Week 1: Self Portrait

Project Concept

For my first assignment, I envisioned creating a  portrait using only one shape thats minimalist yet offers visual depth. I decided that pixel art was the perfect medium for this idea since Its built out of squares yet shading features help provide the sense of depth. Its structured grid format and the ability to control each individual “pixel” felt ideal for achieving the clean aesthetic I had in mind.

Challenges Faced

While my initial plan was to use nested loops to generate the grid and automate the process, as a complete coding beginner, I encountered errors that made it difficult to implement this approach. To overcome this, I decided to hardcode each pixel manually. This allowed me to fully control the placement and colors but turned the process into a labor-intensive task. Every pixel had to be individually positioned and assigned a color, which made the project take much longer than anticipated. It obviously isn’t ideal but I gained a hands-on understanding of positioning features , drawing features.

Key Takeaways

Despite the challenges, this project turned out to be a significant learning experience. Some of the key insights I gained include:

  1. The necessity of loops and conditions: Hardcoding each pixel gave me total control, but it also highlighted how essential loops are for reducing repetitive tasks and improving efficiency in coding. When I wanted to change my background in the end, it wasn’t possible because that’d need me to hardcode everything all over again.
  2. Improved understanding of p5.js positioning: By working manually on every pixel, I developed a solid understanding of how p5.js handles positioning and coordinates, which will undoubtedly help me in future projects.
  3. Patience and problem-solving: This project tested my patience but also pushed me to find doable solutions when my initial approach didn’t work as planned.


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