Being an extrovert doesn’t come in as easy as it seems to be. Everyday we meet new people at different places, be it at the bus stand, mall, university, etc. With some of these, we end up forming some sort of relationship, whilst with some, that meeting ends that very day of having met them. I love talking to new people and getting to know them. Some people resonate with the same energy and others simply happen to pass over the opportunity.
Inspiration and ideation (Basic Hand-Drawn Sketch):
With this assignment, I wanted to communicate the idea of our lives ‘circling around the lives of others’. Sometimes it circles for longer, sometimes for very short period of time. During class we learnt how to draw balls bouncing within a confined space. I wanted to use the same aesthetics, represent people’s lives with circles. However, there is a catch! The circles themselves should circle around other circles circling inside a circle! Unintentional tongue twister? I guess so! I drafted a basic sketch on my iPad and hoped right onto my computer to code my idea.
The basic sketch I drew:
The static drawing couldn’t fill my appetite, so I switched over to using math. I recall watching certain tutorial video by our beloved ‘Coding Train’ youtube channel. You can watch the video by clicking on the link. I borrowed some coding inspiration from him, but had to draft my own coding logic to adapt to a much more dynamic style of spiral. I used the following mathematical logic to construct the clockwise spiral:
How to interact:
The program starts off with just ten spirals. Upon mouse click, it adds 5 more spirals (peoples) into our lives. The black canvas color represents the back of our mind.
Code I am proud of:
let spirals = []; // global array variable let totalSpirals = 10; //start wtih 10 spirls. // The Spiral class draws shapes along an outward spiral path class Spiral { constructor(xpos, ypos) { // Center of the spiral = xpos; = ypos; // Starting angle and radius this.angle = random(TWO_PI); this.radius = 0; // begins with a zero radius this.rotationSpeed = random(0.05, 0.2); // speed of the spiral this.radiusIncrement = random(1, 3); // increases the cirlce radius this.shapeDim = random(10, 30); // size of each circe this.r = floor(random(255)); // random color assigned this.g = floor(random(255)); this.b = floor(random(255)); } update() { this.angle += this.rotationSpeed; this.radius += this.radiusIncrement; //math formula to calculate the circular movement let x = + this.radius * cos(this.angle); let y = + this.radius * sin(this.angle); if (x < 0 || x > width || y < 0 || y > height) { this.radius = 0; = random(width); // when circle moves. out of the scren, // randomly place it = random(height); } } display() { let x = + this.radius * cos(this.angle); let y = + this.radius * sin(this.angle); noStroke(); fill(this.r, this.g, this.b); circle(x, y, this.shapeDim); // drawing circle } } function setup() { /// } function draw() { // } function mouseClicked() { // }
In particular, the class and constructor function is something I got right after debugging and going through trial and error. To be even more precise, increase the angle depending on the speed as well planting a new circle is my greatest achievement in this assignment, demonstrated by the following code :
update() { this.angle += this.rotationSpeed; this.radius += this.radiusIncrement; //math formula to calculate the circular movement let x = + this.radius * cos(this.angle); let y = + this.radius * sin(this.angle); if (x < 0 || x > width || y < 0 || y > height) { this.radius = 0; = random(width); // when circle moves. out of the scren, // randomly place it = random(height); } }
My mental state:
Future Improvements:
Make the trail pattern more visible, and use a different color scheme to give a glowing neon-like effect.