Final Project – Jumping Man!

Khalas, our game is finally working. Jumping Man is inspired by the hidden game in Chrome. In the Chrome game, the dinosaur is continuously running and jumping to avoid crashing with the obstacles. Similarly, our game involves a lot of jumping in order to survive. Even though computer games are always exciting, we want to add more excitement by creating a physical controller for the game. The physical controller is built on a big trampoline, and we use a pressure sensor to measure the jumping movement.

Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 5.20.01 PM  IMG_9041

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Penguins Mirror and Reflection on IM

Penguins Mirror is an interactive installation by Daniel Rozin. It consists of 450 stuffed penguins, and the penguins can turn from side to side in a homogeneous way. Once the viewer stands in front of this installation, the penguins will turn to form a pattern that reflects the contour of the viewer. It is interesting to see such a different “mirror” as opposed to the digital mirrors that are often seen in interactive media. My favourite thing about this piece is the use of contrasting colors of black and white. When the mirror solely consists of blackness, space in front of the mirror suddenly turns into a space of emptiness. When someone walks toward the mirror, the whiteness from the reflection sheds light into this empty space.

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Physical Controller

I made a physical controller for my maze game. There are four momentary switches and one push button connected to the breadboard. The four momentary switches are used to control the direction of the dot moves, and the push button controls the fight mode. If I had a large breadboard, I would connect more buttons so that two players can play at the same time.

Physical Controller Physical Controller_bb

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Morse Code Converter

Based on the array and text functions we learnt in class, I made a morse code converter for this week’s assignment. The converter has two modes. In the first mode, the user can enter up to five letters or numbers. The program will convert the input into morse code. In the second mode, the program will automatically generate five lines of Morse Code. The user then needs to enter the corresponding letter or number for each line of code. The screen will print Correct! if the user’s input is accurate.

Morse Code Mode 1Morse Code Mode 1

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Maze Game

For this week’s assignment, I made a simple maze game. The game has two modes: one player and two players. For the one player mode, the player uses keys to move the dot around the maze. The player wins once he reaches the end of the maze. For the two players mode, two players start out on different sides of the maze. Then they move the dot to reach the opposite side of the maze. The one who reaches the other side first wins the game. In both modes, players need to move the dot carefully so as not to touch any edge of the maze. If the dot is in contact with the edge, the player loses the game. (p.s. Don’t try to crash the dots. You will die.)

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 1.30.49 PM

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Recreated Computer Graphics

Browsing through different graphics generated by computer programs, I found one piece from Edward Zajec very interesting. It is the first piece of a series of graphics called The Cube: Theme and Variation Series. In this graphic, the combination of geometric shapes builds a three-dimensional architecture on a two-dimensional plane. Zajec’s work can be divided into four layers or four parts. Every part is not closely connected, so the graphic shows different layers of the foundation of a huge architecture.

Edward Zajec

Here’s my recreation of Zajec’s piece. It’s not one-hundred-percent proportional to Zajec’s piece.


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Simplified Selfies

For the selfie assignment, I didn’t draw pictures that are similar to my face. Rather, I have drawn some simplified facial expressions that best describe my mood in a day. For each facial expression, I used some basic functions we learned in class. Here are some samples of the simplified selfies.

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 10.13.01 PM  Continue reading “Simplified Selfies”

Prize Wheel

My stupid pet trick is similar to a prize wheel. The difference is that, instead of being a full circle, my prize wheel is a semi-circle, since the servo motor can spin for a maximum of 180 degrees. Depending on how much the user is willing to input, the speed of spinning and the time of spinning will be different. Here’s an illustration of my circuit for the prize wheel.

Stupid Pet Trick Illustration_bb      IMG_8738

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