Assignment 4: Loading Data (Rainy Days in Indonesia)


After working on my previous project which was related to my culture, I wanted to continue to incorporate Indonesia into my work. I was born in a city called Bogor in Indonesia, and the city is also known as Rain City, with how much it rains there. Thus, I was inspired to use weather data on rain in Bogor. However, I could only find dataset that wasn’t specific to Bogor, but a general data of rain in Indonesia. This is where I got my dataset from. The dataset has daily records of rainfall and the average temperature of the day from 2010 to 2020 from one station. The initial image I had in my mind was of a rainy scene; nice and simple. One raindrop representing the amount of rainfall in that one day, position from left to right, 2010 to 2020.


I was very proud of myself for thinking about making a class object to make it easier for me to create multiple rain droplets. I also incorporated the map function to determine the size, coolness (which is based on the average temperature; the warmer it was the more green the raindrops look , and the colder it was the more blue), and the speed of the raindrops falling was also determined by the size (mapped from the rainfall data).

 // size, color, speed
size = map(float(rain[i]), rainMin, rainMax, 0, 20);
cool = map(float(temp[i]), tempMin, tempMax, 255, 80);
speed = map(size, 0, 20, 3, 10)

// adding droplets
droplet = new Droplet(posX, posY, size, cool, speed);


I thought this project was very simple, and I would love to challenge myself further with adding texts, perhaps generative texts, to this piece to make it more interactive and interesting.

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