Midterm Project: Emotional Airport


For my midterm project, i created an interactive experience at the airport that is a bit different from the usual way we think about travel.  Instead of conventional destinations, the airport’s departure board offers emotional states that users might be seeking: peace, guidance, restart, sign, purpose, direction, and inspiration.

The idea behind this project came from this simple question:
“What if people travel not to visit a place, but to experience a certain emotion?”

Reflecting on my own travels, I realized that my strongest memories aren’t necessarily about locations themselves, but about how those places made me feel. So, once a user chooses their destination, they receive a quote/message they might need to hear.

Project features

In my project, there are three main pages:

  1. Welcome Page:

    • The user is greeted with a sky background and a welcoming message, all while having airport sounds in the background.
    • A “Start” button starts the experience.
  2. Airport Scene:

    • Once the user clicks “Start,” they are transported to an airport background with lofi sounds.
    • They need to click on the departure board to proceed.
  3. Departure Board Page:

    • This page focuses on the departure board, listing different emotional “destinations.”
    • Lofi music plays softly in the background to enhance the experience
    • Then, clicking on a specific “destination” triggers a pop-up message with a quote related to that emotion or the desired state a person wants to achieve.

Problems I ran into

Some ideas I initially planned like zoom-in features and extra interactive elements were difficult to make in the given timeframe. So i had to make the most essential features first.

So, the biggest challenge was finding suitable images online that matched the vision I had in my mind. So, i had to create some elements myself and manually edit the departure board to fit my concept and include the emotional destinations. I also combined multiple images to achieve the desired design for each stage of the experience.

Initially, I tried drawing the entire page from scratch, but I later realized that wouldn’t work well with the multiple pages interactive format I wanted.

Future improvements

If I were to expand this project, I would like to add animations to create smoother transitions between pages and implement a customized quote generator where i take input like the name of the user to make it feels personal.

Despite the challenges, I’m proud of how this project turned out. I put in a lot of time and effort to make it look as close as possible to what I imagined. By making this project, i could represent a concept I resonate with: travel as an emotional journey rather than just a physical one.

Link: https://editor.p5js.org/Ellina_Chermit/full/i1vywV_MT

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