Week 5 Midterm Concept/Progress


Coming up with this midterm progress took a long time of just sitting in my room and doing random things in my dorm to come up with a concept. I couldn’t choose whether I wanted to create an art piece, a game or something else. So like I always do, I decided to listen to some music, started looking at my clothes in my closet, and playing some random games on my computer.

Then that became my concept. A virtual interactive experience of my dorm. My concept takes inspiration from the class example of the the coffee shop experience, with my own personal twist.

I drew some sketches and also used DALL-E to create some images to show the experience I want to portray.

We enter the experience by entering my dorm door(will draw better or use AI for final).






Upon entering the dorm, we are greeted to a closet, speakers and a computer.

I generated the below two images using DALL-E with the prompt: “create an image of adorm room view from the door with a large window on the very left. To the right of the window is a bed. To the right of the bed is a table with a speaker, desktop computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. to the right of that is a closet.

When clicking on the computer, I want there to be 2 tabs available, one for the a snake game, and one for a beat sequencer/drum machine.

Below is a rough sketch of what the beat sequencer or drum machine would look like. I intend for it to create a drum sequence, based on the 4 bars that continuously loop.






On the second tab would be the snake game.
I’m also considering an option to click into the closet, where you can just scroll through different clothing items.



  • Producing the beat sequencer
    • I have been looking into the Tone.js library in order to help with making the beat sequencer.
    • Incorporating the selection method of items in the room(closet or computer) and also the switching of tabs on the computer for either the beat sequencer or the snake game.


Reading Response 4

Golan Levins work makes me rethink the role of technology in the creative process. He puts much emphasis on the accessibility of computer vision tools which are often seen as complex to inexperienced programmers. His idea personally excites me as a student of computer science and art. It makes me consider how I can use my programming to enhance my art projects especially in interactive media. I often focus on technical aspects of my work but Levins work has taught me that technology should also work to deepen emotional impact of art works.

I personally resonated and liked his exploration of Myron Krueger’s Videoplace as it was a great example of how one can merge physical presence with digital interactivity. Krueger’s belief in using the whole human body in interaction counters the notion of passive use of technology. I hope to use this idea of full-body engagement with digital systems in my future work.  It makes me question the boundary I set when making interactive systems – am I too focused on screens and isolated user inputs? His work makes me think beyond the basic interactions and imagine more immersive experiences in digital art.

I was  triggered by the social implications of surveillance in artworks like the Suicide Box. The controversy around the suicide box made think of my responsibility as an artist to become mindful of the impact my work has on other people .

Assignment 5 – Midterm Progress


I honestly felt lost about what kind of project I want to create for my Midterm. I did consider card games, artworks, but finally I settled on a concept of musical game. I took an inspiration from a game that I used to play non-stop as a kid, which is called Piano Tiles.

Get Piano Tiles 2030 - Microsoft Store

When I played this game, it made me feel like I was creating music myself, while I was just pressing the rectangles and it initiated sounds of a song. So, I transferred this idea to my own project. I decided that I want to change the interface and introduce piano keys, so it would almost seem like a piano tutorial (like in the photo below).


I imagined that I will have only seven piano keys on the screen (hence just an octave).  And there will be bubbles that will fall down on specific piano keys, depending on the part of the song. The user will be able to press on those bubbles by pressing specific keys on keyboard that will correspond to piano keys.

I think I can assign Q W E R T Y keys on the keyboard to the piano ones, so it would feel more intuitive to the user. So, basically, when the user presses one of those keys, he will be able to pop the bubble. And importantly, user have to blow correct bubble to get a score and follow the song.


As a part of the draft version, I designed piano keyboard using loops. Also, I added OOP for the bubbles, creating class, so it would randomly fall downwards. I sort of worked out on the color palette of my game. I added one song, that is stopped when you press on the screen. Furthermore, I am going to work on the opening page for the project that will introduce the game to the user, also I will set different background, score metric and adjust the movement of the bubbles according to the song.

Frightening aspects

Here is the most interesting part

  • I will have to figure out how to connect pressing on keys of the piano to the blow of the circle, so it disappears. Also I have to think about whether the circle will need a specific duration needed to be pressed so it would suit to the song. If that’s the case, I will have to change circular shape either to the ellipse of rectangle with rounded edges.
  • But the hardest part is to understand how to tie the music (beat and rhythm of the song)  to the falling of the circles, so basically they should follow the order of beats in the song and be adjusted to how strong the beat is or how long it is, which I don’t particularly understand how to do. Moreover, the circles should fall directly at the place beyond a particular key, which lead to more specification in the code.
  • I will also need to work on interactivity of the piano key board, so it would be more intuitive to the audience that the keys should be and can be pressed in order to follow the song.
  • I need to figure out as well how to calculate the score of the user if the duration of the pressing will be counted to the score. In that case it will lead to more complicated code.
  • Finally, entering and exiting from the game should be planned and coded as well, so it would be accessible to the user.
Risk prevention
  • To prevent risk, I looked at the works of other students, particularly with the purpose of identifying how they worked with the “score” metrics, how it appeared on the code and how the score was counted.  This helped me to get more clear on my project’s score calculation
  • Moreover, I decided to watch series of lesson on sound in p5.js to figure out how to tie rhythm of the song to how the bubbles will fall down. Here is the link.
  • Also, to mitigate the risk, I am planning to take an office hour once I am finished with implementing all the elements.