I have decided to work on the idea to use a box to control the platform for the hero. There will be 1 box that the user can move (physical part) that will control the platform in p5js. The project is inspired by the game “My Shadows are Bright” from GMTK game jam 2024.
For my game, the physical/arduino part will include a cardboard box that can be moved on the x, y axis by the user. Depends on the position of the box, it will be drawn on the screen in p5js in form of a platform. If the box is nearer to the front sensor (or user), it will be drawn bigger, and if it’s further away it will be smaller. This game is a puzzle game type, where the user have to move the box to get the correct size and position for the game character to move from the left side of the screen to the right side.
In terms of the story, I want to tell a story of how rejection is not always bad, sometimes it leads you to a path that is more suitable. It will be carried out using the character prince who is always rejected by the princess.
- 2 photoresistors/ultrasonic sensors: 1 in front and 1 on right hand side
- 1 LED to show game started
- Resistors and wires
- cardboards
- Platform/box class
- Hero class
- Collision detection: detect when hero is standing on the platform and when not standing on the platform
- Stages (introduction, game play, ending)
I am not sure if this project is feasible or not so I make a small prototype to see if I can use arduino to track the position of the box. In this code I get analog read value from photoresistor and draw a box based on how near or far it is from the sensor. It seems feasible so far.