Week 5 – Reading Response

Computer vision differs from human vision in many ways. One of the key differences would be that human vision is naturally adaptive to differences in lighting and can naturally understand objects, track motion and use context to recognize different emotions and patterns. On the other hand computer vision heavily relies on mathematical algorithms do detect objects and track movement. Difference in lighting usually causes computer vision to break or not work properly and it is generally impossible for computers to understand context without the use of advanced ai.

There are several ways with which we can help the computer “see” and track what we want it to track. One of the ways is frame comparing, where we tell the computer to compare consecutive frames and with that detect changes which indicate movement. To further improve this concept we could also use background extraction techniques which help us isolate the objects we want to track or see and ignore everything that is in the background.

Computer vision has a wide potential use in interactive media. Many artists have used it to create amazing interactive art which in my opinion feels more interactive then just clicking buttons. Artist use computer vision to create playful interactive experiences which fully immerse the user who feels in complete control of the movement of the object. I believe in the future in combination with ai, computer vision will completely take over in the interactive media industry.

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