week 4 | reading response

Don Norman argues that poor design in everyday objects causes unnecessary frustration because they often prioritize aesthetics over functionality. One thing that annoys me is when the design does not align or make sense with the overall aesthetic or function of a website, app, power point, etc. It throws everything off and feels disjointed like the design and content are in two different worlds. It’s distracting. 

He introduces key concepts such as human centered design which emphasizes designing products to match users’ needs and abilities, making them intuitive and easy to use. He explains the importance of discoverability, understanding, affordances, signifiers, mapping, and feedback in creating user friendly designs. For applying Normans principles, I would focus on using signifiers in a subtle way. I want users to understand how to interact with the interface without me having to guide them or make it too obvious. The challenge here is creating an intuitive experience where signifiers are present but blend naturally into the design, guiding the user seamlessly without overwhelming them. Trying to be clear without being too in your face.

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