week 9 – reading reflection

I wanted to highlight the juxtaposition of “Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen” and “Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses)” as it offers a comprehensive view of the delicate balance required in the realm of interactive art and physical computing. The former reading emphasizes the importance of creating a space for open interpretation, urging artists to resist the urge to over-explain their creations. I think this really resonates with the idea that true interactive art is a living conversation, where the audience actively contributes to the experience. On the other hand, the latter, showcasing recurring themes in physical computing projects, reinforces the notion that repetition doesn’t equate to stagnation but rather serves as a canvas for individual interpretation and innovation. Themes like theremin-like instruments or video mirrors may be recurrent, but each iteration offers a unique perspective, inviting creators to infuse their individuality into well-trodden paths.

What stood out the most to me was the encouragement to embrace recurring themes not as constraints but as opportunities for creative expression. The notion that physical computing provides a playground for creativity, as expressed in response to “Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses),” aligns seamlessly with the idea of setting the stage and letting the audience take the spotlight. I think this serves a profound reminder that even within established themes, there is ample room for exploration and originality. Hence, the blend of such perspectives encourages a dynamic approach to interactive art, where established concepts serve as a foundation rather than a limitation, and the true beauty emerges from the fusion of technology, creativity, and the unique interpretations of those engaging with the art.

Digital and Analog


So I was thinking of how I could make something creative enough to pass this assignment vibes check so I thought of photocell ( which is digital) and a Tactile push button ( which is analog ) to light up my cute little car,

You know how it is when you’re driving in the dark – you need those headlights on, and when you want to change lanes, you’ve gotta give a signal. That’s exactly what I wanted to mimic.

So, when it gets dark, my little car’s headlights kick in with the help of two LEDs, and if I want to switch lanes, I just press that button, and the LEDs start blinking to signal my lane change. Cool, right.

Materials I used:
  1. Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno)
  2. 2 LEDs (green)
  3. 2 x 220-ohm resistors (for current limiting)
  4. Tactile push-button switch
  5. Photocell (Light-dependent resistor, LDR)
  6. 10k-ohm resistor (for voltage divider)
  7. Breadboard and jumper wires


if its not THAT clear from the pic:

  • I connected a jumper wire from the ground (GND) rail on the breadboard to the GND (ground) pin on the Arduino.
  • I then connected a jumper wire from the 5V rail on the breadboard to the 5V pin on the Arduino.
  • I then connect another jumper wire from the 5V rail on the breadboard to the row where the side of the photocell connected to 5V is placed.
  • Finally I used a jumper wire to connect the other side of the photocell to the same row as the 10k-ohm resistor’s other end.
const int led1Pin = 8;           // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the first LED.
const int led2Pin = 9;           // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the second LED.
const int buttonPin = 2;         // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the tactile button.
const int photocellPin = A0;     // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the photocell sensor.

int led1State = LOW;              // Initialize an integer variable to store the state of the first LED as LOW.
int led2State = LOW;              // Initialize an integer variable to store the state of the second LED as LOW.
int buttonState = LOW;            // Initialize an integer variable to store the state of the tactile button as LOW.
int lastButtonState = LOW;        // Initialize an integer variable to store the previous state of the button as LOW.
int lightValue = 0;               // Initialize an integer variable to store the light reading from the photocell.
int threshold = 500;              // Set a threshold value for the light reading. You can adjust this value based on your environment.

void setup() {
  pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);        // Set the pin of the first LED as an OUTPUT.
  pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);        // Set the pin of the second LED as an OUTPUT.
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the pin of the tactile button as an INPUT with internal pull-up resistor.
  pinMode(photocellPin, INPUT);    // Set the pin of the photocell sensor as an INPUT.

void loop() {
  lightValue = analogRead(photocellPin); // Read the analog value from the photocell sensor.

  // Check the photocell value to determine whether it's dark or light.
  if (lightValue < threshold) {
    // It's dark, turn both LEDs on.
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH); // Turn on the first LED.
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH); // Turn on the second LED.
  } else {
    // It's light, turn both LEDs off.
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);  // Turn off the first LED.
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);  // Turn off the second LED.

