The issue stemmed from the points increasing too rapidly. By reducing the timer and implementing a modulo operation as suggested by the professor, I was able to resolve this problem. Looking ahead, or given more time, I would be eager to experiment with transforming the background to be interactive and making it move to visualize a street.  Although my initial attempt at this modification was unsuccessful, I am keen on dedicating time to delve into unfamiliar areas of coding to make this feature a reality.

This is the code for the game:

let gameMode = 0; // Variable to store the current game mode
let musicSound; // Variable to hold the music sound object
let gameoverSound; // Variable to hold the game over sound object
let scoreSound; // Variable to hold the score sound object
var landscape; // Variable to store the landscape graphics
var car_diameter = 15; // Diameter of the ball
var bomb_diameter = 10; // Diameter of the bombs
var xpoint; 
var ypoint; 
var zapperwidth = 6; // Width of the zapper
var numofbombs = 10; // Number of bombs
var bombposX = []; // Array to store X positions of bombs
var bombposY = []; // Array to store Y positions of bombs
var bombacceleration = []; // Array to store acceleration of each bomb
var bombvelocity = []; // Array to store velocity of each bomb
var time = 0; // Variable to track time, usage context not provided
var timeperiod = 0; // Variable to store a time period, usage not clear without further context
var score = 0; // Variable to store the current score
var posX; // X position, usage context not provided
var inMainMenu = true; // Boolean to check if the game is in the main menu
var prevScore = 0; // Variable to store the previous score
let font; // Variable to store font, usage context not provided

//Cloud Variables
let spritesheet;
let oneDimensionarray = [];

function preload() {
  spritesheet = loadImage("clouds.png");
  musicSound = loadSound("sounds/song.mp3");
  gameoverSound = loadSound("sounds/gameover.mp3");
  scoreSound = loadSound("sounds/score.mp3");
  glassbreak = loadSound("sounds/glassbreaking.wav");
  font = loadFont("fonts/Inconsolata_Condensed-Light.ttf");
  car = loadImage("car.png");
  car2 = loadImage("car2.png");

// Cloud class starts
class Cloud {
  constructor(x, y, speed, stepSpeed, scale) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.scale = scale; // Add scale property
    this.speed = speed;
    this.stepSpeed = stepSpeed;
    this.step = 0;
    this.facingRight = false; // Initially moving to the left
    this.animationTimer = null;

  move() {
    if (this.facingRight) {
      this.x += this.speed;
      if (this.x > width + spritesheet.width / 4) {
        this.x = -spritesheet.width / 4; // Wrap around to the left side
    } else {
      this.x -= this.speed;
      if (this.x < -spritesheet.width / 4) {
        this.x = width + spritesheet.width / 4; // Wrap around to the right side

  display() {
    if (!this.facingRight) {
      scale(-this.scale, this.scale); // Apply scale with horizontal flip
      image(oneDimensionarray[this.step], -this.x, this.y);
    } else {
      scale(this.scale, this.scale); // Apply scale
      image(oneDimensionarray[this.step], this.x, this.y);

  advanceStep() {
    this.step = (this.step + 1) % 8;

  startAnimation() {
    this.facingRight = true;
    this.animationTimer = setInterval(() => this.advanceStep(), this.stepSpeed);

  stopAnimation() {
    this.facingRight = false;

let clouds = [];
// Cloud class ends

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);
var temp00 = 0, 
    temp01 = -20; 

// A while loop that increments temp01 based on temp00 until temp01 is less than the canvas height
while (temp01 < height) {
  temp00 += 0.02; // Increment temp00 by 0.02 in each loop iteration
  temp01 += temp00; // Increment temp01 by the current value of temp00
  timeperiod++; // Increment timeperiod in each iteration

// Calculate the initial position of posX based on zapperwidth and car_diameter
posX = zapperwidth + 0.5 * car_diameter - 2;

// Set xpoint and ypoint relative to the width and height of the canvas
xpoint = 0.7 * width; // Set xpoint to 70% of the canvas width
ypoint = height - 0.5 * car_diameter + 1; // Set ypoint based on the canvas height and car_diameter

initbombpos(); // Call the initbombpos function (presumably initializes bomb positions)

imageMode(CENTER); // Set the image mode to CENTER for drawing images centered at coordinates

