Week 1: Self-Portrait

For the self portrait assignment I had the idea of recreating the painting “The Son of Man” by René Magritte. What I appreciate about the painting is its simplicity and the way it could be worked in the project. The general idea of the painting can be easily recreated in the library, even with simple shapes. In other words, it might not look aesthetically pleasing, but anyone that knows the painting would be able to recognize it here. Moreover, the fact that there is an apple in front of the face opens many fun possibilities that could be drawn. I wanted something silly so I just went with a stick face that appears when the screen is clicked.

In terms of code there is nothing exceptional that could be highlighted. I guess I am proud that I managed to make something that looks decent, although I know I will do way more once we progress in class. However, here is the simple onclick toggle to switch between apple and face that can also be seen in the documentation.

if (mouseIsPressed == true) {
  if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
    circle(-40, -20, 20) // left eye
    circle(40, -20, 20) // right eye
    rect(-30, 40, 60, 20); // mouth
else {
  fill(140, 174, 152);  // apple
  ellipse(1, 10, 150, 140);

In the future I will make sure to add more interactivity and utilize vertexes for better drawings.