Final Project – Walking Buddy


For the final project I was inspired to create an assistive device called “Walking Buddy” – a voice-controlled walking guide. Based on voice commands provided by the user, the robot changes direction and continues to move until the next command. If it encounters an obstacle, the robot stops and warns the user by playing a tune through the speaker. All the interaction involved is through voice and sound making the design inclusive for all users.








The communication begins through P5 where speech library has been used to create a code that infers the voice command and sends relevant data to the Arduino. After receiving the data, the Arduino checks the input received from the ultrasonic sensor, if there is no obstacle detected, it implements the direction of motors according to the command. However, in the presence of an obstacle it sends out a tune to warn the user and stop. Further, the ultrasonic sensor has been mounted on a servo motor which allows it to scan the surroundings before turning left or right. An additional feature that I added involves moving an ellipse in the p5 sketch based on the direction of movement of the robot.



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#include <Servo.h>
#include "pitches.h"
#define Echo A0
#define Trig A1
#define motor 10
#define Speed 170
#define spoint 103
const int ain1Pin = 3;
const int ain2Pin = 4;
const int pwmAPin = 5;
const int bin1Pin = 8;
const int bin2Pin = 7;
const int pwmBPin = 6;
// notes in the melody:
int melody[] = {
// note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.:
int noteDurations[] = {
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
char value;
int distance;
int Left;
int Right;
int L = 0;
int R = 0;
Servo servo;
void setup() {
pinMode(Trig, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Echo, INPUT);
pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT);
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
delay(300); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop() {
void moveBackward() {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
void moveForward() {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
void turnRight() {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
void turnLeft() {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
void stopMotors() {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
int ultrasonic() {
digitalWrite(Trig, LOW);
digitalWrite(Trig, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Trig, LOW);
long t = pulseIn(Echo, HIGH);
long cm = t * 0.034 / 2;; //time convert distance
return cm;
int rightsee() {
Left = ultrasonic();
return Left;
int leftsee() {
Right = ultrasonic();
return Right;
void VoiceControl() {
while (Serial.available()) {
int value = Serial.parseInt();
if ( == '\n') {
if (distance <= 12) {
for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) {
int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];
tone(12, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);
int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;
// stop the tone playing:
if (value == 3) {
} else if (value == 4) {
} else if (value == 2) {
L = leftsee();
if (L >= 10 ) {
} else if (L < 10) {
} else if (value == 1) {
R = rightsee();
if (R >= 10 ) {
} else if (R < 10) {
} else if (value == 0) {
#include <Servo.h> #include "pitches.h" #define Echo A0 #define Trig A1 #define motor 10 #define Speed 170 #define spoint 103 const int ain1Pin = 3; const int ain2Pin = 4; const int pwmAPin = 5; const int bin1Pin = 8; const int bin2Pin = 7; const int pwmBPin = 6; // notes in the melody: int melody[] = { NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_A3, }; // note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.: int noteDurations[] = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 }; char value; int distance; int Left; int Right; int L = 0; int R = 0; Servo servo; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(Trig, OUTPUT); pinMode(Echo, INPUT); servo.attach(motor); pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); while (Serial.available() <= 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message delay(300); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(50); } } void loop() { VoiceControl(); } void moveBackward() { analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); } void moveForward() { analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH); analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); } void turnRight() { analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); } void turnLeft() { analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH); analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); } void stopMotors() { analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); } int ultrasonic() { digitalWrite(Trig, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(Trig, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(Trig, LOW); long t = pulseIn(Echo, HIGH); long cm = t * 0.034 / 2;; //time convert distance return cm; } int rightsee() { servo.write(20); delay(800); Left = ultrasonic(); return Left; } int leftsee() { servo.write(180); delay(800); Right = ultrasonic(); return Right; } void VoiceControl() { while (Serial.available()) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); int value = Serial.parseInt(); if ( == '\n') { Serial.println(value); distance=ultrasonic(); //Serial.println(distance); if (distance <= 12) { stopMotors(); value=0; for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) { int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote]; tone(12, melody[thisNote], noteDuration); int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30; delay(pauseBetweenNotes); // stop the tone playing: noTone(12); } } if (value == 3) { moveForward(); } else if (value == 4) { moveBackward(); } else if (value == 2) { L = leftsee(); servo.write(spoint); if (L >= 10 ) { turnLeft(); } else if (L < 10) { stopMotors(); } } else if (value == 1) { R = rightsee(); servo.write(spoint); if (R >= 10 ) { turnRight(); } else if (R < 10) { stopMotors(); } } else if (value == 0) { stopMotors(); } } } digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); }
#include <Servo.h>
#include "pitches.h"

#define Echo A0
#define Trig A1
#define motor 10
#define Speed 170
#define spoint 103

const int ain1Pin = 3;
const int ain2Pin = 4;
const int pwmAPin = 5;

const int bin1Pin = 8;
const int bin2Pin = 7;
const int pwmBPin = 6;

// notes in the melody:
int melody[] = {

// note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.:
int noteDurations[] = {
  4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

char value;
int distance;
int Left;
int Right;
int L = 0;
int R = 0;
Servo servo;

void setup() {
  pinMode(Trig, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Echo, INPUT);
  pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); 
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop() {

void moveBackward() {
  analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
  analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);

void moveForward() {
  analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
  analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);

void turnRight() {
  analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
  analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);

void turnLeft() {
  analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
  analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);

void stopMotors() {
  analogWrite(pwmAPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
  analogWrite(pwmBPin, Speed);
  digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);

int ultrasonic() {
  digitalWrite(Trig, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Trig, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Trig, LOW);
  long t = pulseIn(Echo, HIGH);
  long cm = t * 0.034 / 2;; //time convert distance
  return cm;

int rightsee() {
  Left = ultrasonic();
  return Left;
int leftsee() {
  Right = ultrasonic();
  return Right;

void VoiceControl() {
  while (Serial.available()) {
    int value = Serial.parseInt();
    if ( == '\n') {
      if (distance <= 12) {
        for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) {

          int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];
          tone(12, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);

          int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;
          // stop the tone playing:
      if (value == 3) {
      } else if (value == 4) {
      } else if (value == 2) {
        L = leftsee();
        if (L >= 10 ) {
        } else if (L < 10) {
      } else if (value == 1) {
        R = rightsee();
        if (R >= 10 ) {
        } else if (R < 10) {
      } else if (value == 0) {



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let dir = 0;
let robotX, robotY;
let img1;
let title;
let speechRec;
function preload(){
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 400);
robotX = 460;
robotY = 195;
let lang = navigator.language || "en-US";
speechRec = new p5.SpeechRec(lang, gotSpeech);
let speech = new p5.Speech();
//Checks for the end of text-to-speech conversion
speech.onEnd = () => {
isSpeaking = false;
let continuous = true;
let interim = false;
speechRec.start(continuous, interim);
isSpeaking = true;
speech.speak('Hi there!,This is your walking buddy. Join me to explore the world on foot. Use the commands Right, Left, Forward, Backward and Stop to navigate the directions. Finally, remember to stop when you hear the siren.')
function gotSpeech() {
if (speechRec.resultValue) {
//Conditions to detect the direction command
if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("right")) {
dir = 1;
} else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("left")) {
dir = 2;
} else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("forward")) {
dir = 3;
} else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("backward")) {
dir = 4;
} else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("stop")) {
dir = 0;
function draw() {
ellipse(robotX, robotY, 20, 20);
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 340, 380);
} else {
text("Connected", 3400, 380);
if (dir == 1) {
stroke(255, 0, 0); // Red stroke for right
} else if (dir == 2) {
stroke(0, 255, 0); // Green stroke for left
} else if (dir == 3) {
stroke(0, 0, 255); // Blue stroke for forward
} else if (dir == 4) {
stroke(255, 255, 0); // Yellow stroke for backward
} else {
noStroke(); // No stroke for stop
ellipse(robotX, robotY, 30, 30);
if (dir==1 && robotX < width - 40){
else if (dir==2 && robotX > 360){
else if (dir==3 && robotY > 60){
else if (dir==4 && robotY < height-70 ){
if (isSpeaking) {
image(speakImg, 180, 210, 100, 70);
function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
// make sure there is actually a message
// split the message
let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
// // if the right length, then proceed
if (fromArduino.length == 1) {
//SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
let sendToArduino= dir + "\n";
let dir = 0; let robotX, robotY; let img1; let title; let speechRec; function preload(){ img1=loadImage("img.png") title=loadImage("title.png") speakImg=loadImage("speak.png") } function setup() { createCanvas(600, 400); robotX = 460; robotY = 195; let lang = navigator.language || "en-US"; speechRec = new p5.SpeechRec(lang, gotSpeech); let speech = new p5.Speech(); //Checks for the end of text-to-speech conversion speech.onEnd = () => { isSpeaking = false; let continuous = true; let interim = false; speechRec.start(continuous, interim); }; isSpeaking = true; speech.speak('Hi there!,This is your walking buddy. Join me to explore the world on foot. Use the commands Right, Left, Forward, Backward and Stop to navigate the directions. Finally, remember to stop when you hear the siren.') function gotSpeech() { console,log("Speech") if (speechRec.resultValue) { createP(speechRec.resultString); //Conditions to detect the direction command if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("right")) { dir = 1; } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("left")) { dir = 2; } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("forward")) { dir = 3; } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("backward")) { dir = 4; } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("stop")) { dir = 0; } } } } function draw() { stroke(0); background("rgb(244,227,68)"); image(img1,30,140,170,260) image(title,30,20,300,180) fill(146,196,248) rect(340,40,240,310) fill(0); ellipse(robotX, robotY, 20, 20); fill(255); textSize(15); if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 340, 380); } else { text("Connected", 3400, 380); } if (dir == 1) { stroke(255, 0, 0); // Red stroke for right } else if (dir == 2) { stroke(0, 255, 0); // Green stroke for left } else if (dir == 3) { stroke(0, 0, 255); // Blue stroke for forward } else if (dir == 4) { stroke(255, 255, 0); // Yellow stroke for backward } else { noStroke(); // No stroke for stop } noFill() strokeWeight(2) ellipse(robotX, robotY, 30, 30); if (dir==1 && robotX < width - 40){ robotX+=0.5 } else if (dir==2 && robotX > 360){ robotX-=0.5 } else if (dir==3 && robotY > 60){ robotY-=0.5 } else if (dir==4 && robotY < height-70 ){ robotY+=0.5 } if (isSpeaking) { image(speakImg, 180, 210, 100, 70); } } function keyPressed() { if (key == " ") { setUpSerial(); } } function readSerial(data) { //////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (data != null) { // make sure there is actually a message // split the message let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ","); // // if the right length, then proceed if (fromArduino.length == 1) { console.log(fromArduino[0]); } ////////////////////////////////// //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake) ////////////////////////////////// console.log(dir); let sendToArduino= dir + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); } }
let dir = 0;
let robotX, robotY;
let img1;
let title;
let speechRec;

function preload(){

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400);
  robotX = 460;
  robotY = 195;
  let lang = navigator.language || "en-US";
  speechRec = new p5.SpeechRec(lang, gotSpeech);
  let speech = new p5.Speech();
  //Checks for the end of text-to-speech conversion
  speech.onEnd = () => {
    isSpeaking = false;
    let continuous = true;
    let interim = false;
    speechRec.start(continuous, interim);
  isSpeaking = true;
  speech.speak('Hi there!,This is your walking buddy. Join me to explore the world on foot. Use the commands Right, Left, Forward, Backward and Stop to navigate the directions. Finally, remember to stop when you hear the siren.')

  function gotSpeech() {
    if (speechRec.resultValue) {
      //Conditions to detect the direction command
      if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("right")) {
        dir = 1;
      } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("left")) {
        dir = 2;
      } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("forward")) {
        dir = 3;
      } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("backward")) {
        dir = 4;
      } else if (speechRec.resultString.toLowerCase().includes("stop")) {
        dir = 0;

function draw() {
  ellipse(robotX, robotY, 20, 20);

  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 340, 380);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 3400, 380);
  if (dir == 1) {
    stroke(255, 0, 0); // Red stroke for right
  } else if (dir == 2) {
    stroke(0, 255, 0); // Green stroke for left
  } else if (dir == 3) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255); // Blue stroke for forward
  } else if (dir == 4) {
    stroke(255, 255, 0); // Yellow stroke for backward
  } else {
    noStroke(); // No stroke for stop
  ellipse(robotX, robotY, 30, 30);
  if (dir==1 && robotX < width - 40){
  else if (dir==2 && robotX > 360){
  else if (dir==3 && robotY > 60){
  else if (dir==4 && robotY < height-70 ){
  if (isSpeaking) {
    image(speakImg, 180, 210, 100, 70);

function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {

function readSerial(data) {

  if (data != null) {
    // make sure there is actually a message
    // split the message
   let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
//     // if the right length, then proceed
    if (fromArduino.length == 1) {
    //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
    let sendToArduino= dir + "\n";


The part of this project that I am proud of is achieving the voice control feature. I used ‘The Coding Train’ youtube tutorials to explore the p5 speech library and implemented both text-to-speech as well as speech-to-text conversions.

Coding Train Tutorial:


Understanding the direction of movement of the motors was difficult initially but after a few trials I figured out the right code for each direction. Apart from this sending the text obtained from the commands of the user to the arduino did not always work as expected which made it challenging to understand what was wrong.


The below videos include the robot following voice commands, detecting an obstacle and p5 screen.


The showcase was a wonderful experience to see the creative work of others which also served as a sorce of inspiration for future projects. The concept of my project seemed interesting to people. However, I was encountered with an unanticipated situation where the robot was unable to work due to the detection of multiple sounds.


Some areas of future improvement would be to design a more efficient communication system with a precise description of the surrounding being conveyed to the user.

After the IM show, I felt that for such a robotic assistive device to be practical it would be necessary to have stronger sound selection to allow it to work even in crowded environments where multiple sounds can be detected.

Final Project: Human Following Robot


For my final project, I decided to create a human-following robot that I like to think of as a non-human pet, inspired by none other than Wall-E – that lovable robot from the movies. Just like Wall-E, my creation is meant to tag along beside you, sensing your presence and movement with its built-in sensors. It’s a robot that follows you around, imitating the way a curious pet might trail after its owner.

But there’s a twist – it’s not just an automatic follower. With P5JS, a programming tool, you get the reins, too. You can control it like you’re playing a video game, guiding it around with your keyboard and mouse. The idea struck me while watching Wall-E’s adventures, and I thought, why not blend that inspiration into something real? Something you can interact with, just like a pet that’s eager for your attention, whether it’s autonomously roaming or being directed by your commands.

Hardware Image

User Testing Videos

Key Components

  • Arduino Uno: The Arduino Uno acts as the brain of our robot. It’s a microcontroller responsible for processing data from sensors, making decisions, and controlling the motors and servo. The best part? It’s beginner-friendly, making it an ideal choice for those new to robotics.
  • Motor Driver: the powerhouse behind the robot’s movement. It precisely controls the motors that drive the wheels, ensuring our robot gracefully follows its human companion.
  • Ultrasonic Sensor: The ultrasonic sensor serves as the robot’s eyes, allowing it to measure distances. This is crucial for avoiding collisions and maintaining a safe following distance.
  • IR Sensor: Our robot needs to be smart enough to navigate around obstacles. That’s where the IR sensor comes in, allowing the robot to turn. By emitting and detecting infrared radiation, it enhances obstacle detection.
  • Servo Motor: It helps move the ultrasonic sensor, giving the robot flexibility.
  • Motors and Wheels: For our robot to follow, it needs reliable motors and wheels. The motor driver ensures these components work seamlessly, making our robot mobile and ready for adventure.
  • Piezo Speaker: Communication is key, even for robots. The piezo speaker provides audible feedback, alerting users that robots is ready to operate.

Schematic and Circuit Diagram

Implementation details

  • Interaction Design: The interaction design of my project centers on a user-friendly and intuitive experience. The robot operates in two modes: autonomous, where it uses sensors to follow the user around, and manual, where the user can control its movements through a P5JS interface. Switching between modes is seamless, catering to moments when you want a companionable presence without the effort or times when you prefer direct control.
  • Arduino Description: The Arduino code for my project serves as the brain of my pet-like robot. It integrates motor control with sensor inputs to enable the robot to follow a person autonomously or be controlled manually via P5JS. The code dictates how the robot moves in response to what the sensors detect, like proximity to objects or a person’s movements. It manages the logic for when the robot should move forward, turn, or stop to ensure smooth operation. Additionally, the code includes functions for playing melodies and controlling servo movements, giving the robot a lively and interactive character.

Code Snippet:

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#include <SparkFun_TB6612.h>
#include "pitches.h"
#include <Servo.h>
//Motor Driver Pins
#define AIN1 3
#define BIN1 7
#define AIN2 4
#define BIN2 8
#define PWMA 5
#define PWMB 6
#define STBY 9
// Motor speed and control variables
const int offsetA = 1;
const int offsetB = 1;
int speed = 100;
int brightness = 0; // Variable to receive serial data for control
// Initialize motor objects with defined pins and offsets
Motor motor1 = Motor(AIN1, AIN2, PWMA, offsetA, STBY);
Motor motor2 = Motor(BIN1, BIN2, PWMB, offsetB, STBY);
//Ultrasonic Sensor
int distance;
long timetaken;
double feet, inch;
// Define ultrasonic sensor pins
#define echoPin 13
#define trigPin 12
// Define IR sensor pins
#define IRR A0 //pin for right sensor
#define IRL A1 //pin for left sensor
//Define Buzzzer pins
int speaker = 11;
int melody[] = {
// Melody and note durations arrays for the buzzer
int noteDurations[] = {
4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
//Servo Motor initialization
Servo myservo;
int pos = 0; // Variable to store the servo position
void setup() {
// Setup for ultrasonic sensor
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); //ultrasonic sensor
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
// Setup for IR sensors
pinMode(IRL, INPUT); //left ir sensor
pinMode(IRR, INPUT); //right ir sensor
//plays instrumental tones
for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) {
// to calculate the note duration, take one second divided by the note type.
//e.g. quarter note = 1000 / 4, eighth note = 1000/8, etc.
int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];
tone(11, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);
int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;
// stop the tone playing:
// Setup for servo motor
for (pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1) { // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees
// in steps of 1 degree
myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position
for (pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos -= 1) { // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees
myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position
pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
// Initialize Serial communication
void loop() {
// Main loop for sensor reading and motor control
int distance, readLeft, readRight;
// Read ultrasonic sensor distance
distance = ultra();
// Read IR sensor states
readRight = digitalRead(IRR);
readLeft = digitalRead(IRL);
// Movement and control logic based on sensor readings
if (readLeft == 1 && distance > 10 && distance < 25 && readRight == 1) {
forward(motor1, motor2, speed); // Move forward
} else if (readLeft == 1 && readRight == 0) { //turn right
left(motor1, motor2, speed);
} else if (readLeft == 0 && readRight == 1) { //turn left
right(motor1, motor2, speed);
} else if (readLeft == 1 && readRight == 1) {
brake(motor1, motor2); // Brake the motors
} else if (distance > 5 && distance < 10) {
brake(motor1, motor2); // Brake if within a specific distance range
} else if (distance < 5) {
back(motor1, motor2, speed); // Move backward
// Remote control logic via Serial communication
if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if there is any Serial data available
// read the most recent byte (which will be from 0 to 255):
brightness =;
// Conditional statements to control the robot based on the received byte
if (brightness == 0) {
// If the received byte is 0, move the robot forward
// The function 'forward' is called with motors and speed as arguments
forward(motor1, motor2, 200);
} else if (brightness == 1) {
// If the received byte is 1, move the robot backward
// The function 'back' is called with motors and speed as arguments
back(motor1, motor2, 200);
#include <SparkFun_TB6612.h> #include "pitches.h" #include <Servo.h> //Motor Driver Pins #define AIN1 3 #define BIN1 7 #define AIN2 4 #define BIN2 8 #define PWMA 5 #define PWMB 6 #define STBY 9 // Motor speed and control variables const int offsetA = 1; const int offsetB = 1; int speed = 100; int brightness = 0; // Variable to receive serial data for control // Initialize motor objects with defined pins and offsets Motor motor1 = Motor(AIN1, AIN2, PWMA, offsetA, STBY); Motor motor2 = Motor(BIN1, BIN2, PWMB, offsetB, STBY); //Ultrasonic Sensor int distance; long timetaken; double feet, inch; // Define ultrasonic sensor pins #define echoPin 13 #define trigPin 12 // Define IR sensor pins #define IRR A0 //pin for right sensor #define IRL A1 //pin for left sensor //Define Buzzzer pins int speaker = 11; int melody[] = { NOTE_C4, NOTE_G3, NOTE_G3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_G3, 0, NOTE_B3, NOTE_C4 }; // Melody and note durations arrays for the buzzer int noteDurations[] = { 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 }; //Servo Motor initialization Servo myservo; int pos = 0; // Variable to store the servo position void setup() { // Setup for ultrasonic sensor pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); //ultrasonic sensor pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Setup for IR sensors pinMode(IRL, INPUT); //left ir sensor pinMode(IRR, INPUT); //right ir sensor //plays instrumental tones for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) { // to calculate the note duration, take one second divided by the note type. //e.g. quarter note = 1000 / 4, eighth note = 1000/8, etc. int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote]; tone(11, melody[thisNote], noteDuration); int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30; delay(pauseBetweenNotes); // stop the tone playing: noTone(11); } // Setup for servo motor myservo.attach(10); for (pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1) { // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees // in steps of 1 degree myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position } for (pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos -= 1) { // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position } pinMode(A3, OUTPUT); // Initialize Serial communication Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // Main loop for sensor reading and motor control int distance, readLeft, readRight; // Read ultrasonic sensor distance distance = ultra(); Serial.println(distance); // Read IR sensor states readRight = digitalRead(IRR); readLeft = digitalRead(IRL); // Movement and control logic based on sensor readings if (readLeft == 1 && distance > 10 && distance < 25 && readRight == 1) { forward(motor1, motor2, speed); // Move forward } else if (readLeft == 1 && readRight == 0) { //turn right left(motor1, motor2, speed); } else if (readLeft == 0 && readRight == 1) { //turn left right(motor1, motor2, speed); } else if (readLeft == 1 && readRight == 1) { brake(motor1, motor2); // Brake the motors } else if (distance > 5 && distance < 10) { brake(motor1, motor2); // Brake if within a specific distance range } else if (distance < 5) { back(motor1, motor2, speed); // Move backward } // Remote control logic via Serial communication if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if there is any Serial data available // read the most recent byte (which will be from 0 to 255): brightness =; // Conditional statements to control the robot based on the received byte if (brightness == 0) { // If the received byte is 0, move the robot forward // The function 'forward' is called with motors and speed as arguments forward(motor1, motor2, 200); } else if (brightness == 1) { // If the received byte is 1, move the robot backward // The function 'back' is called with motors and speed as arguments back(motor1, motor2, 200); } } }
#include <SparkFun_TB6612.h>
#include "pitches.h"
#include <Servo.h>
//Motor Driver Pins
#define AIN1 3
#define BIN1 7
#define AIN2 4
#define BIN2 8
#define PWMA 5
#define PWMB 6
#define STBY 9

// Motor speed and control variables
const int offsetA = 1;
const int offsetB = 1;
int speed = 100;
int brightness = 0; // Variable to receive serial data for control

// Initialize motor objects with defined pins and offsets
Motor motor1 = Motor(AIN1, AIN2, PWMA, offsetA, STBY);
Motor motor2 = Motor(BIN1, BIN2, PWMB, offsetB, STBY);

//Ultrasonic Sensor
int distance;
long timetaken;
double feet, inch;

// Define ultrasonic sensor pins
#define echoPin 13
#define trigPin 12

// Define IR sensor pins
#define IRR A0  //pin for right sensor
#define IRL A1  //pin for left sensor

//Define Buzzzer pins
int speaker = 11;
int melody[] = {

// Melody and note durations arrays for the buzzer
int noteDurations[] = {
  4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

//Servo Motor initialization
Servo myservo;
int pos = 0; // Variable to store the servo position

void setup() {
    // Setup for ultrasonic sensor
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);  //ultrasonic sensor
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

  // Setup for IR sensors
  pinMode(IRL, INPUT);  //left ir sensor
  pinMode(IRR, INPUT);  //right ir sensor

  //plays instrumental tones
  for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) {

    // to calculate the note duration, take one second divided by the note type.
    //e.g. quarter note = 1000 / 4, eighth note = 1000/8, etc.
    int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];
    tone(11, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);

    int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;
    // stop the tone playing:

  // Setup for servo motor
  for (pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1) {  // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees
    // in steps of 1 degree
    myservo.write(pos);  // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
    delay(15);           // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position
  for (pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos -= 1) {  // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees
    myservo.write(pos);                  // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
    delay(15);                           // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position
  pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize Serial communication

void loop() {
    // Main loop for sensor reading and motor control
  int distance, readLeft, readRight;

  // Read ultrasonic sensor distance
  distance = ultra();

    // Read IR sensor states
  readRight = digitalRead(IRR);
  readLeft = digitalRead(IRL);

  // Movement and control logic based on sensor readings
  if (readLeft == 1 && distance > 10 && distance < 25 && readRight == 1) {
    forward(motor1, motor2, speed); // Move forward
  } else if (readLeft == 1 && readRight == 0) {  //turn right
    left(motor1, motor2, speed);
  } else if (readLeft == 0 && readRight == 1) {  //turn left
    right(motor1, motor2, speed);
  } else if (readLeft == 1 && readRight == 1) {
    brake(motor1, motor2); // Brake the motors
  } else if (distance > 5 && distance < 10) {
    brake(motor1, motor2); // Brake if within a specific distance range
  } else if (distance < 5) {
    back(motor1, motor2, speed); // Move backward

  // Remote control logic via Serial communication
  if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if there is any Serial data available
    // read the most recent byte (which will be from 0 to 255):
    brightness =;

        // Conditional statements to control the robot based on the received byte
    if (brightness == 0) {
       // If the received byte is 0, move the robot forward
        // The function 'forward' is called with motors and speed as arguments
      forward(motor1, motor2, 200);
    } else if (brightness == 1) {
       // If the received byte is 1, move the robot backward
        // The function 'back' is called with motors and speed as arguments
      back(motor1, motor2, 200);


  •  Description of P5: In the P5.js code, there’s a dual-feature interface for my robot. It visually represents the sensor data, showing a value that decreases as you get closer to the robot and increases as you move away, mirroring the robot’s perception in real-time. Simultaneously, this interface allows you to control the robot’s movement. With simple commands, you can guide the robot to move forward or backward, offering a straightforward and interactive way to both visualize and manipulate the robot’s position and actions.