// Initialize variables for width and height based on sprite sheet dimensions divided by specific values
let w = spritesheet.width / 2;
let h = spritesheet.height / 4;

// Nested for loops to extract sprite images from the sprite sheet and push them to oneDimensionarray
for (let y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
  for (let x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
    oneDimensionarray.push(spritesheet.get(x * w, y * h, w, h)); // Get sub-images from spritesheet and add to oneDimensionarray

  // Create 3 clouds with horizontal offsets, different speeds and scales
  clouds.push(new Cloud(width / 8, height / 9, 0, 100, 0.9)); // First cloud
  clouds.push(new Cloud((2 * width) / 5, height / 9, 0, 100, 1.2)); // Second cloud
  clouds.push(new Cloud((2 * width) / 2, height / 9, 0, 200, 1.0)); // Third cloud

function draw() {
  background(58, 66, 94);

  if (gameMode == 0) {
  clouds.forEach((cloud) => {
  textSize(50); // Larger text size for the game title
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); // Align text to be centered
   text('HAILSTORM HAVOC', width / 2, height / 2 - 40);
  textSize(16); // Smaller text size for the directions
  // Draw the directions right below the game title
  text('DIRECTIONS:\n click mouse to dodge hail\n the longer the press the further right\n the car will go\n\n AVOID the red line - crossing it means game over', width / 2, (height / 2) + 50);
  text('Click to start!', width / 2, (height / 2) + 140);
   else if (gameMode == 1) {
    clouds.forEach((cloud) => {

    fill(239, 58, 38);
    rect(0, 0, zapperwidth, height);

    for (var i = 0; i < numofbombs; i++) {
      ellipse(bombposX[i], bombposY[i], bomb_diameter, bomb_diameter);


    // ellipse(xpoint, ypoint, car_diameter, car_diameter);
        image(car,xpoint, ypoint-30, car_diameter*5, car_diameter*5);

     xpoint -= 3;

    // Check if the mouse is pressed and the xpoint is within the canvas boundaries
if (mouseIsPressed && xpoint + 0.5 * car_diameter < width) {
  xpoint += 6; // Move the xpoint to the right by 6 units
     // Check if xpoint is less than or equal to posX or if a collision with a bomb has occurred
    if (xpoint <= posX || bombCollistonTest()) {
      gameover(); // Call the gameover function if either condition is true
// Increment the score every 60 frames
    time += 1;
    if (frameCount % 60 == 0) {
      score++; // Increase score by 1


function updatebombpos() {
  // Iterate over each bomb
  for (var i = 0; i < numofbombs; i++) {
    bombvelocity[i] += bombacceleration[i]; // Update the velocity of the bomb by adding its acceleration
    bombposY[i] += bombvelocity[i]; // Update the Y position of the bomb based on its velocity

  if (time > timeperiod) {
    initbombpos(); // Reinitialize the positions of the bombs by calling the initbombpos function
    time = 0;

function initbombpos() {
  for (var i = 0; i < numofbombs; i++) {
    bombacceleration[i] = random(0.02, 0.03);
    bombvelocity[i] = random(0, 5);
    bombposX[i] = random(zapperwidth + 0.5 * car_diameter, width);
    bombposY[i] = random(-20, -0.5 * car_diameter) + 190;
} //This function initializes the position and motion properties of each bomb by assigning random values within specified ranges.

function bombCollistonTest() {
  var temp = 0.5 * (car_diameter + bomb_diameter) - 2;
  var distance;
// Iterate over each bomb to check for a collision
  for (var i = 0; i < numofbombs; i++) {
    distance = dist(xpoint, ypoint, bombposX[i], bombposY[i]);
    if (distance < temp) {
      return true;
  return false;
} //This function checks for collisions between the player and each bomb by comparing the distance between them to a threshold. If any bomb is too close (within the threshold), it returns true (collision detected). Otherwise, it returns false.

