Week 1 – Self Portrait

Welcome to my first IM project!

Concept: I was surprised that I can include emojis in coding so I wanted to play around with it. I went with a simple but cute design since this is my first time coding. I used the emojis to make eyes as well as a waving hand that is tracked by the mouse. I also used my two favorite colors, blue and purple, to make a little smile.

Code: I was a bit worried on how to implement the hijab in the sketch because I did not want to use two circles. I ended up using the stroke of the ellipse to make the hijab and it turned out great!

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
//face and hijab
//face and hijab fill('rgb(218,173,130)') stroke('rgb(112,11,11)') strokeWeight(30) ellipse(200,200,250,300)
//face and hijab


Reflection and improvements: Overall I had fun exploring the different variables and testing things out! I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into when I chose to enroll in this class but I’m glad I did. Interactive media seems like the perfect blend between computer science and art, two things I’ve always wanted to try out. Coming back to the sketch, in the future, I would try making a curved line for the smile because I couldn’t figure out how to do that.