Design meets Disability | Creative Response | Week 12

This week’s reading talks about how design is important,  and sets a trend,  even in the medical field. The compare and contrast between different approaches to design in the case of eyewear, prosthetics, hearing aids etc was very interesting to me . I thought – is it just marketing that causes these differences or is it something at a much deeper level? The heading” good design on any terms ” compelled me to think about why this phrase was worth giving a thought. The example of Charles and Ray Eames making a leg splint that was ‘designed’ well illustrated this concept.

The discussion on fashion v/s discussion was intriguing too. The author shows how these two are not necessarily mutually exclusive as in the case of eyewear. He talks about a balance between simplicity and overly complex/colorful/designed things. One good example he gave that stuck to my mind is that of AirPods along with the quote “if I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter” which means that just because something is simple doesn’t mean that a lot of thought was not required into making it . \Infact,  genius can be found in simplicity.

I hope to embrace these concepts in my final project and design something user-friendly and simple .

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