function gameover() {
  image(car2,xpoint, ypoint-30, car_diameter*5, car_diameter*5);
  textSize(50); // Set the text size
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); // Align text to the center
  text("GAME OVER", width / 2, height / 2 - 20); // Center the text horizontally and vertically
  textSize(15); // Decreased text size for "press space to restart" text
  text("Press space to restart", width / 2, height / 2 + 20); // Positioned below "GAME OVER" text

function scoreUpdate() {
  // score += 10;
  if (score != prevScore) //// Play the scoring sound only if the current score has changed from the previous score 
  prevScore = score;
  fill(128, 128, 128, 150);
  rect(width - 100, 5, 75, 20, 5);
  text("SCORE: " + int(score), width - 65, 15);

function keyPressed() {
  if (keyCode === 32) {
    // Check if the key pressed is space (keyCode 32)
    restartGame(); // Call the function to restart the game

function mousePressed() {
  if (gameMode==0)
  console.log("Mouse Press");
  //just flipping between modes 0 and 1 

  clouds.forEach((cloud) => cloud.startAnimation());

function mouseReleased() {
  clouds.forEach((cloud) => cloud.stopAnimation());

function restartGame() {
  // Reset all game variables to their initial values
  time = 0;
  score = 0;
  posX = zapperwidth + 0.5 * car_diameter - 2;
  xpoint = 0.5 * width;
  ypoint = height - 0.5 * car_diameter + 1;
  // Restart the game loop
//This function resets the game environment and variables to their initial state, essentially restarting the game. It resumes background music, pauses any game over sound, resets score and time, repositions the player and bombs, and restarts the game loop.



References of pictures:





Raya Tabassum: Midterm Project

Link to the fullscreen version

Concept: My midterm project is a game I’ve named “Gold Rush”. It’s inspired from the Super Mario games’ design. The game features a character Super Onion boy that the player controls to jump over and walk to dodge enemies and collect coins to increase their score. The main character, an adventurer with a knack for treasure hunting, traverses a dynamically scrolling landscape filled with gold coins for him to collect. The game introduces a unique enemy, the “GOMBA,” a mysterious creature with a purple body, tentacles, and light-flickering eyes, adding a layer of intrigue and challenge to the player’s journey. Dodging the enemy gains the player +5 points and collecting each coin gains them +10 points, and the score system is displayed on top of the screen while the game is playing. If the player collides with the enemy GOMBA, the game over screen appears and to play again – the player needs to press SHIFT key and the game will restart.

User Experience: The game is structured around a loop where the player’s character is continuously moving forward, with the background scrolling to simulate progression through the game world. This effect is achieved through an implementation of looping background images that reset once they scroll past the view, creating an endless moving landscape. The characters, including the player, the coin, and the enemy, are animated using sprites, which are sequences of images that create the illusion of motion when displayed in rapid succession.

One aspect of the project I’m particularly proud of is the collision detection mechanism. It’s designed to be both efficient and accurate enough for the game’s scope, using simple geometric shapes to approximate the player, coins, and enemies’ positions. This simplicity ensures the game runs smoothly without compromising the gameplay experience. Another highlight is the sound integration, which enhances the immersive experience of the game. The careful selection and timing of sound effects for jumping, collecting coins, and colliding with enemies add a layer of polish that elevates the overall game.

Areas for Improvement and Challenges: One area for improvement involves enhancing the game’s replay value. Currently, the game offers a straightforward challenge with a single level that repeats. Introducing varied levels with increasing difficulty with speed, diverse environments, and additional enemy types could significantly enhance the player’s experience and engagement. Implementing a power-up system or special abilities for the character could also add depth to the gameplay.

During development, one challenge encountered was ensuring that the game remained engaging over time. Initially, if the player missed a coin, it wouldn’t reappear, which could’ve led to a monotonous gameplay loop. This issue was addressed by adjusting the coin’s reinitialization logic to ensure it reappears regardless of whether it’s collected or missed, maintaining the game’s pace and challenge. Another technical hurdle was balancing performance with the visual richness of the game, particularly with sprite animation and background scrolling. Also to integrate the sound loops perfectly was hard at first but after fixing the code logic in different ways the desired results were received.

