Loops – Aigerim


For this project, I recreated an artwork from ProgrammInformation. It is a collection of stars that are scattered throughout the screen. I took the idea of a static image and decided to make it dynamic. I also randomized the number of stars in each iteration and the shape of the star, thus creating infinitely many unique similar artworks.


It was a bit tricky to figure out how I am going to angle the lines of each star and make them appear with random rotations and lengths. The way I went about is that I picked a random point (x and y coordinates) where the star would be centered and drew lines from that point to a new, random point within a given range (as can be seen on the code below).

function cluster(x, y) {
  for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    dx = random(-25, 25);
    dy = random(-25, 25);
    line(x, y, x + dx, y + dy);

Each line in a star is away from the center at most 25 pixels in both x and y, and ranging the random value of that distance (dx and dy respectively) from negative to positive enabled me to create lines around the center in all directions. Only the number of lines in each star remain constant (20), but everything else is randomized, creating a unique image at each new frame.


Overall, I am proud of the solution I came up with in creating the lines, as it does not seem to be a trivial or traditional way to go about it, at least for me. If I were to work in this further, I would love to incorporate some interactivity (e.g. making the frame change whenever user clicks on the image) or adding some color.

Self Portrait – Aigerim


I chose a full-body portrait for my self-portrait as I often use my outfits to express my style and personality. For the base and shape of the figure, I was inspired by Minecraft figures, which I used in the outline and as a base to build my portrait. For the outfit, I got inspired by the outfit I was wearing on the day I started this assignment.


I started off with a quick outline/draft of squares to know where to locate the figures I will use later. I applied the same approach I use when designing games/websites/apps, where the focus is on functionality first (coordinates in this case) and then on aesthetics (colors, clothes, jewelry)

Draft Image of the self portrait
Draft 1 – Aigerim Zhusubalieva

Once I had the outline, it was easy for me to put other things on top of it to personalize the draft. The most challenging part was working with jewelry – figuring out the position, start and end angles, and the size to fit in with the clothes, and it did end up being a nice little touch.

Self-portrait Aigerim
Self-portrait – Aigerim Zhusubalieva


Overall, I am proud of this little project as I see myself in it both literally and figuratively. One thing I want to change or add is I want the clouds to have a parallax effect, but due to time constraints, it is not part of this submission. I hope I get a chance to work with parallax or more sophisticated backgrounds in the future.