Midterm & Midterm documentation – Shereena AlNuaimi

Catch The Dates

Why not use the “Fruit Ninja” game, which I spent years of my childhood playing, serve as the inspiration for this minigame? With little consideration, “Catch the dates” turned into a mini game.

Dates and explosives will begin to fall from the NYUAD  palm trees that serve as the game’s backdrop as soon as you begin playing. The objective is to avoid receiving a score of zero or below. The player can score two points on dates, but their score will be reduced by three if they catch the bomb in the basket.

One thing that I’m most proud of is the game itself as a whole. Being an extremely indecisive person, it was hard for me to just stick with one idea. However, with careful consideration I came to being excited to code this small game itself while including a part of my childhood in it while embedding culture and symbolizing the UAE’S culture and heritage by using dates instead of fruits.

One challenge I have encountered when coding this midterm, was the basket leaving a trace at the bottom as well as the background being not too flexible with height and fit on the screen.

However, I solved that issue with adjusting the image width and height in order to fit perfectly. 

In conclusion, this midterm really made me step out of my comfort zone. In reality I am not too proud of the work that I achieve nor do I like to share it, however, with this course, I was able to achieve that and step out of my comfort zone a little bit and be proud of the work I have accomplished especially when creating this little game. 

// Declare variables
let titleSize = 35
let bg;
let basketImg;
let dates = [];
let bombs = [];
let score = 0;
let gameStarted = false;
let gameOver = false;
let basket;
let basketScale = 0.5; // Adjust basket scale
let basketSpeed = 7;
let nextDateFrame = 0; // Frame count for next date
let nextBombFrame = 0; // Frame count for next bomb
let scoreBoxWidth = 200; // Width of score box
let scoreBoxHeight = 50; // Height of score box

// Preload images
function preload() {
  bg = loadImage('palm trees.png');
  basketImg = loadImage('basket.png');

// Setup canvas and game state
function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 800); // Larger canvas size
  textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);

// Reset game state
function resetGame() {
  score = 0;
  gameStarted = false;
  gameOver = false;
  dates = [];
  bombs = [];
  basket = createVector(width / 2, height - basketImg.height * basketScale); // Adjusted basket size
  nextDateFrame = 0; // Reset frame count for next date
  nextBombFrame = 0; // Reset frame count for next bomb
// Main game loop
function draw() {
  // Display background
  image(bg, 0, 0,width *1.5 , height*1.5);

  // Display instructions if game not started
  if (!gameStarted) {

  // Display game over screen if game is over
  if (gameOver) {
  // Display basket
  image(basketImg, basket.x, basket.y, basketImg.width * basketScale, basketImg.height * basketScale); // Adjusted basket size

  // Move basket continuously when arrow keys are held down
  if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW) && basket.x > 0) {
    basket.x -= basketSpeed;
  if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW) && basket.x < width - basketImg.width * basketScale) {
    basket.x += basketSpeed;
  // Move and display dates
  if (frameCount >= nextDateFrame) {
    let date = new FallingObject('dates');
    nextDateFrame = frameCount + int(random(120, 240)); // Randomize next date appearance
  for (let date of dates) {
    if (date.checkCollision(basket.x, basket.y, basketImg.width * basketScale, basketImg.height * basketScale)) {
      score += 2;

  // Move and display bombs
  if (frameCount >= nextBombFrame) {
    let bomb = new FallingObject('bomb');
    nextBombFrame = frameCount + int(random(120, 240)); // Randomize next bomb appearance
  for (let bomb of bombs) {
    if (bomb.checkCollision(basket.x, basket.y, basketImg.width * basketScale, basketImg.height * basketScale)) {
      score -= 3;
      if (score <= 0) {
        score = 0;
        gameOver = true;

  // Display score
  fill(0, 0, 255);
  rect(width - scoreBoxWidth, 0, scoreBoxWidth, scoreBoxHeight);
  textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
  text(`Score: ${score}`, width - 10, 10);

// Handle key presses
function keyPressed() {
  // Start game on spacebar press
  if (!gameStarted && key === ' ') {
    gameStarted = true;

  // Reset game on 'r' press
  if (gameOver && key === 'r') {

// Display game instructions
function displayInstructions() {
  text("CATCH THE DATES", width/2 +190, height/2 -150);
  text('Instructions:',width / 2 +120 , height / 2 -90);
  text('Use arrow keys to move the basket',width / 2 + 300 , height / 2 -40);
  text('Catch dates to score points',width / 2 + 250 , height / 2);
  text('Avoid bombs',width / 2 + 120 , height / 2 + 40);
  text('Press space to start',width / 2 + 180 , height / 2 + 80);

// Display game over screen
function displayGameOver() {
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  triangle(width / 2, height / 2 - 100, width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 150, width / 2 + 150, height / 2 + 150);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text('Game Over!', width / 2, height / 2 + 30);
  text('Press "r" to play again', width / 2, height / 2 +  118);

// FallingObject class
class FallingObject {
  constructor(type) {
    this.x = random(width);
    this.y = -50;
    this.speed = random(2.5, 3.5); // Adjusted speed
    this.type = type;
    this.image = loadImage(`${type}.png`);

  // Move the falling object
  move() {
    this.y += this.speed;
    if (this.y > height) {

  // Display the falling object
  display() {
    image(this.image, this.x, this.y, 50, 50);

  // Reset the falling object's position
  reset() {
    this.x = random(width);
    this.y = -50;
    this.speed = random(2.5, 3.5); // Adjusted speed

  // Check for collision with another object
  checkCollision(objX, objY, objWidth, objHeight) {
    return this.x > objX && this.x < objX + objWidth && this.y > objY && this.y < objY + objHeight;


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