Assignment 2 Reflection

Casey Reas’s Eyeo2012 talk provides valuable insights into the field of generative art and creative coding. Several thought-provoking concerns arise as we delve into the debate surrounding this video. To begin, how does Reas’ work, as an example of generative art and creative coding, effect our larger society? This video demonstrates the revolutionary potential of art and technology convergence and invites us to think how such developments might impact our cultural and creative landscape. Is a new era of artistic expression challenging old paradigms on the horizon? Furthermore, the video invites us to consider the evolution of human-technology connection.
Reas’ investigation of algorithms and code as artistic media raises questions about how our cognitive and sensory experiences may evolve as a result of this merger. Is there a substantial shift occurring in the way humans connect with art, as our minds and perceptions adjust to a digitally infused world? In terms of bias, it’s critical to consider if the video paints Casey Reas and the area of generative art in a favorable light. Is it objective in its presentation of the subject matter, or does it lean toward advocacy? Understanding the viewpoint from which the video is delivered can help us evaluate the material and its consequences critically. Moreover, while the Eyeo2012  featuring Casey Reas does not fundamentally alter our beliefs, it does prompt us to consider the possibilities and problems given by the union of art and technology. It ushers us into a world where creativity and algorithms coexist, inviting us to investigate the thrilling possibilities and ethical considerations that await us in this ever-changing sector.

Assignment-1: Self-portrait


In this p5.js sketch, I’ve created a simple character portrait with a friendly and approachable appearance. The character features a smiling face with brown hair, glasses, and a blue shirt. The goal was to craft a basic, yet visually appealing representation of a character.

Highlight of Code:

One of the noteworthy aspects of this code is the implementation of interactive eye motion. By tracking the mouse cursor’s position, the character’s eyes elegantly follow the cursor’s movement. This interactive feature adds a sense of engagement and liveliness to the character, creating a connection with the viewer. It transforms a static portrait into a dynamic representation, enhancing the overall user experience.

let eyeX1 = 175;
let eyeY1 = 200;
let eyeX2 = 225;
let eyeY2 = 200;

function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

// eye positions to follow the mouse
eyeX1 = mouseX – 25;
eyeY1 = mouseY – 20;
eyeX2 = mouseX + 25;
eyeY2 = mouseY – 20;

Reflection and Ideas for Future Work or Improvements:

This project served as an introductory exploration of character design in p5.js. However, there are opportunities for further enhancements and refinements:

  • Variety: Experimenting with different hairstyles, clothing options, and facial expressions can lead to a broader range of characters with unique personalities.
  • Customization: Providing user-customizable features, like changing hair color or glasses style, can enhance user engagement and personalization.
  • Background: Incorporating a background or scene can provide context and depth to the character’s portrayal.