At first, I wanted to try to make a race track and multiple race cars running on the track by making boundaries for them so they will never work backward. Then I faced the difficulty of how to make the car title sideways in the bird’s eye view since it’s seen in a birds-eye view. Then I faced the difficulty of making the cars stuck within the boundaries of the race track. So I gave up on that Idea instead I wanted to make spaceships that would move elegantly in the space while the player is controlling one of them.
let first; let arr = []; let numofspaceships = 5; let player; function preload() { img = loadImage('215c7fdca6033092baa04b35c17466bd.gif'); } function setup() { createCanvas(600, 400); first = new Spaceshuttle(); player = new playerShuttle(); for(let i = 0; i < numofspaceships;i++){ arr[i] = new Spaceshuttle(); } } function draw() { background(220); image(img, 0, 0); first.display(); player.display(); for(let i = 0; i < numofspaceships;i++){ arr[i].display(); } } class Spaceshuttle { constructor() { this.x = random(width); this.y = random(height); // this.diameter = random(10, 30); this.speed = 10; this.redd = random(255); this.greenn = random(255); this.bluee= random(255); this.randomx = random(100); this.randomy = random(100); } move() { this.x = map(noise(this.randomx),0,1,0,width+150); this.y = map(noise(this.randomy),0,1,0,height+150); this.randomx += 0.005; this.randomy += 0.005; } display() { noStroke(); fill(0); strokeWeight(2); stroke(51); line(this.x+10,this.y,this.x+20,this.y+15); line(this.x-10,this.y,this.x-20,this.y+15); stroke(0); fill(this.redd,this.greenn,this.bluee); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 80, 25); fill(0,179,255); arc(this.x, this.y, 40, 40, PI, 2*PI , CHORD); this.move(); } } class playerShuttle { constructor() { this.x = random(width); this.y = random(height); // this.diameter = random(10, 30); this.speed = 10; this.redd = random(255); this.greenn = random(255); this.bluee= random(255); this.speedx = 0; this.speedy = 0; } move() { let rate = 0.1; let maxspeed = 3; if(keyIsPressed){ if(keyCode == LEFT_ARROW){ this.speedx -= rate; }else if(keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW){ this.speedx += rate; } if(keyCode == UP_ARROW){ this.speedy -= rate; }else if(keyCode == DOWN_ARROW){ this.speedy += rate; } }else{ if(this.speedx != 0){ if(this.speedx > 0){ this.speedx -= rate * 2; }else{ this.speedx += rate * 2; } } if(this.speedy != 0){ if(this.speedy > 0){ this.speedy -= rate * 2; }else{ this.speedy += rate * 2; } } } if(this.speedx>maxspeed){ this.speedx = maxspeed; } if(this.speedy>maxspeed){ this.speedy = maxspeed; } this.x += this.speedx; this.y += this.speedy; } display() { noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(250); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 80, 80); noStroke(); fill(0); strokeWeight(2); stroke(51); line(this.x+10,this.y,this.x+20,this.y+15); line(this.x-10,this.y,this.x-20,this.y+15); stroke(0); fill(this.redd,this.greenn,this.bluee); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 80, 25); fill(0,179,255); arc(this.x, this.y, 40, 40, PI, 2*PI , CHORD); if(this.x > width+2){ this.x = 0; }else if(this.x <= 0){ this.x = width; } if(this.y > height+2){ this.y = 0; }else if(this.y <= 0){ this.y = height; } this.move(); } }
I think one part, in particular, in the code which took some time online to understand which is figuring out Perlin noise and how can I use it to power the computer spaceships. At first, it was outputting the same value and the spaceships were kind of moving diagonally. Then I figured out that the value inside of “noise()” needs to be changed every time so that it can come up with a new different value. And to fix the diagonal thing just increment the x movement by a number different from the y movement.
Moreover, moving the player’s spaceship with the arrows was also pretty difficult. I tried to use the basic libraries but I think they were not enough so I watched a video that explains how it should be done.
Also making the classes themselves and understanding how the classes work was very interesting. As I at the beginning didn’t understand what does the term “this” mean. But sooner I learned about it and realized the potential in classes. Manipulating the array to make objects of spaceship class was a challenge as well.
The Sketch:
Regarding my piece, I’m not really sure of my feelings. I put a lot of effort into it, but I was unable to achieve the degree of originality I had in mind. On the plus side, I think I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge, and I still have a lot to learn. I would improve the piece by making it more intricate, complicated, and possibly animated.
Nice! It looks like you really learned a lot. The motion with the Perlin noise added is nice. Now that you have the “framework” built you can work on e.g. making controlling the spaceship more satisfying. The game has a vibe going and the code seems like a good base to keep working on. Some comments in the code please!