My finalised idea, from last week’s two options is the NYUAD Puzzle Adventure.
On P5js the game will display a puzzle with shuffled pieces of different places of NYU Abu Dhabi campus. The pieces will be telling a story as a hole in the game. The entire game control will be from the Arduino hardware.
Up until this week, I have been working on the P5js designing the possible structure for the puzzle as seen on the image below:
The hardware design will consist of two potentiometer that will be used to move the puzzle pieces one potentiometer for horizontal movements and one for vertical movements. I will also have two buttons that will be used whenever player wants to lift or drop a piece in the game. I will also have hidden motors (vibration motors potentially) to provide players with feedback as the game progresses. The hardware box will also have an opening mechanism to reward players with NYUAD inspired present given that they correctly solve the puzzle and the grand prize for whoever beats the fastest time.
My first Idea was to develop an interactive game called “Connect Four.” The game involves two (or one player vs the computer) taking turns dropping coins into a 7×6 grid displayed in p5.js. Each player is assigned a color—red or blue—and the goal is to be the first to connect four coins in a row, column, or diagonal or the grid is full resulting into a tie. My design will combine physical interaction with a hardware that allows players to select columns and insert coins. Then whole grid display will be shown in the P5.js in real time.
I hope to develop two modes :
1.Two-Player Mode: In this mode, two players alternate turns, dropping coins into the grid to win against their opponent.
2. Single-Player Mode (vs. Computer): In this mode, the player competes against the computer that follows either of two approaches one being for easy and one for difficult play to accommodate different skill levels.
I hope that the physical interaction adds a unique experience and the game nature makes it competitive and fun.
Second Idea
I am hoping to develop an interactive game called “NYUAD Puzzle Adventure.” The game involves solving digital jigsaw puzzles displayed in p5.js sketch, controlled entirely through user input on the hardware. Players will use two adjustable controllers (potentiometers) to move puzzle pieces, one controlling horizontal movement and the other controlling vertical movement. A slide button will be used to select and lift a piece or release it into the desired position on the board.
The game will feature images of the NYU Abu Dhabi campus, and a timer will track how long players take to complete each puzzle. To make the game even more interactive, I will use hidden motors to provide physical feedback like vibrations whenever players move pieces and whenever the Game is solved correctly.
Whenever the game is completed and the player manages to solve the puzzle setting a new record in the shortest time possible the wooden box controlled will open to reveal an NYU Abu Dhabi inspired gift to the player.
I hope that with this design:
Players’ interaction with the puzzle through adjustable controls and physical feedback makes the game more engaging.
The storytelling nature of the puzzle, by using NYUAD images, and the rewarding mechanism will make it fun and relevant to players.
The reading highlights some important points, especially on how we should rethink design for disability, emphasizing a balance between function and beauty. The examples given, such as the Eames’ leg splint, stood out to me because they show that disability products can be both useful and attractive. I was also inspired by the story of how glasses changed from a medical tool to a fashion item. This change made glasses a symbol of personal style rather than something to hide.
For my own designs going forward, I hope to focus on some key ideas from this text. First, I want to make designs that feel good to use—not only functional but also enjoyable and comfortable—so that even if a design is intended for people with disabilities, they feel comfortable using it. I plan to use creative solutions that combine usefulness with visual appeal. Second, I’ll seek to work with people from different backgrounds—such as artists, fashion designers, and people with disabilities—to create designs that are more thoughtful and inclusive. Lastly, I’ll avoid “one-size-fits-all” designs, instead creating products that allow people to show their unique personalities.
In the end, I believe designing for disability is a chance to make products that improve people’s lives in meaningful ways, so designers should prioritize combining beauty and function.
I used a potentiometer to control the horizontal movement of an ellipse in p5.js. Additionally, I displayed text showing the connection status and the current position of the ellipse in (x, y) format.
My Sketch (with the P5js Code) can be found here:
My Arduino Code is here:
// Pin for reading analog values from sensor
int Pin=A0;
void setup()
void loop()
//Reading values from sensor
int sensor = analogRead(Pin);
//Writting the sensor value through serial
Task 2: LED Brightness control from P5
I created a simple custom interface with On and Off Button to turn on the LED. While the LED is On there is a slider that can be adjusted to increase or decrease the brightness of the LED.
