Week 8: Creative Switch

Short Description:

The project for week 8 asks to design a switch without manually connecting the switch to the power. By looking through some online resources and reviewing the Arduino documents, I created a switch using the distance sensor that detects if there is an object in front of the circuit and two LED diodes that reflect if an object is present. When an object is present, the circuit would light the red LED, and when there isn’t an object, the circuit would light the green LED.


Going into the project, I knew I wanted to use the sensors that came with the kit because I wanted to learn more about the connections of the components and coding in the Arduino IDE. By searching on Youtube and Arduino documentations, I initially played around with the light senor and was able to create a switch that is dependent on the amount of light that is present in the room. If there was low visibility, the LED would turn on, and if there was high visibility, the LED would turn off. Here is the link I referenced.

However, I felt this design wasn’t creative enough and sill had other components in my kit I want to learn about, so I decided play around with the distance sensor as well.

Light Sensor LED Switch (from Arduino)
The Process

The biggest challenge in the project was understand how the distance sensor worked, but I found a useful Youtube video  that was able to explain the manual to me and walk through the process of connecting each pin to the Arduino board. I understood how to connect the GND and VCC pins, and through the Youtube video, I learned that the trig pin sends out an ultrasonic wave and the echo pin would receive the ultrasonic wave if something was in front the component — similar to bats & echolocation.

Physical Components

After understanding the component, all that was left was to connect my circuit and set up the code to run the project. Below is the photo of my circuit connections from TinkerCAD and physical circuit. Here is a short video (IMG_4697) of how the circuit would work.


GREEN LIGHT -- No Object Present

RED LIGHT -- Object Present (i.e: my hand)

The Code

Through the in-class exercise, tinkering with the light sensors, and looking through Youtube videos, I was able to write a short code in the Arduino IDE that makes the circuit function. Below is the main looping function.

void loop() {
// sets the trig pin to a low state 
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// every 10 mircoseconds sends out a pulse (based off the manual)
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// from the echoPin --> returns the time it took the sound wave to travel in microseconds
timeTraveled = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// calculate the distance (in micrometer)
distance= timeTraveled * 0.034/2;
onDistance = distance;
if (onDistance <= 5){
  digitalWrite(ledRedPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledRedPin, LOW);

Overall, I am very happy with how it turned out and being creative with the hand motions of “stop” for red and “go” for green in the circuit. I liked that I was able to learn more about the components and also work in software to make the circuit function the way I wanted it. For anyone else curious or wanting to learn more about Arduino, there are numerous resources and tutorial online that are so helpful, and I recommend anyone else just starting out in Arduino to take a learn and have fun.

Week 8: Reading Response

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon

When people bring the Apollo project, my mind always goes to Margaret Hamilton because she does not get enough credit for the work she contributed to the success of the mission. As the work of women in male-dominate fields has been systematically forgotten in history, I feel her efforts towards the development of software engineering at NASA has gone unnoticed. Knowing that she had to balance childcare while pursuing her goals (and under considerable amount of pressure), Hamilton’s story is incredibly inspiring to me because it shows that woman have the capabilities to achieve the same academic rigorous fields as men and not limited to housekeeping task.

There’s also the famous photo of Hamiliton next to the code she wrote by hand for the project that makes me realize how far technology has advance within the past decade. Just in the past 60 years, computation has reverted from manually hand punched cards and written embedded design to a completely digitalized software system. As such, for me, the complexity of physical design and software applications has influenced my curiosity to understand how computerI architectural design effects digital computation. Knowing someone like me has been able to understand and develop software before it was mainstream has helped me continue to pursue my goals when times get difficult.

Norman,“Emotion & Design: Attractive things work better”

Norman’s writing talks about the aesthetic which a product embodies affects the way the user perceive it usability and effectiveness. Depending on the circumstances, the product may be more useful, while some not as much. With the three tea pots example, I agree with the theme and that people purchase certain items because of the way it may look and how’d present to other guests or fit in into the task at hand. If the circumstances call for quick/ stress solution, the usability of the product will weigh more than the design. Similarly, if a person has time to appreciate the process, then its design can be extended and shaped uniquely.

