Assignment 3: Tetris


This program’s code carries out a straightforward falling-blocks game.

In order to avoid colliding with other blocks or the canvas’s bottom, the user must use the arrow keys to move the blocks to the right or left as they constantly fall from the top of the canvas in this piece of art. A block becomes a permanent block and a new block begins to fall when it collides with another block or reaches the bottom of the canvas. The game continues until all of the blocks have reached the top of the canvas or until it becomes impossible to construct new blocks because they would clash with existing ones.


A class called “Block” and numerous functions make up the code. The class is used to specify each block’s characteristics and behavior. When the game first begins, the canvas is initialized and the first block is started by using the “setup” method once. The lines of the matrix are drawn on the canvas via the “matrix” function. The “draw” function is used repeatedly in a loop to update and depict the game’s current state. The location of the falling block is updated using the “updateFallingBlock” function. All the blocks on the canvas are drawn using the “drawAllBlocks” function. A new block is created via the “startNewBlock” function. When the user taps an arrow key to move the falling block, the “keyPressed” function is invoked. If the user clicks the mouse to restart the game after it has ended, the “mouseClicked” method is invoked.

The main issue is that blocks may sometime collide with each other when the keys are pressed. The part of checking if there is a block already placed adjacently was a bit complicated. This is something I can work on in the future. Another issue is that there is no method to record the score or the time in the game. It is not too complicated to add the scoreboard, but I decided to focus on the OOP mainly on this Assignment.

Author: Akhat Suleimenov

I am 22 years old. Alumni of 42 Software Engineering School in Silicon Valley. Born and raised in Astana, Kazakhstan. As hobbies, I workout, travel, and play volleyball, and chess.

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