Week 4 Assignment


After struggling to come up with a concept/ create something I decided to look at p5.js examples to help me. I found this interactive moving circle that uses the map() function. It reminded me of those Aura Circles and so I decided to do that.

This was the Inspo


and this is what I created..

Move the mouse around and click



I’m happy with the look of the Circle. I think it looks fairly similar to those Aura Circles. I like the effect it gives when it’s moved.

// drawing the outer circle
fill(circleHue, 20, 100);
circle(width/ 2, height/ 2, diameter);

// drawing the inner circle
fill(circleHue, 10, 200); // Lighter color for inner circle
circle(width/ 2, height/ 2, diameter * 0.5);



I could’ve added a lot more words, or even the descriptions that is on the Inspo picture I attached.

Maybe I could’ve also added the “Move the mouse around and click” to be part of the sketch itself.

But honestly I struggled a lot with this assignment. I think it was because I wanted to include the most I could of everything we learned so far, make it interactive, etc. while also improving every assignment. That pressure couldn’t make me work the way I wanted to. So I opted to go for something simple.




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