My inspiration came from the moving rectangles we drew in class. there was something calming about watching the rectangles move. I knew I wanted to do either an ocean or wave theme, where it would be kind of calming to watch. Although I didn’t have an initial sketch of exactly what I wanted my art to look like, I had an idea. I wanted something with moving triangles as well as overlapping objects.
After doing some reasearch on kinds of images or shapes I could use, I found a 3D sphere which I thought would be perfect. After spending sometime figuring out how to rotate it, and adjusting it to my screen, I ended up with this.
This was actually a really interesting movement of art. Because I liked it so much, I was set out to create a smaller solid sphere to insert inside, and rotate the other way, so It felt like a energy source. However, I later decided I wanted to stick with my original theme of the ocean and work with that.
When creating a custom moving gradient background failed, I decided to find an image online, and rotate it to look like the water was moving. I made sure to rotate the image in the opposite way. When adding a full image, a lot of the details and sides of the sphere go missing (as shown in the final art) because of the Z coordinates. Although this was heart breaking for me, it was almost perfect to what I had envisioned earlier. I still wish to pursue the ‘ball of energy’ art model, but hopefully that will be for another time.
int w = 8; int seed = 0 ; int rectWidth = 8; float m; PImage photo; void setup() { size(640, 640, P3D); rectMode(CENTER); photo = loadImage("OceanTheme.jpg"); photo.resize(800,800); } void draw(){ background(255); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2); rotate(m); imageMode(CENTER); image(photo, 0, 0); popMatrix(); m-=0.001; for (int i = 0; i<width; i+=15) { float amplitude2 = TWO_PI; float speed2 = .005; float granular2 = 0.001; float freq2 = (frameCount*speed2) + (i * granular2); float angle2 = noise(freq2); pushMatrix(); translate(height/2, width/2, -200); rotate(angle2); noFill(); stroke(0, 0, 0); strokeWeight(1.5); sphere(500); popMatrix(); } }