Week 11: Preliminary Final Project Concept

Hey everyone! 👋

For my final project, I’m thinking of doing another glove based project. I’m picturing a gauntlet (black glove with metal attached on top, for that overlapping gauntlet effect), that can detect when a user closes their hand (instead of using flex sensors, I’ll use a stress ball with a pressure sensor inside), and the orientation of their hand (using an IMU). With these inputs, I can allow the player to “grab” and manipulate the objects on screen (sort of like a gravity gun), which they will use to solve puzzles and combat enemies.

However, this is a completely new project (with WEBGL in p5, which isn’t great to work with), so I’m not sure that’s a wise (or even feasible) idea so close to the finals. So, I’m also thinking about expanding upon my midterm, using either the same gauntlet or a sleeve (with a copper pad for the touch sensor, and still an IMU), to point and shoot at enemies or blast through a wall (enlarging the allowable area, as a limited special ability to survive a particularly difficult pose). Or, I might just expand upon HandiSynth.

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