Main Sketch:
// declare an array of DirectionLines DirectionLine lines[]; void setup() { fullScreen(); //how long will each line be int lineLength = 30; //we can find out how many lines we will have //by dividing width and height by the lineLength int w = width/lineLength; int h = height/lineLength; //initialize the array with number of total lines lines = new DirectionLine[w*h]; //index to access each element of the array int i=0; //nested for loop, start at lineLength/2 to offset and center the lines on screen //increase each step through the loops by lineLength, to space the lines appropriately for (int y=lineLength/2; y<height; y+=lineLength) { for (int x=lineLength/2; x<width; x+=lineLength) { //access each DirectionLine in the way and create a new DirectionLine object //the x & y vairbales from the for loops give us the origin location of each line lines[i] = new DirectionLine(x, y, lineLength); //be sure to increase i i++; } } } void draw() { background(255); //just loop through all the lines and call run() for (int i=0; i<lines.length; i++) { lines[i].run(); } }
class DirectionLine { //variables float angle; float len; PVector origin; //constructor DirectionLine(float x, float y, float _len) { origin = new PVector(x, y); len = _len; angle=0; } //FUNCTIONS\\ //update our angle based on the mouse position void update() { //turn the mouse into a pvector in order to use the pvector functions PVector destination = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY); //subtract the origin from the destination, this is our direction PVector direction = PVector.sub(destination, origin); //get the angle of the direction angle = direction.heading(); } //draw the line void display() { pushMatrix(); //translate and rotate the line based on the angle translate(origin.x, origin.y); rotate(angle); line(0, 0, len, 0); popMatrix(); } //function to wrap up both update and display void run() { update(); display(); } }