Code Snippet:

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
let serial; // variable for the serial object
let latestData = "wait"; // variable to hold the
let val = 0; // Variable to store a value for serial communication
let colorValue = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1000, 800);
// serial constructor
serial = new p5.SerialPort();
// serial port to use - you'll need to change this"/dev/tty.usbmodem141101");
// what to do when we get serial data
serial.on("data", gotData);
// Callback function for processing received serial data
function gotData() {
let currentString = serial.readLine(); // Read the incoming data as a string
trim(currentString); // Remove any leading/trailing whitespace
if (!currentString) return; // If the string is empty, do nothing
console.log(currentString); // Log the data to the console for debugging
latestData = currentString; // Update the latestData variable
function draw() {
background(211, 215, 255);
fill(102, 11, 229);
// Map the latestData to a rotational degree value
let rotDeg = map(latestData, 0, 1000, 0, 10000);
// Check for the space bar key press to start
if (key != " ") {
// Display the starting screen
fill(0, 0, 0);
rect(0, 0, 1000, 800); // Draw a black rectangle covering the canvas
fill(200, 200, 200); // Set text color
text("PRESS SPACE BAR TO START THE HFR", width / 4, height / 2);
} else {
// Main interaction screen
// Display forward and backward areas and instructions
// Forward area
fill(102, 11, 229);
rect(890, 0, 110, 1000); // Draw the forward area
fill(255, 245, 224);
text("FORWARD", 900, 450); // Label for the forward area
// Backward area
fill(102, 11, 229);
rect(0, 0, 110, 1000); // Draw the backward area
fill(255, 255, 255);
text("BACKWARD", 0, 450); // Label for the backward area
// Draw the robot representation
fill(35, 45, 63);
rect(500, -100, 100, 600); // Draw the robot's body
fill(180, 101, 229);
rect(500, 500, 100, -rotDeg); // Draw the robot's moving part
// Additional robot features
fill(200, 120, 157);
rect(500, 500, 100, 80); // Base of the moving part
fill(0, 0, 0);
rect(460, 580, 40, -30); // Left wheel
rect(600, 580, 40, -30); // Right wheel
fill(255, 255, 255);
text(latestData, 540, 560); // Display the latest data
// Display control instructions
text("Control the Robot:\n\n", 470, 600);
"Forward Movement:\n" +
"- 'Forward' area on right\n" +
"- Click to move forward\n" +
"- Click again to stop\n\n",
"Backward Movement:\n" +
"- 'Backward' area on left\n" +
"- Click to move backward\n" +
"- Click again to stop\n\n",
text("Move mouse to desired side and click to control movement!", 300, 770);
// Serial communication based on mouse position
if (!colorValue) {
if (mouseX <= width / 2) {
val = 1; // Set val to 1 if mouse is on the left half
serial.write(val); // Send val to the serial port
console.log("Left"); // Log the action
} else {
val = 0; // Set val to 0 if mouse is on the right half
serial.write(val); // Send val to the serial port
console.log("Right"); // Log the action
// Draw a circle at the mouse position
fill(255, 255, 255);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);
// Function to handle mouse click events
function mouseClicked() {
if (colorValue === 0) {
colorValue = 255;
} else {
colorValue = 0;
let serial; // variable for the serial object let latestData = "wait"; // variable to hold the let val = 0; // Variable to store a value for serial communication let colorValue = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(1000, 800); textSize(18); // serial constructor serial = new p5.SerialPort(); // serial port to use - you'll need to change this"/dev/tty.usbmodem141101"); // what to do when we get serial data serial.on("data", gotData); } // Callback function for processing received serial data function gotData() { let currentString = serial.readLine(); // Read the incoming data as a string trim(currentString); // Remove any leading/trailing whitespace if (!currentString) return; // If the string is empty, do nothing console.log(currentString); // Log the data to the console for debugging latestData = currentString; // Update the latestData variable } function draw() { background(211, 215, 255); fill(102, 11, 229); // Map the latestData to a rotational degree value let rotDeg = map(latestData, 0, 1000, 0, 10000); // Check for the space bar key press to start if (key != " ") { // Display the starting screen textSize(30); fill(0, 0, 0); rect(0, 0, 1000, 800); // Draw a black rectangle covering the canvas fill(200, 200, 200); // Set text color text("PRESS SPACE BAR TO START THE HFR", width / 4, height / 2); } else { // Main interaction screen // Display forward and backward areas and instructions textSize(18); // Forward area fill(102, 11, 229); rect(890, 0, 110, 1000); // Draw the forward area fill(255, 245, 224); text("FORWARD", 900, 450); // Label for the forward area // Backward area fill(102, 11, 229); rect(0, 0, 110, 1000); // Draw the backward area fill(255, 255, 255); text("BACKWARD", 0, 450); // Label for the backward area // Draw the robot representation fill(35, 45, 63); rect(500, -100, 100, 600); // Draw the robot's body fill(180, 101, 229); rect(500, 500, 100, -rotDeg); // Draw the robot's moving part // Additional robot features fill(200, 120, 157); rect(500, 500, 100, 80); // Base of the moving part fill(0, 0, 0); rect(460, 580, 40, -30); // Left wheel rect(600, 580, 40, -30); // Right wheel fill(255, 255, 255); text(latestData, 540, 560); // Display the latest data // Display control instructions fill("black"); text("Control the Robot:\n\n", 470, 600); text( "Forward Movement:\n" + "- 'Forward' area on right\n" + "- Click to move forward\n" + "- Click again to stop\n\n", 670, 650 ); text( "Backward Movement:\n" + "- 'Backward' area on left\n" + "- Click to move backward\n" + "- Click again to stop\n\n", 150, 650 ); text("Move mouse to desired side and click to control movement!", 300, 770); textStyle(BOLD); // Serial communication based on mouse position if (!colorValue) { if (mouseX <= width / 2) { val = 1; // Set val to 1 if mouse is on the left half serial.write(val); // Send val to the serial port console.log("Left"); // Log the action } else { val = 0; // Set val to 0 if mouse is on the right half serial.write(val); // Send val to the serial port console.log("Right"); // Log the action } } } // Draw a circle at the mouse position fill(255, 255, 255); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10); } // Function to handle mouse click events function mouseClicked() { if (colorValue === 0) { colorValue = 255; } else { colorValue = 0; } }
let serial; // variable for the serial object
let latestData = "wait"; // variable to hold the
let val = 0; // Variable to store a value for serial communication
let colorValue = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1000, 800);
  // serial constructor
  serial = new p5.SerialPort();

  // serial port to use - you'll need to change this"/dev/tty.usbmodem141101");

  // what to do when we get serial data
  serial.on("data", gotData);

// Callback function for processing received serial data
function gotData() {
  let currentString = serial.readLine(); // Read the incoming data as a string
  trim(currentString); // Remove any leading/trailing whitespace
  if (!currentString) return; // If the string is empty, do nothing
  console.log(currentString); // Log the data to the console for debugging
  latestData = currentString; // Update the latestData variable

function draw() {
  background(211, 215, 255);
  fill(102, 11, 229);

  // Map the latestData to a rotational degree value
  let rotDeg = map(latestData, 0, 1000, 0, 10000);

  // Check for the space bar key press to start
  if (key != " ") {
    // Display the starting screen
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    rect(0, 0, 1000, 800); // Draw a black rectangle covering the canvas
    fill(200, 200, 200); // Set text color
    text("PRESS SPACE BAR TO START THE HFR", width / 4, height / 2);
  } else {
    // Main interaction screen
    // Display forward and backward areas and instructions

    // Forward area
    fill(102, 11, 229);
    rect(890, 0, 110, 1000); // Draw the forward area
    fill(255, 245, 224);
    text("FORWARD", 900, 450); // Label for the forward area

        // Backward area
    fill(102, 11, 229);
    rect(0, 0, 110, 1000); // Draw the backward area
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    text("BACKWARD", 0, 450); // Label for the backward area

        // Draw the robot representation
    fill(35, 45, 63);
    rect(500, -100, 100, 600);  // Draw the robot's body
    fill(180, 101, 229);
    rect(500, 500, 100, -rotDeg); // Draw the robot's moving part

        // Additional robot features
    fill(200, 120, 157);
    rect(500, 500, 100, 80); // Base of the moving part
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    rect(460, 580, 40, -30); // Left wheel
    rect(600, 580, 40, -30); // Right wheel
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    text(latestData, 540, 560); // Display the latest data
        // Display control instructions
    text("Control the Robot:\n\n", 470, 600);
      "Forward Movement:\n" +
        "- 'Forward' area on right\n" +
        "- Click to move forward\n" +
        "- Click again to stop\n\n",
      "Backward Movement:\n" +
        "- 'Backward' area on left\n" +
        "- Click to move backward\n" +
        "- Click again to stop\n\n",
    text("Move mouse to desired side and click to control movement!", 300, 770);

        // Serial communication based on mouse position
    if (!colorValue) {
      if (mouseX <= width / 2) {
        val = 1; // Set val to 1 if mouse is on the left half
        serial.write(val); // Send val to the serial port
        console.log("Left"); // Log the action
      } else {
        val = 0; // Set val to 0 if mouse is on the right half
        serial.write(val); // Send val to the serial port
        console.log("Right"); // Log the action
    // Draw a circle at the mouse position
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10);
// Function to handle mouse click events
function mouseClicked() {
  if (colorValue === 0) {
    colorValue = 255;
  } else {
    colorValue = 0;

  • Communication between Arduino and p5.js:

In this project, the Arduino sends sensor data to P5.js, allowing for a visual representation of proximity; the closer you are to the sensor, the lower the number, and vice versa. P5.js then sends back control commands to Arduino, enabling the user to maneuver the robot forward and backward. This bidirectional communication between Arduino and P5.js is streamlined through serial communication, using an application called SerialControl to effectively connect ports in P5.js. This setup ensures efficient data transfer and responsive control of the robot’s movements.

Something I am Proud of

I’m particularly proud of the hardware implementation aspect of my robot project. It was a journey that demanded considerable time, effort, and a variety of materials to reach the final outcome. The process of assembling and fine-tuning the hardware, from selecting the right sensors and motors to designing and building the physical structure, was both challenging and rewarding. Seeing the components come together into a functioning robot was a testament to the hard work and dedication put into this project. This aspect of the project stands out for me as a significant achievement.

Challenges Faced

One of the challenges I faced was with the P5.js control interface. When trying to remotely control the robot, it moved extremely slowly, and at times, it would completely stop responding, even though I was actively trying to move it. I spent a significant amount of time troubleshooting this issue, delving into various aspects of the code and communication protocols. Eventually, I came to realize that this might be a limitation within the system, possibly related to lag or processing delays, which seem to occur quite frequently.

Another challenge I encountered involved the power supply for the robot. Initially, I had a battery pack with four cells, totaling 6V, but my robot only required 4.5V. To adjust the voltage, I removed one cell and connected a wire to bridge the gap. However, this setup proved problematic; as the robot moved, the wire would shift its position, causing intermittent power loss and loss of control. The robot would continue moving uncontrollably until I reconnected the wire. To resolve this, I came up with a creative solution. I crafted a connector using aluminum foil, shaping it to fit securely on both ends of the battery compartment. This improvised connector ensured a stable connection, eliminating the issue of the wire shifting during movement. With this fix, the robot now operates smoothly without any control issues.

Future Improvements

In terms of future improvements for my project, one key area I’d like to focus on is enhancing the P5.js sketch to make it more interactive and engaging. I plan to introduce multiple pages within the sketch, each offering different functionalities or information, to create a more comprehensive and user-friendly interface. Additionally, I’m considering integrating sound into the P5.js environment. This could include audio feedback for certain actions or ambient sounds to make the interaction with the robot more immersive and enjoyable. These improvements aim to not only enrich the user experience but also add layers of complexity and sophistication to the project.

IM Show!

It was an honor to showcase my human-following robot at the IM show. Seeing the enthusiasm and curiosity of students and faculty members as they passed by to test my robot was a heartwarming experience. I was particularly thrilled to witness the interest of professors who have been integral to my learning journey. Among them was Evi Mansor, who taught me in the communications lab; her impressed reaction was a significant moment for me. Additionally, Professor Michael Shiloh, a well-known figure in the IM department, showed keen interest in my project. A special and heartfelt thanks goes to Professor Aya Riad, whose guidance and teaching were pivotal in developing the skills necessary to create such an innovative and successful outcome. The support and the lively interest of the audience made the event a memorable highlight of my academic journey.




Final Project



The concept is inspired by Incredibox, a website first introduced in 2009 that offered a unique experience for creating music. No musical talent or knowledge of music composition is required. It’s designed so that any combination of audio seamlessly works with each other, allowing individuals to create their own music pieces. I found playing music on this website very satisfying and rewarding.

This inspiration drove the concept behind “Beat-Hoven.” Instead of different musical instruments, the music mixed is beatboxing. For the visuals, initially colorless avatars stand idle; once assigned a beatbox, their outfits change accordingly. Additionally, everything is kept in sync with an 8 sec cycle.


First, I started by creating the basic mechanism of the project. I researched how buttons worked for the first time and created a small model of a single button that plays a beat when clicked. However, with this first step, I faced many issues. The first button I used was faulty, which took me a lot of time to realize. Next, I realized that a single button press sent multiple true values at once instead of the one return value I was looking for. This caused a lot of issues with the implementation of the button; however, I figured out how to fix the problem.

Next, I started creating the foundation of the project by connecting the button press to start the audio of the intended player. The first issue I faced was how to send an instruction to stop the audio. Since the button only sends a high signal when pressed, I had to interpret it and check if the button pressed was intended to start or stop the audio. I was able to do that with a few checks, if functions, and flags.

After figuring out the start and stop of the audio, it was time to implement it on a larger scale. I started soldering the rest of the buttons and got them ready. Then I started importing the audio assets to each character one by one to p5. After that, I started linking them to the audio and adjusting the Arduino code to accommodate the buttons.

However, the challenges were not over. The next problem was creating the cycle that decides when an audio is played and when it is stopped to keep the beats in sync. Unfortunately, Google wasn’t helpful in any of the problems I faced since everything worked differently in my code. After 3 hours of figuring it out, I moved on to the next problem: Images! Since I had 8 characters, each character had its own audio, image, and logo. It was the image stage, and I faced many issues, especially since I had a background that was refreshing with each loop. The character that appeared when the button was pressed disappeared since the background was called in the next frame. I had to redesign the whole page to accommodate this.

After figuring that out and adjusting it so that the characters change when they’re not playing, I had to find a way to inform the user that the button-pressed signal has been received. I had this problem since the character does not play until the new cycle starts. So, if the user selected a character between cycles, they would not know if the press was successful or not, and they would press again, which would deactivate the character. I decided to use their logos. One would be colored, and the other monochrome, symbolizing that the character is not selected. After implementing it and linking it with a new function, the project started to take its form.

The next step was to work on the aesthetics. I designed a logo for the page, decided on the iconic name “Beat-Hoven,” and designed the homepage. However, the homepage was missing something – music! I found a mix that was created using beatbox and applied it for the background music. Next, I created the info page that explained the game. Now, the code was almost done, and it was time to work on the container design. I designed the box using a template from the web and laser-cut it on acrylic. Next, I assembled everything into the container and drilled a hole for the Arduino data wire. Finally, I printed an image of the characters and attached it to the box to make it stand out. And with this the project was completed.

 For the Arduino code:

I used 8 buttons which the Arduino received signals from and sent it to p5. It has a delay to only receive one input from the button per press to avoid the spamming of inputs.

For the p5

There are so many checks to ensure the program runs smoothly.
  • receives the input of the button
  • turns the flag related to the character to active if not active and turns it off if active
  • checks to see the next cycle has started
    • if activation flag is active
      • activate the character audio and display the image
    • if flag is deactivated
      • deactivate the character, stop the audio and change the image
  • parallel check
      • if the activation flag is active
        • display the colored logo immediately and do not wait for the new cycle
      • if flag is deactivated
        • display the monochrome logo for the character
      • if the page title is pressed
        • deactivate all characters
        • turn all the flags to deactivated.
        • return to the main page
        • start the background music
      • if the info page is pressed
        • switch the page and do not turn off the background music

Aspects I am particularly proud of

There are so many to mention, but here’s a few

creating a fully functioning game that was created by a team of professionals in a few days and nights

figuring out ways around the obstacles I faced

project turning out to be better than I imagined and not just satisfying the goals

learning how to use a laser cutter and how to solder for the first time

Areas for improvement

I would love to add animation to the phase to be in sync with the audio and maybe another version with different characters.


Showcase: showcase


Saiki Final Project: Motion Tracking CCTV Camera

My final project is a motion tracking CCTV camera that utilizes poseNet. The basic idea is to use poseNet to locate a person on the screen, and then send that data to a 3D printed CCTV camera mounted on top of a servo motor. By mapping the location data to the angles of the servo motor, it creates the illusion that the CCTV camera is following the person. In addition to the camera tracking, I also wanted to create a motion detecting p5 interface. After watching coding train tutorials on this effect, I discovered a method that uses pixel array data to isolate the moving person from the background, which I found really cool.

A large part of my process involved testing whether the servo-poseNet idea would work or not, and my draft of the final project documents this discovery. For the final project, I had several challenges ahead of me, including creating the p5 interface, figuring out the CCTV camera, and building a base for the camera and motor.



First, with the CCTV camera, I referred to the professor’s slides and came across a website with various 3D models that could be 3D printed. With the professor’s guidance on using the Ultimaker 3, I successfully 3D printed a CCTV camera that was the perfect size for the motor, in my opinion.


Next, I focused on the p5 interface. As mentioned earlier, I aimed to achieve a motion detection look. By applying multiple layers of effects such as grain, blur, and posterize, I was able to create an old-school CCTV footage vibe while also giving it a unique appearance that doesn’t resemble a typical CCTV camera. I wanted to capture the point of view of a camera trying to detect motion.

The final step for me was priming and spray painting the CCTV camera white, and finding the right base for it. Since I wanted to position it behind the laptop, I needed a base of suitable height. I found a cardboard box in my room and repurposed it as the shell for the CCTV camera base. I drilled a large piece of wood into it, which serves as a sturdy base for the motor. I then used wood glue to attach the motor to the wood slab, and glued the motor’s base plate to the CCTV camera.

The following is the code for my Arduino and p5 project:

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// video, previous frame and threshold for motion detection
let video;
let prev;
let threshold = 25;
// Variables for motion functions and positions
let mfun = 0;
let motionY = 0;
let lerpX = 0;
let lerpY = 0;
// Font for overlay text and PoseNet related variables
let myFont;
let poseNet;
let pose;
let skeleton;
let loco = 0;
function preload() {
myFont = loadFont("VCR_OSD_MONO_1.001.ttf");
function setup() {
// low frame rate for a cool choppy motion detection effect
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
video.size(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Create an image to store the previous frame
prev = createImage(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Initialize PoseNet and set up callback for pose detection
poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, modelLoaded);
poseNet.on("pose", gotPoses);
// Callback for when poses are detected by PoseNet
function gotPoses(poses) {
if (poses.length > 0) {
pose = poses[0].pose;
skeleton = poses[0].skeleton;
// Callback for when PoseNet model is loaded
function modelLoaded() {
console.log("poseNet ready");
function draw() {
// Check for serial port
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
// Check for pose and get nose pose data
if (pose) {
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(pose.nose.x, pose.nose.y, 20);
// location of pose nose
loco = int(pose.nose.x);
// value mapped for servo motor
val = int(map(loco, 0, windowWidth, 60, 120));
// load pixels for motion detection
threshold = 40;
let count = 0;
let avgX = 0;
let avgY = 0;
// Flip the canvas for video display
translate(width, 0);
scale(-1, 1);
image(video, 0, 0, video.width, video.height);
// Analyzing the pixels for motion detection
for (let x = 0; x < video.width; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < video.height; y++) {
// Current and previous pixel colors
let loc = (x + y * video.width) * 4;
let r1 = video.pixels[loc + 0];
let g1 = video.pixels[loc + 1];
let b1 = video.pixels[loc + 2];
let r2 = prev.pixels[loc + 0];
let g2 = prev.pixels[loc + 1];
let b2 = prev.pixels[loc + 2];
// Calculate color distance
let d = distSq(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2);
if (d > threshold * threshold) {
avgX += x;
avgY += y;
// Fliped motion effect pixels
let flippedLoc = (video.width - x - 1 + y * video.width) * 4;
pixels[flippedLoc + 0] = 155;
pixels[flippedLoc + 1] = 155;
pixels[flippedLoc + 2] = 255;
} else {
let flippedLoc = (video.width - x - 1 + y * video.width) * 4;
pixels[flippedLoc + 0] = 190;
pixels[flippedLoc + 1] = 255;
pixels[flippedLoc + 2] = 155;
// Updating the pixels on the canvas
// Calculate the average motion position if significant motion is detected
if (count > 200) {
motionX = avgX / count;
motionY = avgY / count;
// Mirror the motion tracking coordinates
// let flippedMotionX = width - motionX;
// lerpX = lerp(lerpX, flippedMotionX, 0.1);
// lerpY = lerp(lerpY, motionY, 0.1);
// fill(255, 0, 255);
// stroke(0);
// strokeWeight(2);
// ellipse(lerpX, lerpY, 36, 36);
filter(POSTERIZE, random(10, 20));
drawGrid(); // Draw the grid on top of your content
drawSurveillanceOverlay(); //surveillance overlay cam
drawGrain(); // grain effect for old school cctv vibes
filter(BLUR, 1.5); // blur effect to achieve that vhs quality
function distSq(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) {
return sq(x2 - x1) + sq(y2 - y1) + sq(z2 - z1);
// toggle full screen
function mousePressed() {
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < height) {
let fs = fullscreen();
function drawGrain() {
for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) {
let grainAmount = random(-10, 10);
pixels[i] += grainAmount; // red
pixels[i + 1] += grainAmount; // green
pixels[i + 2] += grainAmount; // blue
// pixels[i + 3] is the alpha channel
function drawSurveillanceOverlay() {
textFont(myFont); // Set the font
textSize(32); // Set the text size
// Draw border
stroke(0, 0, 0, 255);
rect(9, 9, width - 16, height - 16);
stroke(250, 250, 250, 255);
rect(9, 9, width - 16, height - 16);
// Display timestamp
fill(250, 50, 50);
fill(250, 250, 250);
stroke(0, 120);
textAlign(CENTER, TOP);
new Date().toLocaleString(),
windowWidth / 2,
windowHeight - windowHeight / 11
// cam 01
fill(50, 250, 55);
text("CAM 01", width - width / 19, windowHeight / 29);
function drawGrid() {
let gridSize = 15; // Size of each grid cell
// only the horizontal lines
stroke(205, 3); // Grid line color (white with some transparency)
strokeWeight(1); // Thickness of grid lines
for (let x = 0; x <= width; x += gridSize) {
for (let y = 14; y <= height + 16; y += gridSize) {
// line(x, 10, x, height);
line(11, y, width - 10, y);
// serial connection
function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
// make sure there is actually a message
// split the message
let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
// if the right length, then proceed
if (fromArduino.length == 2) {
// only store values here
// do everything with those values in the main draw loop
// We take the string we get from Arduino and explicitly
// convert it to a number by using int()
// e.g. "103" becomes 103
//SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
let sendToArduino = val + "\n";
// video, previous frame and threshold for motion detection let video; let prev; let threshold = 25; // Variables for motion functions and positions let mfun = 0; let motionY = 0; let lerpX = 0; let lerpY = 0; // Font for overlay text and PoseNet related variables let myFont; let poseNet; let pose; let skeleton; let loco = 0; function preload() { myFont = loadFont("VCR_OSD_MONO_1.001.ttf"); } function setup() { // low frame rate for a cool choppy motion detection effect frameRate(5); createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); pixelDensity(1); video = createCapture(VIDEO); video.size(windowWidth, windowHeight); video.hide(); // Create an image to store the previous frame prev = createImage(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Initialize PoseNet and set up callback for pose detection poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, modelLoaded); poseNet.on("pose", gotPoses); } // Callback for when poses are detected by PoseNet function gotPoses(poses) { //console.log(poses); if (poses.length > 0) { pose = poses[0].pose; skeleton = poses[0].skeleton; } } // Callback for when PoseNet model is loaded function modelLoaded() { console.log("poseNet ready"); } function draw() { // Check for serial port if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected", 20, 30); } // Check for pose and get nose pose data if (pose) { fill(255, 0, 0); ellipse(pose.nose.x, pose.nose.y, 20); // location of pose nose loco = int(pose.nose.x); // value mapped for servo motor val = int(map(loco, 0, windowWidth, 60, 120)); print(val); } background(0); // load pixels for motion detection video.loadPixels(); prev.loadPixels(); threshold = 40; let count = 0; let avgX = 0; let avgY = 0; // Flip the canvas for video display push(); translate(width, 0); scale(-1, 1); image(video, 0, 0, video.width, video.height); pop(); // Analyzing the pixels for motion detection loadPixels(); for (let x = 0; x < video.width; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < video.height; y++) { // Current and previous pixel colors let loc = (x + y * video.width) * 4; let r1 = video.pixels[loc + 0]; let g1 = video.pixels[loc + 1]; let b1 = video.pixels[loc + 2]; let r2 = prev.pixels[loc + 0]; let g2 = prev.pixels[loc + 1]; let b2 = prev.pixels[loc + 2]; // Calculate color distance let d = distSq(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2); if (d > threshold * threshold) { avgX += x; avgY += y; count++; // Fliped motion effect pixels let flippedLoc = (video.width - x - 1 + y * video.width) * 4; pixels[flippedLoc + 0] = 155; pixels[flippedLoc + 1] = 155; pixels[flippedLoc + 2] = 255; } else { let flippedLoc = (video.width - x - 1 + y * video.width) * 4; pixels[flippedLoc + 0] = 190; pixels[flippedLoc + 1] = 255; pixels[flippedLoc + 2] = 155; } } } // Updating the pixels on the canvas updatePixels(); // Calculate the average motion position if significant motion is detected if (count > 200) { motionX = avgX / count; motionY = avgY / count; } // Mirror the motion tracking coordinates // let flippedMotionX = width - motionX; // lerpX = lerp(lerpX, flippedMotionX, 0.1); // lerpY = lerp(lerpY, motionY, 0.1); // fill(255, 0, 255); // stroke(0); // strokeWeight(2); // ellipse(lerpX, lerpY, 36, 36); // MOREE EFFECTZZZZ filter(INVERT); prev.copy( video, 0, 0, video.width, video.height, 0, 0, prev.width, prev.height ); filter(ERODE); filter(POSTERIZE, random(10, 20)); drawGrid(); // Draw the grid on top of your content drawSurveillanceOverlay(); //surveillance overlay cam drawGrain(); // grain effect for old school cctv vibes filter(BLUR, 1.5); // blur effect to achieve that vhs quality } function distSq(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { return sq(x2 - x1) + sq(y2 - y1) + sq(z2 - z1); } // toggle full screen function mousePressed() { if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < height) { let fs = fullscreen(); fullscreen(!fs); } } function drawGrain() { loadPixels(); for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { let grainAmount = random(-10, 10); pixels[i] += grainAmount; // red pixels[i + 1] += grainAmount; // green pixels[i + 2] += grainAmount; // blue // pixels[i + 3] is the alpha channel } updatePixels(); } function drawSurveillanceOverlay() { textFont(myFont); // Set the font textSize(32); // Set the text size // Draw border noFill(); strokeWeight(5); stroke(0, 0, 0, 255); rect(9, 9, width - 16, height - 16); stroke(250, 250, 250, 255); strokeWeight(2.1); rect(9, 9, width - 16, height - 16); // Display timestamp fill(250, 50, 50); fill(250, 250, 250); stroke(0, 120); textSize(30); textAlign(CENTER, TOP); text( new Date().toLocaleString(), windowWidth / 2, windowHeight - windowHeight / 11 ); // cam 01 textSize(17); fill(50, 250, 55); text("CAM 01", width - width / 19, windowHeight / 29); } function drawGrid() { let gridSize = 15; // Size of each grid cell // only the horizontal lines stroke(205, 3); // Grid line color (white with some transparency) strokeWeight(1); // Thickness of grid lines for (let x = 0; x <= width; x += gridSize) { for (let y = 14; y <= height + 16; y += gridSize) { // line(x, 10, x, height); line(11, y, width - 10, y); } } } // serial connection function keyPressed() { if (key == " ") { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } } function readSerial(data) { //////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (data != null) { // make sure there is actually a message // split the message let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ","); // if the right length, then proceed if (fromArduino.length == 2) { // only store values here // do everything with those values in the main draw loop print("nice"); // We take the string we get from Arduino and explicitly // convert it to a number by using int() // e.g. "103" becomes 103 } ////////////////////////////////// //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake) ////////////////////////////////// let sendToArduino = val + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); } }
// video, previous frame and threshold for motion detection
let video; 
let prev;
let threshold = 25;