Full code for the game:




// Preload function for loading assets before the game starts
let img, game_over_bg, sf, coin_sound, jump_sound, enemy_sound, pixel_font;
let xpos = 0, ypos = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 1000, y = 0, x3 = 0, y2 = 0, score = 0, win = true;
let player, enemy, coin;

function preload() {
  img = loadImage("plt.png"); // Background image
  game_over_bg = loadImage("Gameover.png"); // Game over background image
  soundFormats('mp3', 'ogg'); // Specify the sound formats to use
  sf = loadSound("backgroundmusic.mp3"); // Background music
  coin_sound = loadSound("coin.mp3"); // Sound for collecting coins
  jump_sound = loadSound("jumping.mp3"); // Sound for jumping
  enemy_sound = loadSound("enemy_sound.mp3"); // Sound when colliding with an enemy
  pixel_font = loadFont("PixelFont.ttf"); // Custom font for text display

// Player class with properties and methods for the player character
class Player {
  constructor() {
    this.playerYOnGround = 550; // Y position of the player on the ground
    this.playerSize = 60; // Size of the player character
    this.bgGroundHeight = 45; // Height of the ground
    this.animationSlowDown = 8; // Slows down the animation frame rate
    this.width = 1000; // Width of the canvas
    this.jumpHeight = 0; // Current jump height
    this.jumpStrength = 0; // Current strength of the jump
    this.jumpStrengthMax = 5; // Maximum strength of the jump
    this.gravity = 0.1; // Gravity affecting the jump
    this.jumping = false; // Is the player jumping?
    this.playerImg = []; // Array to hold player images for animation
    this.numberPlayerImg = 6; // Number of player images
    this.playerImgIndex = 0; // Current index of the player image
    for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
      this.playerImg.push(loadImage(`guy-${i}.png`)); // Load player images

  initPlayer() {
    xpos = (this.width * 0.5) - (this.playerSize * 0.5); // Initialize player's horizontal position
    ypos = this.playerYOnGround; // Initialize player's vertical position

  animatePlayer() {
    // Handle jumping logic
    if (this.jumping) {
      this.jumpStrength = (this.jumpStrength * 0.99) - this.gravity; // Apply gravity
      this.jumpHeight += this.jumpStrength; // Update jump height
      if (this.jumpHeight <= 0) {
        // Reset jump parameters if player is back on ground
        this.jumping = false;
        this.jumpHeight = 0;
        this.jumpStrength = 0;

    ypos = this.playerYOnGround - this.jumpHeight; // Update player's vertical position based on jump

    // Display the player image, use jumping image if jumping or animate otherwise
    if (this.jumping) {
      image(this.playerImg[0], xpos, ypos);
    } else {
      image(this.playerImg[this.playerImgIndex], xpos, ypos);
      // Animate player images
      if (frameCount % this.animationSlowDown === 0) {
        this.playerImgIndex = (this.playerImgIndex + 1) % 3;

// Enemy class, inherits from Player and represents the enemy character
class Enemy extends Player {
  constructor() {
    super(); // Call the parent class constructor
    this.enemyImg = []; // Array to hold enemy images for animation
    for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
      this.enemyImg.push(loadImage(`enemy-${i}.png`)); // Load enemy images
    this.enemyX = 800; // Initial horizontal position of the enemy
    this.enemyY = 460; // Initial vertical position of the enemy
    this.enemySize = 100; // Size of the enemy character
    this.enemyOnSky = random(250, 510); // Randomize enemy's vertical position
    this.enemyImgIndex = 0; // Current index of the enemy image

  initEnemy() {
    this.enemyX -= 2; // Move the enemy horizontally
    this.enemyY = this.enemyOnSky; // Update the enemy's vertical position

  animateEnemy() {
    // Display and animate the enemy character
    image(this.enemyImg[this.enemyImgIndex], this.enemyX, this.enemyY, this.enemySize, this.enemySize);
    this.enemyX -= 1; // Move the enemy horizontally
    this.initEnemy(); // Re-initialize the enemy position
    if (frameCount % this.animationSlowDown === 0) {
      this.enemyImgIndex = (this.enemyImgIndex + 1) % 3; // Animate enemy images

    // Reset enemy position and increase score when it moves off-screen
    if (this.enemyX <= 0) {
      this.enemyX = 1000;
      this.enemyOnSky = random(250, 510);
      score += 5; // Increase score

    // Check for collision with the player
    if (dist(this.enemyX, this.enemyY, xpos, ypos) <= (this.playerSize / 2 + this.enemySize / 2)) {
      win = false; // End the game if collision detected
      if (!enemy_sound.isPlaying()) {
        if (sf.isPlaying()) {
            sf.stop(); // Stop the background music
        enemy_sound.loop(); // Play the enemy sound on loop

