Midterm – Interactive Party

My project is an interactive music visualizer designed to create a party-like experience. It integrates sound, visuals, and interactivity to simulate a dynamic party environment. The motivation behind this project stems from my love for music and aesthetics, aiming to bring both together in a visually engaging way. The experience features different sound modes, including a salsa mode, and reacts dynamically to audio amplitude to enhance the party atmosphere.

Link to Fullscreen:https://editor.p5js.org/Genesisreyes/full/okpJ6jCqf

It features a background DJ image, a GIF animation for the salsa mode, and dynamically changing colors and light effects. OOP is implemented in the LiquidShape class, which generates butterfly-like abstract shapes that move and react to the music’s amplitude. The project also includes button interactions, allowing users to start the party, switch to salsa mode, and switch between songs by clicking, or return to the main page. The use of p5.Amplitude() ensures that elements like background flashing and shape movements are synchronized with the audio intensity, creating a smooth experience.

Key Highlights

1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) for Animation

The LiquidShape class is responsible for creating and animating butterfly-like figures that move fluidly across the screen. These shapes:

    • Respond to the music amplitude by changing motion and size.
    • Have two states: floating (trapped) and moving (liberated), which the user can toggle by clicking.
    • Implement procedural animation using noise-based randomization to ensure organic movement.

2. Audio Amplitude Analysis for Visual Synchronization

The p5.Amplitude() function is used to analyze the loudness of the currently playing audio and link it to the visual elements. The butterfly image pulses with the music, making it feel more immersive.

let level = amplitude.getLevel();

let pulseSize = lerp(width * 0.2, width * 0.4, level);
image(butterflyBg, 0, 0, pulseSize, pulseSize);

How this works:

    • amplitude.getLevel() returns a value between 0 (silence) and 1 (loudest part of the track).
    • lerp() smoothly transitions the butterfly image size between 20% and 40% of the screen width based on the music volume.
    • This creates a natural pulsing effect that visually represents the beat.

3. Smooth Audio Transitions Between Tracks

Instead of abruptly switching sounds,  fade-out and fade-in effects were used when transitioning between songs to create a smoother experience.

function mousePressed() {
  if (!started) return;

  let fadeDuration = 1.5; // Fade out in 1.5 seconds
  if (sounds[currentSoundIndex].isPlaying()) {
    sounds[currentSoundIndex].setVolume(0, fadeDuration);
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, fadeDuration * 1000);
  } else {
    • The current song fades out smoothly over 1.5 seconds.
    • After fading, it stops completely and switches to the next track.
    • The new track fades in, avoiding harsh audio jumps.

A major challenge was working with WEBGL, especially in handling 2D elements like buttons alongside 3D rendering. The solution involved creating a separate graphics layer (bgGraphics) for the background image.

function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Resize the WEBGL canvas
  bgGraphics.resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Resize 2D graphics buffer
  updateBackground(); // Redraw the background image

function updateBackground() {
  bgGraphics.background(0); // Fallback if the image doesn't load

  let imgWidth, imgHeight;
  let canvasAspect = windowWidth / windowHeight;
  let imgAspect = djImage.width / djImage.height;

  if (canvasAspect > imgAspect) {
    imgWidth = windowWidth;
    imgHeight = windowWidth / imgAspect;
  } else {
    imgHeight = windowHeight;
    imgWidth = windowHeight * imgAspect;

  bgGraphics.image(djImage, windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2, imgWidth, imgHeight);

One of the best aspects of the project is its ability to capture the energy of a party through interactive visuals and sound. The combination of image overlays, and reactive shapes enhances the user’s engagement.

There are areas that could be improved. One issue is optimizing the responsiveness of visual elements when resizing the window, as some components may not scale perfectly. Another challenge was ensuring seamless audio transitions between different sound modes without abrupt stops. Additionally, adding clear instructions for the users would have been ideal, so they could know that when they click, they can change the music but also collect and liberate the butterflies.

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