// Variables for motion functions and positions

let mfun = 0;
let motionY = 0;

let lerpX = 0;
let lerpY = 0;

// Font for overlay text and PoseNet related variables

let myFont;
let poseNet;
let pose;
let skeleton;
let loco = 0;

function preload() {
  myFont = loadFont("VCR_OSD_MONO_1.001.ttf");

function setup() {
//   low frame rate for a cool choppy motion detection effect

  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

  video = createCapture(VIDEO);
  video.size(windowWidth, windowHeight);

    // Create an image to store the previous frame

  prev = createImage(windowWidth, windowHeight);

    // Initialize PoseNet and set up callback for pose detection

  poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, modelLoaded);
  poseNet.on("pose", gotPoses);

// Callback for when poses are detected by PoseNet

function gotPoses(poses) {
  if (poses.length > 0) {
    pose = poses[0].pose;
    skeleton = poses[0].skeleton;

// Callback for when PoseNet model is loaded

function modelLoaded() {
  console.log("poseNet ready");

function draw() {
//   Check for serial port
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);
//   Check for pose and get nose pose data

  if (pose) {
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(pose.nose.x, pose.nose.y, 20);

//     location of pose nose
    loco = int(pose.nose.x);
//     value mapped for servo motor
    val = int(map(loco, 0, windowWidth, 60, 120));

// load pixels for motion detection

  threshold = 40;

  let count = 0;
  let avgX = 0;
  let avgY = 0;

  // Flip the canvas for video display
  translate(width, 0);
  scale(-1, 1);
  image(video, 0, 0, video.width, video.height);

    // Analyzing the pixels for motion detection

  for (let x = 0; x < video.width; x++) {
    for (let y = 0; y < video.height; y++) {
            // Current and previous pixel colors

      let loc = (x + y * video.width) * 4;
      let r1 = video.pixels[loc + 0];
      let g1 = video.pixels[loc + 1];
      let b1 = video.pixels[loc + 2];
      let r2 = prev.pixels[loc + 0];
      let g2 = prev.pixels[loc + 1];
      let b2 = prev.pixels[loc + 2];

      // Calculate color distance

      let d = distSq(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2);

      if (d > threshold * threshold) {
        avgX += x;
        avgY += y;
        // Fliped motion effect pixels
        let flippedLoc = (video.width - x - 1 + y * video.width) * 4;
        pixels[flippedLoc + 0] = 155;
        pixels[flippedLoc + 1] = 155;
        pixels[flippedLoc + 2] = 255;
      } else {
        let flippedLoc = (video.width - x - 1 + y * video.width) * 4;
        pixels[flippedLoc + 0] = 190;
        pixels[flippedLoc + 1] = 255;
        pixels[flippedLoc + 2] = 155;

    // Updating the pixels on the canvas


    // Calculate the average motion position if significant motion is detected

  if (count > 200) {
    motionX = avgX / count;
    motionY = avgY / count;

  // Mirror the motion tracking coordinates
  //     let flippedMotionX = width - motionX;

  //     lerpX = lerp(lerpX, flippedMotionX, 0.1);
  //     lerpY = lerp(lerpY, motionY, 0.1);

  //     fill(255, 0, 255);
  //     stroke(0);
  //     strokeWeight(2);
  //     ellipse(lerpX, lerpY, 36, 36);

  filter(POSTERIZE, random(10, 20));
  drawGrid(); // Draw the grid on top of your content

  drawSurveillanceOverlay(); //surveillance overlay cam
  drawGrain(); // grain effect for old school cctv vibes

  filter(BLUR, 1.5); // blur effect to achieve that vhs quality

function distSq(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) {
  return sq(x2 - x1) + sq(y2 - y1) + sq(z2 - z1);

  // toggle full screen

function mousePressed() {
  if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < height) {
    let fs = fullscreen();

function drawGrain() {
  for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) {
    let grainAmount = random(-10, 10);
    pixels[i] += grainAmount; // red
    pixels[i + 1] += grainAmount; // green
    pixels[i + 2] += grainAmount; // blue
    // pixels[i + 3] is the alpha channel

function drawSurveillanceOverlay() {
  textFont(myFont); // Set the font
  textSize(32); // Set the text size
  // Draw border


  stroke(0, 0, 0, 255);

  rect(9, 9, width - 16, height - 16);
  stroke(250, 250, 250, 255);

  rect(9, 9, width - 16, height - 16);

  // Display timestamp
  fill(250, 50, 50);
  fill(250, 250, 250);

  stroke(0, 120);

  textAlign(CENTER, TOP);
    new Date().toLocaleString(),
    windowWidth / 2,
    windowHeight - windowHeight / 11

//  cam 01
  fill(50, 250, 55);
  text("CAM 01", width - width / 19, windowHeight / 29);

function drawGrid() {
  let gridSize = 15; // Size of each grid cell
//   only the horizontal lines

  stroke(205, 3); // Grid line color (white with some transparency)
  strokeWeight(1); // Thickness of grid lines

  for (let x = 0; x <= width; x += gridSize) {
    for (let y = 14; y <= height + 16; y += gridSize) {
      // line(x, 10, x, height);
      line(11, y, width - 10, y);

// serial connection
function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

function readSerial(data) {

  if (data != null) {
    // make sure there is actually a message
    // split the message
    let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
    // if the right length, then proceed
    if (fromArduino.length == 2) {
      // only store values here
      // do everything with those values in the main draw loop
      // We take the string we get from Arduino and explicitly
      // convert it to a number by using int()
      // e.g. "103" becomes 103

    //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
    let sendToArduino = val + "\n";

p5 👆

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
void setup() {
// start the handshake
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message
delay(300); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
myservo.write(0); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value
void loop() {
// wait for data from p5 before doing something
while (Serial.available()) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data
int value = Serial.parseInt();
if ( == '\n') {
myservo.write(value); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value
#include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); myservo.attach(9); // start the handshake while (Serial.available() <= 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message delay(300); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(50); myservo.write(0); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value } } void loop() { // wait for data from p5 before doing something while (Serial.available()) { Serial.println("0,0"); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data int value = Serial.parseInt(); if ( == '\n') { myservo.write(value); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value } } }
#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo

void setup() {



  // start the handshake
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
           myservo.write(0);                  // sets the servo position according to the scaled value


void loop() {
  // wait for data from p5 before doing something
  while (Serial.available()) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data
    int value = Serial.parseInt();
    if ( == '\n') {
       myservo.write(value);                  // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

arduino 👆

Overall, I am happy with how the project was realized. It has been a very educational experience for me, as it has allowed me to learn about posenet, 3D printing, and visual effects. These skills will be valuable for my future capstone project, which will focus on surveillance.


Documentation/User Testing from the IM Showcase:


Final Project: Automated Trash Sorting System: A Sustainable Waste Solution

Automated Trash Sorting System: A Sustainable Waste Solution


The project’s main goal is to develop a trash sorting system that can help the environment in several ways. This system relies on technologies like Arduino, capacitive, and IR sensors to automatically detect and sort different types of objects placed in a trash bin, distinguishing between plastic and general waste. This technology offers several environmental benefits.

The automatic trash sorting system helps make sure that things we can recycle, like plastic, don’t get thrown away in the trash and sent to landfills. When plastic items are sorted out from regular trash, we can recycle them correctly, which saves important materials and reduces the amount of new plastic things we have to make. This is good for the environment because it means less pollution from plastic and less energy used to make new plastic stuff.

Images of the project:



Arduino uno

battery with 6 volts

IR sensor: E18-D80NK Adjustable Infrared Sensor

Capacitive sensor: Autonics Proximity Sensors Capacitive Sensors CR30-15DN

DC to DC boost converter : (the dc to dc boost converter employing a switching circuit and energy storage components like inductors and capacitors, increases the input voltage to a higher level through controlled switching and energy transfer processes.)




User testing

How does the implementation work?

The project’s implementation consists of a smart system that uses technology to make things work. It uses an Arduino and P5.js . The Arduino has a special sensor called a capacitive sensor, which can figure out what kind of material something is made of. For example, it can tell if it’s plastic or something else. Additionally, there’s another sensor called an IR sensor. This sensor can figure out if there’s something in the trash bin or not. To make it even more useful, the project also has a web interface made with p5.js. Where you can control and change how the system works. It’s like having a remote control for your TV but for this trash sorting system. So, with the web interface, you can tell the system what to do, like sorting the trash in different ways or turning it on and off. This makes it easier for people to use and control the system the way they want.


IR Sensor: (Digital)

The infrared sensor has 2 leds, one for sending the infrared light and the second for receiving it. So if there is an object in front of the sensor the light will be reflected from the object back to the sensor. The IR sensor detects if there is an object present or not but it doesn’t know the material of the object. If the signal is high it means there is no object and if its low means there is an object. 5 volts high and low 0 volts.

Capacitive sensor: (Digital)

Capacitive sensors- the change in electric field that can detect if there is an object or not (also depends on the sensitivity/distance). The purpose of capacitive sensor in this project is to detect if the object is not plastic, it can detect conductive objects. When the IR sensor detects an object then it checks the capacitive sensor if the voltage is high (10volts) then the object is general (conductive) if the voltage is low (0volts) then the object is plastic or inductive

Description of interaction design:

The interaction design of the system is all about how people can use and communicate with it. In this case, users can interact with the system through the p5.js web interface, which is like a control panel on a computer screen.

Inside this interface, there are buttons that you can click on. These buttons allow you to do different things. For example, there are buttons that let you choose how the system works, like whether it should do things automatically by itself (automatic mode) or if you want to control it yourself (manual mode). This is similar to choosing between letting a robot do a task for you or doing it with your own hands.

There are also buttons to tell the system what kind of material you’re putting in the trash. You can say if it’s plastic or something else (general waste). This helps the system know what to do with the trash.

To make things even clearer, the interface shows you text on the screen. This text tells you what mode the system is in and what kind of material it’s looking for. This way, you can always see and understand what the system is doing.

Description of Arduino code + code snippets:

The Arduino code uses Servo and defines the pins for capacitive and IR sensors. It reads incoming serial data, processes the angle value, and adjusts the servo accordingly. Modes (automatic/manual) and sensor readings are also handled.

Include the servo library and define the pins with required variable:

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#include <Servo.h>;
Servo GateServo;
#define capSensor A3 //Pin A3 (analog)
#define irSensor 4 //Pin 4 (digital)
#define GateServoPin 3 // GateServo pin
bool openTrash = false;
bool autoMode = true;
//Plastic goes to angle 11
//General goes to angle 158
//The closing angle of the gate which is 85 degree
int initialServoPosition = 85;
int anglePlastic = 11;
int angleGeneral = 150;
int capValue;
unsigned long GateServoReturnTime = 0;
const unsigned long GateServoReturnDelay = 1000; // 1 seconds in milliseconds
#include <Servo.h>; Servo GateServo; #define capSensor A3 //Pin A3 (analog) #define irSensor 4 //Pin 4 (digital) #define GateServoPin 3 // GateServo pin bool openTrash = false; bool autoMode = true; //Plastic goes to angle 11 //General goes to angle 158 //The closing angle of the gate which is 85 degree int initialServoPosition = 85; int anglePlastic = 11; int angleGeneral = 150; int capValue; unsigned long GateServoReturnTime = 0; const unsigned long GateServoReturnDelay = 1000; // 1 seconds in milliseconds
#include <Servo.h>;

Servo GateServo;

#define capSensor A3 //Pin A3 (analog)
#define irSensor 4 //Pin 4 (digital)
#define GateServoPin 3 // GateServo pin

bool openTrash = false;
bool autoMode = true;

//Plastic goes to angle 11
//General goes to angle 158
//The closing angle of the gate which is 85 degree
int initialServoPosition = 85;
int anglePlastic = 11;
int angleGeneral = 150;

int capValue;

unsigned long GateServoReturnTime = 0;
const unsigned long GateServoReturnDelay = 1000; // 1 seconds in milliseconds

Receive data from p5js via serial connection and extract the angle for plastic and general:

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void loop()
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
// Read the angle value from serial
String incomingData = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
//If the mode is manual enable controlling by the p5js panel
if (!autoMode) {
// Check if the incoming data starts with "angle:"
if (incomingData.startsWith("angle:")) {
// Extract the angle value from the incoming data
int angleValue = incomingData.substring(6).toInt();
// Process the angle value if it is within the valid range
if (angleValue >= 11 && angleValue <= 158) {
// Serial.println("Received angle: " + String(angleValue));
// Set the GateServo angle
// Reset the timer each time a valid angle is received
openTrash = true;
GateServoReturnTime = millis();
void loop() { while (Serial.available() > 0) { // Read the angle value from serial String incomingData = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); //If the mode is manual enable controlling by the p5js panel if (!autoMode) { // Check if the incoming data starts with "angle:" if (incomingData.startsWith("angle:")) { // Extract the angle value from the incoming data int angleValue = incomingData.substring(6).toInt(); // Process the angle value if it is within the valid range if (angleValue >= 11 && angleValue <= 158) { // Serial.println("Received angle: " + String(angleValue)); // Set the GateServo angle GateServo.write(angleValue); // Reset the timer each time a valid angle is received openTrash = true; GateServoReturnTime = millis(); } } }
void loop()
  while (Serial.available() > 0) {
    // Read the angle value from serial
    String incomingData = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');

    //If the mode is manual enable controlling by the p5js panel
    if (!autoMode) {
      // Check if the incoming data starts with "angle:"
      if (incomingData.startsWith("angle:")) {
        // Extract the angle value from the incoming data
        int angleValue = incomingData.substring(6).toInt();
        // Process the angle value if it is within the valid range
        if (angleValue >= 11 && angleValue <= 158) {
//          Serial.println("Received angle: " + String(angleValue));
          // Set the GateServo angle
          // Reset the timer each time a valid angle is received
          openTrash = true;
          GateServoReturnTime = millis();

Get the working mode from p5js panel and control the servo:

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if (incomingData.startsWith("Auto")) {
autoMode = true;
// Serial.println("Auto mode: " + String(autoMode));
else if (incomingData.startsWith("Manual")){
autoMode = false;
// Serial.println("Manual mode: " + String(autoMode));
// Check if it's time to return the GateServo to 85 degrees
if (millis() - GateServoReturnTime >= GateServoReturnDelay && openTrash) {
openTrash = false;
// Serial.println("Trash Closed");
if (incomingData.startsWith("Auto")) { autoMode = true; // Serial.println("Auto mode: " + String(autoMode)); } else if (incomingData.startsWith("Manual")){ autoMode = false; // Serial.println("Manual mode: " + String(autoMode)); } } // Check if it's time to return the GateServo to 85 degrees if (millis() - GateServoReturnTime >= GateServoReturnDelay && openTrash) { openTrash = false; GateServo.write(initialServoPosition); // Serial.println("Trash Closed"); }
 if (incomingData.startsWith("Auto")) {
      autoMode = true;
//      Serial.println("Auto mode: " + String(autoMode));
    else if (incomingData.startsWith("Manual")){
      autoMode = false;
//      Serial.println("Manual mode: " + String(autoMode));

  // Check if it's time to return the GateServo to 85 degrees
  if (millis() - GateServoReturnTime >= GateServoReturnDelay && openTrash) {
    openTrash = false;
//    Serial.println("Trash Closed");


Description of p5.js code + Embedded p5.js sketch: 

The p5.js code controls the web interface, buttons, and communication with Arduino. It displays the current mode, material type, and provides buttons for user interaction.

Description of communication between Arduino and p5.js:

Communication between Arduino and p5.js is achieved through the serial port. The p5.js script sends commands for mode setting and material type selection, and the Arduino reads and processes these commands, adjusting the servo and handling sensors accordingly.

The breakdown of the bidirectional communication:

1. p5.js to Arduino:

  • Sending Commands & Data: In p5.js, the serial.write(data) function is to send data to the Arduino. This data could be commands, sensor readings, or any other information needed to be sent to the Arduino.
  • Receiving in Arduino: On the Arduino side, the Serial.available() to check if there’s data available in the serial buffer. If data is available, the functions erial.readStringUntil(‘\n’) is to read and process the incoming data.

2. Arduino to p5.js:

  • Sending Data from Arduino: In Arduino code, the Serial.print(), Serial.println() send data back to the p5.js sketch over the serial port. This could be sensor readings, or any information needed to be visualized or processed in p5.js.
  • Receiving in p5.js: In the p5.js sketch ,the serial. on(‘data’, gotData) event to define a function (gotData) that will be called whenever new data is received. Inside this function, the incoming data will be processed.

What are some aspects of the project that you’re particularly proud of?

The seamless integration of hardware components, the user-friendly p5.js interface, and the efficient sorting mechanism underscores the project’s success in creating a functional and user-centric waste disposal system. These achievements not only enhance the user experience but also promote environmentally responsible waste management practices by automating the segregation process based on detected material types.

Challenges faced and how you tried to overcome them:

Challenges included sensor calibration, ensuring real-time communication between Arduino and p5.js, and optimizing the sorting algorithm.

    • Sensor Calibration and Accuracy:One of the primary challenges encountered during the project was ensuring accurate sensor readings for object detection. The capacitive and IR sensors required precise calibration to reliably distinguish between plastic and general waste. To address this, an extensive calibration process was undertaken, involving systematic adjustments to sensor thresholds, distances, and environmental conditions. Regular testing with a variety of objects helped fine-tune the sensor parameters, improving the overall accuracy of material classification.
    • Real-time Communication:Achieving seamless and real-time communication between the Arduino and the p5.js web interface was another significant challenge. Ensuring that commands were sent and received promptly without delays was crucial for responsive user interaction.

What are some areas for future improvement?

There are several exciting possibilities for future improvements to make the system even better and more efficient.

One area of improvement could focus on enhancing the sorting algorithm. Right now, the system can distinguish between plastic and general waste, but in the future, it could be trained to recognize and sort a wider range of materials. For example, it could learn to separate paper, glass, and metal items, increasing the effectiveness of recycling and reducing waste even further.

Another exciting advancement could involve implementing machine learning techniques. By integrating machine learning, the system could become even smarter when it comes to recognizing different objects accurately. This means it could become better at identifying and sorting items that might be tricky to distinguish using only sensors. Machine learning can help the system adapt and improve its performance over time, making it more reliable in sorting various materials.


IM Showcase :

The interactive media showcase was engaging and educational, and I gained a lot from everyone presenting there. It was a fun and enlightening experience. The highlight for me was a conversation with Professor Eva Mansour. She encouraged me to present my project to the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment in the UAE. She believes they would appreciate my project and sees potential for its implementation in the UAE.

Professor Mansour advised me on several key steps: firstly, to publish a paper outlining my project’s concept and findings; then, to seek funding for further development; and finally, to conduct extensive testing. She also emphasized the importance of design, suggesting improvements to enhance its appeal. Her insights have given me much to consider, and I’m hopeful about the possibility of implementing this project in the UAE.

Finally, a huge shoutout to Professor Aya for running such an incredible course. Thank you for your guidance and support, I appreciate it. Every step of the way, you were there, making the whole learning journey not just educational but really enjoyable too. Thank you! <3

testing students projects


Links to resources used:

Servo Library 

P5.js Reference 

Final Project: Torqu3-y


Transitioning from the conceptualization of ArtfulMotion, a project centered around translating gestures into visual art, I sought to elevate the interactive experience by integrating physical computing. This blog post outlines the genesis of the gesture-controlled robot concept, the nuanced implementation, and the resultant user experiences.

Inspiration and Conceptualization

The inception of this project emanated from a desire to imbue physicality into the realm of gesture-controlled art, a departure from the digital interface. Initially considering an “electronic buddy” or an “art robot,” inspiration struck upon encountering a multidirectional moving robot in a video shared by Professor Riad. The challenge was to replicate this unique motion with standard tires and integrate Bluetooth technology, ultimately opting for a tethered connection.

Gesture Recognition

Leveraging the handpose model from ml5.js, the implementation of gesture recognition unfolded by identifying 21 keypoints on a hand. The model, confined to recognizing one hand at a time, prompted the division of the video feed into segments, each corresponding to a distinct direction of motion. The chosen gestures prioritize intuitive and natural user interactions.

Interaction Design

User interaction revolves around using hand movements captured by a webcam, transforming them into navigational commands for the robot. An onboard button toggles the robot’s state, turning it on or off. Although the current iteration lacks auditory feedback, prospective enhancements will explore the integration of sound cues. The unique motion of the robot necessitates users to rely on intuition, adding an element of engagement.

Technical Implementation

The interaction between the p5.js sketch and the Arduino board relies on tethered serial communication, facilitated by the p5.web-serial.js library. A singular value is dispatched from p5 to Arduino, intricately mapped to specific motion sets.

p5.js sketch:


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function preload() {
instructionPage = loadImage('instructions.png');
for (let i = 1; i <= carNum; i++) {
carArray.push(new Sprite(spriteWidth, spriteHeight, 160, 80));
carArray[i - 1].x = 80 + i * 20;
carArray[i - 1].y = 100 * i;
carArray[i - 1].spriteSheet = 'spritesheet.png';
carArray[i - 1].anis.offset.x = 5;
carArray[i - 1].anis.frameDelay = 8;
carArray[i - 1].addAnis({
move: { row: 0, frames: 16 },
carArray[i - 1].changeAni('move');
carArray[i - 1].layer = 2;
carArray[i - 1].visible = false;
function preload() { instructionPage = loadImage('instructions.png'); for (let i = 1; i <= carNum; i++) { carArray.push(new Sprite(spriteWidth, spriteHeight, 160, 80)); carArray[i - 1].x = 80 + i * 20; carArray[i - 1].y = 100 * i; carArray[i - 1].spriteSheet = 'spritesheet.png'; carArray[i - 1].anis.offset.x = 5; carArray[i - 1].anis.frameDelay = 8; carArray[i - 1].addAnis({ move: { row: 0, frames: 16 }, }); carArray[i - 1].changeAni('move'); carArray[i - 1].layer = 2; carArray[i - 1].visible = false; } }
function preload() {
  instructionPage = loadImage('instructions.png');
  for (let i = 1; i <= carNum; i++) {
    carArray.push(new Sprite(spriteWidth, spriteHeight, 160, 80));
    carArray[i - 1].x = 80 + i * 20;
    carArray[i - 1].y = 100 * i;
    carArray[i - 1].spriteSheet = 'spritesheet.png';
    carArray[i - 1].anis.offset.x = 5;
    carArray[i - 1].anis.frameDelay = 8;

    carArray[i - 1].addAnis({
      move: { row: 0, frames: 16 },
    carArray[i - 1].changeAni('move');
    carArray[i - 1].layer = 2;
    carArray[i - 1].visible = false;

The preload() function loads the instruction page image and initializes an array of car sprites.