// Coin class, inherits from Player and represents collectible coins
class Coin extends Player {
  constructor() {
    super(); // Call the parent class constructor
    this.coinImg = []; // Array to hold coin images for animation
    for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
      this.coinImg.push(loadImage(`coin-${i}.png`)); // Load coin images
    this.coinX = 800; // Initial horizontal position of the coin
    this.coinY = 460; // Initial vertical position of the coin
    this.coinSize = 48; // Size of the coin
    this.coinImgIndex = 0; // Current index of the coin image

  initCoin() {
    this.coinX = width; // Place the coin at the edge of the screen
    this.coinY = random(250, 510); // Randomize the coin's vertical position

  animateCoin() {
    // Display and animate the coin
    image(this.coinImg[this.coinImgIndex], this.coinX, this.coinY, this.coinSize, this.coinSize);
    this.coinX -= 1; // Move the coin horizontally
    if (frameCount % this.animationSlowDown === 0) {
      this.coinImgIndex = (this.coinImgIndex + 1) % 5; // Animate coin images

    // Check if the coin has been collected
    if (dist(this.coinX, this.coinY, xpos, ypos) <= (this.playerSize / 2 + this.coinSize / 2)) {
      this.initCoin(); // Re-initialize the coin position for it to reappear again
      score += 10; // Increase score
      if (!coin_sound.isPlaying()) {
        coin_sound.play(); // Play the coin collection sound
    // Check if the coin has moved off the left edge of the screen without being collected
    else if (this.coinX < 0) {
      this.initCoin(); // Re-initialize the coin position for it to reappear again

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1000, 750); // Set up the canvas
  if (!sf.isPlaying()) {
    sf.loop(); // Loop the background music if not already playing
  player = new Player(); // Instantiate the player
  enemy = new Enemy(); // Instantiate the enemy
  coin = new Coin(); // Instantiate the coin
  player.initPlayer(); // Initialize the player
  coin.initCoin(); // Initialize the coin
  enemy.initEnemy(); // Initialize the enemy

function draw() {
  background(220); // Set the background color
  image(img, x1, y); // Draw the background image twice for a scrolling effect
  image(img, x2, y);
  x1 -= 1; // Move the background images to create a scrolling effect
  x2 -= 1;
  if (x1 <= -1000) { // Reset the background images positions for continuous scrolling
    x1 = 1000;
  if (x2 <= -1000) {
    x2 = 1000;

  // Animate player, coin, and enemy
  // Display the score and instructions
  fill(255, 215, 0);
  text(`Score: ${score}`, 450, 100);
  text("Use UP Key to Jump", 375, 25);
  text("Collect the coins and avoid hitting the enemy!", 250, 45);

  if (!win) {
    image(game_over_bg, x3, y2); // Display the game over background
    text("Press SHIFT Key to Play Again", 285, 25);
    //noLoop(); // Stop the draw loop

function keyPressed() {
  // Jump when UP key is pressed
  if (keyCode === UP_ARROW && win) {
    player.jumping = true; // Enable jumping
    if (!jump_sound.isPlaying()) {
      jump_sound.play(); // Play jump sound
    player.jumpStrength = player.jumpStrengthMax; // Set jump strength to maximum

  // Reset game when SHIFT key is pressed after losing
  if (keyCode === SHIFT && !win) {
    win = true; // Reset game status
    score = 0; // Reset score
    if (enemy_sound.isPlaying()) {
        enemy_sound.stop(); // Stop the enemy sound if playing
    loop(); // Resume the draw loop
    setup(); // Reinitialize game setup


Midterm – Hamdah AlSuwaidi

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The MET) and was truly inspired by the diverse and rich history encapsulated within its walls. This visit sparked an idea in me to design an exhibit for The MET’s Costume Institute, focusing on the evolution of haute couture through iconic designs from renowned fashion houses. My midterm, aims to showcase the enduring allure and innovation of haute couture, highlighting how designers have redefined beauty and style over the decades.

By focusing on the individual stories that each garment tells about its era, the exhibit aims to provide a rich, textual narrative that captures the essence and evolution of haute couture across different periods.

