The other day I was wandering around Daymart with my friend who was trying to pick ingredients to cook soup. Looking at other people in the store, I noticed that some products are more popular than others, so I decided to create a humorous (anti) cookbook. When the reader clicks the mouse, a new recipe is generated with three random ingredients and two random actions from the lists that I have created. The generated recipe is always absurd, and a funny image on the right complements this vibe.
Disclaimer: do not attempt cooking anything according to the recipe from this cookbook.
Highlight of the code I am proud of
Although the idea is not very complex, I have tried adding something that was not included into any of my works before – an image. It took some time, because I did not know that two preload() cannot exist in the same code since one will overpower another. I was moving the image preload to different segments of the code for a while, but then I have managed to figure out how to solve the issue.
function preload(){ // loading text from the file strings = loadStrings("words.csv"); // loading image img = loadImage('cookbook.jpg'); }
I am satisfied with the final result because it does make the user smile when reading all the generated recipes. One thing I would want to add is a similar method of randomising the image on the second page – instead of a single photo, it could be an actual illustration of the recipe. I am not sure how to do this yet, but I guess that several images would have to be linked to specific items from the lists in order to create an actual representation of the dish.