kinda art [week 2]

For this assignment of the week, I had an inspiration to recreate Bob Ross’s paintings of the forest. So it’s a great mixture of tall creepy, out-of-nowhere trees and mesmerizing mountains drawn at the back with the reflection of this all being translated on the surface of the water.

Bob Ross style paintings by Kevin Brooks - Back to Bob! Had fun doing this painting again, 2 hours well spent 😊👍 | Facebook

Even though it’s not that tidy, I love how the shape of the tree is chaotic and saved from both up and down when you have no background set.


float rotate=0;
float r=0;
color forest= color(128,128,0);

void setup() {

void draw(){

  for (float x=0; x<width; x+=1){
    point(x,height*noise(x/100, rotate));
  //for (float x=0; x<width; x+=3){
  //  point(x,height*noise(x/200, rotate),50);
  //for (float x=0; x<width; x+=5){
  //  point(x,height*noise(x/300, rotate),10);


but once you put the background to any color, it doesnt save the previous drawings of that line, which is not smth i’m looking for.

next thing i wanted to draw a river by the forest, for that i drew line instead of points and gave stroke color with 4 arguments in it, 4th one being the alpha that gives the transparance from 0 to 255.

when you have no background line of water overwrites itself and covers the previous forest lines, so it’s a clash of two.

However, when I tried to add the background it reminded me of the waves by the seashore, so lovely, soothing, and relaxing.


That’s when I decided to go with this idea of imitating sea waves on a sunny day.

float rotate=0;
float r=0;
color forest= color(128,128,0);
color water= color(100,149,237);
void setup() {

void draw(){

  for (float x=0; x<width; x+=1){ 
    line(x,height/2+150*noise(x/500, rotate), x, height);
  } //layer1 of wave
  for (float x=0; x<width; x+=1){  
    line(x,height/2+200*noise(x/500, rotate), x, height);
  }//layer2 of wave


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