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function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
video.size(width, height);
handpose = ml5.handpose(video, modelReady);
handpose.on("predict", results => {
predictions = results;
function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); video = createCapture(VIDEO); video.size(width, height); handpose = ml5.handpose(video, modelReady); handpose.on("predict", results => { predictions = results; }); video.hide(); }
function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  video = createCapture(VIDEO);
  video.size(width, height);

  handpose = ml5.handpose(video, modelReady);
  handpose.on("predict", results => {
    predictions = results;


The setup() function serves as the initial configuration for the canvas, video capture, and the Handpose model. It establishes the canvas size based on the current window dimensions and initializes the necessary components, such as the video capture object and Handpose model. The modelReady callback function is triggered when the Handpose model is prepared for use, ensuring that the application is ready to detect hand poses accurately.


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function draw() {
flippedVideo = ml5.flipImage(video);
// Calculate the aspect ratios for video and canvas
videoAspectRatio = video.width / video.height;
canvasAspectRatio = width / height;
// Adjust video dimensions based on aspect ratios
if (canvasAspectRatio > videoAspectRatio) {
videoWidth = width;
videoHeight = width / videoAspectRatio;
} else {
videoWidth = height * videoAspectRatio;
videoHeight = height;
// Calculate video position
video_x = (width - videoWidth) / 2;
video_y = (height - videoHeight) / 2;
if (currentPage == 1) {
// display instructions page
image(instructionPage, 0, 0, width, height);
else if (currentPage == 2) {
// serial connection page
if (!serialActive) {
else {
// hides car animation
for (let i = 0; i < carNum; i++) {
carArray[i].visible = false;
// controlling page
if (controlState) {
// device has been turned off
else {
function draw() { background(255); flippedVideo = ml5.flipImage(video); // Calculate the aspect ratios for video and canvas videoAspectRatio = video.width / video.height; canvasAspectRatio = width / height; // Adjust video dimensions based on aspect ratios if (canvasAspectRatio > videoAspectRatio) { videoWidth = width; videoHeight = width / videoAspectRatio; } else { videoWidth = height * videoAspectRatio; videoHeight = height; } // Calculate video position video_x = (width - videoWidth) / 2; video_y = (height - videoHeight) / 2; if (currentPage == 1) { // display instructions page image(instructionPage, 0, 0, width, height); } else if (currentPage == 2) { // serial connection page if (!serialActive) { runSerialPage(); } else { // hides car animation for (let i = 0; i < carNum; i++) { carArray[i].visible = false; } // controlling page if (controlState) { runControllingPage(); } // device has been turned off else { runTorqueyOff(); } } } }
function draw() {

  flippedVideo = ml5.flipImage(video);

  // Calculate the aspect ratios for video and canvas
  videoAspectRatio = video.width / video.height;
  canvasAspectRatio = width / height;


  // Adjust video dimensions based on aspect ratios
  if (canvasAspectRatio > videoAspectRatio) {
    videoWidth = width;
    videoHeight = width / videoAspectRatio;
  } else {
    videoWidth = height * videoAspectRatio;
    videoHeight = height;

  // Calculate video position
  video_x = (width - videoWidth) / 2;
  video_y = (height - videoHeight) / 2;

  if (currentPage == 1) {
    // display instructions page
    image(instructionPage, 0, 0, width, height);
  else if (currentPage == 2) {
    // serial connection page
    if (!serialActive) {

    else {
      // hides car animation
      for (let i = 0; i < carNum; i++) {
        carArray[i].visible = false;

      // controlling page
      if (controlState) {

      // device has been turned off
      else {

Within the draw() function, various elements contribute to the overall functionality of the sketch. The calculation of video and canvas aspect ratios ensures that the video feed maintains its proportions when displayed on the canvas. This responsiveness allows the application to adapt seamlessly to different window sizes, providing a consistent and visually appealing user interface.

The draw() function is also responsible for managing different pages within the application. It evaluates the currentPage variable, determining whether to display the instruction page or proceed to pages related to serial connection and hand gesture control. This page-switching behavior is facilitated by the mousePressed function, enabling users to navigate through the application intuitively.


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function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
if (int(trim(data)) == maxVoltReading) {
controlState = true;
else if (int(trim(data)) == minVoltReading){
controlState = false;
//SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
let sendToArduino = value + "\n";
// reset value
value = defaultState;
function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { //////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (int(trim(data)) == maxVoltReading) { controlState = true; } else if (int(trim(data)) == minVoltReading){ controlState = false; } ////////////////////////////////// //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake) ////////////////////////////////// let sendToArduino = value + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); // reset value value = defaultState; } }
function readSerial(data) {

  if (data != null) {
    if (int(trim(data)) == maxVoltReading) {
      controlState = true;
    else if (int(trim(data)) == minVoltReading){
      controlState = false;

    //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
    let sendToArduino = value + "\n";
    // reset value
    value = defaultState;

The readSerial(data) function handles communication with an Arduino device. It interprets incoming data, updates the controlState based on voltage readings, and initiates a handshake with the Arduino. This interaction establishes a connection between the physical device and the digital application, enabling real-time responses to user inputs.


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function drawKeypoints() {
for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) {
const prediction = predictions[i];
let area = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j += 1) {
const keypoint = prediction.landmarks[j];
fill(0, 255, 0);
let x = map(keypoint[0], 0, 640, 0, videoWidth);
let y = map(keypoint[1], 0, 480, 0, videoHeight);
ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
// count number of trues
// -- helps to detect the area the detected hand is in
if (withinLeft(x, y)) {
area[0] += 1;
if (withinTopCenter(x, y)) {
area[1] += 1;
if (withinRight(x, y)) {
area[2] += 1;
if (withinMiddleCenter(x, y)) {
area[3] += 1;
if (withinBottomCenter(x, y)) {
area[4] += 1;
// end of count
// print index
for (let i = 0; i < area.length; i += 1) {
if (area[i] == 21) {
value = i;
function drawKeypoints() { for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) { const prediction = predictions[i]; let area = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j += 1) { const keypoint = prediction.landmarks[j]; fill(0, 255, 0); noStroke(); let x = map(keypoint[0], 0, 640, 0, videoWidth); let y = map(keypoint[1], 0, 480, 0, videoHeight); ellipse(x, y, 10, 10); // count number of trues // -- helps to detect the area the detected hand is in if (withinLeft(x, y)) { area[0] += 1; } if (withinTopCenter(x, y)) { area[1] += 1; } if (withinRight(x, y)) { area[2] += 1; } if (withinMiddleCenter(x, y)) { area[3] += 1; } if (withinBottomCenter(x, y)) { area[4] += 1; } // end of count } // print index for (let i = 0; i < area.length; i += 1) { if (area[i] == 21) { value = i; } } } }
function drawKeypoints() {
  for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) {
    const prediction = predictions[i];
    let area = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
    for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j += 1) {
      const keypoint = prediction.landmarks[j];
      fill(0, 255, 0);
      let x = map(keypoint[0], 0, 640, 0, videoWidth);
      let y = map(keypoint[1], 0, 480, 0, videoHeight);
      ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
      // count number of trues
      // -- helps to detect the area the detected hand is in
      if (withinLeft(x, y)) {
        area[0] += 1;
      if (withinTopCenter(x, y)) {
        area[1] += 1;
      if (withinRight(x, y)) {
        area[2] += 1;
      if (withinMiddleCenter(x, y)) {
        area[3] += 1;
      if (withinBottomCenter(x, y)) {
        area[4] += 1;
      // end of count
    // print index
    for (let i = 0; i < area.length; i += 1) {
      if (area[i] == 21) {
        value = i;

The drawKeypoints() function utilizes the Handpose model’s predictions to visualize detected keypoints on the canvas. These keypoints correspond to various landmarks on the hand, and their positions are mapped from the video coordinates to the canvas coordinates. By counting the number of keypoints within specific regions, the function determines the area of the hand’s position. This information is crucial for the application to interpret user gestures and trigger relevant actions.

Robot Movement

Arduino schematic diagram:

The robot’s movement encompasses pseudo-forward, pseudo-backward, and rotational movements in either direction around its center. Achieving these nuanced movements involved a methodical trial-and-error process, aligning gestures with intended actions.

Arduino sketch

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const int ain1Pin = 3;
const int ain2Pin = 4;
const int pwmAPin = 5;
const int bin1Pin = 8;
const int bin2Pin = 7;
const int pwmBPin = 6;
int buttonValue = 0;
int prevButtonValue = 0;
const int defaultState = -1;
const unsigned long eventInterval = 1000;
unsigned long previousTime = 0;
void setup() {
// Start serial communication so we can send data
// over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really
pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really
// turn in one direction, full speed
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
// stay here for a second
// slow down
int speed = 255;
while (speed--) {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, speed);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, speed);
buttonValue = analogRead(A0);
prevButtonValue = buttonValue;
// start the handshake
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println(buttonValue); // send a starting message
delay(50); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop() {
/* Updates frequently */
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
/* This is the event */
if (currentTime - previousTime >= eventInterval) {
/* Event code */
buttonValue = analogRead(A0);
/* Update the timing for the next time around */
previousTime = currentTime;
while (Serial.available()) {
// sends state data to p5
if (buttonValue != prevButtonValue) {
prevButtonValue = buttonValue;
else {
// led on while receiving data
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// gets value from p5
int value = Serial.parseInt();
// changes brightness of the led
if ( == '\n' && buttonValue == 1023) {
if (value == 0) {
// 0
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
// 0
else if (value == 1) {
// 1
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
// 1
else if (value == 2){
// 2
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
// 2
else if (value == 3) {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
else if (value == 4) {
// 4
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
// 4
else {
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
// led off at end of reading
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
const int ain1Pin = 3; const int ain2Pin = 4; const int pwmAPin = 5; const int bin1Pin = 8; const int bin2Pin = 7; const int pwmBPin = 6; int buttonValue = 0; int prevButtonValue = 0; const int defaultState = -1; const unsigned long eventInterval = 1000; unsigned long previousTime = 0; void setup() { // Start serial communication so we can send data // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really // TEST BEGIN // turn in one direction, full speed analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); // stay here for a second delay(1000); // slow down int speed = 255; while (speed--) { analogWrite(pwmAPin, speed); analogWrite(pwmBPin, speed); delay(20); } // TEST END buttonValue = analogRead(A0); prevButtonValue = buttonValue; // start the handshake while (Serial.available() <= 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println(buttonValue); // send a starting message delay(50); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(50); } } void loop() { /* Updates frequently */ unsigned long currentTime = millis(); /* This is the event */ if (currentTime - previousTime >= eventInterval) { /* Event code */ buttonValue = analogRead(A0); /* Update the timing for the next time around */ previousTime = currentTime; } while (Serial.available()) { // sends state data to p5 if (buttonValue != prevButtonValue) { prevButtonValue = buttonValue; Serial.println(buttonValue); } else { Serial.println(defaultState); } // led on while receiving data digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // gets value from p5 int value = Serial.parseInt(); // changes brightness of the led if ( == '\n' && buttonValue == 1023) { if (value == 0) { // 0 digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); // 0 } else if (value == 1) { // 1 digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); // 1 } else if (value == 2){ // 2 digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); // 2 } else if (value == 3) { analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0); } else if (value == 4) { // 4 digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); // 4 } else { analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0); } } } // led off at end of reading digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); }
const int ain1Pin = 3;
const int ain2Pin = 4;
const int pwmAPin = 5;

const int bin1Pin = 8;
const int bin2Pin = 7;
const int pwmBPin = 6;

int buttonValue = 0;
int prevButtonValue = 0;
const int defaultState = -1;

const unsigned long eventInterval = 1000;
unsigned long previousTime = 0;

void setup() {
  // Start serial communication so we can send data
  // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch


  pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really

  pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really

  // turn in one direction, full speed
  analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
  analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
  digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);

  // stay here for a second

  // slow down
  int speed = 255;
  while (speed--) {
    analogWrite(pwmAPin, speed);
    analogWrite(pwmBPin, speed);


  buttonValue = analogRead(A0);
  prevButtonValue = buttonValue;

  // start the handshake
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println(buttonValue); // send a starting message
    delay(50);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);


void loop() {

   /* Updates frequently */
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  /* This is the event */
  if (currentTime - previousTime >= eventInterval) {
    /* Event code */
    buttonValue = analogRead(A0);
   /* Update the timing for the next time around */
    previousTime = currentTime;

  while (Serial.available()) {
    // sends state data to p5
    if (buttonValue != prevButtonValue) {
      prevButtonValue = buttonValue;
    else {
    // led on while receiving data
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); 

    // gets value from p5
    int value = Serial.parseInt();

    // changes brightness of the led
    if ( == '\n' && buttonValue == 1023) {
      if (value == 0) {
        // 0
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);

        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        // 0


      else if (value == 1) {
        // 1
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);

        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        // 1

      else if (value == 2){
        // 2
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);

        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        // 2

      else if (value == 3) {
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);

      else if (value == 4) {
        // 4
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);

        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        // 4

      else {
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
  // led off at end of reading
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

The setup() function initializes serial communication, configures pins, and performs an initial motor test. Additionally, it sends the initial buttonValue to the p5.js sketch for the handshake.

The loop() function checks if the eventInterval has elapsed and updates the buttonValue accordingly. It handles incoming serial data from the p5.js sketch, sending state data back and adjusting LED brightness. Motor control logic is implemented based on the received values from the p5.js sketch, allowing for different motor configurations.

User Experience

End users find the robot’s unconventional design intriguing, coupled with a sense of awe at its mobility. The brief learning curve is accompanied by occasional glitches arising from imperfections in handpose detection, which may result in initial user frustration.

User Testing

IM Showcase

The IM showcase went well overall. Despite a few technical hiccups during the presentation, the feedback from people who interacted with the project was positive. Some issues raised were ones I had anticipated from user testing, and I plan to address them in future versions of the project.

User Interaction 1:

User Interaction 2:

Aesthetics and Design

Crafted predominantly from cardboard, the robot’s casing prioritized rapid prototyping, considering time constraints. The material’s versatility expedited the prototyping process, and the strategic use of zipties and glue ensured durability, with easily replaceable parts mitigating potential damage.

Future Enhancements

Subsequent iterations of ArtfulMotion 2.0 aspire to introduce gesture controls for variable speed, operational modes such as tracking, and exploration of more robust machine learning models beyond the limitations of handpose. The quest for wireless control takes precedence, offering heightened operational flexibility, potentially accompanied by a structural redesign.


The completion of this project within constrained timelines marks a journey characterized by swift prototyping, iterative testing, and redesign. Future endeavors shift focus towards refining wireless communication, structural enhancements, and the exploration of advanced machine learning models.

p5 rough sketch:


P5 Sketch

Final Project: RekasBot


The idea was to create a bot that can be controlled with hand movement using machine learning with the library. The P5 sketch has an in-car design with the steering wheel and the Arduino comprises 4dc motors, two ultrasonic sensors, and some LEDs.

Interactive Design:

For user interactivity, I decided to use the P5.js. The computer video webcam helps the machine learning library to detect the movement of the user’s hand and map these movements to the size of the canvas. This information is used to control the steering wheel, which controls the Arduino.

Arduino Code:

For the Arduino aspect, the motors are controlled using switch cases. The Arduino receives cases from the P5 sketch and based on those cases, the Arduino knows how to control the 4 DC motors. The Arduino uses the ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and sends this information to the P5 sketch to be viewed by the user.

Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
#include <Servo.h>//include the Servo library/
#include <time.h>//include the time library for seeding random number
Servo myservo;//creating servo object
const int ain1Pin = 3;//setting pins for motor for left side which is connected in parallel
const int ain2Pin = 4;
const int pwmAPin = 5;
const int bin1Pin = 8;//setting pinf for motor for right side
const int bin2Pin = 7;
const int pwmBPin = 6;
const int trigPin1 = 11;//setting pins for front ultrasonic sensor
const int echoPin1= A0;//I used A0 pin cause I didnt have space...Please pardon me
const int trigPin2 = 10;//setting pins for back ultrasonic sensor
const int echoPin2 = A1;//here too
const int warningbuzzer=12;//setting the buzzer to 12
//servo motor
const int headmovePin=9;//setting the servo motor pin to 9
int wallstop=0;//initializing the obstacle detection
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;//setting millis to 0
const long interval = 5000;//setting interval for the millis
void setup() {
myservo.attach(headmovePin);//pass the servo pin to the servo library
randomSeed(time(NULL));//seed random number using the current time
pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);//setting the pins as output and input
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);//light checker
pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);//motor pin
pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really
pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really
// Start serial communication so we can send data
// over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT);
pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
pinMode(warningbuzzer, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(9600);//setting the serial band
while (!Serial.available()) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message
delay(300); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
delay(1000);//delay for a second
void loop() {
//When the serial is detected do this
while (Serial.available()) {//while the serial connection exists
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data
wallstop=crushstop();//update the wallstop from the crush function
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();//set current millis
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
// save the last time you blinked the LED
previousMillis = currentMillis;
movehead();//if the interval is reached, move the head
int movement = Serial.parseInt();//get the movement case from p5
if ( == '\n') {//when we read a new line,
switch(movement){//execute the following commmands based on the case
case 0://no movement
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
case 1://forward
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
case 2://reverse
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
case 3://right front
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
case 4://left front
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
case 5://right back
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
case 6://left back
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
default://if not case is gotten within our expected range, stop
analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
Serial.println(wallstop);//send the detection to p5
int crushstop(){//this function returns 1 when an obstacle is ahead and 2 when an obstacle is behind
int wallstop=0;//initialize wallstop
digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(2); //basically shooting beems and using the time it takes to bounce back to calculate distance
digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
// Time it takes for the pulse to travel back from the object long
int duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);
// Universal conversion of time into distance in cm
int distance1 = duration1 * 0.034 / 2;//divided by two beause its a two way thing
digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
// Time it takes for the pulse to travel back from the object long
int duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH);
// Universal conversion of time into distance in cm
int distance2 = duration2 * 0.034 / 2;
if(distance1<5){//if collision is detected behind, send 2
tone(warningbuzzer,2000);//play the tone
else if(distance2<5){
wallstop=1;//if collision is detected infront, send 1
tone(warningbuzzer,2000);//play the tone
noTone(warningbuzzer);//if nothing is detected dont play a tone
return wallstop;//return this info
void movehead(){
myservo.write(random(0, 180));//move the head to a random number between 0 and 180
#include <Servo.h>//include the Servo library/ #include <time.h>//include the time library for seeding random number Servo myservo;//creating servo object const int ain1Pin = 3;//setting pins for motor for left side which is connected in parallel const int ain2Pin = 4; const int pwmAPin = 5; const int bin1Pin = 8;//setting pinf for motor for right side const int bin2Pin = 7; const int pwmBPin = 6; const int trigPin1 = 11;//setting pins for front ultrasonic sensor const int echoPin1= A0;//I used A0 pin cause I didnt have space...Please pardon me const int trigPin2 = 10;//setting pins for back ultrasonic sensor const int echoPin2 = A1;//here too const int warningbuzzer=12;//setting the buzzer to 12 //servo motor const int headmovePin=9;//setting the servo motor pin to 9 int wallstop=0;//initializing the obstacle detection unsigned long previousMillis = 0;//setting millis to 0 const long interval = 5000;//setting interval for the millis void setup() { myservo.attach(headmovePin);//pass the servo pin to the servo library randomSeed(time(NULL));//seed random number using the current time pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);//setting the pins as output and input pinMode(2, OUTPUT);//light checker pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);//motor pin pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really // Start serial communication so we can send data // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT); pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT); pinMode(warningbuzzer, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600);//setting the serial band while (!Serial.available()) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message delay(300); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(1000);//delay for a second } } void loop() { wallstop=crushstop(); //When the serial is detected do this while (Serial.available()) {//while the serial connection exists digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data wallstop=crushstop();//update the wallstop from the crush function unsigned long currentMillis = millis();//set current millis if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) { // save the last time you blinked the LED previousMillis = currentMillis; movehead();//if the interval is reached, move the head } int movement = Serial.parseInt();//get the movement case from p5 if ( == '\n') {//when we read a new line, switch(movement){//execute the following commmands based on the case case 0://no movement analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); break; case 1://forward analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); break; case 2://reverse analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); break; case 3://right front analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW); break; case 4://left front analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH); break; case 5://right back analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); break; case 6://left back analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); break; default://if not case is gotten within our expected range, stop analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0); digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW); analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0); digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH); break; } delay(5); Serial.println(wallstop);//send the detection to p5 } } } int crushstop(){//this function returns 1 when an obstacle is ahead and 2 when an obstacle is behind int wallstop=0;//initialize wallstop digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); //basically shooting beems and using the time it takes to bounce back to calculate distance digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW); // Time it takes for the pulse to travel back from the object long int duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH); // Universal conversion of time into distance in cm int distance1 = duration1 * 0.034 / 2;//divided by two beause its a two way thing digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW); // Time it takes for the pulse to travel back from the object long int duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH); // Universal conversion of time into distance in cm int distance2 = duration2 * 0.034 / 2; if(distance1<5){//if collision is detected behind, send 2 wallstop=2; tone(warningbuzzer,2000);//play the tone delay(5); } else if(distance2<5){ wallstop=1;//if collision is detected infront, send 1 tone(warningbuzzer,2000);//play the tone delay(5); } else{ wallstop=0; noTone(warningbuzzer);//if nothing is detected dont play a tone } return wallstop;//return this info } void movehead(){ myservo.write(random(0, 180));//move the head to a random number between 0 and 180 delay(15); }
#include <Servo.h>//include the Servo library/
#include <time.h>//include the time library for seeding random number

Servo myservo;//creating servo object

const int ain1Pin = 3;//setting pins for motor for left side which is connected in parallel
const int ain2Pin = 4;
const int pwmAPin = 5;

const int bin1Pin = 8;//setting pinf for motor for right side 
const int bin2Pin = 7;
const int pwmBPin = 6;

const int trigPin1 = 11;//setting pins for front ultrasonic sensor
const int echoPin1= A0;//I used A0 pin cause I didnt have space...Please pardon me
const int trigPin2 = 10;//setting pins for back ultrasonic sensor
const int echoPin2 = A1;//here too

const int warningbuzzer=12;//setting the buzzer to 12
//servo motor
const int headmovePin=9;//setting the servo motor pin to 9

int wallstop=0;//initializing the obstacle detection

unsigned long previousMillis = 0;//setting millis to 0
const long interval = 5000;//setting interval for the millis

void setup() {
  myservo.attach(headmovePin);//pass the servo pin to the servo library
  randomSeed(time(NULL));//seed random number using the current time 

  pinMode(ain1Pin, OUTPUT);//setting the pins as output and input
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);//light checker
  pinMode(ain2Pin, OUTPUT);//motor pin
  pinMode(pwmAPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really
  pinMode(bin1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bin2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pwmBPin, OUTPUT); // not needed really
  // Start serial communication so we can send data
  // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
  pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
  pinMode(warningbuzzer, OUTPUT);

  Serial.begin(9600);//setting the serial band

  while (!Serial.available()) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
    delay(1000);//delay for a second

void loop() {
  //When the serial is detected do this
  while (Serial.available()) {//while the serial connection exists
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data
    wallstop=crushstop();//update the wallstop from the crush function
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();//set current millis

    if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
      // save the last time you blinked the LED
      previousMillis = currentMillis;
      movehead();//if the interval is reached, move the head
    int movement = Serial.parseInt();//get the movement case from p5
   if ( == '\n') {//when we read a new line,
     switch(movement){//execute the following commmands based on the case
      case 0://no movement
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
      case 1://forward
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
      case 2://reverse
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
      case 3://right front
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, LOW);
      case 4://left front
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, HIGH);
      case 5://right back
       analogWrite(pwmBPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
      case 6://left back
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
      default://if not case is gotten within our expected range, stop
        analogWrite(pwmAPin, 0);
        digitalWrite(ain1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ain2Pin, LOW);
        analogWrite(pwmBPin, 0);
        digitalWrite(bin1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(bin2Pin, HIGH);
      Serial.println(wallstop);//send the detection to p5

int crushstop(){//this function returns 1 when an obstacle is ahead and 2 when an obstacle is behind
  int wallstop=0;//initialize wallstop
  digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW); 
  delayMicroseconds(2); //basically shooting beems and using the time it takes to bounce back to calculate distance
  digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW); 
  // Time it takes for the pulse to travel back from the object long 
  int duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH); 
  // Universal conversion of time into distance in cm 
  int distance1 = duration1 * 0.034 / 2;//divided by two beause its a two way thing

  digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW); 
  // Time it takes for the pulse to travel back from the object long 
  int duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH); 
  // Universal conversion of time into distance in cm 
  int distance2 = duration2 * 0.034 / 2;
  if(distance1<5){//if collision is detected behind, send 2
    tone(warningbuzzer,2000);//play the tone
  else if(distance2<5){
    wallstop=1;//if collision is detected infront, send 1
    tone(warningbuzzer,2000);//play the tone
    noTone(warningbuzzer);//if nothing is detected dont play a tone
  return wallstop;//return this info

void movehead(){
  myservo.write(random(0, 180));//move the head to a random number between 0 and 180



For this part, the P5.js sketch receives the user hand positions info from the library and maps it to get its corresponding points on the canvas. After, these values are averaged and the average-X value is used to control the steer’s left or right turn. The average-Y value is used to control the forward and backward movement. Based on this cases are developed and sent to the Arduino for execution of tasks.