I feel all humans have a bias towards what design choice brings them joy, and so in feeling good about the product, the process of using that product would be more enjoyable and any cons are overshadowed by the joy. Whereas, if one is frustrated and disappointed with the product, it sets the expectation that the product would not work as well and one may not put as much effort to finding a solution. I think an interesting point Norman brings up is colored computer screens because if people didn’t like the colored screens modern computers would have remained black and white. Since our eyes perceive color in our everyday lives, it is unsettling to have a black and white scree. As such, I feel our experiences through our senses and experiences define the expectations we lay on the tools we use.



Midterm Project: Groovy Derby

Groovy Derby: Link To Fullscreen

Groovy Derby: Link To P5


The concept for my project was inspired by the co-op game It Takes Two, where two game characters set out on a journey that is filled with cooperative minigames and obstacles which they have to overcome. As such, I wanted to create a minigame where the game is only “playable” if two people are communicating and working together. Combining with themes from arcade games such as a limited number of lives and endless generative spites, I created Groovy Derby where two players have to input the correct order of key combinations in order to score points in the game.

Project Workings:

For my project, I am extremely happy with the character design and the way that they move and interact with each other. Although they don’t move from their position, the way the characters match each other movements in almost an animated way had relived me of a lot of stress. Particularly because I was really worried, I wouldn’t be able to have the characters move in a certain way and the game would look super chunky/ blocky. I think looking at animations and working frame-by-frame really helped my character movements, and in the end I had 5 frames/ designs for the characters to move. If there is anyone looking for “animated” characters, I recommend breaking down the movement into pieces and seeing how they would look on screen.

On the technical end, I am happy with the game mechanics and interactions between the user input with the creatures. I also really worried on how to connect the key pressed and possible decrement of the combination from the creature encroaching onto the characters. For that, I created player and creature class methods that checked the first combination with the input of the user, and if it matched, then the first combination would be removed. If it was the wrong input, the creature would keep moving towards the center, and if it reached a certain range within the players, a life would be lost.

As for improvement on the code, I believe the code can be more optimized as some parts were copied pasted, then the variable was changed to match what I was trying to do. I wish there were more randomization in the code because after round 6, there is a 1/3 chance for any of the creatures to be loaded in. On the game design part, I wish there were more user feedback such as when a life is lost, when a button is pressed, when the game is starting, additional sound effects, etc,. However, given we had ~1.5 to 2 weeks to complete this project, I am happy with the end result and progress that I was able to implement into my project.

Player Class
let playerHead = width / 33; // ~50 pixels
let distanceApart = width/ 26 // ~65 pixels
let player1 = new playerCharacters(player1Color, distanceApart, 0, playerHead);
let player2 = new playerCharacters(player2Color, -distanceApart, 0, playerHead);


Final recommendations for people on a time crunch, but want their design to look nice, I had used Canva to design a lot of my background and additional image/text that didn’t need to move. For the game sounds, I went to a free sound effect website and download clips, then looped it in p5. For custom fonts, I went to a free custom fonts website and make sure to have a .ttf file or it might not work as intended. Last, I want to mention that the heart design was generated was AI generated because I couldn’t determine the vectors/ shapes needed for my design.


Week 5: Midterm Progress


My idea midterm is to create a short game. One of my favorite (unfinished) games is It Takes Two and it involves the cooperation of two players in order to move on to the next level/ chapter of the game. Though my game will likely not be as intricate as the storyline in It Takes Two, I wanted to draw upon my experiences and create a simply two player corporation minigame.

For my project, I want to have a pattern game with one user using the WASD, one using the arrow keys, and communal SPACE key.  On the screen there will be a combination of the WASD, arrow, and space keys which the two players must work together to enter in the right order to defeat some boss. I definitely still need to work on the storyline/ goal of the game, but I wanted to figure out the basic mechanism and gameplay for my project as a starting point for my midterm project.


The biggest obstacles I will face in this project is making the project simple, yet complex at the same time. I believe I will have an issue of doing more than I can in the time I am allotted along with adding an unnecessary amount of detail to my project. For example, with the graphics of the game, I want to include frame-by-frame animations and movements of two characters that represents each player. However realistically, animation takes forever, and I do not unfortunately do not have the free time to draw/ create characters for the complex movements I wish.

While I do fear the images/ shapes would not satisfy what I am looking for, I hope to minimize my fears by designing and animating simple character designs that are already available in the p5 library. I feel if I could make a self-portrait of myself, I hope I would be able to small version of that assignment. In addition, I hope to create a lot of test cases and examine online examples to gauge how others were able to create their games.


