Hi! So for this project, I decided to make a portrait of myself at a beach. I made the background first as part of the setup so I can change the value later on. It is sky blue at the start, along with the sun being yellow and the cloud being white. Then I have the sand and the sea, while my figure is at the front.
The main feature of my project I would say is the ability to switch to “Night Mode”, in which when I press a button everything becomes darker and when I click on the screen everything becomes daytime again. Below is an example of me toying around with my project.
I do not know why but the embedded feature does not work for this link.
Also below is the code for my project.
color rectColor = color(255); color circleColor = color(255); color a = color(255); color b = color(249,215,28); int count = 1; void setup(){ size(500,1000); background(135,206,235); } void draw(){ //sky blue fill(194,178,128); // sand beginShape(); vertex(0,400); vertex(0,1000); vertex(500,1000); endShape(CLOSE); fill(0,119,190); beginShape(); vertex(0,300); vertex(0,400); vertex(500,1000); vertex(600,1000); vertex(600,300); endShape(CLOSE); fill(b); ellipse(400,50,60,60); //sun fill(240,184,160); //skin color ellipse(250,350,300,300); //face rect(100,500,300,500); //body pushMatrix(); translate(99,0); rotate(radians(10)); //left arm rect(50,550,50,500); rotate(radians(335.3)); //right arm rect(150,620,50,400); popMatrix(); fill(255); ellipse(200,300,45,30); //left eye ellipse(300,300,45,30); //right eye fill(0); ellipse(200,300,20,20); //left pupil ellipse(300,300,20,20); //right pupil fill(255,0,0); arc(250,400,120,80,0,3.14); //mouth line(190,400,310,400); //line fill(0); //hair beginShape(); vertex(110,280); vertex(180,205); vertex(300,190); vertex(370,235); endShape(CLOSE); fill(101,67,33); ellipse(180,600,10,10); //left nip ellipse(320,600,10,10); //right nip fill(50,80,120); rect(100,900,300,200); // pants fill(a); arc(100,70,100,100,PI,TWO_PI); //for the clouds arc(135,70,100,100,0,PI); fill(0); line(50,70,85,70); line(150,70,185,70); } void keyPressed(){ background(43,47,119); a = color(190,169,222); b = color(244,241,201); } void mouseClicked(){ background(135,206,235); a = color(255); b = color(249,215,28); }
Hi Nick, when I click on the video link it says that the video is unavailable. This is probably why you can’t embed. Please fix ASAP.
I changed the visibility for my video. The link should work now!