The P5 sketch is divided into five parts

Serial connection:

This part is responsible for connecting the Arduino to the P5 sketch and since its not my code I will not post it

Intro Page:

The next part is the intro page. Is welcomes the user into the project and also gives some info to the user about how to use the vehicle. I made the background picture myself using photoshop and then I added some buttons and sounds

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class ipage{
constructor(IB,S1,S2,F1,F2){//receive all needed variables as in images and sound
this.BG=IB;//the background
this.playbool=false;//boolean to start game
this.helpbool=false;//boolean to open help page
show(){//this shows the designs in the page
this.BG.resize(windowWidth,windowHeight);//resize the introimage
image(this.BG,0,0);//displaying background
this.createhelp();//calling the help function for the help page
this.playbox();//calling the playbox button function
if(this.helpbool){//if the helpbool is true display the help page
return this.playbool;//this returns true if the play button is pressed
playbox(){//this function displays the start button
fill(150,0,0);//creating the hover effect
S2.pause();// the play is pressed, play pause the background music;//playing the start button pressed sound
this.playbool=true;//sets the playboolean to true
rect(windowWidth*0.1,windowHeight*0.8,350,150,60);//drawing the start button
fill(60);//create hover effect
this.helpbool=true;//set boolean to open help page
circle(windowWidth*0.9,windowHeight*0.1,60);//these following code just creates the help button
text('Move your Hand Up and Down while pressing the mouse to control the gear',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.4);
text('Move your Hand left and right to control the steer',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.5);
text('Click on the Q key to go to the Homepage',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.6);
text('Press the space bar to connect to Arduino',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.7);
text('GOOD LUCK!',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.8);
fill(60);//create hover effect
this.helpbool=false;//set boolean to close help page
circle(windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.9,60);//these following code just creates the ok button
class ipage{ constructor(IB,S1,S2,F1,F2){//receive all needed variables as in images and sound this.BG=IB;//the background this.S1=S1;//sound this.playbool=false;//boolean to start game this.helpbool=false;//boolean to open help page this.F2=F2//font } show(){//this shows the designs in the page this.BG.resize(windowWidth,windowHeight);//resize the introimage image(this.BG,0,0);//displaying background textAlign(CENTER); this.createhelp();//calling the help function for the help page this.playbox();//calling the playbox button function if(this.helpbool){//if the helpbool is true display the help page this.helppage(); } return this.playbool;//this returns true if the play button is pressed } playbox(){//this function displays the start button rectMode(CORNER); fill(150,180,40); if(mouseX>windowWidth*0.1&&mouseX<(windowWidth*0.1)+350&&mouseY>windowHeight*0.8&&mouseY<(windowHeight*0.8)+150){ fill(150,0,0);//creating the hover effect } if(mouseX>windowWidth*0.1&&mouseX<(windowWidth*0.1)+350&&mouseY>windowHeight*0.8&&mouseY<(windowHeight*0.8)+150&&mouseIsPressed&&!this.helpbool){ S2.pause();// the play is pressed, play pause the background music;//playing the start button pressed sound this.playbool=true;//sets the playboolean to true } rect(windowWidth*0.1,windowHeight*0.8,350,150,60);//drawing the start button fill(0); textFont(F1); textSize(90); textAlign(CENTER); text("Start",windowWidth*0.1+180,windowHeight*0.8+110); } createhelp(){ fill(100); if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,windowWidth*0.9,windowHeight*0.1)<=30){ fill(60);//create hover effect } if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,windowWidth*0.9,windowHeight*0.1)<=30&&mouseIsPressed){ this.helpbool=true;//set boolean to open help page } circle(windowWidth*0.9,windowHeight*0.1,60);//these following code just creates the help button fill(255,255,0); textSize(30); textFont(NORMAL); text("?",windowWidth*0.9,windowHeight*0.1+10); } helppage(){ fill(100); rect(50,50,windowWidth*0.95,windowHeight*0.9,50); textFont(this.F2); fill(255); textSize(80); text('WELCOME',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.25); textSize(30); text('Move your Hand Up and Down while pressing the mouse to control the gear',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.4); text('Move your Hand left and right to control the steer',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.5); text('Click on the Q key to go to the Homepage',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.6); text('Press the space bar to connect to Arduino',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.7); text('GOOD LUCK!',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.8); fill(100); if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.9)<=30){ fill(60);//create hover effect } if(dist(mouseX,mouseY,windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.9)<=30&&mouseIsPressed){ this.helpbool=false;//set boolean to close help page } circle(windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.9,60);//these following code just creates the ok button fill(255,255,0); textSize(30); textFont(NORMAL); text("OK",windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.9+10); } }
class ipage{
  constructor(IB,S1,S2,F1,F2){//receive all needed variables as in images and sound
    this.BG=IB;//the background
    this.playbool=false;//boolean to start game
    this.helpbool=false;//boolean to open help page
  show(){//this shows the designs in the page
    this.BG.resize(windowWidth,windowHeight);//resize the introimage
    image(this.BG,0,0);//displaying background
    this.createhelp();//calling the help function for the help page
    this.playbox();//calling the playbox button function
    if(this.helpbool){//if the helpbool is true display the help page
    return this.playbool;//this returns true if the play button is pressed
  playbox(){//this function displays the start button
      fill(150,0,0);//creating the hover effect
      S2.pause();// the play is pressed, play pause the background music;//playing the start button pressed sound
      this.playbool=true;//sets the playboolean to true 
    rect(windowWidth*0.1,windowHeight*0.8,350,150,60);//drawing the start button
      fill(60);//create hover effect
      this.helpbool=true;//set boolean to open help page
    circle(windowWidth*0.9,windowHeight*0.1,60);//these following code just creates the help button
    text('Move your Hand Up and Down while pressing the mouse to control the gear',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.4);
    text('Move your Hand left and right to control the steer',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.5);
    text('Click on the Q key to go to the Homepage',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.6);
    text('Press the space bar to connect to Arduino',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.7);
    text('GOOD LUCK!',windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.8);
      fill(60);//create hover effect
      this.helpbool=false;//set boolean to close help page
    circle(windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.9,60);//these following code just creates the ok button

Help Page:

This page is just to give the user info about the game and wish them luck as they embark on the Journey.

the code is found in the intro class and the page is controlled with the use of Boolean variables.


Coming into the main page, the Dashboard shows the gearbox and the collision screen that alerts the user when the user is close to an obstacle.

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class dash{//this class prints the dashboard, the gear and the detection screen
this.Y=dashY;//the Y coordinate to which the dashboard is drawn
this.movementFB=0;//the front and back movement counter
this.gearY=0;//this controls the gearmovement
push();//creating the dashboard
strokeWeight(5)//set stroke weight to 5
fill(193, 154, 107);//fill with brown
beginShape();//we draw the dashboard
curveVertex(windowWidth/2,this.Y-50);//creating the curve look
showgear(gearY){//this function shows the gear
this.gearY=gearY;//capies value of the gearY from handpose
rectMode(CENTER);//set rectange mode
fill(0);//fill with black
if(mouseIsPressed){//if the mouse is pressed means gear is being controlled
this.movementFB=1;//set gear to drive
else if(this.gearY>windowHeight*0.5){
this.movementFB=2;//set gear to reverse
this.movementFB=0;//set gear to P
textAlign(CENTER);//align text to center
fill(0,128,0);//fill with green
case 0:
text('P',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//p for parking
case 1:
text('D',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//D for drive
case 2:
text('R',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//R for reverse
return this.movementFB;//return the gear movement info
showScreen(wallstop){//this shows the detection
rect(windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+110,500,300,50);//create screen
fill(128,0,0);//fill the text with red
if(wallstop==1){//if the front ultrasonic sensor is the one sensing
else if(wallstop==2){//if the back ultrasonic is the one sensing
fill(0,128,0);//fill the text with green
class dash{//this class prints the dashboard, the gear and the detection screen constructor(dashY){ this.Y=dashY;//the Y coordinate to which the dashboard is drawn this.movementFB=0;//the front and back movement counter this.gearY=0;//this controls the gearmovement } showdash(){ push();//creating the dashboard strokeWeight(5)//set stroke weight to 5 fill(193, 154, 107);//fill with brown beginShape();//we draw the dashboard curveVertex(0,this.Y); curveVertex(0,this.Y); curveVertex(windowWidth/2,this.Y-50);//creating the curve look curveVertex(windowWidth,this.Y); curveVertex(windowWidth,windowHeight); curveVertex(0,windowHeight); curveVertex(0,this.Y); curveVertex(0,this.Y); endShape(); pop(); } showgear(gearY){//this function shows the gear this.gearY=gearY;//capies value of the gearY from handpose rectMode(CENTER);//set rectange mode textSize(50); fill(0);//fill with black rect(windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110,150,300,50); if(mouseIsPressed){//if the mouse is pressed means gear is being controlled if(this.gearY<windowHeight*0.35){ this.movementFB=1;//set gear to drive } else if(this.gearY>windowHeight*0.5){ this.movementFB=2;//set gear to reverse } else{ this.movementFB=0;//set gear to P } } textAlign(CENTER);//align text to center textSize(50); fill(0,128,0);//fill with green switch(this.movementFB){ case 0: text('P',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//p for parking break; case 1: text('D',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//D for drive break; case 2: text('R',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//R for reverse break; } textAlign(LEFT); textSize(12); return this.movementFB;//return the gear movement info } showScreen(wallstop){//this shows the detection rectMode(CENTER); textSize(50); textAlign(CENTER); fill(0); rect(windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+110,500,300,50);//create screen fill(128,0,0);//fill the text with red if(wallstop==1){//if the front ultrasonic sensor is the one sensing text('OBJECT',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+50); text('DETECTED',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+130); text('AHEAD',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+210); } else if(wallstop==2){//if the back ultrasonic is the one sensing text('OBJECT',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+50); text('DETECTED',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+130); text('BEHIND',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+210); } else{ fill(0,128,0);//fill the text with green text('No',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+50); text('OBJECT',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+130); text('DETECTED',windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+210); } textAlign(LEFT); textSize(12); } }
class dash{//this class prints the dashboard, the gear and the detection screen
    this.Y=dashY;//the Y coordinate to which the dashboard is drawn
    this.movementFB=0;//the front and back movement counter
    this.gearY=0;//this controls the gearmovement
    push();//creating the dashboard
    strokeWeight(5)//set stroke weight to 5
    fill(193, 154, 107);//fill with brown
    beginShape();//we draw the dashboard
    curveVertex(windowWidth/2,this.Y-50);//creating the curve look
  showgear(gearY){//this function shows the gear
    this.gearY=gearY;//capies value of the gearY from handpose
    rectMode(CENTER);//set rectange mode
    fill(0);//fill with black
    if(mouseIsPressed){//if the mouse is pressed means gear is being controlled
        this.movementFB=1;//set gear to drive
      else if(this.gearY>windowHeight*0.5){
        this.movementFB=2;//set gear to reverse
        this.movementFB=0;//set gear to P
    textAlign(CENTER);//align text to center
    fill(0,128,0);//fill with green
      case 0:
        text('P',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//p for parking
      case 1:
        text('D',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//D for drive
      case 2:
        text('R',windowWidth*0.5,this.Y+110);//R for reverse
    return this.movementFB;//return the gear movement info 
  showScreen(wallstop){//this shows the detection
    rect(windowWidth*0.75,this.Y+110,500,300,50);//create screen
    fill(128,0,0);//fill the text with red
    if(wallstop==1){//if the front ultrasonic sensor is the one sensing
    else if(wallstop==2){//if the back ultrasonic is the one sensing
      fill(0,128,0);//fill the text with green

In order to show the gear box info it gets info from the poseNet calculations done in the sketch and for the collision screen it uses info from the ultrasonic sensors.

The Steering wheel:

Though also part of the Dashboard, this is a separate class because it  controls the left and right movement using info from the other parts. That is, is uses info from the gear box and collision screen. It is not a picture downloaded from somewhere but a hand coded diagram.

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class Steer{//this class creates the steer and controls the car movement front and back
constructor(ctr,F2,X=windowWidth/3,Y=windowHeight/2){//takes the steerX,the font and the position for the steer to be placed
this.angle=0;//equate the angle to 0
this.X=X;//set the X and Y for the placement of the steering wheel
this.movementLR=0;//create this Left right variable to store the movement
show(ctr){//takes steer x
this.ctr=ctr;//update the ctr with steerX
push();//designing the steering using stack so that it can be rotated entirely at once
translate(this.X,this.Y);//making the orijin these
rotate(this.angle);//causes the rotation
text('REKAS',0,0);//steering wheel/car brand
if(this.ctr>0&&this.ctr<windowWidth){//while the value is within our range
this.angle=map(this.ctr,0,windowWidth,-PI/2,PI/2);//update angle based on this
steerTurn(movementFB,wallstop){//this function controls the turning of the steer
this.movementLR=4;//front left
else if(this.angle<-PI/7.5&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){
this.movementLR=6;//back left
else if(this.angle>=-PI/7.5&&this.angle<-PI/8){
this.movementLR=0;//to prevent bugs
else if(this.angle>=-PI/7&&this.angle<PI/8&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){
this.movementLR=1;//move straight ahead
else if(this.angle>=-PI/7&&this.angle<PI/7&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){
else if(this.angle>=PI/7&&this.angle<PI/5){
else if(this.angle>=PI/5&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){
this.movementLR=3;//front right
else if(this.angle>=PI/5&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){
this.movementLR=5;//back right
this.movementLR=0;//dont move
return this.movementLR;
class Steer{//this class creates the steer and controls the car movement front and back constructor(ctr,F2,X=windowWidth/3,Y=windowHeight/2){//takes the steerX,the font and the position for the steer to be placed this.angle=0;//equate the angle to 0 this.X=X;//set the X and Y for the placement of the steering wheel this.Y=Y; this.ctr=ctr; this.movementLR=0;//create this Left right variable to store the movement this.F2=F2; } show(ctr){//takes steer x this.ctr=ctr;//update the ctr with steerX push();//designing the steering using stack so that it can be rotated entirely at once translate(this.X,this.Y);//making the orijin these rotate(this.angle);//causes the rotation noFill(0); strokeWeight(80); rectMode(CENTER); circle(0,0,500); fill(0); stroke(0); strokeWeight(12); beginShape(); curveVertex(-230,-80); curveVertex(-230,-80); curveVertex(0,-120); curveVertex(230,-80); curveVertex(230,0); curveVertex(80,70); curveVertex(40,230); curveVertex(-40,230); curveVertex(-80,70); curveVertex(-230,0); curveVertex(-230,-80); curveVertex(-230,-80); fill(0); endShape(); fill(100); noStroke() textSize(50) textAlign(CENTER); textFont(this.F2); text('REKAS',0,0);//steering wheel/car brand pop(); if(this.ctr>0&&this.ctr<windowWidth){//while the value is within our range this.angle=map(this.ctr,0,windowWidth,-PI/2,PI/2);//update angle based on this } } steerTurn(movementFB,wallstop){//this function controls the turning of the steer if(this.angle<-PI/7.5&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){ this.movementLR=4;//front left } else if(this.angle<-PI/7.5&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){ this.movementLR=6;//back left } else if(this.angle>=-PI/7.5&&this.angle<-PI/8){ this.movementLR=0;//to prevent bugs } else if(this.angle>=-PI/7&&this.angle<PI/8&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){ this.movementLR=1;//move straight ahead } else if(this.angle>=-PI/7&&this.angle<PI/7&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){ this.movementLR=2;//reverse } else if(this.angle>=PI/7&&this.angle<PI/5){ this.movementLR=0;//yeah } else if(this.angle>=PI/5&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){ this.movementLR=3;//front right } else if(this.angle>=PI/5&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){ this.movementLR=5;//back right } else{ this.movementLR=0;//dont move } return this.movementLR; } }
class Steer{//this class creates the steer and controls the car movement front and back
  constructor(ctr,F2,X=windowWidth/3,Y=windowHeight/2){//takes the steerX,the font and the position for the steer to be placed
    this.angle=0;//equate the angle to 0
    this.X=X;//set the X and Y for the placement of the steering wheel
    this.movementLR=0;//create this Left right variable to store the movement
  show(ctr){//takes steer x
    this.ctr=ctr;//update the ctr with steerX
  push();//designing the steering using stack so that it can be rotated entirely at once
  translate(this.X,this.Y);//making the orijin these
  rotate(this.angle);//causes the rotation
  text('REKAS',0,0);//steering wheel/car brand
    if(this.ctr>0&&this.ctr<windowWidth){//while the value is within our range
  this.angle=map(this.ctr,0,windowWidth,-PI/2,PI/2);//update angle based on this
  steerTurn(movementFB,wallstop){//this function controls the turning of the steer
        this.movementLR=4;//front left
      else if(this.angle<-PI/7.5&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){
        this.movementLR=6;//back left
      else if(this.angle>=-PI/7.5&&this.angle<-PI/8){
        this.movementLR=0;//to prevent bugs 
      else if(this.angle>=-PI/7&&this.angle<PI/8&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){
        this.movementLR=1;//move straight ahead
      else if(this.angle>=-PI/7&&this.angle<PI/7&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){
      else if(this.angle>=PI/7&&this.angle<PI/5){
      else if(this.angle>=PI/5&&movementFB==1&&wallstop!=1){
        this.movementLR=3;//front right
      else if(this.angle>=PI/5&&movementFB==2&&wallstop!=2){
        this.movementLR=5;//back right
        this.movementLR=0;//dont move
    return this.movementLR;


This is the last part that kind of sums everything up. This is where all the other components come together to produce this artwork. This is also where the poseNet functions and full screen Functions are declared.

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let mySteer;//variable going to store steer object
let myDash;//gonna store the dashboard object
let handpose;//gonna store posenet object
let video;//gonna store video object
let predictions = [];//gonna store set of predictions from posenet
let steerX=300;//gonna store the average x coordinate of the hand
let gearY=250;//gonna store the average y coordinate of the hand
let movementLR=0;//gonnna store the left and right movement
let movementFB=0;//gonna store the front and back movement
let wallstop=0;//gonna store the obstacle detection
let steercontrol=0;//gonna control steer to make it feel smooth
let IntroBackground;//intropage background
let S1;//sound 1(button)
let S2;//sound 2
let F1;
let F2;
let introp;//gonna store intropage object
let introbool=true;//going to control the intropage display
let gamebool=false;//going to control the mainpage display
function preload(){
//in this preload function we will load all the uploads we need before we even start the game.
IntroBackground=loadImage("intro1.jpg");//this is for the background
S1=loadSound("button.mp3");//these sets are for the sounds
F1=loadFont("font1.ttf");//these sets are for the fonts
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
video = createCapture(VIDEO);//capture video using camera
video.size(width, height);//set the size of the video to that of the screen
steercontrol=windowWidth/2//set the steercontrol for smoothness
handpose = ml5.handpose(video);//get posenet from the video feed using the ml library
// This sets up an event that fills the global variable "predictions"
// with an array every time new hand poses are detected
handpose.on("predict", results => {
predictions = results;
// Hide the video element, and just show the canvas
introp=new ipage(IntroBackground,S1,S2,F1,F2);//create intropage object
mySteer=new Steer(steerX,F2,windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.85);//create steer object
myDash=new dash(windowHeight*0.85);//create dashboard object
S2.loop();//start playing the sound but with loop property
function draw() {
if(introbool){//if the introbool is true show intropage;//update gamebool from function
if(gamebool){introbool=false;}//if the gamebool is true,set intro to false
myDash.showdash()//show the dash
drawKeypoints();//call this function for geting info from the video hand detection
movementFB=myDash.showgear(gearY);//update the front back movement from the showgear function
movementLR=mySteer.steerTurn(movementFB,wallstop);//update the leftright movement from the steerturn function
if(steerX>0&&steerX<windowWidth){//if the steerX is within the range we want;//show the steer with this value
steercontrol=steerX;//update the steercontrol incase we stop getting data
else{//if the steerX is not in our range,
if(steercontrol<windowWidth/2-5){steercontrol+=10;}//using our steercontrol,slowly move the steer to the center
else if(steercontrol>windowWidth/2+5){steercontrol-=10;};
myDash.showScreen(wallstop);//show the screen with the wallstop getten form the Arduino
function keyPressed() {//if spaebar is pressed connect to arduino
if (key == " ") {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
setUpSerial();//connect to arduino
function readSerial(data) {
if (data!=null){//if the data is not null
wallstop= int(trim(data));
//SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
let sendToArduino = movementLR + "\n";
function drawKeypoints() {
let totalX=0;//set variable to store the sum of the x coordinates of all the predictions
let totalY=0;//same for y
let avgctr=0;//set a counter to count the predictions
let len=0;//I dont use len here but i was experimenting somthing
for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) {
const prediction = predictions[i];
for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j += 1) {
const keypoint = prediction.landmarks[j];
totalX+=windowWidth-map(keypoint[0],0,video.width,0,windowWidth);//map the points to our window size and sum it
avgctr++;//increase this too
steerX=totalX/avgctr;//update steerX with the average of X
gearY=totalY/avgctr;//same for Y but with average of Y
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);//resize the canvas to go to fullpage
function keyTyped() {
// $$$ For some reason on Chrome/Mac you may have to press f twice to toggle. Works correctly on Firefox/Mac
if (key === 'f') {
toggleFullscreen();//if f is pressed, show fullpage
if(key==='q'){//if q is pressed go to h=intro page
// uncomment to prevent any default behavior
// return false;
// Toggle fullscreen state. Must be called in response
// to a user event (i.e. keyboard, mouse click)
function toggleFullscreen() {
let fs = fullscreen(); // Get the current state
fullscreen(!fs); // Flip it!
let mySteer;//variable going to store steer object let myDash;//gonna store the dashboard object let handpose;//gonna store posenet object let video;//gonna store video object let predictions = [];//gonna store set of predictions from posenet let steerX=300;//gonna store the average x coordinate of the hand let gearY=250;//gonna store the average y coordinate of the hand let movementLR=0;//gonnna store the left and right movement let movementFB=0;//gonna store the front and back movement let wallstop=0;//gonna store the obstacle detection let steercontrol=0;//gonna control steer to make it feel smooth let IntroBackground;//intropage background let S1;//sound 1(button) let S2;//sound 2 let F1; let F2; let introp;//gonna store intropage object let introbool=true;//going to control the intropage display let gamebool=false;//going to control the mainpage display function preload(){ //in this preload function we will load all the uploads we need before we even start the game. IntroBackground=loadImage("intro1.jpg");//this is for the background S1=loadSound("button.mp3");//these sets are for the sounds S2=loadSound("msound.mp3"); F1=loadFont("font1.ttf");//these sets are for the fonts F2=loadFont("font2.ttf"); } function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); video = createCapture(VIDEO);//capture video using camera video.size(width, height);//set the size of the video to that of the screen steercontrol=windowWidth/2//set the steercontrol for smoothness handpose = ml5.handpose(video);//get posenet from the video feed using the ml library // This sets up an event that fills the global variable "predictions" // with an array every time new hand poses are detected handpose.on("predict", results => { predictions = results; }); // Hide the video element, and just show the canvas video.hide(); introp=new ipage(IntroBackground,S1,S2,F1,F2);//create intropage object mySteer=new Steer(steerX,F2,windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.85);//create steer object myDash=new dash(windowHeight*0.85);//create dashboard object S2.loop();//start playing the sound but with loop property } function draw() { if(introbool){//if the introbool is true show intropage;//update gamebool from function if(gamebool){introbool=false;}//if the gamebool is true,set intro to false } else{ background(50,150,255); myDash.showdash()//show the dash drawKeypoints();//call this function for geting info from the video hand detection movementFB=myDash.showgear(gearY);//update the front back movement from the showgear function movementLR=mySteer.steerTurn(movementFB,wallstop);//update the leftright movement from the steerturn function if(steerX>0&&steerX<windowWidth){//if the steerX is within the range we want;//show the steer with this value steercontrol=steerX;//update the steercontrol incase we stop getting data } else{//if the steerX is not in our range, if(steercontrol<windowWidth/2-5){steercontrol+=10;}//using our steercontrol,slowly move the steer to the center else if(steercontrol>windowWidth/2+5){steercontrol-=10;}; } myDash.showScreen(wallstop);//show the screen with the wallstop getten form the Arduino } } function keyPressed() {//if spaebar is pressed connect to arduino if (key == " ") { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial();//connect to arduino } } function readSerial(data) { if (data!=null){//if the data is not null ////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE (handshake) ////////////////////////////////// wallstop= int(trim(data)); ////////////////////////////////// //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake) ////////////////////////////////// let sendToArduino = movementLR + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); } } function drawKeypoints() { let totalX=0;//set variable to store the sum of the x coordinates of all the predictions let totalY=0;//same for y let avgctr=0;//set a counter to count the predictions let len=0;//I dont use len here but i was experimenting somthing for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) { const prediction = predictions[i]; len=predictions.lenght*prediction.landmarks.length; for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j += 1) { const keypoint = prediction.landmarks[j]; totalX+=windowWidth-map(keypoint[0],0,video.width,0,windowWidth);//map the points to our window size and sum it totalY+=map(keypoint[1],0,video.height,0,windowHeight); avgctr++;//increase this too } } steerX=totalX/avgctr;//update steerX with the average of X gearY=totalY/avgctr;//same for Y but with average of Y } function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);//resize the canvas to go to fullpage } function keyTyped() { // $$$ For some reason on Chrome/Mac you may have to press f twice to toggle. Works correctly on Firefox/Mac if (key === 'f') { toggleFullscreen();//if f is pressed, show fullpage } if(key==='q'){//if q is pressed go to h=intro page if(introbool==false){ introbool=true; introp.playbool=false;; } } // uncomment to prevent any default behavior // return false; } // Toggle fullscreen state. Must be called in response // to a user event (i.e. keyboard, mouse click) function toggleFullscreen() { let fs = fullscreen(); // Get the current state fullscreen(!fs); // Flip it! }
let mySteer;//variable going to store steer object
let myDash;//gonna store the dashboard object
let handpose;//gonna store posenet object
let video;//gonna store video object
let predictions = [];//gonna store set of predictions from posenet
let steerX=300;//gonna store the average x coordinate of the hand
let gearY=250;//gonna store the average y coordinate of the hand
let movementLR=0;//gonnna store the left and right movement
let movementFB=0;//gonna store the front and back movement

let wallstop=0;//gonna store the obstacle detection
let steercontrol=0;//gonna control steer to make it feel smooth

let IntroBackground;//intropage background
let S1;//sound 1(button)
let S2;//sound 2
let F1;
let F2;
let introp;//gonna store intropage object
let introbool=true;//going to control the intropage display
let gamebool=false;//going to control the mainpage display

function preload(){
  //in this preload function we will load all the uploads we need before we even start the game.
  IntroBackground=loadImage("intro1.jpg");//this is for the background
  S1=loadSound("button.mp3");//these sets are for the sounds
  F1=loadFont("font1.ttf");//these sets are for the fonts 

