Week 2 _ “Eyeo2012 – Casey Reas”.

When Science and Art become one, unexpected things happen. This thought came into my mind while watching Eyeo2012 – Casey Reas”. At first, I was confused, as the speaker was talking in a metaphorical tone. However, what followed was a journey of great exploration, where the realms of science and art intersected to yield breathtaking results. Casey Reas revealed a world where technology and creativity came together, leading to interesting concepts and expressions.

Through the lecture, a couple of concepts inspired me. I hope that I will explore even further during this course. Some of these were the phenomena of emergence, the conceptional vehicles project, emotions in Art, and the use of randomness to create art pieces.

The phenomena of emergence:

In this part of the lecture, he touches upon the idea that in coding behavior and forms become elements that create the fundamentals of the images he creates. I understood that these generative properties took a lot of precise geometry and calculations to take form. It was interesting how ideas in physics, biology, chemistry, or day-to-day interactions could be transformed into coding logic and then into generative art. In this part, I realized that understanding the underlying fundamentals is key to boosting creativity and decision-making.


The conceptional vehicles project:

 This part was focused on the concept of hypothetical vehicles based on the animal nervous system. What I like the most about this part is how it gradually transforms into Art. I have realized that when we only see the final product of a project we do not understand or appreciate the underlying process or story behind it. If I only saw the final piece, I would have never thought it was based on this specific concept or any concept at all. I would have thought it was a form of expression and that is it. I have realized that often the story behind something along with its representation gives beauty and a stronger connection between the viewer and the piece.

Emotions in Art:

Human connections between one another and between the surroundings are vital characteristics in my opinion. In the lecture, Casey Reas showed some forms of Art that were far from human connection. These pieces were interesting but are not something I would want to explore. I believe that when Art has a humanitarian dimension it is far stronger than when it lacks it.

 The use of randomness to create art pieces:

 In this part of the lecture, Reas showed how some artists like Marcel Duchamp. His idea that through Art you “make your reality” made me think of how filmmakers, performances, and illustrations put individuals into a new place where they can explore a new logic alienated from reality.

Then he explored the idea of random numbers. When he showed the demos, I realized the infinite possibilities of creating different forms of art with the same logic. Here I understood the importance of exploring different things and taking risks because in this part, if one does not try so many ways, one would not realize the possibilities or discover what one wants to present.

Finally, during his lecture, I realized that there are limitless opportunities to bring in my thoughts, logic, and creativity to create Art. In a world where science and art intersect, a lot of unexpected possibilities take form.

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