  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // Read the state of the tactile button.

  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
    if (buttonState == LOW) {
      // Button pressed, toggle LED states based on previous states.
      if (led1State == LOW && led2State == LOW) {
        led1State = HIGH;
      } else if (led1State == HIGH && led2State == LOW) {
        led2State = HIGH;
        led1State = LOW;
      } else {
        led2State = LOW;

      digitalWrite(led1Pin, led1State); // Set the state of the first LED.
      digitalWrite(led2Pin, led2State); // Set the state of the second LED.
    delay(50); // Introduce a debounce delay to prevent rapid button presses.
  lastButtonState = buttonState; // Store the current button state for comparison in the next loop iteration.



This might not have been a supper Idea, However I faced a little creativity block this week that took me a hard time to set a side

Reading Reflections – Week 9!

Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen

I found this reading quite interesting. The natural instinct of wanting to help and make things easier for us sometimes makes us forget the fact that we might be oversharing or spoiling the experience. My takeaway from this reading would be the point Tigoe made about listening. Oftentimes in the excitement or nervousness of showing something to others, it’s easy to forget to actually see how they feel about it while interacting with it. When I’m showing my friends and family the weekly assignments from this class, I do expect their encouragement and feedback but I don’t think I fully listen or focus on their reactions, only because I’m so focused that the project is delivered exactly the way I want it to be. For my midterm project, I had an interactive Christmas tree designing component. I remember telling someone where exactly to place the lights because I had imagined it that way, forgetting that that’s for them to decide. I would definitely introspect more on this, shut up and listen after I’ve set the stage for people.

Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses)

I liked the idea of ‘meditation helpers’. While I know that it cannot fully capture the human state of mind and the machine may just be making educated guesses about how to do so by looking at heart and breath rates, the very intent of using physical computing for something like this to get you to a calmer and meditative state interests me. It left me thinking for a solid fifteen minutes on ways that we could actually make this work with more accuracy. This complements the purpose of the reading and the idea that even though themes may be recurring they allow a lot of room for originality. I also really appreciate having a blog for this class that lets us view and take inspiration from others’ works. Sometimes I feel like my ideas would be repetitive of the previously done ones but after this reading I fully agree that all pieces, even if they use the exact same materials, are completely different renditions and convey unique and individual thoughts.

Week 9: Simple Alarm System


I created an alarm system that allows users to toggle the alarm on and off using a button. When activated, signified by the green LED, the alarm, represented by a red LED, responds to the surrounding light conditions. Specifically, the red LED turns on when the environment is well-lit and remains off in darkness.

How the Alarm Works

Alarm Setting:
– The user sets the alarm by pressing the blue button.
– The green LED, confirms whether the alarm is actively set (green LED on).

Light Sensing:
– Once the alarm is set, the system relies on a Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR) to detect ambient light levels.

Alarm Activation:
– In a well-lit environment, the red LED, representing the alarm, activates,  turns on and off.

Alarm Deactivation:
– In darkness, the red LED remains turned off.

Components Used:
– LEDs: One red and one green
– Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR): Detects changes in ambient light conditions.
– Push-button Switch (Digital Sensor): Enables user interaction to set and unset the alarm.


Working on this project I better understand  the Arduino programming syntax, and analog input & output. Later when we learn to use sounds and music, I could include a sound for the alarm for better user experience.

Week 9: Analog and Digital switch



The concept of this circuit is pretty straightforward, it’s a stopwatch! You specify the number of seconds you want the stopwatch to count by setting the potentiometer to a number on a scale of 1-60. Then you press on the red button. The LEDs start lighting in an alternating pattern that represents the seconds passed. When the time specified has passed both LEDs turn off.