My Sketch (with the P5js Code) can be found here:
My Arduino Code is here:
// Setting Global Variables
const int ledPin = 9;
int brightness = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// Start serial communication
void loop()
// Check if data is available to read
if (Serial.available())
// Read Data as Integer
int value = Serial.parseInt();
// Clear the serial data
if (value > 0)
brightness = value;
// Analog write the brightness
analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);
analogWrite(ledPin, 0);
Task 3: Bouncing Ball and Winds
In this activity, I started with the given sketch. I added LED lighting that activates whenever the balls touch the ground. The LEDs are controlled digitally by the balls as they make contact with the ground. Additionally, I included two potentiometers that act as wind controls for the ball’s horizontal movement. When the right wind is stronger than the left, the balls move toward the right, and vice versa. I also added an arrow to indicate the direction of the wind.
My Schematics can be seen here:
Here is the Video Demonstration:
My Sketch (with the P5js Code) can be found here:
My Arduino Code is here:
// Setting Global Variables
const int ledPin1 = 9;
const int ledPin2 = 6;
int WindLeftPin=A0;
int WindRightPin=A1;
int brightness = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
// Start serial communication
void loop()
{if (Serial.available())
int WindLeft = analogRead(WindLeftPin);
int WindRight = analogRead(WindRightPin);
int value = Serial.parseInt();
if (value == 0)
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
else if (value == 1)
digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
I agree with many points the author makes about the current vision of future technology. The author believes that these “pictures under glass” — screens we interact with using simple gestures like sliding or tapping — limit the true potential of our hands and bodies. This reading made me think more about how I use my hands in ways I usually don’t notice.
The author highlights an important problem, which she also addresses in his response to critics. It’s essential to consider how people actually use technology when creating designs, so that the designs fit naturally into human behavior, not the other way around. Since this is already an issue today, it’s crucial to avoid imagining a future with similar limitations. The author is doing his part by writing about this problem to raise awareness and inspire more research and funding in this area.
This reading has encouraged me to think beyond the devices we have now. Instead of just improving screens, we could push for innovations that respect and enhance our human abilities. It makes me hopeful that the future of technology can be something much richer and more connected to our senses and actions. Looking forward, I hope to create interactive designs that put human capabilities first, rather than adding interaction elements just for the sake of it.
In this assignment, I collaborated with @Ruslan and we both love Christmas. The famous song Jingle Bells brings memories of the the times. So we explored various possibilities and decided to come up with speed variation of the Jingle Bells melody with respect to distance.
Here is the demonstration Video:
Here is the Schematic for our Arduino connections:
In the implementation of our our idea, we searched for possible combinations of the notes and durations to match the Jingle Bells melody and stored them in an array. We then implemented the code mapping distance with durations. The variations in durations for each note make it seem playing faster or slower. Here is the code:
#include "pitches.h"
#define ARRAY_LENGTH(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
// Notes and Durations to match the Jingle Bells
int JingleBells[] =
int JingleBellsDurations[] = {
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4
const int echoPin = 7;
const int trigPin = 8;;
const int Speaker1 = 2;
const int Speaker2 = 3;
int volume;
void setup()
// Initialize serial communication:
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
long duration,Distance;
// Distance Sensor reading
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
Distance = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
// Map Distance to volume range (0 to 255)
volume = map(Distance, 0, 100, 0, 255);
volume = constrain(volume, 0, 255);
// Play melody with adjusted volume
playMelody(Speaker1 , JingleBells, JingleBellsDurations, ARRAY_LENGTH(JingleBells), volume);
// Debug output to Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Distance: ");
Serial.print(" Volume: ");
// Get Centimeters from microseconds of Sensor
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)
return microseconds / 29 / 2;
// PlayMelody function to accept volume and adjust note duration
void playMelody(int pin, int notes[], int durations[], int length, int volume)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Adjust the note Duration based on the volume
int noteDuration = (1000 / durations[i]) * (volume / 255.0);
// Play the note with adjusted Durations
tone(pin, notes[i], noteDuration);
// Delay to separate the notes
delay(noteDuration * 1.3);
Reflecting on this project, I learned a lot about working with notes, melodies. I was interested my the fact that even complex music arrangements are made up of simple notes. The song “Jingle Bells” in particular really made me appreciate the structure of music on a new level. Each note represents a small part of the song, and adjusting the timing or pitch make the whole melody.
Working with @Ruslan made the process even more interesting, as we were both curious and explored various aspects before coming up with the final decision on music’s speed. I hope to continue working on musical notes in future projects.
