Midterm Project Progress

My midterm project will center around an idea of a digital drum kit. As a drummer, I sometimes want to test new beats and patterns when I am not around a physical kit, and in such times I like to use the “musicca” website(https://www.musicca.com/drums), and this is the website that I got the inspiration for my project from. Each sound on the drum kit is tied to a specific key and the digital drum kit is played just like a physical one would, by combining sequences of keys corresponding to the notes. Accurate and user-friendly implementation of the sounds and keys will be a major part of the project. I will use the image below for a drum kit and I will label each drum/cymbal with the corresponding key so that new users can easily navigate and learn in a matter of seconds. I have taken this image from “musicca”, only editing out the drums sticks that are present on the website as I think my implementation does not require drum sticks, because of a different visual feedback that is discussed below.
Additionally, I have found all the essential sounds for each key from the website “freesound” (https://freesound.org/).
Next, I wish to make the project more visual so that besides the audio feedback, users can also get a visual feedback corresponding to the sound that has been played. For that I will implement circle waves that arise from the center of the drum/cymbal that has been played and will propagate across the screen. This is going to be the most challenging part of the project, and I am thinking about implementing collision effect for those waves, but I will decide on it later depending on the visual effects created. I am still searching for ideas to implement besides the circle waves that will make appealing visuals, but so far I sympathize with this implementation the most.
There are 2 classes for the project so far. A class for drums, each object being a different drum or cymbal, and a class for the waves, each object being the wave tied to a certain drum/cymbal.
There will be a button at the bottom of the drum kit image, suggesting the users to start a new session if the previous user is done, and the functionality of button is simply to remove the existing waves from the screen, everything else does leave a residual effect from the previous to the new user.

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