Process & Highlights:

The potentiometer is connected in series with the analog input and is used to set the countdown time. The switch is connected in parallel and is used to start the countdown. The LEDs are connected in parallel with resistors and are used to display the countdown time. One LED indicates even seconds, and the other indicates odd seconds and it varies each time depending on the previous state.

Here is a video demo of the switch:


const int potentiometerPin = A0;
const int switchPin = 2;
const int ledPin1 = 3;
const int ledPin2 = 4;

int countdownTime = 0;
bool countdownStarted = false;

void setup() {
  pinMode(potentiometerPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  if (!countdownStarted) {
    countdownTime = map(analogRead(potentiometerPin), 0, 1023, 1, 60); // Set countdown time based on potentiometer

  if (digitalRead(switchPin) == LOW) {
    countdownStarted = true;

  if (countdownStarted && countdownTime > 0) {
    delay(1000); // One-second delay
  } else if (countdownTime == 0) {
    // Countdown finished
    digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
    countdownStarted = false;

void displayCountdown() {
  int ledState = (countdownTime % 2 == 0) ? HIGH : LOW; // Toggle LED state
  digitalWrite(ledPin1, ledState);
  digitalWrite(ledPin2, !ledState);


I found this exercise a bit harder than the first one but it was fun to implement. If I could change one thing about my circuit, it would be to maybe have a screen display the seconds that have elapsed as well. I would love to create more advanced circuits in the future and find a way to incorporate more creativity within.

week 9: digital and analog inputs and outputs


For this assignment, I decided to make a simple circuit using three LEDS, a switch and a potentiometer.

The idea is that it functions as a way to communicate three moods: anger, sadness and happiness. The mood is decided through the potentiometer, which maps the analog reading to a number within the range 0 – 90. If it’s in between 0-30, the green LED lights up, if it’s between 30 – 60, the blue LED lights up, and anything after 60 up till 90 makes the red LED light up. The LEDs blink in morse code – the red LED spells ANGRY, the blue LED spells SAD, and the green LED spells HAPPY. The digital switch in the circuit is used to turn the circuit on or off, with the LEDs only blinking if the switch is pressed.


code highlights:

const int greenLED = 12;
const int redLED = 11;
const int blueLED = 10;
const int btn = A2;
const int pot = A1;
int value;
int currLED = 0;

void flashDot() {
  digitalWrite(currLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(currLED, LOW);

void flashDash() {
  digitalWrite(currLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(currLED, LOW);

void setup() {
  pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(blueLED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  int btnState = digitalRead(btn);
  int potVal = analogRead(pot);
  value = map(potVal, 0, 1023, 0, 90);

  if (btnState == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);
    // currLED = 0;
  if (value <= 30) {
    currLED = greenLED;
    //     digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
    // digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);
  } else if (value > 30 && value <= 60) {
    currLED = blueLED;
    //     digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
    // digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
  } else {
    currLED = redLED;
    //         digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
    // digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);

  if (btnState == HIGH) {
    //   digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
    //   digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
    //   digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);
    // } else if (btnState == LOW) {
    if (currLED == greenLED) {
      digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
      flashDot();  // H
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDot();  // A
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDot();  // P
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDot();  // P
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDash();  // Y
      delay(1000);  // Gap between words
    } else if (currLED == blueLED) {
      digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
      flashDot();  // S
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDot();  // A
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDash();  // D
      delay(1000);  // Gap between words
    } else if (currLED == redLED) {
      digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
      flashDot();  // A
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDash();  // N
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDash();  // G
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDot();  // R
      delay(1000);  // Gap between letters

      flashDash();  // Y
      delay(1000);  // Gap between words

The code is pretty simple and straightforward. One thing I like about my code is using the functions flashDash and flashDot, as it made it much easier to translate the morse code into blinking.


One thing I struggled with and couldn’t really fix and/or understand why it was happening was the delayed transition between states, i.e. it takes a while to go from green to red etc., or even to turn off (as seen in the video). In the future, I’d want to be able to assess the root cause of this issue as it could be very problematic in other sorts of circuits where timing is very necessary.


