My Concept
This project is a twinkling night sky, where stars pulse and change brightness naturally. Clicking (or pressing a key) creates constellations by connecting nearby stars, randomly forming unique patterns each time. The background is a real sky image that i uploaded beforehand.
Code Highlight
It took me a while to figure out the way to form constellations between stars. So first, I try to find stars near the mouse (within a distance of 100). Then, I enhance the twinkling effect by making closer stars (within a distance of 50) brighter. Also, my constellations sometimes looked messy with too many connections so i had to limit those to only nearby stars (within a distance of 70) for cleaner constellations.
function createConstellation(x, y) { let constellationStars = []; for (let star of stars) { let d = dist(x, y, star.xPos, star.yPos); if (d < 100) { constellationStars.push(star); if (d < 50) { star.setSizeAndAlpha(d); } } } connections = []; for (let i = 0; i < constellationStars.length; i++) { for (let otherIndex = i + 1; otherIndex < constellationStars.length; otherIndex++) { let d = dist( constellationStars[i].xPos, constellationStars[i].yPos, constellationStars[otherIndex].xPos, constellationStars[otherIndex].yPos ); if (d < 70) { connections.push([constellationStars[i], constellationStars[otherIndex]]); } } } for (let star of constellationStars) { star.setBrightness(255); } }
The vision i had when creating this was the power of connection, resembling “the butterfly effect” — the idea that everything is interconnected and happens for a reason. At first, the stars exist independently, scattered across the sky like people and events in the world. But through interaction (user clicks), certain stars come together to form constellations: patterns that weren’t visible before. This could represent how separate people, situations, or choices can align to reveal meaning in what once appeared random.
Looking back, if I had to do this project again, I would likely try to refine the performance, especially if the number of stars increases. I would also improve the design part by adding more visually engaging elements. Overall, I’m satisfied with the result.