Week 2 – Reading

How are you planning to incorporate random elements into your work?

One way is to think about making it human. Because of the elements of human error especially compared to something like a computer, I feel like  using more of what the human user gives you is a good way to incorporate randomness. Another way is chance. For example, the current games that I play still rely on simulated coin flips that give 50-50 odds. Imprecision is also a great way. It still allows the work to retain its qualities and recognizability, but at the same time, it allows the work to take on a new character and uniqueness.

Where do you feel is the optimum balance between total randomness and complete control?

It is definitely somewhere in the middle; but too little is preferable to too much. Introducing too much chaos and randomness removes from what the work actually is and as the world tends towards chaos, removes the work from being art. However, too much perfection and too much control runs the risk of the same occuring. Things that are too perfect seem to remove themselves from the world of humanity, and in an AI-generated type of way, is very easy for us to spot that it is not real.

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