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  video = createCapture(VIDEO);//capture video using camera
  video.size(width, height);//set the size of the video to that of the screen
   steercontrol=windowWidth/2//set the steercontrol for smoothness
  handpose = ml5.handpose(video);//get posenet from the video feed using the ml library

  // This sets up an event that fills the global variable "predictions"
  // with an array every time new hand poses are detected
  handpose.on("predict", results => {
    predictions = results;

  // Hide the video element, and just show the canvas
  introp=new ipage(IntroBackground,S1,S2,F1,F2);//create intropage object
  mySteer=new Steer(steerX,F2,windowWidth*0.5,windowHeight*0.85);//create steer object
  myDash=new dash(windowHeight*0.85);//create dashboard object
  S2.loop();//start playing the sound but with loop property

function draw() {
  if(introbool){//if the introbool is true show intropage;//update gamebool from function
    if(gamebool){introbool=false;}//if the gamebool is true,set intro to false
  myDash.showdash()//show the dash
  drawKeypoints();//call this function for geting info from the video hand detection
  movementFB=myDash.showgear(gearY);//update the front back movement from the showgear function
  movementLR=mySteer.steerTurn(movementFB,wallstop);//update the leftright movement from the steerturn function
  if(steerX>0&&steerX<windowWidth){//if the steerX is within the range we want;//show the steer with this value
    steercontrol=steerX;//update the steercontrol incase we stop getting data
  else{//if the steerX is not in our range,
    if(steercontrol<windowWidth/2-5){steercontrol+=10;}//using our steercontrol,slowly move the steer to the center
    else if(steercontrol>windowWidth/2+5){steercontrol-=10;};
  myDash.showScreen(wallstop);//show the screen with the wallstop getten form the Arduino
function keyPressed() {//if spaebar is pressed connect to arduino
  if (key == " ") {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
    setUpSerial();//connect to arduino
function readSerial(data) {

  if (data!=null){//if the data is not null
    //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
    wallstop= int(trim(data));
    //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
    let sendToArduino = movementLR + "\n";
function drawKeypoints() {
  let totalX=0;//set variable to store the sum of the x coordinates of all the predictions
  let totalY=0;//same for y
  let avgctr=0;//set a counter to count the predictions
  let len=0;//I dont use len here but i was experimenting somthing
  for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) {
    const prediction = predictions[i];
    for (let j = 0; j < prediction.landmarks.length; j += 1) {
      const keypoint = prediction.landmarks[j];
       totalX+=windowWidth-map(keypoint[0],0,video.width,0,windowWidth);//map the points to our window size and sum it
      avgctr++;//increase this too
  steerX=totalX/avgctr;//update steerX with the average of X
  gearY=totalY/avgctr;//same for Y but with average of Y
function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);//resize the canvas to go to fullpage

function keyTyped() {
  // $$$ For some reason on Chrome/Mac you may have to press f twice to toggle. Works correctly on Firefox/Mac
  if (key === 'f') {
    toggleFullscreen();//if f is pressed, show fullpage
  if(key==='q'){//if q is pressed go to h=intro page
  // uncomment to prevent any default behavior
  // return false;

// Toggle fullscreen state. Must be called in response
// to a user event (i.e. keyboard, mouse click)
function toggleFullscreen() {
  let fs = fullscreen(); // Get the current state
  fullscreen(!fs); // Flip it!

Rekas Bot:

My inspiration for this project comes from my zeal to use the ml library in p5 and I had fun developing this.


Test Video:

Arduino Circuit Diagram:

Schematic Diagram:

Clarification on the Schematic motor drawing:

By Aya Riad

Future Improvements:

I Tried to implement Bluetooth but I was not able to because it kept on failing even though I had connected and set up everything right so I wish to be able to find a way to make this connection more reliable and also I plan to make the machine learning more reliable in future.


IM Showcase:

So just before the showcase started, I added one line of code which made the bot move randomly as though it had life.

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if(introbool){//if the introbool is true show intropage;//update gamebool from function
movementLR=int(random(0,6));//do random stuff
if(gamebool){introbool=false;}//if the gamebool is true,set intro to false
if(introbool){//if the introbool is true show intropage;//update gamebool from function movementLR=int(random(0,6));//do random stuff if(gamebool){introbool=false;}//if the gamebool is true,set intro to false }
if(introbool){//if the introbool is true show intropage;//update gamebool from function
    movementLR=int(random(0,6));//do random stuff
    if(gamebool){introbool=false;}//if the gamebool is true,set intro to false

I am really proud of this last decision.

and when you  want to drive it, it stops the random movements.

For more videos

Thank you.

Final Project: Arcade Snake Game

Blind User Testing

First things first:


I initially planned on extending the functionality of my midterm project through the final project by giving it physical controls using the arduino. However, in the end, I decided to make a game inspired by all the amazing games that I saw in the midterms and final proposals (call it FOMO, I guess 😉 ). I settled with a game we all know and love, the Snake game that I’m sure most of us remember playing on our parents’ Nokias and BlackBerries. You eat fruits, you avoid hitting the boundaries and you avoid eating yourself – pretty simple, right? I settled for a simple aesthetic, making it pixel-y for the whole nostalgia package. Instead of using buttons on our parents’ phones, I’ve made it an arcade game where the snake is controlled by a joystick!

Basically, the game begins by pressing the joystick. For every fruit eaten, the player’s score increments by 1. After every 5 fruits eaten, if the player is still alive, the player levels up and the speed increases until you get to 30 scores after which it remains at the highest speed. After eating 20 fruits, your habitat (background) changes. There’s fun sounds and Minecraft music playing in the background, so the player will never get bored! The game is competitive too; it keeps track of the highest score for all turns!



I basically coded the game in p5.js initially, with an intention to control the snake with push buttons. After struggling with the implementation and orientation on the small breadboard, I thought about using the big LED buttons in a box, but when I saw Khaleeqa’s project using a joystick, I thought to myself: We can do that??? (thank you for the idea, Khaleeqa. I pray you’re able to do the Tolerance readings and response on time!). So now the snake is controlled by a joystick, adding to the nostalgic arcade feel. The design is extremely user friendly; you couldn’t get stuck or confused if you tried.

Arduino Code and Description of Communication

Basically, the joystick uses two potentiometers on the x and y axes, and I sent these two values to my p5.js sketch to control the direction of the snake’s movement. Pressing the joystick gives a specific value on the x potentiometer (1023) which I use to restart the game (thank you again Professor Aya for lending me a joystick, real lifesaver here).

Arduino Schematic

Arduino Code

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int xValue = 0 ;
int yValue = 0 ;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600) ;
void loop()
xValue = analogRead(A2);
yValue = analogRead(A1);
int xValue = 0 ; int yValue = 0 ; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600) ; } void loop() { xValue = analogRead(A2); yValue = analogRead(A1); Serial.print(xValue,DEC); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(yValue,DEC); delay(100); }
int xValue = 0 ;
int yValue = 0 ; 

void setup()	
    Serial.begin(9600) ;


void loop()	
    xValue = analogRead(A2);	
    yValue = analogRead(A1);		


P5 Code and Sketch

The P5 code is extensive in functionality, but I’ve tried to make the code as short as possible to make up for the 800 line monster I created for my midterm. I’ve basically used 4 classes in the implementation for each element of the snake, the snake as a whole, fruits, and the gameplay. The snake class is a list of snake elements, so it inherits the list class. The various classes, methods and logic are explained in the sketch comments, so instead of describing it again, here is the code:

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let RESOLUTION = 500; // Setting canvas resolution
let ROWS = 20; // Number of rows in the grid
let COLS = 20; // Number of columns in the grid
let WIDTH = RESOLUTION / ROWS; // Width of each grid cell
let HEIGHT = RESOLUTION / COLS; // Height of each grid cell
let end_flag = false; // Flag to indicate the end of the game
let start_flag = false;
let bg_flag = 0;
let xVal = 0;
let yVal = 0;
let high_score = 0;
let head_up,
background_music; // Loading images for background, snake head, apple, and banana; fonts; sounds
class SnakeElement {
constructor(x, y, element_num) {
// Snake element constructor
this.x = x; // X-coordinate of the element
this.y = y; // Y-coordinate of the element
this.element_num = element_num; // Identifier for the type of element
display() {
if (this.element_num === 1) {
// Displaying the head facing up
ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
image(head_up, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
} else if (this.element_num === 2) {
// Displaying the head facing down (flipped vertically)
ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
push(); // Save the current drawing state
scale(1, -1); // Flip vertically
image(head_up, this.x, -this.y - HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
pop(); // Restore the original drawing state
} else if (this.element_num === 3) {
// Displaying the head facing left
ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
image(head_left, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
} else if (this.element_num === 4) {
// Displaying the head facing right (flipped horizontally)
ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
push(); // Save the current drawing state
scale(-1, 1); // Flip horizontally
image(head_left, -this.x - WIDTH, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
pop(); // Restore the original drawing state
} else {
// Displaying a circle for the body elements
if (this.element_num === 5) {
fill(120, 220, 20); // Green circle
} else if (this.element_num === 6) {
fill(200, 48, 32); // Red circle
} else if (this.element_num === 7) {
fill(251, 240, 76); // Yellow circle
ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH);
class Snake extends Array {
constructor() {
// Initializing the snake with head and initial body elements
this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2, RESOLUTION / 2, 1));
this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2 - WIDTH, RESOLUTION / 2, 5));
this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2 - WIDTH * 2, RESOLUTION / 2, 5));
this.full_flag = false; // Flag to check if the snake has filled the grid
display() {
// Displaying all snake elements
for (let element of this) {
move(current_dir) {
// Controlling the movement of the snake
let head_x = this[0].x;
let head_y = this[0].y;
// Updating head position based on the current direction
if (current_dir === "UP") {
this[0].element_num = 1; // Updating element_num for head facing up
this[0].y -= WIDTH; // Moving up
} else if (current_dir === "DOWN") {
this[0].element_num = 2; // Updating element_num for head facing down
this[0].y += WIDTH; // Moving down
} else if (current_dir === "LEFT") {
this[0].element_num = 3; // Updating element_num for head facing left
this[0].x -= WIDTH; // Moving left
} else if (current_dir === "RIGHT") {
this[0].element_num = 4; // Updating element_num for head facing right
this[0].x += WIDTH; // Moving right
// Moving the body elements
for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
let temp_x = this[i].x;
let temp_y = this[i].y;
this[i].x = head_x;
this[i].y = head_y;
head_x = temp_x;
head_y = temp_y;
collide_self() {
// Checking if the snake collides with itself
for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[0].x === this[i].x && this[0].y === this[i].y) {
end_flag = true; // Collision occurred, end the game;
collide_walls() {
// Checking if the snake collides with the canvas borders
if (
this[0].x >= RESOLUTION ||
this[0].x < 0 ||
this[0].y < 0 ||
this[0].y >= RESOLUTION
) {
end_flag = true; // Snake has left the canvas, end the game;
board_full() {
// Checking if the snake has filled the entire grid
if (this.length === ROWS * COLS) {
end_flag = true; // Board is full, end the game
this.full_flag = true; // Player wins
class Fruit {
constructor() {
// Generating a random position for the fruit
this.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ROWS) * WIDTH;
this.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * COLS) * HEIGHT;
this.fruit_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); // Randomly choosing apple or banana
display() {
// Displaying the fruit based on its type
if (this.fruit_num === 0) {
image(apple, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
} else {
image(banana, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
class Game {
constructor() {
// Initializing the game with snake, fruit, and default direction
this.snake = new Snake();
this.fruit = new Fruit();
this.current_dir = "RIGHT";
this.score = 0; // Player's score
this.frames = 12;
this.eat_count = 0;
display() {
// Displaying the snake, checking for fruit collision, and displaying the score
let n = 0;
while (n < this.snake.length) {
// Checking if the fruit is at the same position as any snake element
if (
this.fruit.x === this.snake[n].x &&
this.fruit.y === this.snake[n].y
) {
this.fruit = new Fruit(); // Create a new fruit
text("Score: " + this.score, RESOLUTION - 100, 30);
move() {
// Moving the snake, checking for collisions
eat() {
// Checking if the snake eats the fruit
if (this.snake[0].x === this.fruit.x && this.snake[0].y === this.fruit.y) {
// Adding a new element to the snake based on the current direction
if (this.current_dir === "DOWN") {
new SnakeElement(
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x,
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y - HEIGHT,
6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
if (this.current_dir === "UP") {
new SnakeElement(
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x,
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y + HEIGHT,
6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
if (this.current_dir === "LEFT") {
new SnakeElement(
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x + WIDTH,
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y,
6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
if (this.current_dir === "RIGHT") {
new SnakeElement(
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x - WIDTH,
this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y,
6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
this.fruit = new Fruit(); // Create a new fruit
this.score += 1; // Increase the score
if (this.score > 20) {
bg_flag = 1;
frames -= 1;
this.eat_count += 1;
if (this.eat_count % 5 === 0 && this.eat_count <= 30) {
this.frames -= 1;;
rungame() {
// Main method to be called in draw()
if (frameCount % this.frames === 0) {
if (!end_flag) {
// If the game hasn't ended
if (bg_flag === 0) {
image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
} else if (bg_flag === 1) {
image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
} else if (!this.snake.full_flag) {
// If the game has ended and the board is not full
if (bg_flag === 0) {
image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
} else if (bg_flag === 1) {
image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
text("Game Over :(", RESOLUTION / 2 - 175, RESOLUTION / 2 - 15);
"Final Score: " + this.score,
RESOLUTION / 2 - 120,
"Click anywhere to restart :D",
RESOLUTION / 2 - 130,
if (this.score > high_score) {
high_score = this.score;
"High Score: " + high_score,
RESOLUTION / 2 - 110,
} else {
// If the game has ended and the board is full
if (bg_flag === 0) {
image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
} else if (bg_flag === 1) {
image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
text("You Win :D", RESOLUTION / 2 - 140, RESOLUTION / 2);
"Click anywhere to restart :D",
RESOLUTION / 2 - 100,
let game;
function preload() {
// Loading images before setup()
head_up = loadImage("images/head_up.png");
head_left = loadImage("images/head_left.png");
apple = loadImage("images/apple.png");
banana = loadImage("images/banana.png");
game_background1 = loadImage("images/snake_game_background1.png");
game_background2 = loadImage("images/snake_game_background2.png");
game_font = loadFont("fonts/snake_game_font.ttf");
bite_sound = loadSound("sounds/bite.m4a");
level_up = loadSound("sounds/levelup.mp3");
game_over = loadSound("sounds/gameover.mp3");
background_music = loadSound("sounds/backgroundmusic.m4a");
function setup() {
// Setup function for creating the canvas and initializing the game
game = new Game();
function draw() {
// Draw function for running the game
if (xVal >= 1000) {
start_flag = true;
if (!background_music.isPlaying()) {;
if (start_flag === true) {
} else {
image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
text("SNAKE", RESOLUTION / 2 - 120, RESOLUTION / 2 + 20);
"the most original game ever",
RESOLUTION / 2 - 200,
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else if (start_flag === true) {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected. Press the joystick to \nstart playing!", 20, 30);
// changing the direction of the snake using values from arduino
if (xVal < 300) {
// joystick moved left
if (game.current_dir !== "RIGHT") {
game.current_dir = "LEFT";
} else if (xVal > 700 && xVal < 1000) {
// joystick moved right
if (game.current_dir !== "LEFT") {
game.current_dir = "RIGHT";
} else if (yVal < 300) {
// joystick moved down
if (game.current_dir !== "UP") {
game.current_dir = "DOWN";
} else if (yVal > 700) {
if (game.current_dir !== "DOWN") {
// joystick moved up
game.current_dir = "UP";
} else if (xVal >= 1000) {
// restart game when joystick pressed
if (end_flag === true) {
end_flag = false;
game = new Game();
bg_flag = 0;
function mousePressed() {
// Restart the game on mouse click
if (end_flag === true) {
start_flag = true;
end_flag = false;
game = new Game();
bg_flag = 0;
function keyPressed() {
// Change the direction of movement on arrow key press
if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
if (game.current_dir !== "RIGHT") {
game.current_dir = "LEFT";
} else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
if (game.current_dir !== "LEFT") {
game.current_dir = "RIGHT";
} else if (keyCode === UP_ARROW) {
if (game.current_dir !== "DOWN") {
game.current_dir = "UP";
} else if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW) {
if (game.current_dir !== "UP") {
game.current_dir = "DOWN";
if (key == " ") {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
// make sure there is actually a message
// split the message
let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
// if the right length, then proceed
if (fromArduino.length == 2) {
// only store values here
// do everything with those values in the main draw loop
xVal = int(fromArduino[0]);
yVal = int(fromArduino[1]);
let RESOLUTION = 500; // Setting canvas resolution let ROWS = 20; // Number of rows in the grid let COLS = 20; // Number of columns in the grid let WIDTH = RESOLUTION / ROWS; // Width of each grid cell let HEIGHT = RESOLUTION / COLS; // Height of each grid cell let end_flag = false; // Flag to indicate the end of the game let start_flag = false; let bg_flag = 0; let xVal = 0; let yVal = 0; let high_score = 0; let head_up, head_left, apple, banana, game_background1, gamebackground2, game_font, bite_sound, level_up, game_over, background_music; // Loading images for background, snake head, apple, and banana; fonts; sounds class SnakeElement { constructor(x, y, element_num) { // Snake element constructor this.x = x; // X-coordinate of the element this.y = y; // Y-coordinate of the element this.element_num = element_num; // Identifier for the type of element } display() { if (this.element_num === 1) { // Displaying the head facing up noFill(); stroke(250); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2); image(head_up, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } else if (this.element_num === 2) { // Displaying the head facing down (flipped vertically) noFill(); stroke(250); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2); push(); // Save the current drawing state scale(1, -1); // Flip vertically image(head_up, this.x, -this.y - HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT); pop(); // Restore the original drawing state } else if (this.element_num === 3) { // Displaying the head facing left noFill(); stroke(250); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2); image(head_left, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } else if (this.element_num === 4) { // Displaying the head facing right (flipped horizontally) noFill(); stroke(250); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2); push(); // Save the current drawing state scale(-1, 1); // Flip horizontally image(head_left, -this.x - WIDTH, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT); pop(); // Restore the original drawing state } else { // Displaying a circle for the body elements stroke(250); strokeWeight(2); if (this.element_num === 5) { fill(120, 220, 20); // Green circle } else if (this.element_num === 6) { fill(200, 48, 32); // Red circle } else if (this.element_num === 7) { fill(251, 240, 76); // Yellow circle } ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH); } } } class Snake extends Array { constructor() { super(); // Initializing the snake with head and initial body elements this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2, RESOLUTION / 2, 1)); this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2 - WIDTH, RESOLUTION / 2, 5)); this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2 - WIDTH * 2, RESOLUTION / 2, 5)); this.full_flag = false; // Flag to check if the snake has filled the grid } display() { // Displaying all snake elements for (let element of this) { element.display(); } } move(current_dir) { // Controlling the movement of the snake let head_x = this[0].x; let head_y = this[0].y; // Updating head position based on the current direction if (current_dir === "UP") { this[0].element_num = 1; // Updating element_num for head facing up this[0].y -= WIDTH; // Moving up } else if (current_dir === "DOWN") { this[0].element_num = 2; // Updating element_num for head facing down this[0].y += WIDTH; // Moving down } else if (current_dir === "LEFT") { this[0].element_num = 3; // Updating element_num for head facing left this[0].x -= WIDTH; // Moving left } else if (current_dir === "RIGHT") { this[0].element_num = 4; // Updating element_num for head facing right this[0].x += WIDTH; // Moving right } // Moving the body elements for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) { let temp_x = this[i].x; let temp_y = this[i].y; this[i].x = head_x; this[i].y = head_y; head_x = temp_x; head_y = temp_y; } } collide_self() { // Checking if the snake collides with itself for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[0].x === this[i].x && this[0].y === this[i].y) { end_flag = true; // Collision occurred, end the game; } } } collide_walls() { // Checking if the snake collides with the canvas borders if ( this[0].x >= RESOLUTION || this[0].x < 0 || this[0].y < 0 || this[0].y >= RESOLUTION ) { end_flag = true; // Snake has left the canvas, end the game; } } board_full() { // Checking if the snake has filled the entire grid if (this.length === ROWS * COLS) { end_flag = true; // Board is full, end the game this.full_flag = true; // Player wins } } } class Fruit { constructor() { // Generating a random position for the fruit this.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ROWS) * WIDTH; this.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * COLS) * HEIGHT; this.fruit_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); // Randomly choosing apple or banana } display() { // Displaying the fruit based on its type if (this.fruit_num === 0) { image(apple, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } else { image(banana, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } } } class Game { constructor() { // Initializing the game with snake, fruit, and default direction this.snake = new Snake(); this.fruit = new Fruit(); this.current_dir = "RIGHT"; this.score = 0; // Player's score this.frames = 12; this.eat_count = 0; } display() { // Displaying the snake, checking for fruit collision, and displaying the score this.snake.display(); let n = 0; while (n < this.snake.length) { // Checking if the fruit is at the same position as any snake element if ( this.fruit.x === this.snake[n].x && this.fruit.y === this.snake[n].y ) { this.fruit = new Fruit(); // Create a new fruit } n++; } this.fruit.display(); textSize(10); fill(0); text("Score: " + this.score, RESOLUTION - 100, 30); } move() { // Moving the snake, checking for collisions this.snake.move(this.current_dir); this.snake.collide_self(); this.snake.collide_walls(); } eat() { // Checking if the snake eats the fruit if (this.snake[0].x === this.fruit.x && this.snake[0].y === this.fruit.y) { // Adding a new element to the snake based on the current direction if (this.current_dir === "DOWN") { this.snake.push( new SnakeElement( this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x, this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y - HEIGHT, 6 + this.fruit.fruit_num ) ); } if (this.current_dir === "UP") { this.snake.push( new SnakeElement( this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x, this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y + HEIGHT, 6 + this.fruit.fruit_num ) ); } if (this.current_dir === "LEFT") { this.snake.push( new SnakeElement( this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x + WIDTH, this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y, 6 + this.fruit.fruit_num ) ); } if (this.current_dir === "RIGHT") { this.snake.push( new SnakeElement( this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x - WIDTH, this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y, 6 + this.fruit.fruit_num ) ); } this.fruit = new Fruit(); // Create a new fruit this.score += 1; // Increase the score if (this.score > 20) { bg_flag = 1; } frames -= 1; this.eat_count += 1; if (this.eat_count % 5 === 0 && this.eat_count <= 30) { this.frames -= 1;; }; } } rungame() { // Main method to be called in draw() if (frameCount % this.frames === 0) { if (!end_flag) { // If the game hasn't ended if (bg_flag === 0) { image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); } else if (bg_flag === 1) { image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); } this.display(); this.move();; } else if (!this.snake.full_flag) { // If the game has ended and the board is not full if (bg_flag === 0) { image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); } else if (bg_flag === 1) { image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); } textSize(30); text("Game Over :(", RESOLUTION / 2 - 175, RESOLUTION / 2 - 15); textSize(18); text( "Final Score: " + this.score, RESOLUTION / 2 - 120, RESOLUTION / 2 + 15 ); textSize(10); text( "Click anywhere to restart :D", RESOLUTION / 2 - 130, RESOLUTION - 40 ); if (this.score > high_score) { high_score = this.score; } push(); textSize(18); fill(255); stroke(0); text( "High Score: " + high_score, RESOLUTION / 2 - 110, RESOLUTION / 2 + 40 ); pop(); } else { // If the game has ended and the board is full if (bg_flag === 0) { image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); } else if (bg_flag === 1) { image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); } textSize(25); text("You Win :D", RESOLUTION / 2 - 140, RESOLUTION / 2); textSize(7.5); text( "Click anywhere to restart :D", RESOLUTION / 2 - 100, RESOLUTION - 50 ); } } } } let game; function preload() { // Loading images before setup() head_up = loadImage("images/head_up.png"); head_left = loadImage("images/head_left.png"); apple = loadImage("images/apple.png"); banana = loadImage("images/banana.png"); game_background1 = loadImage("images/snake_game_background1.png"); game_background2 = loadImage("images/snake_game_background2.png"); game_font = loadFont("fonts/snake_game_font.ttf"); bite_sound = loadSound("sounds/bite.m4a"); level_up = loadSound("sounds/levelup.mp3"); game_over = loadSound("sounds/gameover.mp3"); background_music = loadSound("sounds/backgroundmusic.m4a"); } function setup() { // Setup function for creating the canvas and initializing the game createCanvas(RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); game = new Game(); textFont(game_font); } function draw() { // Draw function for running the game if (xVal >= 1000) { start_flag = true; } if (!background_music.isPlaying()) {; } if (start_flag === true) { game.rungame(); } else { image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION); push(); textSize(50); text("SNAKE", RESOLUTION / 2 - 120, RESOLUTION / 2 + 20); textSize(15); strokeWeight(1.5); text( "the most original game ever", RESOLUTION / 2 - 200, RESOLUTION / 2 + 40 ); pop(); } if (!serialActive) { stroke(255); strokeWeight(2); text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else if (start_flag === true) { text("Connected", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected. Press the joystick to \nstart playing!", 20, 30); } // changing the direction of the snake using values from arduino if (xVal < 300) { // joystick moved left if (game.current_dir !== "RIGHT") { game.current_dir = "LEFT"; } } else if (xVal > 700 && xVal < 1000) { // joystick moved right if (game.current_dir !== "LEFT") { game.current_dir = "RIGHT"; } } else if (yVal < 300) { // joystick moved down if (game.current_dir !== "UP") { game.current_dir = "DOWN"; } } else if (yVal > 700) { if (game.current_dir !== "DOWN") { // joystick moved up game.current_dir = "UP"; } } else if (xVal >= 1000) { // restart game when joystick pressed if (end_flag === true) { end_flag = false; game = new Game(); bg_flag = 0; } } } function mousePressed() { // Restart the game on mouse click if (end_flag === true) { start_flag = true; end_flag = false; game = new Game(); bg_flag = 0; } } function keyPressed() { // Change the direction of movement on arrow key press if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) { if (game.current_dir !== "RIGHT") { game.current_dir = "LEFT"; } } else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) { if (game.current_dir !== "LEFT") { game.current_dir = "RIGHT"; } } else if (keyCode === UP_ARROW) { if (game.current_dir !== "DOWN") { game.current_dir = "UP"; } } else if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW) { if (game.current_dir !== "UP") { game.current_dir = "DOWN"; } } if (key == " ") { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } } // This function will be called by the web-serial library // with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads // the data until the newline and then gives it to us through // this callback function function readSerial(data) { //////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (data != null) { // make sure there is actually a message // split the message let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ","); // if the right length, then proceed if (fromArduino.length == 2) { // only store values here // do everything with those values in the main draw loop xVal = int(fromArduino[0]); yVal = int(fromArduino[1]); } } }
let RESOLUTION = 500; // Setting canvas resolution
let ROWS = 20; // Number of rows in the grid
let COLS = 20; // Number of columns in the grid
let WIDTH = RESOLUTION / ROWS; // Width of each grid cell
let HEIGHT = RESOLUTION / COLS; // Height of each grid cell
let end_flag = false; // Flag to indicate the end of the game
let start_flag = false;