This Reading Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and Misses) has highlighted the common mistake of overlooking ideas or themes as I try to come up with designs. I am often worried about originality, feeling like I should avoid “overdone” ideas. This article, however, emphasises that these recurring themes—like interactive gloves, theremin-like instruments, or video mirrors—actually provide a solid foundation to explore new perspectives and bring a personal twist to well-loved concepts.
looking back, I think this is true as I have experienced myself that while many things are already done, starting from where others ended is always a good idea. Moving forward, I’m inspired to take into account the idea of revisiting works of others and seek inspiration from various areas to come up with themes and adding my perspectives and twists for expressive and engaging projects.
Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen
This reading emphasised to me the difference between traditional and interactive art. While traditional art expresses a clear message, interactive art invites the audience to create their own meaning. I agree with the fact that to make interactions more meaningful, artist should set up a designs that encourages people to explore and interpret freely.
Going forward, I’ll focus on designing in a way that lets people discover things on their own. I’ll use hints and cues instead of instructions, removing anything unnecessary. My goal being to create experiences that spark curiosity, allowing each person to interact and interpret in their own way.
This week, I created a simple switch to control the lights of LEDs both digitally and in an analog way. For the digital control, I used basic switches, and for the analog control, I used a potentiometer. The potentiometer detects and measures the voltage based on how much the knob or slider is turned.
Schematic Diagram
// Pin definitions for the RGB LED
const int redPin = 6;
const int greenPin = 5;
const int bluePin = 3;
// Analog input pins for potentiometers
const int redControl = A1;
const int greenControl = A2;
const int blueControl = A3;
void setup() {
// Set RGB LED pins as outputs
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
// Initialize serial communication for debugging
void loop() {
// Read values from potentiometers (0-1023 range)
int redValue = analogRead(redControl);
int greenValue = analogRead(greenControl);
int blueValue = analogRead(blueControl);
// Map potentiometer values to PWM range (0-255)
int redBrightness = map(redValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
int greenBrightness = map(greenValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
int blueBrightness = map(blueValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
// Set the brightness of each color channel
analogWrite(redPin, redBrightness);
analogWrite(greenPin, greenBrightness);
analogWrite(bluePin, blueBrightness);
// Print the brightness values to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Red: ");
Serial.print("\tGreen: ");
Serial.print("\tBlue: ");
// Short delay to make output more readable
Video Demonstration of my design can be seen below:
Reflection for future works
I am proud of the progress I made in designing and implementing the analog and digital switch controls for the LEDs. This simple project has greatly enhanced my understanding of how these systems work. I look forward to taking on more challenging tasks, particularly those that involve further manipulation of analog signals.
The reading on Hamilton’s journey and the early days of computer programming highlights some important points about physical computing. The reading shows how important the software was in the Apollo mission and the project was very complex and expensive. Therefore the designed software was to be very accurate leaving no room for errors as they would be extremely expensive and could even cause the entire mission to fail. As I look forward to the second half of this course, where we’ll work on physical programming, I plan to approach my projects with similar care, knowing there’s little room for errors. I hope to use strategies to avoid mistakes, like how the Apollo mission used simulations to test things before putting designs into the project.
Norman,“Emotion & Design: Attractive things work better”
The reading caught my attention with its focus on how emotions, aesthetics, and usability affect designs. The idea that “attractive products are not just nice to look at; they also work better because they make people feel good” really stood out to me. It reminded me that when I create my own designs, I should encourage people to explore them. One approach could be adding elements that spark curiosity and raise questions like “How does it work?” while offering hints for exploration.
The idea that, when people feel good, they are often more flexible and creative, leading to better interactions with products, made me think about how designing attractive designs can also boost user engagement and functionality. Based on this for my upcoming projects, I hope to create designs that mix good looks and usability to build a stronger connection with users, making the experience more enjoyable and improving overall satisfaction.
For this week’s assignment, I designed a simple switch to be positioned in front of a screen, like a laptop. This switch uses an HC-SR04 distance sensor and an Arduino board to control either a red or green LED. When the user is at a healthy distance from the screen—set to 50 cm or more—the green LED lights up. If the user gets too close, the red LED turns on as a warning to move back. This setup helps promote good screen-distance habits to protect eye health.
To implement the logic, I modified an example code for Sensors from the Arduino IDE. Below is a demonstration video for my switch.
I have gained knowledge on how Simple switches are fundamental devices used to control the flow of current in a circuit. It was also interesting to use the HC-SR04 sensor and see how it works. Going forward, I hope to use switches in combination with other logics to design complex and interesting projects.