Week 9 – Reading Response

I like the guidebook on commonly-made physical computing projects in class. I’ve thought about what it must be like to be a professor for an intro project-based class, like Intro to CS or Intro to IM, as there must be ideas that are constantly recycled each semester and the professor will have to pretend that they’re novel even when they’ve seen it a million times before. I assume a platformer game will always show up in Processing/P5.js class. Perhaps a paint/drawing program too, a particle system/ pattern animation, recreations of classic games like Pong or Snake. That’s not to say that they’re boring, as the reading also talks about how the cliches can sometimes be used as a base for something more interesting, but it’s fun to think about ideas that are strangely common.

Despite them being constantly recycled, it is possible to make interesting, unique projects out of them. I can think of a visual novel-esque game being one that is likely technically similar across most games of it’s genre, yet the deciding factor  between a good and bad visual novel is the story being told, not the  implementation of ‘click to see the next line of text’. Perhaps one of the best ways of being creative is to mix-up an existing overused form of media instead of trying to be both novel and interesting at the same time, as then you might be limited by your technical capabilities rather than your creative ones. In the case of the reading, video mirrors have been done. A Lot. Yet, this means that it is relatively easy to implement one thanks to the wealth of documentation and existing implementations on the internet, and you can focus instead on the ‘what’ you want to convey through your project, instead of the ‘how’.

The other reading compliments Don Norman’s chapters from the past few weeks really well. Show, don’t tell, in your projects. Students learn better when they make the intuition between two objects, rather than memorizing the two objects. Likewise, I assume that viewers of an art piece will enjoy it more when they come to their own conclusions about it, than being told what to feel. Of course, artists are always trying to convey something, and to have every viewer of their piece think wildly differently from their intent is probably not the artist’s intention. Through the design process itself, artists can guide viewers to their intent, to gently nudge them in the right direction without having to hold their hand. I like to think about Escape Rooms in this example. The goal of an Escape Room is to escape from it, yet players will find it unfun if the lock and key are both on the same table as they might feel it is too easy. Yet, if the puzzle is too difficult, players will feel frustrated and will not enjoy it either. The designers of Escape Rooms must strike a delicate balance between making a puzzle that is not easily solvable, yet guiding users delicately to their goal. For example, the usage of a padlock vs a combination lock will intuitively guide the players on what they should look for ( a key or a code ).

Week 9 – Simon Says on Arduino

With what we currently know about Arduino, there were many things I am technically incapable of making yet, such as using the servo/motors or the LCD screen. Given the lax requirements for this week’s project of having 1 analog and 1 digital button, and 2 LEDs, I wasn’t sure what I could do with it what I currently have ( momentary switches, light detecting diodes ) while still being creative, so I thought of making a game of sorts and I came up with a memory game with the buttons.

The light detecting diode ( analog ) is used to start/restart the game. When the LDR is covered and it becomes dark, the game is started. The momentary buttons are used to play the game.

Once the game is started, the LEDs will blink in sequence, and you have to replicate the sequence with the aptly-colored buttons to light up the same LEDs in the same order. There are multiple rounds, starting with 1 LED, all the way up to 8 LEDs. The sequence will blink again at the start of each round, with the addition of a new LED in the sequence. The player will have to rely on their memory to press the 8 LEDs in the right order.

The LEDs also double both as the game mechanism, and information mechanism. I use the LEDs to display game state information too. When the user has lost ( pressed an LED in the wrong order) , the LEDs will all blink twice before turning off. When the user has won, the LEDs will blink in a fun pattern on repeat until a new game is started.

Video demo : In the first attempt, I made a mistake and the ‘loss sequence’ plays. The second attempt, I complete the challenge and the ‘victory sequence’ plays.


It would be fun to use other forms of inputs other than buttons for this game! I was thinking of using the ultrasonic detector as a challenge too, e.g player has to remember the distance they have to trigger the ultrasonic detector. Perhaps once I learn about more sensors and inputs, I could think about implementing them into this game so there’s more variety rather than just a sequence of LEDs.