let bg_flag = 0;
let xVal = 0;
let yVal = 0;
let high_score = 0;

let head_up,
  background_music; // Loading images for background, snake head, apple, and banana; fonts; sounds

class SnakeElement {
  constructor(x, y, element_num) {
    // Snake element constructor
    this.x = x; // X-coordinate of the element
    this.y = y; // Y-coordinate of the element
    this.element_num = element_num; // Identifier for the type of element

  display() {
    if (this.element_num === 1) {
      // Displaying the head facing up
      ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
      image(head_up, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    } else if (this.element_num === 2) {
      // Displaying the head facing down (flipped vertically)
      ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
      push(); // Save the current drawing state
      scale(1, -1); // Flip vertically
      image(head_up, this.x, -this.y - HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
      pop(); // Restore the original drawing state
    } else if (this.element_num === 3) {
      // Displaying the head facing left
      ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
      image(head_left, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    } else if (this.element_num === 4) {
      // Displaying the head facing right (flipped horizontally)
      ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH + 2);
      push(); // Save the current drawing state
      scale(-1, 1); // Flip horizontally
      image(head_left, -this.x - WIDTH, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
      pop(); // Restore the original drawing state
    } else {
      // Displaying a circle for the body elements
      if (this.element_num === 5) {
        fill(120, 220, 20); // Green circle
      } else if (this.element_num === 6) {
        fill(200, 48, 32); // Red circle
      } else if (this.element_num === 7) {
        fill(251, 240, 76); // Yellow circle
      ellipse(this.x + WIDTH / 2, this.y + HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH);

class Snake extends Array {
  constructor() {
    // Initializing the snake with head and initial body elements
    this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2, RESOLUTION / 2, 1));
    this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2 - WIDTH, RESOLUTION / 2, 5));
    this.push(new SnakeElement(RESOLUTION / 2 - WIDTH * 2, RESOLUTION / 2, 5));
    this.full_flag = false; // Flag to check if the snake has filled the grid

  display() {
    // Displaying all snake elements
    for (let element of this) {

  move(current_dir) {
    // Controlling the movement of the snake
    let head_x = this[0].x;
    let head_y = this[0].y;

    // Updating head position based on the current direction
    if (current_dir === "UP") {
      this[0].element_num = 1; // Updating element_num for head facing up
      this[0].y -= WIDTH; // Moving up
    } else if (current_dir === "DOWN") {
      this[0].element_num = 2; // Updating element_num for head facing down
      this[0].y += WIDTH; // Moving down
    } else if (current_dir === "LEFT") {
      this[0].element_num = 3; // Updating element_num for head facing left
      this[0].x -= WIDTH; // Moving left
    } else if (current_dir === "RIGHT") {
      this[0].element_num = 4; // Updating element_num for head facing right
      this[0].x += WIDTH; // Moving right

    // Moving the body elements
    for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
      let temp_x = this[i].x;
      let temp_y = this[i].y;
      this[i].x = head_x;
      this[i].y = head_y;
      head_x = temp_x;
      head_y = temp_y;

  collide_self() {
    // Checking if the snake collides with itself
    for (let i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
      if (this[0].x === this[i].x && this[0].y === this[i].y) {
        end_flag = true; // Collision occurred, end the game;

  collide_walls() {
    // Checking if the snake collides with the canvas borders
    if (
      this[0].x >= RESOLUTION ||
      this[0].x < 0 ||
      this[0].y < 0 ||
      this[0].y >= RESOLUTION
    ) {
      end_flag = true; // Snake has left the canvas, end the game;

  board_full() {
    // Checking if the snake has filled the entire grid
    if (this.length === ROWS * COLS) {
      end_flag = true; // Board is full, end the game
      this.full_flag = true; // Player wins

class Fruit {
  constructor() {
    // Generating a random position for the fruit
    this.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ROWS) * WIDTH;
    this.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * COLS) * HEIGHT;
    this.fruit_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); // Randomly choosing apple or banana

  display() {
    // Displaying the fruit based on its type
    if (this.fruit_num === 0) {
      image(apple, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    } else {
      image(banana, this.x, this.y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

class Game {
  constructor() {
    // Initializing the game with snake, fruit, and default direction
    this.snake = new Snake();
    this.fruit = new Fruit();
    this.current_dir = "RIGHT";
    this.score = 0; // Player's score
    this.frames = 12;
    this.eat_count = 0;

  display() {
    // Displaying the snake, checking for fruit collision, and displaying the score
    let n = 0;
    while (n < this.snake.length) {
      // Checking if the fruit is at the same position as any snake element
      if (
        this.fruit.x === this.snake[n].x &&
        this.fruit.y === this.snake[n].y
      ) {
        this.fruit = new Fruit(); // Create a new fruit
    text("Score: " + this.score, RESOLUTION - 100, 30);

  move() {
    // Moving the snake, checking for collisions

  eat() {
    // Checking if the snake eats the fruit
    if (this.snake[0].x === this.fruit.x && this.snake[0].y === this.fruit.y) {
      // Adding a new element to the snake based on the current direction
      if (this.current_dir === "DOWN") {
          new SnakeElement(
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x,
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y - HEIGHT,
            6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
      if (this.current_dir === "UP") {
          new SnakeElement(
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x,
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y + HEIGHT,
            6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
      if (this.current_dir === "LEFT") {
          new SnakeElement(
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x + WIDTH,
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y,
            6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
      if (this.current_dir === "RIGHT") {
          new SnakeElement(
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].x - WIDTH,
            this.snake[this.snake.length - 1].y,
            6 + this.fruit.fruit_num
      this.fruit = new Fruit(); // Create a new fruit
      this.score += 1; // Increase the score
      if (this.score > 20) {
        bg_flag = 1;
      frames -= 1;
      this.eat_count += 1;

      if (this.eat_count % 5 === 0 && this.eat_count <= 30) {
        this.frames -= 1;;

  rungame() {
    // Main method to be called in draw()
    if (frameCount % this.frames === 0) {
      if (!end_flag) {
        // If the game hasn't ended
        if (bg_flag === 0) {
          image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
        } else if (bg_flag === 1) {
          image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
      } else if (!this.snake.full_flag) {
        // If the game has ended and the board is not full
        if (bg_flag === 0) {
          image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
        } else if (bg_flag === 1) {
          image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
        text("Game Over :(", RESOLUTION / 2 - 175, RESOLUTION / 2 - 15);
          "Final Score: " + this.score,
          RESOLUTION / 2 - 120,
          RESOLUTION / 2 + 15
          "Click anywhere to restart :D",
          RESOLUTION / 2 - 130,
          RESOLUTION - 40
        if (this.score > high_score) {
          high_score = this.score;
          "High Score: " + high_score,
          RESOLUTION / 2 - 110,
          RESOLUTION / 2 + 40
      } else {
        // If the game has ended and the board is full
        if (bg_flag === 0) {
          image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
        } else if (bg_flag === 1) {
          image(game_background2, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
        text("You Win :D", RESOLUTION / 2 - 140, RESOLUTION / 2);
          "Click anywhere to restart :D",
          RESOLUTION / 2 - 100,
          RESOLUTION - 50

let game;

function preload() {
  // Loading images before setup()
  head_up = loadImage("images/head_up.png");
  head_left = loadImage("images/head_left.png");
  apple = loadImage("images/apple.png");
  banana = loadImage("images/banana.png");
  game_background1 = loadImage("images/snake_game_background1.png");
  game_background2 = loadImage("images/snake_game_background2.png");
  game_font = loadFont("fonts/snake_game_font.ttf");
  bite_sound = loadSound("sounds/bite.m4a");
  level_up = loadSound("sounds/levelup.mp3");
  game_over = loadSound("sounds/gameover.mp3");
  background_music = loadSound("sounds/backgroundmusic.m4a");

function setup() {
  // Setup function for creating the canvas and initializing the game
  game = new Game();

function draw() {
  // Draw function for running the game
  if (xVal >= 1000) {
    start_flag = true;
  if (!background_music.isPlaying()) {;
  if (start_flag === true) {
  } else {
    image(game_background1, 0, 0, RESOLUTION, RESOLUTION);
    text("SNAKE", RESOLUTION / 2 - 120, RESOLUTION / 2 + 20);
      "the most original game ever",
      RESOLUTION / 2 - 200,
      RESOLUTION / 2 + 40

  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else if (start_flag === true) {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected. Press the joystick to \nstart playing!", 20, 30);

  // changing the direction of the snake using values from arduino
  if (xVal < 300) {
    // joystick moved left
    if (game.current_dir !== "RIGHT") {
      game.current_dir = "LEFT";
  } else if (xVal > 700 && xVal < 1000) {
    // joystick moved right
    if (game.current_dir !== "LEFT") {
      game.current_dir = "RIGHT";
  } else if (yVal < 300) {
    // joystick moved down
    if (game.current_dir !== "UP") {
      game.current_dir = "DOWN";
  } else if (yVal > 700) {
    if (game.current_dir !== "DOWN") {
      // joystick moved up
      game.current_dir = "UP";
  } else if (xVal >= 1000) {
    // restart game when joystick pressed
    if (end_flag === true) {
      end_flag = false;
      game = new Game();
      bg_flag = 0;

function mousePressed() {
  // Restart the game on mouse click
  if (end_flag === true) {
    start_flag = true;
    end_flag = false;
    game = new Game();
    bg_flag = 0;

function keyPressed() {
  // Change the direction of movement on arrow key press
  if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
    if (game.current_dir !== "RIGHT") {
      game.current_dir = "LEFT";
  } else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
    if (game.current_dir !== "LEFT") {
      game.current_dir = "RIGHT";
  } else if (keyCode === UP_ARROW) {
    if (game.current_dir !== "DOWN") {
      game.current_dir = "UP";
  } else if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW) {
    if (game.current_dir !== "UP") {
      game.current_dir = "DOWN";

  if (key == " ") {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    // make sure there is actually a message
    // split the message
    let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
    // if the right length, then proceed
    if (fromArduino.length == 2) {
      // only store values here
      // do everything with those values in the main draw loop
      xVal = int(fromArduino[0]);
      yVal = int(fromArduino[1]);


And a link to the sketch:

Aspects That I’m (IM) Proud Of

Actually getting the Snake game to work was a big part of this project. There’s so many conditions to cater to, so much stuff to consider. You don’t think that while you’re on the playing end but boy when you’re on the making end – whew. I’m proud that after messing up a bajillion times, particularly with the serial communication part, that I’ve finally got this to work with the help of the professor.  (I’m also proud of getting a high score of 34, so I wanna see someone beat that lol).

Areas for Future Improvement

There is plenty of room for improvement. Had I had more time, I would have incorporated some lights for indicating when a fruit is eaten or when the snake collides so there would be communication from p5 to arduino as well. I also wanted to use a potentiometer to control the speed of the snake through the framerate, because that would be fun (read: chaotic).


Pet the Plant: D.I.Y Christmas Special Edition


Through “Pet the Plant”, I wanted to make an interactive project that allows you to experience the satisfaction of growing your plant friend without the real responsibilities or risks. In this game, there are three different plants that you can choose to grow and make your own Christmas tree.

I was inspired by my friend who failed to grow her plants. By using an Arduino and different sensors, users can go through the physical motions of caring for a plant, allowing the digital plant to grow without any accidents or loss. The virtual experience is coded in p5.js and designed with Canva.

The reason for <Special Edition: D.I.Y Christmas Tree> is for the environment and the Christmas season. People buy Christmas trees in UAE to enjoy the winter. However, I thought buying Christmas trees was not environmentally friendly. Buying a Christmas tree is often considered environmentally unfriendly due to concerns like deforestation, transportation emissions, and the use of chemicals on tree farms. So, I think of other solutions that can help people to not purchase Christmas trees every winter. Making your own Christmas tree virtually will help the environment and save you money!

Hardware Image:

P5.js Screen Image:

User Testing:

IM Showcase:


Many people came to see the IM showcase! My project was very popular for kids because it was pretty clear to understand through my screen and the instructions were clear. They liked my interactive project with plants. However, there was some problem in giving water. I had to put the max value to the soil moisture sensor, but I thought it would be fine. People gave too much water to plants, so sometimes virtual plants went so big. It was still an amazing day to experience!


<Arduino Code>

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// Arduino code
// Input:
// A0 - photocell sensor
// A1 - force resistor sensor
// A2 - soil moisture sensor
int photocellPin = A0; //photocell sensor
int forceSensorPin = A1; //force resistor sensor
int soil = A2; //soil moisture sensor
int forceSensorValue = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(photocellPin, INPUT);
pinMode(soil, INPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the value from three sensors
int lightValue = analogRead(photocellPin);
int forceSensorValue = analogRead(forceSensorPin);
int soilValue = analogRead(soil);
// Send the value to p5.js
Serial.println(); // Print a newline to indicate the end of the data
// Arduino code // Input: // A0 - photocell sensor // A1 - force resistor sensor // A2 - soil moisture sensor int photocellPin = A0; //photocell sensor int forceSensorPin = A1; //force resistor sensor int soil = A2; //soil moisture sensor int forceSensorValue = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(photocellPin, INPUT); pinMode(forceSensorPin,INPUT); pinMode(soil, INPUT); } void loop() { // Read the value from three sensors int lightValue = analogRead(photocellPin); int forceSensorValue = analogRead(forceSensorPin); int soilValue = analogRead(soil); // Send the value to p5.js Serial.print(soilValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(lightValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(forceSensorValue); Serial.println(); // Print a newline to indicate the end of the data
// Arduino code

// Input:
// A0 - photocell sensor
// A1 - force resistor sensor
// A2 - soil moisture sensor

int photocellPin = A0; //photocell sensor
int forceSensorPin = A1; //force resistor sensor
int soil = A2; //soil moisture sensor
int forceSensorValue = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(photocellPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(soil, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read the value from three sensors
  int lightValue = analogRead(photocellPin);
  int forceSensorValue = analogRead(forceSensorPin);
  int soilValue = analogRead(soil);

  // Send the value to p5.js
    Serial.println(); // Print a newline to indicate the end of the data

My Arduino code establishes input connections for a photocell sensor, force resistor sensor, and soil moisture sensor on analog pins A0, A1, and A2. In the setup function, the serial communication is initiated at a baud rate of 9600, and the pinMode is configured for the three pins. Within the main loop, analogRead captures values from the photocell, force sensor, and soil sensor, and these readings are sent to the serial port.

<P5.js Code>

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// Define global variables for images, page tracking, and sensor data
let backgroundImage;
let choicebackgroundImage;
let resultbackgroundImage;
let merrychristmasImage;
let cactusImage;
let greenplantImage;
let palmtreeImage;
let currentPage = 1;
let serial;
let latestData = "waiting for data";
let plantSize = 80;
let plantX, plantY;
let xOffset = 0;
let yOffset = 0;
let userChoice = ''
//Sensor Values
let soilMoistureValue = 0;
let photocellValue = 0;
let forceSensorValue = 0;
//Ornament Variables
let ornaments = ['', '', ''];
let currentOrnament = '';
let ornamentsList = [] ;
let hasOrnament = false;
let isAddingOrnament = false;
//Preload images before setup
function preload() {
backgroundImage = loadImage('');
choicebackgroundImage = loadImage('')
cactusImage = loadImage('')
palmtreeImage = loadImage('')
greenplantImage = loadImage('');
resultbackgroundImage = loadImage('')
merrychristmasImage = loadImage ('')
//Load Ornament Images
for (let i = 0; i < ornaments.length; i++) {
ornaments[i] = loadImage(ornaments[i]);
// Setup function, called once at the beginning
function setup() {
// Create canvas fit to the background image
// Connect to the p5.serialport server
serial = new p5.SerialPort();
// Set up serial communication
serial.on('connected', serverConnected);
serial.on('list', gotList);
serial.on('data', gotData);
serial.on('error', gotError);
serial.on('open', gotOpen);
serial.on('close', gotClose);
// Callback function when connected to the serial server
function serverConnected() {
print("Connected to Server");
// Callback function when a list of serial ports is received
function gotList(thelist) {
print("List of Serial Ports:");
for (let i = 0; i < thelist.length; i++) {
print(i + " " + thelist[i]);
// Callback function when the serial port is opened
function gotOpen() {
print("Serial Port is Open");
// Callback function when the serial port is closed
function gotClose(){
print("Serial Port is Closed");
latestData = "Serial Port is Closed";
// Callback function when an error occurs in serial communication
function gotError(theerror) {
// Callback function when new data is received from the serial port
function gotData() {
let currentString = serial.readLine();
console.log('serial received: ' + currentString);
if (!currentString) return;
latestData = currentString;
// Split the received data into values
let dataValues = split(latestData, ',');
// Assign the values to the corresponding variables
if (dataValues.length === 3) {
console.log('got 3 values');
soilMoistureValue = int(dataValues[0]);
console.log('soil: ' + soilMoistureValue);
photocellValue = int(dataValues[1]);
console.log('photocell: ' + photocellValue);
forceSensorValue = int(dataValues[2]);
console.log('force: ' + forceSensorValue);
function keyPressed() {
if (key === 'f') {
// Draw function, called continuously
function draw() {
if (currentPage === 1) {
} else if (currentPage === 2) {
} else if (currentPage === 3) {
// Draw function for the start page
function drawStartPage() {
if (mouseIsPressed) {
currentPage = 2; // Move to the next page when clicked
// Draw function for the choice page (next page)
function drawChoicePage() {
if (keyIsPressed) {
// Check the pressed key and move to the corresponding page
if (key === '1') {
userChoice = 'cactus';
currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with cactus
} else if (key === '2') {
userChoice = 'palmTree';
currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with green plant
} else if (key === '3') {
userChoice = 'greenPlant';
currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with palm tree
// Draw function for the result page (last page)
function drawResultPage() {
// Display selected plant based on user choice
if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
plantX = 485 + xOffset;
plantY = 337 + yOffset;
image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
} else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
plantX = 489 + xOffset;
plantY = 341 + yOffset;
image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
} else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
plantX = 500 + xOffset;
plantY = 339 + yOffset;
image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
// Check sensor values and simulate plant growth for all plant types
if (userChoice === 'cactus' || userChoice === 'palmTree' || userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
// Check soil moisture sensor value
if (soilMoistureValue > 860) {
// Increase size when soil moisture is high
plantSize += 1.5;
xOffset -= 0.8;
yOffset -= 1.4;
// Check photocell sensor value
if (photocellValue > 70) {
// Increase size when light is high
plantSize += 1.5;
xOffset -= 0.8;
yOffset -= 1.4;
// Check force sensor value
if (forceSensorValue > 1000) {
// Add ornament when force sensor value is high
isAddingOrnament = true;
// Display ornaments
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
// If the photocell value is less than 10, switch to a Christmas background
if (photocellValue < 10) {
if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
plantX = 485 + xOffset;
plantY = 337 + yOffset;
image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
// Display the selected plant based on user choice along with ornaments
if (ornamentsList[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
} else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
plantX = 489 + xOffset;
plantY = 341 + yOffset;
image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
if (ornamentsList[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
} else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
plantX = 500 + xOffset;
plantY = 339 + yOffset;
image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
if (ornamentsList[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
// MousePressed function checks if the user is ready to add an ornament and if the click is within the plant area
function mousePressed() {
// Add ornament at the clicked position
if (isAddingOrnament && mouseX > plantX && mouseX < plantX + plantSize && mouseY > plantY && mouseY < plantY + plantSize) {
// Add ornament at the clicked position
let ornament = {
image: random(ornaments),
x: mouseX,
y: mouseY,
size: 40, // Adjust the size of the ornament as needed
// Reset the flag
isAddingOrnament = false;
// Define global variables for images, page tracking, and sensor data let backgroundImage; let choicebackgroundImage; let resultbackgroundImage; let merrychristmasImage; let cactusImage; let greenplantImage; let palmtreeImage; let currentPage = 1; let serial; let latestData = "waiting for data"; let plantSize = 80; let plantX, plantY; let xOffset = 0; let yOffset = 0; let userChoice = '' //Sensor Values let soilMoistureValue = 0; let photocellValue = 0; let forceSensorValue = 0; //Ornament Variables let ornaments = ['', '', '']; let currentOrnament = ''; let ornamentsList = [] ; let hasOrnament = false; let isAddingOrnament = false; //Preload images before setup function preload() { //loadimages backgroundImage = loadImage(''); choicebackgroundImage = loadImage('') cactusImage = loadImage('') palmtreeImage = loadImage('') greenplantImage = loadImage(''); resultbackgroundImage = loadImage('') merrychristmasImage = loadImage ('') //Load Ornament Images for (let i = 0; i < ornaments.length; i++) { ornaments[i] = loadImage(ornaments[i]); } } // Setup function, called once at the beginning function setup() { // Create canvas fit to the background image createCanvas(700,500); // Connect to the p5.serialport server serial = new p5.SerialPort(); // Set up serial communication serial.list();'/dev/tty.usbmodem101'); serial.on('connected', serverConnected); serial.on('list', gotList); serial.on('data', gotData); serial.on('error', gotError); serial.on('open', gotOpen); serial.on('close', gotClose); } // Callback function when connected to the serial server function serverConnected() { print("Connected to Server"); } // Callback function when a list of serial ports is received function gotList(thelist) { print("List of Serial Ports:"); for (let i = 0; i < thelist.length; i++) { print(i + " " + thelist[i]); } } // Callback function when the serial port is opened function gotOpen() { print("Serial Port is Open"); } // Callback function when the serial port is closed function gotClose(){ print("Serial Port is Closed"); latestData = "Serial Port is Closed"; } // Callback function when an error occurs in serial communication function gotError(theerror) { print(theerror); } // Callback function when new data is received from the serial port function gotData() { let currentString = serial.readLine(); console.log('serial received: ' + currentString); trim(currentString); if (!currentString) return; console.log(currentString); latestData = currentString; // Split the received data into values let dataValues = split(latestData, ','); // Assign the values to the corresponding variables console.log(dataValues); if (dataValues.length === 3) { console.log('got 3 values'); soilMoistureValue = int(dataValues[0]); console.log('soil: ' + soilMoistureValue); photocellValue = int(dataValues[1]); console.log('photocell: ' + photocellValue); forceSensorValue = int(dataValues[2]); console.log('force: ' + forceSensorValue); } } //fullscreen function keyPressed() { if (key === 'f') { toggleFullscreen(); } } // Draw function, called continuously function draw() { if (currentPage === 1) { drawStartPage(); } else if (currentPage === 2) { drawChoicePage(); } else if (currentPage === 3) { drawResultPage(); } } // Draw function for the start page function drawStartPage() { background(backgroundImage); if (mouseIsPressed) { currentPage = 2; // Move to the next page when clicked } } // Draw function for the choice page (next page) function drawChoicePage() { background(choicebackgroundImage); textSize(24); fill(0); if (keyIsPressed) { // Check the pressed key and move to the corresponding page if (key === '1') { userChoice = 'cactus'; currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with cactus } else if (key === '2') { userChoice = 'palmTree'; currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with green plant } else if (key === '3') { userChoice = 'greenPlant'; currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with palm tree } } } // Draw function for the result page (last page) function drawResultPage() { background(resultbackgroundImage); // Display selected plant based on user choice if (userChoice === 'cactus') { plantX = 485 + xOffset; plantY = 337 + yOffset; image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') { plantX = 489 + xOffset; plantY = 341 + yOffset; image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') { plantX = 500 + xOffset; plantY = 339 + yOffset; image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); } // Check sensor values and simulate plant growth for all plant types if (userChoice === 'cactus' || userChoice === 'palmTree' || userChoice === 'greenPlant') { // Check soil moisture sensor value if (soilMoistureValue > 860) { // Increase size when soil moisture is high plantSize += 1.5; xOffset -= 0.8; yOffset -= 1.4; } // Check photocell sensor value if (photocellValue > 70) { // Increase size when light is high plantSize += 1.5; xOffset -= 0.8; yOffset -= 1.4; } // Check force sensor value if (forceSensorValue > 1000) { // Add ornament when force sensor value is high isAddingOrnament = true; } } // Display ornaments for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } // If the photocell value is less than 10, switch to a Christmas background if (photocellValue < 10) { background(merrychristmasImage); if (userChoice === 'cactus') { plantX = 485 + xOffset; plantY = 337 + yOffset; image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); // Display the selected plant based on user choice along with ornaments if (ornamentsList[0]) { for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } } } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') { plantX = 489 + xOffset; plantY = 341 + yOffset; image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); if (ornamentsList[0]) { for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } } } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') { plantX = 500 + xOffset; plantY = 339 + yOffset; image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); if (ornamentsList[0]) { for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } } } } } // MousePressed function checks if the user is ready to add an ornament and if the click is within the plant area function mousePressed() { // Add ornament at the clicked position if (isAddingOrnament && mouseX > plantX && mouseX < plantX + plantSize && mouseY > plantY && mouseY < plantY + plantSize) { // Add ornament at the clicked position let ornament = { image: random(ornaments), x: mouseX, y: mouseY, size: 40, // Adjust the size of the ornament as needed }; ornamentsList.push(ornament); // Reset the flag isAddingOrnament = false; } }
// Define global variables for images, page tracking, and sensor data
let backgroundImage;
let choicebackgroundImage;
let resultbackgroundImage;
let merrychristmasImage;
let cactusImage;
let greenplantImage;
let palmtreeImage;
let currentPage = 1;
let serial;
let latestData = "waiting for data";
let plantSize = 80;
let plantX, plantY;
let xOffset = 0;
let yOffset = 0;
let userChoice = ''

