Progress Report: Midterm Assignment

The Professor has not put any constraints on our projects other than the requirement of being creative. This really forced me to think out of the box and go back to my interests in high school. In high school, I took a class called Global Perspectives. For the final, I wrote an essay on the roles of Big Tech companies and their chokehold on the modern market.

This sparked the idea.


How about a chess game? Since that is what people claim life is. But instead of being a fair game of the minds and strategy, it is absurd and completely one-sided. Also similar to what life is like.

Enter Capitalism Chess. The game is supposed to be an ironic commentary on the ‘subscribe-to-enjoy’ culture created with all the subscription-based services that are popular nowadays.  The game should have playable pieces for the player to give some semblance of fairness but no matter what move is being made, thee player should always lose.

Some inspiration and guidance:

Build A Chessboard In P5JS (Part 1) | Math + Code For Primary and Highschool

Chess – powered by p5js

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