Week 2 – Reading response

How are you planning to incorporate random elements into your work?

Well, I myself have am not used to the idea of producing something random, although there is beauty in the idea of randomness it’s not as alluring as the idea of systematic approach. When it’s random, it’s likely only to be produced once like that and twice if you can beat the odds. Although Casey, with in the video showed how these random elements can prove to not only provide an unique appearance, he also presents its limitations on how once done can’t be done agin, the idea of having to repeat a process to hopefully create something similar can be infuriating, but also fascinating as the random elements could go beyond expectation or never reach the expectations sent. I intend to incorporate this kind of thinking into future works, I might not be happy in the beginning due to my rigid thinking but over time I could change and will change in how to balance the randomness that can only produced once and the control of the scope in which it happens.

Where do you feel is the optimum balance between total randomness and complete control?

I think that when theres a start of a systematic approach too randomness. All randomness has to be born with in a confined space, whether by the laws of science that govern the way things move or how systems have an algorithm that will produce a random sequence based off the a equation thats been written before hand. You can’t escape, it but you can confine it with in a space. Like a science experiment you might have the tools, and test it out and then an outcome that works. You have your controlled variables and uncontrolled variables. Sometimes we are the uncontrolled variables but our way of thinking is the controlled variable. The way we move and do things, the laws of the universe these are controlled, set in stone in that moment, but once we release it without being able to calculate or speculate the outcome it then becomes random.

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