With the assignment being to create an unusual switch that doesn’t require the use of the hands, I struggled a bit to come up with an idea. After seeing an example in class (the one using foil mustache that completes a circuit when smiling), I wanted to use some kind of an action using the a body part to complete a circuit as well. So I came up with the idea to use the action of waving. When you wave, the forearm and the upper arm usually makes contact, and I used this point of contact as my unusual switch. Hence the name: Wave to Say Hi!
Photos and Videos
Code Snippet
void setup() { // initialize input and output pinMode(12, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); pinMode(A2, INPUT); } void loop() { // variale declarations int greenLED = 12; int redLED = 10; int buttonState = digitalRead(A2); if (buttonState == HIGH){ // if waving hi, green light ON, red light OFF digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); } else { // if not waving hi, green light OFF, red light ON digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); } }
Circuit Illustration
(Circuit illustration done on PowerPoint)
Arduino Setup
(I used the website Tinkercad to make the above Arduino circuit diagram.)
For this project I used two LEDs: red and green. I connected the two LEDs to the pins D10 and D12 respectively, and hence used them as outputs in my code. For the analog input, I had my unusual switch (which would be in place of the push button switch in the diagram) making a connection between 5V and the pin A2.
I was happy with how I incorporated two outputs into my circuit, but for my input, I’d like to try using a sensor instead of a ‘switch’ in the future.