Week 11: Final Project Proposal


For the final project, I am hoping to develop a n interactive game called “Connect Four.” The game  involves two (or one player vs the computer)  taking turns dropping coins into a 7×6 grid displayed in p5.js. Each player is assigned a color—red or blue—and the goal is to be the first to connect four coins in a row, column, or diagonal or the grid is full resulting into a tie. My design will combine physical interaction with a  hardware that allows players to select columns and insert coins. Then whole grid display will be shown in the P5.js in real time.

I hope to develop two modes :

1.Two-Player Mode: In this mode, two players alternate turns, dropping coins into the grid to win against their opponent.

2. Single-Player Mode (vs. Computer): In this mode, the player competes against the computer that follows either of two approaches one being for easy and one for difficult play to accommodate different skill levels.

I hope that the physical  interaction adds a unique experience and the game nature makes it competitive and fun.

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