I feel when I start projects, I always dive in without much of a plan and either end up scraping the idea because I forgot what the objectives were or scraping up ideas as I work. As such, I decided to make a mood/ idea board that laid out almost a step-by-step process for what I want to implement into my midterm project, so I don’t get overwhelmed or forget to include something I wanted. Below I have included my vision for my game project and list out the components I want (as time permits).

In the sketch, you can see there’s two players that are dancing, but the controls are bounded to the player’s control either the arrow keys or the WASD keys. Together, they’ll have to work together and coordinate which creature they are looking to target first and eliminate. Otherwise, if the creatures reach them within a certain distance a health point will be lost. I do feel I haven’t fully decided on the setup of the players, but I think once it is tested, I can then also decide if I need to make any changes.

Vision Board For My Project

In addition, I have also included the external influences that are inspiring my game. Namely again, the co-op game It Takes Two, arcade games like Space Invader, and character designs of cartoons/ Google Doodles.

External Influences/ References

Week 5: Computer Vision for Artists and Designers

The topic of computer vision has been an increasingly popular idea, and I believe in the next couple years there will continue to be big leaps in its development and applications. To think that less than a decade ago computer vision was solely for the military and for those in higher education has now turn into a readily available technology for artists and the general public is amazing. As such, I really enjoy how the author presented the paper for beginners in computer vision and provided advice on how to approach projects with computer vision. The projects on tracking and surveillance were actually some of the projects that stuck with me the most throughout the reading. The Suicide Box project I felt on one hand sort of telling the story of the individual whom society, especially when their death wasn’t accounted for, but on the other hand super demoralizing because the project relies on the death of these individual. As such, I feel the capacity for tracking and surveillance for computer vision is a sensitive and difficult issue to uncover fully. There is of course a huge capacity and room for growth in the field of computer vision, however the ethnicity needs to be checked and balance with the morality and freedoms of individuals.

Through the reading, the author mentions how computer visions programs will need to be chosen mindful in order to optimally tackle the problem at hand. With complicated terms such as background subtract and frame differencing, I believe the complexity of differentiating between objects, backgrounds, and lighting is the biggest different from computer vision to human vision. As humans, we process millions of tiny information at once without noticing it and as programmers, the little things like recognizing an object are magnified as humans attempt to describe in code what that object is in computer language. Working with interactive media and computer vision for the rest of the semester, I believe the techniques regarding background subtraction and brightness tracking will play the biggest role in our projects. I feel many of our projects will rely on clear differentiating of human movements and interactions with the project. Without these techniques, I fear our projects may fall apart or not work as the screen would act as a camera and not a program which can be interacted with.

Week 4: Don Norman

I found this week’s reading really assuming because I could relate to a lot of the examples he gave. Specifically referencing the washing machine and glass door, I definitely have been in situations where the design of a product is aesthetically pleasing and minimalistic, but the actual usability of the product is misleading and frustrating to work with. The example I thought of was the integration of smart screens into the dashboard of cars. I grew up learning how to dial radio stations, DVDs, and cassette tapes, so when my family were able to purchase new cars, I was dumbfounded by the flat screen instead of the variety of knob and mechanism. While it was easy to figure out, I somehow found it a nuisance at times to have to tap or scroll through the interface. I also find it hypocritical because it can be super distracting and cause the driver attention to divert from the road.

I also could relate to the thinking process of engineers and having a set logical process. I agree with the author that it feel like a lot of products are designed for machines and are not user friendly. That is why clear communication, diagrams/ mappings, and symbols are so important because builds the relationship between the individual and the people that worked hard to create the product. In my own work, I find it hard to divert from my logic and fall into the pit of false confidence that led to fallacy. As such, I find great importance in the open projects and humanities because through these studies and experience can there be a bridge between hard logic and real case situations.

I hope in my interactive projects I don’t fall into the logical fallacies as an engineer. Especially because I have been trained through my college career to think logically and work efficiently, there will be times where something can less efficient but easily understood and easier to implement into my project. In addition, I hope to include aesthetic, yet mindful, signifiers in my project, so user are able to interactive and have fun with my projects rather than taking time to determine how my projects work.