Interactive elements, such as clickable images that reveal the history and significance of each piece, are integral to the exhibit. These features are designed to engage users, encouraging them to delve deeper into each garment’s story and understand its place within the broader narrative of fashion history.

let titleSize = 40;
let subtitleSize2 = 20;
let subtitleSize = 10;
let  bg, bg2;
let dress1, dress1Zoom1, dress1Zoom2, dress1Zoom3, dress1Zoom4, dress1Zoom5;
let dress2, dress2Zoom1, dress2Zoom2, dress2Zoom3, dress2Zoom4;
let dress3, dress3Zoom1, dress3Zoom2, dress3Zoom3;
let dress4, dress4Zoom1, dress4Zoom2, dress4Zoom3, dress4Zoom4;
let dress5, dress5Zoom1, dress5Zoom2, dress5Zoom3, dress5Zoom4, dress5Zoom5;
let dress6, dress6Zoom1, dress6Zoom2, dress6Zoom3, dress6Zoom4;
let scene = "main"; // Start with the exhibit scene
let bgsound;

function preload() {
  bgsound = loadSound('bgsoundfile.mp3')
  bg = loadImage('bg.jpeg');
  bg2 = loadImage('fullscreen.png'); // The fullscreen image for the exhibit
  dress1 = loadImage('dress1.png');
  dress1Zoom1 = loadImage('dress1Zoom1.png');
  dress1Zoom2 = loadImage('dress1Zoom2.png');
  dress1Zoom3 = loadImage('dress1Zoom3.png');
  dress1Zoom4 = loadImage('dress1Zoom4.png');
  dress1Zoom5 = loadImage('dress1Zoom5.png');
  dress2 = loadImage('dress2.png');
  dress2Zoom1 = loadImage('dress2Zoom1.png');
  dress2Zoom2 = loadImage('dress2Zoom2.png');
  dress2Zoom3 = loadImage('dress2Zoom3.png');
  dress2Zoom4 = loadImage('dress2Zoom4.png');
  dress3 = loadImage('dress3.png');
  dress3Zoom1 = loadImage('dress3Zoom1.png');
  dress3Zoom2 = loadImage('dress3Zoom2.png');
  dress3Zoom3 = loadImage('dress3Zoom3.png');
  dress4 = loadImage('dress4.png');
  dress4Zoom1 = loadImage('dress4Zoom1.png');
  dress4Zoom2 = loadImage('dress4Zoom2.png');
  dress4Zoom3 = loadImage('dress4Zoom3.png');
  dress4Zoom4 = loadImage('dress4Zoom4.png');
  dress5 = loadImage('dress5.png');
  dress5Zoom1 = loadImage('dress5Zoom1.png');
  dress5Zoom2 = loadImage('dress5Zoom2.png');
  dress5Zoom3 = loadImage('dress5Zoom3.png');
  dress5Zoom4 = loadImage('dress5Zoom4.png');
  dress5Zoom5 = loadImage('dress5Zoom5.png');
  dress6 = loadImage('dress6.png');
  dress6Zoom1 = loadImage('dress6Zoom1.png');
  dress6Zoom2 = loadImage('dress6Zoom2.png');
  dress6Zoom3 = loadImage('dress6Zoom3.png');
  dress6Zoom4 = loadImage('dress6Zoom4.png');
function setup() {
  createCanvas(720, 400);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
function draw() {
  if (scene === "main") {
  } else if (scene === "exhibit") {
  } else if (scene.startsWith("zoomedInDress")) {
  } bgsound.play();
function drawMainScene() {
  text("THE MET", width / 3 + 120, height / 3 - 80);
  text("THE COSTUME INSTITUTE", width / 2, height / 2 - 110);
  text("Touch the start button to begin!", width / 2, height / 2 - 80);
  // Start Button
  rect(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 + 50, 100, 40, 10);
  text("Start", width / 2, height / 2 + 70);
function drawExhibitScene() {
  background(bg2); // Use the fullscreen image as the background for the exhibit
  // Back Button, only show if we're not in the initial exhibit scene
  fill(255); // White color
  rect(20, 20, 60, 30, 10);
  fill(0); // Black color
  text("Back", 50, 35);
function drawZoomedScene() {
  let zoomedImage;
  switch (scene) {
    case "zoomedInDress1_1":
      zoomedImage = dress1Zoom1;
    case "zoomedInDress1_2":
      zoomedImage = dress1Zoom2;
    case "zoomedInDress1_3":
      zoomedImage = dress1Zoom3;
    case "zoomedInDress1_4":
      zoomedImage = dress1Zoom4;
    case "zoomedInDress1_5":
      zoomedImage = dress1Zoom5;
    case "zoomedInDress2_1":
      zoomedImage = dress2Zoom1;
    case "zoomedInDress2_2":
