Week 4: Reading response

One thing that drives me crazy in design and has not been directly discussed in the reading  is the struggle to create works with meaningful intentions or justifications. For me a good design, besides its aesthetics, interactivity and the good user experience is what it carries. I am usually interested in the reasons why the creator of an art piece wanted to make it in the first place. Even further beyond art  As I think about my future works, I often question myself on what challenges I want to tackle or what messages I want my designs and works  to convey as I believe that impactful arts and works should emerge from genuine reasons. 

Many principles from the reading are directly relevant to interactive media, as the field is rooted in design. Concepts such as discoverability, understanding, affordances, and signifiers as discussed in the reading can be directly applied to create more engaging experiences while using interactive designs. One thing I hope to take into serious consideration for my future works is to develop human-centered designs. Inspired by the reading I aim to create interactive artworks that first and foremost have a clear and easy to understand purpose. I can achieve this by using simple design principles that can be directly implied by the user or using simple and clear instructions if need be. Second, I also intend to take into consideration the significance of feedback as the reading reminded me of scenarios when even feedback given subconsciously makes a great difference. I hope that with artworks that provide feedback users may want to continue exploring to find more interaction thus enrich their experiences with the designs. 

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