Week 4: Data Visualization of the Paris 2024 Olympic Medals


Our assignment for the fourth week is data visualization along with typography.  The data I chosen for this assignment is taken from the popular database website Kaggle. To visualize the data, I used a collection of different sized circles that was determined by the number of medals each of the 91 countries had won.


Initially, I had a lot of trouble finding the data that I wanted to use for my assignment because the dataset wasn’t organize, lacked information, or was too complex to be used. In addition, I also didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I felt super unconfident and uncreative in my work. I had an early approach to display the decomposition of RGB values of a randomly chosen color, but the end product left me extremely unexcited and disappointed. Below was my first attempt for the data visualization of color.

First Sketch of Data Visualization: Click the screen to change colors

Through the frustration of this project, I decided to give data searching another chance and decided to use Kaggle since I was a familiar with the site and could filter through different categorizes of datasets. Eventually I ended up finding the Paris Olympic medal dataset and was interested in the breakdown and ranking of the countries that participated.


To not let my RGB project go to waste, I decided to incorporate my main goals and what I learned from the RGB project into the visualization for the distribution of Olympic medals: generating a random color, changing the canvas when the mouse is clicked and having text on screen.

function getRandomColorAndRatio(){
  colorRatio = [random(0,255), random(0,255), random(0,255)];

function updateCircleColor(){
  circleColor = color(colorRatio[0], colorRatio[1], colorRatio[2]); 

function mousePressed() {

Also to note, I decided to remove the draw() function in my code because the name was deceptive to me, and I didn’t need my screen to constant refresh, so it was easier to declare my own function and call them in setup().


Honestly, the hardest part this week was overcoming the uncreative block and finding a dataset I was interested to work with. For my code, I didn’t have too much trouble importing the data or implementing my idea because I already had a basis of what I wanted my project to look like and the interactive feature to because of my initial approach. I did have trouble figuring out the math to corelated the sizes of the circles with the number of medals awarded because I dumbly decided to work on the whole dataset instead of the first ten. So my future advice for people, is to work within a small range of your data first before implementing the code across the entire dataset. Otherwise, you’ll find that rank 84 in the world has the biggest circle and rank 1 has the smallest circle because you didn’t check your math.

Math for Circle Sizes
// circles are has a scale factor of 10% based on the ratio of a countries medals awarded with the total medals awarded in relation to the width 
  let size = 10 * (countryTotal/ totalMedalsAwarded); 
  let circleArea = (width) * size


For my final product, I ended up with two concepts of my dataset. The first version is sort of a generative art that will randomly place the circles of the countries’ medal with a random color somewhere on the screen. Though, it sounds chaotic, I feel the circular shapes and (if lucky) the pastel color gives a bubbly and warm feeling to the viewer. It was also here that I noticed my mistake where rank 84 was much larger than the top ten because I had labeled each circle and didn’t see any of the top 10 countries listed. Through in the end, in the code I commented out the countries’ names and rank because I felt it added too much noise and unnecessary complexity into the composition.

Data Visualization 1: Click to change composition

For my second concept, I decided to have a structed data visualization. To do so, I simply implemented a double for-loop to create a 10 by 10 matrix and map each of the circle centers to their respective coordinates. Once the circles were maps, I uncommented the text label for the countries’ rank and medals, and I feel like it tired the project together. However, sometimes the randomization of the colors may cause the label, and sometimes the circle, to blend into the background and making it invisible. I think for future plans, it would be nice to figure out a solution to keep randomization but not have it blend with the background.

For-loop Code and If-Else Statement to check if there are still data to be processed
// organize the datas in a set 10 x 10 coordinate fashion 
function xyPos(){
  for (let yPos = 120; yPos < height; yPos+= 120){
    for (let xPos = 120; xPos < width; xPos += 120){
      // there will be extra spaces in the end so it is necessary to always check that there are still rows/ data left in the file to be processed
      if (fileRow < strings.length){
        lineFile = split(strings[fileRow], ",")
        runFile(xPos, yPos, lineFile);
        fileRow += 1

I had to increase the canvas size to 1200 x 1200 in order for the labels to not overlap with each other, so here is the link to project, for anyone wanting to see the code.

