Assignment 1: Liz’s Self-Portrait


As someone who is terrible at art and with zero experience with coding, this assignment scared me quite a lot. I wanted to keep it plain and simple while trying to keep it relatively accurate to what I look like. By using basic lines and shapes, I managed to unintentionally make a version of me that seems to have come straight out from Bob’s Burgers, which I found really funny. I’m not quite sure if I succeeded in the accuracy department, but I think it is good enough for my first time!

The Self-Portrait:



It took me a while to get used to the trial and error to create a self-portrait from basic 2D shapes, but it got better the more I practiced. However, creating the hair was an absolute nightmare with trying to rotate the arcs. The biggest highlight would have to be when I finally managed to get the hair looking somewhat decent, especially after adding some side bangs

  //hair 2

Otherwise, it would’ve looked like this egg…


Overall, I’m quite proud of myself for facing my coding fears and being able to create something like this in a short period of time. My brain refused to take in the information at first, but it got used to it eventually. I stuck with the simple plan I had due to time, but I would’ve loved to have been able to add my own personal touch to it and make it interactive. I was thinking of a little flashing camera or a phone on a gimbal. It would also have been cool to make the pupils both follow the cursor so that the eyeballs can move around while never looking at the same direction. Regardless, I’m still satisfied with how it turned out and I think it’s a cute first memory of my coding experience and result! It definitely wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be

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