Week 9 – Arduino: analog and digital inputs & outputs

My Concept: I wanted to create a circuit in which the push button turns LED1  on and off and the photoresistor regulates the LED2 by turning on, making it blink and turning off based on the value of the photoresistor.

The video of the work: arduino_video

The code on Arduino:

The example with three push buttons controlling three LEDs on the website https://microdigisoft.com/controlling-leds-with-multiple-push-button-using-arduino/ was used in creating a circuit with one push button and one photoresistor with two LEDs.

//initializing the pins to push button and photoresistor 
const int BUTTON1 = 2; 
const int PHOTOSENSOR = A0;
//initializing the pins to LED1 and LED2
const int LED1 = 8;
const int LED2 = 12;

int BUTTONstate1 = 0;
int PHOTOSENSORvalue = 0; 

void setup()
//defining the button (digital) and photoresistor (analog) as input pins
  pinMode(BUTTON1, INPUT); 
//defining LEDs as output pins
  pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);

void loop()
//the conditional to turn on the LED1 if the button is pushed
  BUTTONstate1 = digitalRead(BUTTON1); 
  if (BUTTONstate1 == LOW)
    digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);

//the conditional to turn on the LED2, make it blink and turn off based on the value on photoresistor
  if (PHOTOSENSORvalue < 500)
    // Low light condition which turns LED2 on
    digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
  else if (PHOTOSENSORvalue >= 500 && PHOTOSENSORvalue < 1000)
    // Medium light condition which makes the LED2 blink
    digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); 
    digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); 
    // High light condition which turns LED2 off
    digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);

I am particularly proud of the code with reads the value of the photoresistor and gives the LED outputs accordingly (turn on, blink, turn off).

Reflections: This work might seem easy, but took lots of research and understanding of the concept. Initially, my idea was to control the brightness of LED2 based on the resistance value on the photoresistor to show that the LED2 is an analog output. However, strangely, LED1 was affected by the value of the photoresistor and LED2 did not react. Then, I changed the code to make the LED2 turn on when the value of the photoresistor is less than 500 ohms, blink when it is in the range of [500, 10000) and turn off when these conditions are not met. As this one worked well, I used this code. Nevertheless, I would like to solve the mystery of the first outcome.

reading reflection: week 9

Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen reads like meta commentary for this class. For all the work that we have done in the past weeks, we’ve produced supporting documentation backing our inspiration, thought process, methodology, and everything in between. The author speaks of such artists with disdain. “They pre-script what will happen. When you do that, you’re telling the participant what to think, and by extension, how to act. Is that what you wanted?” That is actually not what I want, and for my final project, I would like to work on this author’s terms. I don’t have an idea for my final project yet, but I think I want to create something expansive; something that houses at least the potential for serendipity. The projects that I am making right now are rather limited in functionality, so essentially I have already defined the scope for interactivity before the first interaction with my projects can even happen. But my goal for my final project is to design, for each individual user, unique experiences which exist in a larger permutative space.

The other reading offers some good ideas for thinking in this direction. Furthermore, even though most of the works listed are popular project ideas in the interactive art community, I liked how the author addressed this at the get-go. “So if you’re new to physical computing and thinking to yourself “I don’t want do to that, it’s already done,” stop thinking that way! There’s a lot you can add to these themes through your variation on them.” Usually, when I’m looking for inspiration on the blog for my weekly projects, I look at other people’s work and immediately close off ideas pertaining to the use of similar tools or methods. But looking at projects that use “body-as-cursor” or “hand-as-cursor”, it seems I don’t have to be that restrictive in my thinking. Everyone used Javascript to create all these cool projects in the first half of the semester — but every project came out so unique and with the emblem of each person’s individuality. So, if I see someone using an LDR for their project, I don’t think I should turn away from using LDRs in my project altogether. I can also probably make something cool with the same tools.