Data Visualization 2: Visualizations of the number of medals award to each 91 participating countries


While time consuming, compared to my first project, I am extremely happy with my final result. I really liked processing the data and understanding which of the data was useful to me and would be the most impactful to the viewer. I had also learned that the Olympics ranks by gold medals, not total medals. I was really confused why Brazil was ranked 8th when it had more medals than those that ranked higher than them. Overall, I had a lot of fun using the data and then seeing the work tied together.

Also, in my code, I have a breakdown of each countries’ medals by gold, silver, and bronze. I didn’t include it in concept 2 photo because I wanted to keep it straightforward and simple.

Breakdown of Countries' Medals
console.log('Team ' + countryCode + ' won ' + countryTotal + ' medals with ' + countryGold +' gold medals, ' + countrySilver + ' silver medals, and ' + countryBronze + ' bronze medals!')

Week 3 — Reading Reflect Interactivity

I thought the way Crawford wrote this paper was really interesting because it was structure in relaxed and reflect-based mannerism to describe what interactivity means. To Crawford, his definition of interactivity was a spectrum of based on the principle of two parties listening, thinking, and speaking. Initially, I was a bit taken aback by his definition especially when he brought up the examples of books and dancing, but towards the end of his article I came to an understanding and agreement with his argument. I feel interactivity should invoke an experience for the individual and the program itself should react to what the user has input, whether it be through speak or physical action.

When reading his paper, it reminded of modern popup art instillation where individuals could walk through an exhibition and the art itself was what the user created through pressing button or generated through movements. I feel like interactivity has definitely come a long way and to me it seems like artists are starting to take notice and incorporate it into their design. Also, through his structure of writing, it almost felt intentional because he wanted the article to be interactivity by suggesting the reader to contact him by email and leaving a personal touch with the reader.

As such, I feel a strong interactive system has the ability to connect with the user and make them feel something emotion when they are experiencing the project. At the same time the use is also able to control the environment around them and change how they perceptive the project. In my project, I hope to improve the degree of user interactions by hopefully having a “wow” factor when the person first sees my project, and after that experience, they’re able to explore more and have the ability to interact with the system.

Week 3 — Water Lily Pond OOP


In week 3 of intro to IM, we were introduced to the concept of functions, arrays, and object-oriented programming. For my project. I decided to generate a lily pad pond with unique set of flowers, then for each object they would bounce off the walls or bound off of each other. I create two object instance class, one for the lily pads and one for the flowers whose locations are dependent on the lily pads.

Design Concept 

Last week, I had created an abstract water lily pond, and you can call me uncreative, but I just REALLY, REALLY wanted to create an aesthetically looking water lily pond. With last week’s assignment, the art had changed rapidly giving a sense of discomfort and urgency, and I wanted this week’s project to have a slower and relax feeling. Especially for me studying away in Abu Dhabi, I feel like my life has been so chaotic with settling into a new environment, experiencing new cultures and lifestyle, and adjusting into the new academic routine has been overwhelming.

As such, I am glad I choose to do a water lily pond because it kept my grounded and allowed me to relax. While I am happy with the end result, I do wish I could have added more elements into my project (rain, ripples, fish, etc) and made it more interactive. However, due to the time constraints of my schedule, I did the best I could and added as much detail with shading and colors to the elements I currently have on canvas.

Coding Processes

I began my project by referencing Ball Class program we had gone over in class since the shape of my lily pads would also be circular and stay within the boundaries of the screen. Functions with collisions were initially the most confusing part for me, and taking the time to digest the logic ultimately allowed me to then implement a function that checked for object collision – which is shown below.  The function below would use the distance formula to calculate the distance between the center of one object to the center of another object. Then if the distance was less than the sum of the objects’ radius, that meant there was an overlap, and the objects must then change direction. To change the direction, I simply just exchange the x-y speeds between the two objects, so they would then move in the opposite direction.

checkLilyCollision(otherLily) {
   // compute the distance between the current lily with the other lily 
   let distance = dist(this.lilyX, this.lilyY, otherLily.lilyX, otherLily.lilyY);
   // if the distances between two lilys are less than the sum of the radius 
   if (distance < this.radius + otherLily.radius){
     let tempSpeedX = this.lilySpeedX;
     let tempSpeedY = this.lilySpeedY; 
     // exchange direction and speed of the colliding lilies 
     this.lilySpeedX = otherLily.lilySpeedX; 
     this.lilySpeedY = otherLily.lilySpeedY;
     otherLily.lilySpeedX = tempSpeedX;
     otherLily.lilySpeedY = tempSpeedY; 

