Final Project Proposal & Progress


For the final project, I plan to make a “Cyber-Pet”. I have always wanted a pet but my parents won’t let me, so I want to make one (or as close as it can get XD). This pet can get different emotions when the user interacts with it through typing in prompts. Its emotions are generated through services provided by OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 API. The emotions of the pet are scaled from 1 to 10, with 1 being very unhappy and 10 being very happy. When the pet gives back a response, the buzzer will run and make sounds. The angrier the pet is, the buzzer sounds will be higher pitched and more rapid. But if the pet is happy, the sounds will be more calm and pleasant (as pleasant as a buzzer can be). The pet will be equipped with 2 motors that allow the pet to move. It will also be equipped with a distance sensor. If the user inputs a certain command, it will trigger a condition. If the pet is happy, the pet will move towards the user as if looking for a hug. Otherwise, the pet will attempt to run away from the user while making loud noises with the buzzer.

The Arduino board can be put inside a box made of wooden planks, and apart from the two back wheels driven by motors, it should also have another assistive wheel so that it can stand upright. The CAD drawing for the laser cutting of the board is shown below:

Below is the schematic for the Arduino board:

I will start cutting out the outer boards tomorrow, and then assemble and program the board.

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