Final Project Proposal (week 12)

For my final project, I am creating a Sign Language Glove, aimed at facilitating communication and improving accessibility for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. It is limited it to fingerspelling words using the American Sign Language alphabet for now. The glove incorporates flex sensors on each finger which detects how much the finger is bent. Arduino will process this data and send the finger configurations to a p5.js sketch, which will interpret the gestures and recognize the corresponding letters of the alphabet. The p5.js screen will display the recognized letters visually and audibly using text-to-speech.

There will be two options the user can select from: translating ASL to English and translating English to ASL. For the first program, the user spells out a word using the sign for each letter and p5 will read it aloud. For the second program, users will have the option to input a word via keyboard to display the corresponding ASL sign for each letter on the screen. This interactive system enables individuals that use sign language to have two-way communication with non-sign language users effectively.

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