Assignment 2: Faux Sound Wave


  • The idea for this assignment is to replicate the look of sound waves as they would appear in computer applications: comprised of multiple parallel vertical lines that fluctuate in length to reflect changes in volume. While it is currently beyond the scope of my coding capabilities to create something that actually responds to external sound input, it would nonetheless be a good opportunity for me to practice using for() loops to generate repetition as well as randomized elements.


  • I am proud of having utilized the random() function within the for() loop in order to generate rectangles that are in fixed positions but have randomized lengths that change every time the frame refreshes, replicating the look and movement of a sound wave.
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for(let x=0;x <= width; x +=15){
for(let x=0;x <= width; x +=15){ noStroke(); fill(random(0,50),random(150,200),random(30,255)); rectMode(CENTER); rect(x,200,10,random(20,200)); }
for(let x=0;x <= width; x +=15){


Future improvements:

  • The point of sound waves being depicted as such in computer programs is to reflect the volume of the sounds being recorded. In the future, it would be interesting to have the lines respond to various inputs such as clicking, cursor hovering, and sound.

Assignment 1: Generic Self Portrait of a Generic Asian Face


  • As someone with limited coding experience, a highly simplified self portrait was the best choice for me to familiarize myself with the fundamentals of p5.js. I decided on utilizing blocks of color to illustrate my face in an artistic style reminiscent of the Animal Crossing games.


  • I am proud of myself for managing to use two colored arcs to depict my middle-part bangs, which I had a little trouble coding as I was initially confused about how to flip the arc on the right horizontally.
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
arc(70, 120, 260, 120, 0, HALF_PI);
arc(330,120, 260, 120, HALF_PI, PI);
//bangs fill('#310707'); arc(70, 120, 260, 120, 0, HALF_PI); arc(330,120, 260, 120, HALF_PI, PI);
arc(70, 120, 260, 120, 0, HALF_PI);
arc(330,120, 260, 120, HALF_PI, PI);


Ideas for future improvements:

  • While my portrait for this assignment effectively communicates the image of a face, it is a very simplified one that barely represents my likeness. If I were to make another portrait, I would like to experiment with layering more complex shapes with varying levels of opacity as a means of shading and coloring as you normally would while drawing on paper.
  • I would also add more elements — be it a moving cloud,  a flying bird or an abstract flurry of colors — to the backdrop to create a livelier composition.