//Sensor Values
let soilMoistureValue = 0;
let photocellValue = 0;
let forceSensorValue = 0;

//Ornament Variables
let ornaments = ['', '', '']; 
let currentOrnament = '';
let ornamentsList = [] ;
let hasOrnament = false;
let isAddingOrnament = false;

//Preload images before setup
function preload() {
  backgroundImage = loadImage('');
  choicebackgroundImage = loadImage('')
  cactusImage = loadImage('')
  palmtreeImage = loadImage('')
  greenplantImage = loadImage(''); 
  resultbackgroundImage = loadImage('')
  merrychristmasImage = loadImage ('')
  //Load Ornament Images
   for (let i = 0; i < ornaments.length; i++) {
    ornaments[i] = loadImage(ornaments[i]);

// Setup function, called once at the beginning
function setup() {
  // Create canvas fit to the background image
    // Connect to the p5.serialport server
  serial = new p5.SerialPort();
 // Set up serial communication

 serial.on('connected', serverConnected);

 serial.on('list', gotList);

 serial.on('data', gotData);

 serial.on('error', gotError);

 serial.on('open', gotOpen);

 serial.on('close', gotClose);

// Callback function when connected to the serial server
function serverConnected() {
 print("Connected to Server");

// Callback function when a list of serial ports is received
function gotList(thelist) {
 print("List of Serial Ports:");

 for (let i = 0; i < thelist.length; i++) {
  print(i + " " + thelist[i]);

// Callback function when the serial port is opened
function gotOpen() {
 print("Serial Port is Open");

// Callback function when the serial port is closed
function gotClose(){
 print("Serial Port is Closed");
 latestData = "Serial Port is Closed";

// Callback function when an error occurs in serial communication
function gotError(theerror) {

// Callback function when new data is received from the serial port
function gotData() {
  let currentString = serial.readLine();
  console.log('serial received: ' + currentString);
  if (!currentString) return;
  latestData = currentString;

  // Split the received data into values
  let dataValues = split(latestData, ',');

  // Assign the values to the corresponding variables
  if (dataValues.length === 3) {
    console.log('got 3 values');
    soilMoistureValue = int(dataValues[0]);
    console.log('soil: ' + soilMoistureValue);
    photocellValue = int(dataValues[1]);
    console.log('photocell: ' + photocellValue);
    forceSensorValue = int(dataValues[2]);
    console.log('force: ' + forceSensorValue);


function keyPressed() {
  if (key === 'f') {

// Draw function, called continuously
function draw() {
  if (currentPage === 1) {
  } else if (currentPage === 2) {
  } else if (currentPage === 3) {


// Draw function for the start page
function drawStartPage() {

  if (mouseIsPressed) {
    currentPage = 2; // Move to the next page when clicked

// Draw function for the choice page (next page)
function drawChoicePage() {


  if (keyIsPressed) {
    // Check the pressed key and move to the corresponding page
    if (key === '1') {
      userChoice = 'cactus';
      currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with cactus
    } else if (key === '2') {
      userChoice = 'palmTree';
      currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with green plant
    } else if (key === '3') {
      userChoice = 'greenPlant';
      currentPage = 3; // Go to the third page with palm tree

// Draw function for the result page (last page)
function drawResultPage() {

   // Display selected plant based on user choice
  if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
    plantX = 485 + xOffset;
    plantY = 337 + yOffset;
    image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
  } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
    plantX = 489 + xOffset;
    plantY = 341 + yOffset;
    image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
  } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
    plantX = 500 + xOffset;
    plantY = 339 + yOffset;
    image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);

  // Check sensor values and simulate plant growth for all plant types
  if (userChoice === 'cactus' || userChoice === 'palmTree' || userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
    // Check soil moisture sensor value
    if (soilMoistureValue > 860) {
      // Increase size when soil moisture is high
      plantSize += 1.5;
      xOffset -= 0.8;
      yOffset -= 1.4;

    // Check photocell sensor value
    if (photocellValue > 70) {
      // Increase size when light is high
      plantSize += 1.5;
      xOffset -= 0.8;
      yOffset -= 1.4;

    // Check force sensor value
    if (forceSensorValue > 1000) {
      // Add ornament when force sensor value is high
      isAddingOrnament = true;

  // Display ornaments
  for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
    let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
    image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);

  // If the photocell value is less than 10, switch to a Christmas background
  if (photocellValue < 10) {
    if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
      plantX = 485 + xOffset;
      plantY = 337 + yOffset;
      image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
      // Display the selected plant based on user choice along with ornaments
      if (ornamentsList[0]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
          let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
          image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
  } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
      plantX = 489 + xOffset;
      plantY = 341 + yOffset;
      image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
      if (ornamentsList[0]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
          let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
          image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
  } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
      plantX = 500 + xOffset;
      plantY = 339 + yOffset;
      image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
      if (ornamentsList[0]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
          let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
          image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
// MousePressed function checks if the user is ready to add an ornament and if the click is within the plant area
function mousePressed() {
   // Add ornament at the clicked position
  if (isAddingOrnament && mouseX > plantX && mouseX < plantX + plantSize && mouseY > plantY && mouseY < plantY + plantSize) {
    // Add ornament at the clicked position
    let ornament = {
      image: random(ornaments),
      x: mouseX,
      y: mouseY,
      size: 40, // Adjust the size of the ornament as needed


    // Reset the flag
    isAddingOrnament = false;

I’ve created a p5.js sketch that brings a virtual Christmas tree to life, responding to Arduino sensors and user interactions. The code begins by initializing global variables, including images for backgrounds, plants, and ornaments, as well as parameters for page tracking and sensor data.

In the setup function, the canvas is created, and a connection to the p5.serialport server is established for communication with an Arduino. Callback functions are set up to handle various serial events, ensuring a smooth connection between the digital representation and physical sensor inputs.

The draw function renders different pages based on user choices and sensor inputs. Users progress through pages by clicking the mouse or pressing keys to select the type of plant displayed on the last page.

The drawResultPage function, specific to the final page, displays the chosen plant with dynamic growth simulation based on soil moisture, light intensity, and force sensor values. The plant size adjusts, and ornaments are added under specific conditions, creating an interactive and festive atmosphere. The code also intelligently switches to a Christmas-themed background in low-light conditions, enhancing the holiday spirit.

My code handles user interactions, allowing users to enter fullscreen mode with the ‘f’ key and add ornaments to the virtual tree by clicking on it. The integration of visual elements, sensor data, and user interactions results in an engaging experience, turning virtual festivities into a tangible and interactive celebration of the Christmas season.

<Communication between Arduino and p5.js>

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function drawResultPage() {
// Display selected plant based on user choice
if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
plantX = 485 + xOffset;
plantY = 337 + yOffset;
image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
} else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
plantX = 489 + xOffset;
plantY = 341 + yOffset;
image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
} else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
plantX = 500 + xOffset;
plantY = 339 + yOffset;
image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
// Check sensor values and simulate plant growth for all plant types
if (userChoice === 'cactus' || userChoice === 'palmTree' || userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
// Check soil moisture sensor value
if (soilMoistureValue > 860) {
// Increase size when soil moisture is high
plantSize += 1.5;
xOffset -= 0.8;
yOffset -= 1.4;
// Check photocell sensor value
if (photocellValue > 70) {
// Increase size when light is high
plantSize += 1.5;
xOffset -= 0.8;
yOffset -= 1.4;
// Check force sensor value
if (forceSensorValue > 1000) {
// Add ornament when force sensor value is high
isAddingOrnament = true;
// Display ornaments
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
// If the photocell value is less than 10, switch to a Christmas background
if (photocellValue < 10) {
if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
plantX = 485 + xOffset;
plantY = 337 + yOffset;
image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
// Display the selected plant based on user choice along with ornaments
if (ornamentsList[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
} else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
plantX = 489 + xOffset;
plantY = 341 + yOffset;
image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
if (ornamentsList[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
} else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
plantX = 500 + xOffset;
plantY = 339 + yOffset;
image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
if (ornamentsList[0]) {
for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
// MousePressed function checks if the user is ready to add an ornament and if the click is within the plant area
function mousePressed() {
// Add ornament at the clicked position
if (isAddingOrnament && mouseX > plantX && mouseX < plantX + plantSize && mouseY > plantY && mouseY < plantY + plantSize) {
// Add ornament at the clicked position
let ornament = {
image: random(ornaments),
x: mouseX,
y: mouseY,
size: 40, // Adjust the size of the ornament as needed
// Reset the flag
isAddingOrnament = false;
function drawResultPage() { background(resultbackgroundImage); // Display selected plant based on user choice if (userChoice === 'cactus') { plantX = 485 + xOffset; plantY = 337 + yOffset; image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') { plantX = 489 + xOffset; plantY = 341 + yOffset; image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') { plantX = 500 + xOffset; plantY = 339 + yOffset; image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); } // Check sensor values and simulate plant growth for all plant types if (userChoice === 'cactus' || userChoice === 'palmTree' || userChoice === 'greenPlant') { // Check soil moisture sensor value if (soilMoistureValue > 860) { // Increase size when soil moisture is high plantSize += 1.5; xOffset -= 0.8; yOffset -= 1.4; } // Check photocell sensor value if (photocellValue > 70) { // Increase size when light is high plantSize += 1.5; xOffset -= 0.8; yOffset -= 1.4; } // Check force sensor value if (forceSensorValue > 1000) { // Add ornament when force sensor value is high isAddingOrnament = true; } } // Display ornaments for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } // If the photocell value is less than 10, switch to a Christmas background if (photocellValue < 10) { background(merrychristmasImage); if (userChoice === 'cactus') { plantX = 485 + xOffset; plantY = 337 + yOffset; image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); // Display the selected plant based on user choice along with ornaments if (ornamentsList[0]) { for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } } } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') { plantX = 489 + xOffset; plantY = 341 + yOffset; image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); if (ornamentsList[0]) { for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } } } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') { plantX = 500 + xOffset; plantY = 339 + yOffset; image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize); if (ornamentsList[0]) { for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) { let ornament = ornamentsList[i]; image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size); } } } } } // MousePressed function checks if the user is ready to add an ornament and if the click is within the plant area function mousePressed() { // Add ornament at the clicked position if (isAddingOrnament && mouseX > plantX && mouseX < plantX + plantSize && mouseY > plantY && mouseY < plantY + plantSize) { // Add ornament at the clicked position let ornament = { image: random(ornaments), x: mouseX, y: mouseY, size: 40, // Adjust the size of the ornament as needed }; ornamentsList.push(ornament); // Reset the flag isAddingOrnament = false; } }
function drawResultPage() {

   // Display selected plant based on user choice
  if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
    plantX = 485 + xOffset;
    plantY = 337 + yOffset;
    image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
  } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
    plantX = 489 + xOffset;
    plantY = 341 + yOffset;
    image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
  } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
    plantX = 500 + xOffset;
    plantY = 339 + yOffset;
    image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);

  // Check sensor values and simulate plant growth for all plant types
  if (userChoice === 'cactus' || userChoice === 'palmTree' || userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
    // Check soil moisture sensor value
    if (soilMoistureValue > 860) {
      // Increase size when soil moisture is high
      plantSize += 1.5;
      xOffset -= 0.8;
      yOffset -= 1.4;

    // Check photocell sensor value
    if (photocellValue > 70) {
      // Increase size when light is high
      plantSize += 1.5;
      xOffset -= 0.8;
      yOffset -= 1.4;

    // Check force sensor value
    if (forceSensorValue > 1000) {
      // Add ornament when force sensor value is high
      isAddingOrnament = true;

  // Display ornaments
  for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
    let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
    image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);

  // If the photocell value is less than 10, switch to a Christmas background
  if (photocellValue < 10) {
    if (userChoice === 'cactus') {
      plantX = 485 + xOffset;
      plantY = 337 + yOffset;
      image(cactusImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
      // Display the selected plant based on user choice along with ornaments
      if (ornamentsList[0]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
          let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
          image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
  } else if (userChoice === 'palmTree') {
      plantX = 489 + xOffset;
      plantY = 341 + yOffset;
      image(palmtreeImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
      if (ornamentsList[0]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
          let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
          image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
  } else if (userChoice === 'greenPlant') {
      plantX = 500 + xOffset;
      plantY = 339 + yOffset;
      image(greenplantImage, plantX, plantY, plantSize, plantSize);
      if (ornamentsList[0]) {
        for (let i = 0; i < ornamentsList.length; i++) {
          let ornament = ornamentsList[i];
          image(ornament.image, ornament.x, ornament.y, ornament.size, ornament.size);
// MousePressed function checks if the user is ready to add an ornament and if the click is within the plant area
function mousePressed() {
   // Add ornament at the clicked position
  if (isAddingOrnament && mouseX > plantX && mouseX < plantX + plantSize && mouseY > plantY && mouseY < plantY + plantSize) {
    // Add ornament at the clicked position
    let ornament = {
      image: random(ornaments),
      x: mouseX,
      y: mouseY,
      size: 40, // Adjust the size of the ornament as needed


    // Reset the flag
    isAddingOrnament = false;

In the drawResultPage function, the code checks the sensor values (soil moisture, photocell, and force sensor) and simulates plant growth based on these values. If conditions related to sensor values are met, the plant size is increased, and offsets are adjusted to simulate growth. If the force sensor value is high, the variable isAddingOrnament is set to true, indicating that an ornament should be added. The code also includes a section for displaying ornaments on the plant based on user interactions. If isAddingOrnament is true, the mousePressed function adds an ornament at the clicked position within the plant area.

In summary, the p5.serialport library is used to establish a connection between the p5.js sketch and the Arduino, enabling real-time communication and interaction based on sensor data. The code continuously reads data from the Arduino, processes it, and updates the visual representation of the Christmas tree accordingly.

Digital Challenges & Future Improvement:

Before working on “Pet the Plant”, my projects mostly involved using a single Arduino sensor. However, for this project, I needed to incorporate three different sensors. Initially, I tackled each sensor’s interaction separately by coding them in different p5.js sketches. The challenge arose when I had to merge all these interactions into one comprehensive project and figure out a way to smoothly transition between them.

For future improvement, I would like to use the real plant to make the design of a virtual plant. For this project, I did not know how to animate a real plant to make a virtual plant, and I used pngs to show the virtual plants to users. However, since it is “Pet the Plant”, it would be much more friendly to users if I used their real plants to be virtual plant like avatars of a human and grow them in the game. This could be achieved through computer vision and image processing techniques to capture and interpret the characteristics of users’ real plants. By using a webcam or other image-capturing devices, the system could analyze the live feed of the real plant, extracting features such as color, size, and overall health. I can enable users to see their real plants reflected in the virtual environment. Also, I might implement interactive features where users can virtually nurture and care for their specific plant avatars.






EOS Final Project : Frenzy Jump


Concept : “Frenzy Jump”

For my project, I decided to create a simple game on p5js.

Idea of the game : For the Arduino part, there are two buttons one functions as a “restart button” to restart the game after losing, and the other functions as an action  button to make the player “triangle” to jump.
The game starts with a background that says “Press red button to start and white button to jump”, upon pressing the red red button the screen will start the game with the player being a “triangle”, as per instruction at the start the user will press the white button for the player to jump over rectangular obstacles, throughout the game there are golden “coins” which are ellipses created to gain extra points on the scoreboard that can be seen on the top right corner of the game. When the user fails with jumping over a certain obstacle, the screen will give you a message saying “GAMEOVER” . To restart the game, the user should press on the red button, and the game will automatically start again.


I got this idea from a game i think most people have played once in their life, view the image below :


  • 2 LED buttons , red and white
  • Resistors are built in the led button i did not use the LED side of the button therefore i did not add extra resistors on the breadboard
  • 6 jumper wires


Prototype 1 :

Final prototype :

User Experience and Gameplay :




Embedded sketch :



its probably incorrect but i tried


Testing in Arduino Serial Port :

References :

P5js code :

The code that made me proud: I cant choose only one part, because if i must say i am very proud of myself, and what i have achieved this semester, to knowing nothing about coding to creating this simple yet successful simple game. What about difficulties? i will talk about that later on in my blog post.

How does Arduino work with p5js? :

Starting with the code in Arduino after I’ve set up the connections in the controller i wrote the lines of code that we were taught in class about Serial Data communication and put in the corresponding pin numbers for the “restart” and “action”(jump) buttons also i used the Function (pinMode) as  an input for my pins , and the function digitalRead for my pins to be read in values of :false or true lastly, i used the Serial.println to send/print serial data to the port as seen in the lines of code below :

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
int RedButton= 7;
int whiteButton= 8;
bool isActionButtonPressed = false; //start with false as the buttons are not pressed
bool isRestartButtonPressed = false;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // setting the baud rate for serial data communication
pinMode(RedButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(whiteButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
//sending signals whether the buttons are pressed and giving true or false statements to confirm
if(digitalRead(RedButton)) {
if(!isActionButtonPressed) {
isActionButtonPressed = true;
else {
if(isActionButtonPressed) {
isActionButtonPressed = false;
if(digitalRead(whiteButton)) {
if(!isRestartButtonPressed) {
isRestartButtonPressed = true;
else {
if(isRestartButtonPressed) {
isRestartButtonPressed = false; //// printing data to the serial port void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin)
// printing data to the serial port void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin)
void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) {
Serial.println(String(pin) + ":pressed");
void eventActionButtonReleased(int pin) {
Serial.println(String(pin) + ":released");
void eventRestartButtonPressed(int pin) {
Serial.println(String(pin) + ":pressed");
void eventRestartButtonReleased(int pin) {
Serial.println(String(pin) + ":released");
int RedButton= 7; int whiteButton= 8; bool isActionButtonPressed = false; //start with false as the buttons are not pressed bool isRestartButtonPressed = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // setting the baud rate for serial data communication pinMode(RedButton, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(whiteButton, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { //sending signals whether the buttons are pressed and giving true or false statements to confirm if(digitalRead(RedButton)) { if(!isActionButtonPressed) { eventActionButtonPressed(RedButton); isActionButtonPressed = true; } } else { if(isActionButtonPressed) { eventActionButtonReleased(RedButton); isActionButtonPressed = false; } } if(digitalRead(whiteButton)) { if(!isRestartButtonPressed) { eventRestartButtonPressed(whiteButton); isRestartButtonPressed = true; } } else { if(isRestartButtonPressed) { eventRestartButtonReleased(whiteButton); isRestartButtonPressed = false; //// printing data to the serial port void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) } } } // printing data to the serial port void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) { Serial.println(String(pin) + ":pressed"); } void eventActionButtonReleased(int pin) { Serial.println(String(pin) + ":released"); } void eventRestartButtonPressed(int pin) { Serial.println(String(pin) + ":pressed"); } void eventRestartButtonReleased(int pin) { Serial.println(String(pin) + ":released"); }
int RedButton= 7;
int whiteButton= 8;
bool isActionButtonPressed = false; //start with false as the buttons are not pressed 
bool isRestartButtonPressed = false;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // setting the baud rate for serial data communication 

  pinMode(RedButton, INPUT_PULLUP); 
  pinMode(whiteButton, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop() {
//sending signals whether the buttons are pressed and giving true or false statements to confirm 
  if(digitalRead(RedButton)) {
    if(!isActionButtonPressed) {


      isActionButtonPressed = true;
  else {
    if(isActionButtonPressed) {


      isActionButtonPressed = false;

  if(digitalRead(whiteButton)) {
    if(!isRestartButtonPressed) {


      isRestartButtonPressed = true;
  else {
    if(isRestartButtonPressed) {


      isRestartButtonPressed = false; //// printing data to the serial port void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) 


// printing data to the serial port void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) 
void eventActionButtonPressed(int pin) {
  Serial.println(String(pin) + ":pressed");

void eventActionButtonReleased(int pin) {
  Serial.println(String(pin) + ":released");

void eventRestartButtonPressed(int pin) {
  Serial.println(String(pin) + ":pressed");

void eventRestartButtonReleased(int pin) {
  Serial.println(String(pin) + ":released");


After finishing up the Arduino code, now its time to begin serial data communication in p5JS, with firstly adding the ready web serial file that was made available for us, then in the actual p5js sketch code i added these lines of code to make serial data communication work with Arduino IDE :

Plain text
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Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// Function to read serial data
function readSerial(data) {
const pin = data.split(':')[0];
const action = data.split(':')[1];
if(pin == "7" && action == "pressed") {
if(!player.isJumping) {
player.isJumping = true;
player.timeJump = millis();
player.forceY = -10;
if(pin == "8" && action == "pressed") {
if(!gameStarted) {
gameStarted = true;
if(gameover) {
gameover = false;
score = 0;
player.posX = width / 3;
for(const o of obstacles) o.posX += width;
// Function to handle key presses
function keyPressed() {
// If space is pressed, set up serial communication
if(key == " ") {
// press f to play the game in fullscreen
if(key == 'f') {
const fs = fullscreen();
// this function is called every time the browser window is resized
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Function to read serial data function readSerial(data) { const pin = data.split(':')[0]; const action = data.split(':')[1]; console.log(data); if(pin == "7" && action == "pressed") { if(!player.isJumping) { player.isJumping = true; player.timeJump = millis(); player.forceY = -10; } } if(pin == "8" && action == "pressed") { if(!gameStarted) { gameStarted = true; } if(gameover) { gameover = false; score = 0; player.posX = width / 3; for(const o of obstacles) o.posX += width; } } } // Function to handle key presses function keyPressed() { // If space is pressed, set up serial communication if(key == " ") { setUpSerial(); } // press f to play the game in fullscreen if(key == 'f') { const fs = fullscreen(); fullscreen(!fs); } } // this function is called every time the browser window is resized function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); }
// Function to read serial data
function readSerial(data) {
  const pin = data.split(':')[0]; 
  const action = data.split(':')[1];
  if(pin == "7" && action == "pressed") {
    if(!player.isJumping) {
      player.isJumping = true;
      player.timeJump = millis();
      player.forceY = -10;
   if(pin == "8" && action == "pressed") {
      if(!gameStarted) {
        gameStarted = true;
     if(gameover) {
        gameover = false;
        score = 0;
        player.posX = width / 3;
        for(const o of obstacles) o.posX += width;



// Function to handle key presses
function keyPressed() {
  // If space is pressed, set up serial communication
  if(key == " ") {
  // press f to play the game in fullscreen
  if(key == 'f') {
    const fs = fullscreen();
// this function is called every time the browser window is resized
function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

Difficulties :

I had a lot of difficulties in making my initial acrylic controller to work, which i firstly thought there must be a problem with my code, after numerous attempts in trying to make the button and flip switch to work, i gathered that the connections were not correct or they have been short circuited. Thinking fast, i created the usual breadboard  connections with push button switches that worked instantly when uploading the code to my arduino. Also i had trouble with making the serial data communication to work on p5js where the browser would not pop up so i can make the connection to the serial port, which was nerve wrecking but i eventually after trial and error i got it to work perfectly.

My initial Conntroller :

Changes for the future:

I would really liked to have my first controller to work, it looked really cool, and would have fit in more with my game and its aesthetic. Still i would like to advance more in my coding skills to create something much more complex. Adding more difficult obstacles, and increasing the speed the longer you play, with a high score page also.