Week 1 – Self-Portrait

I wanted to make my self-portrait in a minimalistic style that would accurately represent my appearance while being limited to the use of simple geometric primitives. I chose to not use outlines to add to that flat, minimalist aesthetic. I also wanted to add some simple interactivity, which came in the form of the background changing colours through a day-night palette when clicked.


I was proud of this snippet, where I used an array of hex codes to implement my colour cycling feature. It is perhaps more simple than I had hoped for, but I’m happy with how it turned out overall.

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// // Array containing possible background colours
let bgs = ["#fff2bd", "#f4d797", "#c9ebff", "#abb5ff", "#7475b6", "#5148b2"];
let curr_bg = 0;
function mouseClicked() {
// // Change to next bg colour on click
curr_bg = (curr_bg + 1) % bgs.length;
// // Array containing possible background colours let bgs = ["#fff2bd", "#f4d797", "#c9ebff", "#abb5ff", "#7475b6", "#5148b2"]; let curr_bg = 0; function mouseClicked() { // // Change to next bg colour on click curr_bg = (curr_bg + 1) % bgs.length; }
// // Array containing possible background colours
let bgs = ["#fff2bd", "#f4d797", "#c9ebff", "#abb5ff", "#7475b6", "#5148b2"];
let curr_bg = 0;

function mouseClicked() {
  // // Change to next bg colour on click
  curr_bg = (curr_bg + 1) % bgs.length;

I feel a bit conflicted about this assignment, since on the one hand it was an interesting change of pace to try and create art directly using code, but also very annoying. I found myself frequently trying to force coordinates or dimensions to be multiples of the canvas’ dimensions to allow it to scale, but often found it to be an exercise in frustration. Having to essentially guess-and-check all my numbers was another aspect I didn’t enjoy, since there were little quirks I wouldn’t expect such as circle’s being plotted by their center versus rectangles by their top-left corner.

In the future, I would like to try and plan things out more before starting, especially in regards to using custom variables. The built-in width and height variables made sense at first, but I quickly gave up on sticking to them and added pixel offsets instead. I think the most important thing for me is finding a way to streamline my workflow, since my struggle to put my concept on paper/screen caused me to fall short of where I wanted to be in terms of both artistic and programmatic aspects.

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