Neil Leach Alien Intelligence – BONUS

Prof. Neil did quite a good job in shedding light on the stark differences between artificial and human smarts. From ChatGPT’s unexpected brilliance to AlphaGo Zero’s mind-boggling moves, he painted a picture of AI’s vastness, urging us to hit the brakes on development. It’s not just cool tech; it’s a bit scary. Neil’s vibe warned us: we might be steering into unknown territory, where AI, per Geoffrey Hinton, starts thinking for itself. The lecture left us with a quirky truth—aliens aren’t zipping down from space; they’re brewing up in labs. AI’s the new-age extraterrestrial, and we better handle it with care. However, it did stir up some thoughts I had.

While the talk was interesting, it felt like a déjà vu of AI basics. I craved more than the usual rundown While I found it intriguing, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it might have missed the mark for our crowd. He did mention many basics about AI but it felt like old news for most of us. I was hoping for more profound insights or a deeper dive into the future.

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