Week 2: A Simple Work of Art


Initially, I began with an uncertain direction for my generative art piece, starting with a simple sketch that lacked a clear vision.

And then I added some texts.

As I experimented with shapes and transitions, I stumbled upon the idea of creating an inspiring quote for myself. At the time, only three weeks into the semester, I was juggling numerous responsibilities and wanted this artwork to serve as a motivational reminder to persevere during moments of overwhelm.

Highlighted Code:

I am proud of my implementation of a dynamic gradient background. It was a challenging task to control color transitions at specific interpolation points to ensure a smooth shift between soft and soothing colors.

// A function to draw the background
function drawBackground() {
   // initialize the colors of the gradience
  begin = color("#FFC3A0"); 
  finish = color("#A4C3E1"); 
  // adjust the colors
  let r = map(sin(angle0), -1, 1, 180, 255); 
  let g = map(cos(angle0), -1, 1, 180, 255); 
  let b = map(sin(angle0 * 2), -1, 1, 180, 255); 
  begin = color(r, g, b);
  angle0 += 0.05;

  // loop through the canvas height from top to bottom
  for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    // calculate the constant range of change based on the current vertical position
    let change = map(i, 0, height, 0, 1);
    // to make a smooth color change, interpolate between the starting and the ending colors
    let color = lerpColor(begin, finish, change);
    stroke(color);           // set the color for the current row
    line(0, i, width, i);     // draw a horizontal line with given color stroke

Also, I’m satisfied with the overall code structure, which incorporates the use of global and local variables, functions, and an object-oriented programming design.

Embedded Sketch:

Reflection and Ideas for Future Work:

For the next projects, I would aim to enhance the visual appeal of my artwork by planning the design more meticulously before diving into implementation. This thoughtful approach will likely result in a more meaningful and aesthetically pleasing final product. Also, I want to introduce more interactivity to make the artwork more engaging and fun for the audience.

Week 1: Self-Portrait


For this assignment, my goal was to create an abstract and visually pleasing composition by utilizing various shapes and colors. I incorporated my favorite hues, such as baby pink and blue, into the portrait. The choice of having the portrait not look directly at the viewer but rather upside down symbolizes my personality, which tends to be optimistic and focused on finding the positives in life.

Highlight of Some Code I’m Proud Of:

// Text in Rotation

 let radius = 150; // Radius at which text rotates
 let textRotate = "Buka  Buka  Buka  Buka  Buka  ";
 let textArray = textRotate.split("");

 let angleStep = (2 * PI) / textArray.length;

 for (let i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
   let x = w / 2 + radius * cos(-angle3 + i * angleStep);
   let y = h / 2 + radius * sin(-angle3 + i * angleStep);

   fill(232, 112, 133);
   text(textArray[i], x, y);

 angle3 += radians(1);

One aspect of the code that I take pride in is the rotation of text at the bottom right of the screen. This part turned out to be more challenging than I initially anticipated. While I had already created a rotating arch in the background, arranging individual letters to rotate around a circular path was a more complex task. Although I’m not entirely satisfied with the final result, I’m proud of how I managed to implement it.

Embedded sketch: 

Reflection and Ideas for Future Work or Improvements:

Despite my overall satisfaction with the portrait, I feel that it doesn’t fully capture my essence. In future projects, I would like to explore ways to infuse more personal elements into my works, creating a stronger connection between the piece and my identity. This could involve experimenting with different styles, techniques, or thematic elements to achieve a more accurate representation of myself.