      zoomedImage = dress2Zoom2;
    case "zoomedInDress2_3":
      zoomedImage = dress2Zoom3;
    case "zoomedInDress2_4":
      zoomedImage = dress2Zoom4;
    case "zoomedInDress3_1":
      zoomedImage = dress3Zoom1;
    case "zoomedInDress3_2":
      zoomedImage = dress3Zoom2;
    case "zoomedInDress3_3":
      zoomedImage = dress3Zoom3;
    case "zoomedInDress4_1":
      zoomedImage = dress4Zoom1;
    case "zoomedInDress4_2":
      zoomedImage = dress4Zoom2;
    case "zoomedInDress4_3":
      zoomedImage = dress4Zoom3;
    case "zoomedInDress4_4":
      zoomedImage = dress4Zoom4;
    case "zoomedInDress5_1":
      zoomedImage = dress5Zoom1;
    case "zoomedInDress5_2":
      zoomedImage = dress5Zoom2;
    case "zoomedInDress5_3":
      zoomedImage = dress5Zoom3;
    case "zoomedInDress5_4":
      zoomedImage = dress5Zoom4;
    case "zoomedInDress5_5":
      zoomedImage = dress5Zoom5;
    case "zoomedInDress6_1":
      zoomedImage = dress6Zoom1;
    case "zoomedInDress6_2":
      zoomedImage = dress6Zoom2;
    case "zoomedInDress6_3":
      zoomedImage = dress6Zoom3;
    case "zoomedInDress6_4":
      zoomedImage = dress6Zoom4;
  background(zoomedImage); // Display the zoomed-in image on full canvas
  // Back Button
  fill(255); // White color
  rect(20, 20, 60, 30, 10);
  fill(0); // Black color
  text("Back", 50, 35);
function mouseClicked() {
   if (!bgsound.isPlaying()) { // Check if the sound is not already playing
    bgsound.loop(); // Start playing the sound
  if (scene === "main") {
    // If the Start button is clicked, change to the exhibit scene
    if (mouseX > width / 2 - 50 && mouseX < width / 2 + 50 && mouseY > height / 2 + 50 && mouseY < height / 2 + 90) {
      scene = "exhibit";
  } else if (scene === "exhibit") {
    // Check if the click is within the back button's coordinates
    if (mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 80 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 50) {
      scene = "main";
    // Check if the click is within Dress1's designated area
    else if (mouseX > 148 && mouseX < 228 && mouseY > 43 && mouseY < 149) {
      scene = "zoomedInDress1_1";
    // Check if the click is within Dress2's designated area
    else if (mouseX > 325 && mouseX < 405 && mouseY > 44 && mouseY < 149) {
      scene = "zoomedInDress2_1";
    //  Check if the click is within Dress3's designated area
    else if (mouseX > 450 && mouseX < 580 && mouseY > 44 && mouseY < 149) {
      scene = "zoomedInDress3_1";
    //  Check if the click is within Dress4's designated area
    else if (mouseX > 148 && mouseX < 229 && mouseY > 203 && mouseY < 308) {
      scene = "zoomedInDress4_1";
    //  Check if the click is within Dress5's designated area
    else if (mouseX > 323 && mouseX < 406 && mouseY > 201 && mouseY < 309) {
      scene = "zoomedInDress5_1";
    //  Check if the click is within Dress6's designated area
    else if (mouseX > 450 && mouseX < 580 && mouseY > 201 && mouseY < 307) {
      scene = "zoomedInDress6_1";
  } else if (scene.startsWith("zoomedInDress")) {
    // If the Back button is clicked in a zoomed-in scene, go back to the exhibit
    if (mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 80 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 50) {
      scene = "exhibit";
    } else {
      // Cycle through the zoomed-in images
      let parts = scene.split('_');
      let dressNum = parts[0].replace("zoomedInDress", "");
      let zoomLevel = parseInt(parts[1]);
      zoomLevel = zoomLevel >= 4 ? 1 : zoomLevel + 1; // Loop back after the last image for dress1 and dress2
      if(dressNum === "3" && zoomLevel > 3) zoomLevel = 1; // Since dress3 has only 3 zoom levels
      scene = `zoomedInDress${dressNum}_${zoomLevel}`;