Additionally, I had also started by played around with the arc() function, in order to achieve the tiny slit for the lily pad. Below was a code sketch of the degrees which I wanted my lily pads to look.  From there, I dove deep into randomization the attributes of the lily pad class. Most properties such as speed, rotation, location, initial angle, etc were randomized using the random() or Math.random() function because I wanted each execution of the program to create a different and unique portrait.

function waterLily() {
   fill('rgb(42,140,42)'); // color of the lilypad
   arc(100, 100, 80, 80, 0, 11 * PI/6); 

Admittivity, I had a problem with overlapping lily pads with each execution of the program and had to rely on Chatgpt to help me resolve the issue. They had suggested to test over 1000 attempts and test if a new instance lily pad object would overlap with an existing lily pad object. I did change and delete a few lines of code Chatgbt provided, but below is what I ended up in my code.

function generateLily(){
  for (let i = 1; i < numLily + 1; i+= 1){
    let validPosition = false;
    let attempts = 0;
    while (attempts < maxAttempts && !(validPosition)){

      if (isLilyPositionValid(newLilyObject)){
        validPosition = true;
      attempts += 1;

function isLilyPositionValid(newLilyObject){
  let initalSpacing = random(3,9)  
  // for each existing lily within the lily array 
  for (let existingLily of gLilyArr) {
    let distance = dist(newLilyObject.lilyX, newLilyObject.lilyY, existingLily.lilyX, existingLily.lilyY);
    if (distance < newLilyObject.radius + existingLily.radius + initalSpacing) {
      return false; // Overlap detected
  return true; // No overlap detected

When I completed my lily pads, I moved onto the flowers, which were my favorite and proudest section of my program. I created another class for my flowers for it be at the center of the lily pads to have a random number of petals, rotation, and combination of color. I used push() and pop() functions that I learned from my first assignment to save and reset the state of the canvas, alongside translation() which set the center of the flower to the center of the lily pad I was currently working on. I did have a problem with the layers stacking on top of each other and the color and degree of the layers changing each frame, but in the end, I was able to get it fixed by creating a unique array for the flower’s color, rotation, and layers.

Final Design

Below is the final program for this assignment. Overall, I am happy with the movement of the lily pads and how each of the flowers turned out. I liked how it is unique for each execution of the program, but it isn’t too overwhelming to the user. There were a lot of technical problems throughout the project, but the concept of a calm and pretty end project kept me motivated to continue working.





Week 2 — Reading Reflection

I thought Casey’s talk on chance operation was really cool! I feel like when people talk about computers/ tech, they think about how the systems are built from am extremely rigid structure. When in reality, computer system (especially now with AI) have the capability to produce series of random results beyond what humans can think of and learn/ fix their own programming. Although there is structure in the way computer programs are given sets of parameters (position of the pivot points, color of the objects, movement of the shapes, etc.), the way which the program takes the information and returns a result may not always be what humans expect to happen.

Throughout Casey’s talk, I kept thinking if he could have imagined how far generative art has come. Since Casey’s talk 12 years ago, we have applications such as OpenAI and ChatGPT that have the capabilities to generate some artwork based off user prompts. User do not even need to have technical skills in order to tell the computer what to do; whereas compared to 12 years ago, users likely had to understand the computer manual and/or operating system in order to create some digital art.

With that said, my favorite part of his talk was his demonstration from 30:52 to 34:14 of the commodore 64. Whenever I see technology from the ’80s to early 2000 I am just absolutely fantastically with how far the digital and physical world of technology has come. The commodore 64 is a simple 8-bit home computer in the ’80s, and knowing something so simple was able to produce something complex humans consider as art, is the coolest thing to me. Now as programs and technology continue to advance, I wonder what the future would bring for not only the art community, but how else technology can influence our society.

Going into my work, I hope to have the ability to randomize my work on a deeper level and not only with simple generators with colors and shapes. I hope to explore more on how computers are able to compute and generate different numbers and the probability which they have different numbers. I feel the more I learn about computer architecture and how computers think for themselves through numbers the more I become fascinated with the mechanism behind it. As I learn and do more with projects, I hope to create generative/ AI models for whatever it is I want.