Week 1 – Portrait

For this portrait I wanted it to serve as an opportunity for me to explore p5.js and coding, while also making it represent myself. As this is my first time coding, I am still getting used to it and discovering new elements, which means that my portrait is not as elaborate and realistic as I would like it to be. However, I still made it meaningful by including some things that represent me such as making it colourful and adding a cake to represent my love for baking.

One part of this assignment that I’m particularly proud of is the code for the nose. It was a challenging part of the portrait that took me some time to figure out, but I’m glad I was able to execute it successfully.

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
noFill(); // nose
vertex(200, 200);
vertex(195, 220);
vertex(200, 220);
noFill(); // nose stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); beginShape(); vertex(200, 200); vertex(195, 220); vertex(200, 220); endShape();
noFill(); // nose
vertex(200, 200);
vertex(195, 220);
vertex(200, 220);

Reflecting on the portrait I created for this first assignment, I feel satisfied with the result. It helped me get more comfortable with how coding in p5.js works and gave me a foundation to build on. For the future, I’d like to focus on adding more detail to my projects. For example, I could experiment with creating more detailed hair, such as adding front strands, designing a more interesting shirt, or even making the portrait interactive. This can be done by conducting more research and experimenting with different shapes and techniques, which I’m excited to try.

–  Raghd

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