Week 5: Mid-term Progress “Animal sounds trivia.”


My idea for Midterm is to create a simple game that I will call “Animal sounds trivia.I will create a simple sprite sheet of a human character walking and running. The movement of the human character will be determined by the pressing of the arrow buttons by the user.
As the user presses to move the background will move so that the human character appears to move as per the direction of arrows.  As the human character moves, I will position Animal animations at different intervals depending on how long the human character has moved (Determined by how long the key arrow was pressed). As the animal appears, I will play sounds that are related to the animal shown in the background. After the sound is played I will pop up a window, temporarily freezing the background. The pop up window will ask the user to tell the name of the animal. If the user tells a correct name, they get a score, otherwise they can choose to re-listen for once more  and guess again or reveal the animal and get zero score for that animal.  

The game will go to around 10 animals and stop with a window that displays the user’s total score and give them options to replay the game or quit.

My front screen should look something more like this one.


I hope to implement my game using Four classes. My first class is the Player class. This class will manage the Sprite sheet for the player walking and standing animations as well as Player’s position with respect to the starting position. The second class will be the Animal class, this class will manage sounds as well as animal Images/animations. The third class will be the Message class. This class will manage the pop up window that keeps track of the information given by the user , comparing them with correct ones and updating the score of the player. The last class will be the Game class. The game class will contain instances of all the three classes and will manage the game flow. Allowing restarts and quitting. 

The starting window will be briefly detailed with instructions on movement and keys to use. With every interaction my users will be able to know what to do as the pop up window will ensure that!


My hope is that I can create some good animations. Matching the photo I attached or at least close to it. I have seen that I can archive this using Unity. Which I have started  to explore and hopefully will work out.

In order to minimise the risk, I have thought of using a simpler design given the time frame. I will use some simple animations using available sprite sheets on the internet. 

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